Meetings Technology Expo 2008 Chicago Show Directory

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TECHNOLOGY GUIDELINES STRATEGIC MEETINGS MANAGEMENT PART I In-house developers are not experts in meeting planning processes or the current ever-changing hospitality environment. Conduct a cost and service comparison of full featured products. Decision factors include: • Build vs. buy • Meets internal IT standards • Compatibility with existing systems • Scalability and deployment • Branding flexibility • User experience and customer service • Financial viability of the technology provider • Comprehensive functionality and scope

TOP ITEMS TO AVOID WHEN EVALUATING THIS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTION Ask for similar size, similar industry references from technology suppliers. Ensure that your technology provider will meet your custom requirements in a timely manner. Ask them for upgrade/patch timelines and the potential implications of those upgrades. Learn about all the competitors in the industry as one day they may be a merged company and it is wise to know the best products from each supplier. Then, choose the one that best fits your requirements.

TECHNOLOGY PRICING STRUCTURES Pricing varies greatly among the vendors, features and services as well as the scope of use by the buyer.

TECHNOLOGY IMPLEMENTATION • Determine your meeting spend and data available today. • Speak to your stakeholders (especially IT), sourcers and planners to understand what processes must be automated first. As mentioned before, make sure the organization has documented thorough process maps for each step. • Brainstorm and create a list of features. • Conduct a Request for Information or Request for Proposal. • Evaluate the proposals and conduct interviews with the suppliers.

TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION • Develop a comprehensive project plan with the supplier, stakeholders, sourcers and planners. • Add more time to the projected end date as it always takes longer than you think it will. • Ask a communications expert and/or change management expert to be a part of your project team. • Communicate and educate often. • Do beta-testing. • Do pilots. • Evaluate and correct any flaws in process or technology. • Go live. • Celebrate! and report savings and efficiencies often and to anyone who will listen.

Meetings Technology Expo 2008, Chicago


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