PAMIC 360 April 25, 2018

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April 25, 2018 A publication of the Pennsylvania Association of Mutual Insurance Companies

Survey: Cybersecurity an Increasingly Important Role for Internal Audit Goodville Mutual Hires Bruce Brizzi as VP of Marketing Pennsylvania Legislative Update

1017 Mumma Road, Suite 202 Wormleysburg, PA 17043

(717) 303-0197

Contents Goodville Mutual Hires Bruce Brizzi as VP of Marketing page 10

Survey: Cybersecurity an Increasingly Important Role for Internal Audit As the impact of cybersecurity incidents and data breaches become broader and deeper, more organizations are recognizing cyber risk as an enterprise risk and taking corresponding steps to establish appropriate oversight. But as corporate cybersecurity capabilities mature, how have the roles of the board, audit committee, and internal audit changed, and what can they look forward to in the future?

page 4

Pennsylvania Legislative Update This update provides quick insights into the PA legislature. Find out more about bills moving through committee, Workers Compensation, and current regulations issued by the Department.

page 12

NEWS Cannabis Businessowners Policy Developed for California................................................................................................................................................................ 10 InsurTech Fundamentals and Compliance Strategies for Implementation..................................................................................................................................... 11 Guest Post: Sexual Misconduct Claims: How Charitable is Your D&O Policy?................................................................................................................................. 11

REGULATION Department of Labor and Industry Publishes News & Notes.............................................................................................................................................................. 13

RESOURCES General Regulatory Information............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 14 Legislation Tracker.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15


| 360 | April 25 , 2018


Human Resources Seminar When: May 9, 2018

Where: Harrisburg, PA

Time: 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Info Join us as we discuss the expectation of Millennials, handling sexual harassment in the workplace, and the Family and Medical Leave Act at the Human Resources Seminar. This seminar has been approved for 5 CE credits.



Time 2:00 – 3:00 p.m.


Market Regulation Webinar

April 26, 2018

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Human Resources Seminar

May 9, 2018

8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Sheraton Harrisburg Hershey

Branding the Modern Mutual

May 23, 2018

10 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

PAMIC Online

PAC Summer Golf Outing

June 13, 2018

1:00 p.m.

Omni Bedford Springs

Executive & Board Roundtable

June 13-14, 2018

8:00 a.m.

Omni Bedford Springs

111th Annual Convention

August 5-7, 2018


Baltimore Waterfront Marriott

Financial Management Seminar

September 2018


Hershey Country Club

For more information on PAMIC events please visit our website. Special Thanks to our 2018 Premium Gold Sponsors

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Survey: Cybersecurity an Increasingly Important Role for Internal Audit As the impact of cybersecurity incidents and data breaches become broader and deeper, more

organizations are recognizing cyber risk as an enterprise risk and taking corresponding steps to establish appropriate oversight. But as corporate cybersecurity capabilities mature, how have the roles of the board, audit committee, and internal audit changed, and what can they look forward to in the future?

According to a new survey jointly conducted

oversight seems to be taking hold and maturing,

by Compliance Week and Mazars USA, while

but there seems to be a disconnect among the

organizational cybersecurity oversight

roles, especially when it comes to the three

capabilities are maturing, many companies

lines of cybersecurity defense,” Browne says.

still suffer from a lack of formally assigned

“It is very important to make sure that the

roles and responsibilities, and a loosely defined

cybersecurity conversation is happening at the

cybersecurity framework.

board or the committee level.”

“Internal audit departments are playing an

The Three Lines of Cybersecurity Defense

increasing role in achieving cybersecurity goals, and accomplishing them in different

The three lines of cybersecurity defense are

ways. But they need to ensure that their efforts

defined in The Institute of Internal Auditors

are aligned with their companies’ overall

(IIA) Global Technology Audit Guide (GTAG),

cybersecurity oversight approach,” said Brian

“Assessing Cybersecurity Risk—Roles of the

Browne, Principal and Cybersecurity Practice

Three Lines of Defense.”

Leader at Mazars USA. The first line of cybersecurity defense consists “Overall the approach to cybersecurity


| 360 | April 25 , 2018

of business units and cybersecurity teams that

manage the processes and controls that are in

for the enterprise’s cybersecurity oversight,

place to manage cyber risks.

followed by the technology committee (22 percent) and the risk committee (15 percent).

The second line consists of risk managers with risk, control, and compliance oversight

Some 10 percent of respondents said

functions for ensuring that the first line

cybersecurity oversight was not formally

processes and controls exist and are operating

assigned anywhere within the enterprise, which


Browne sees as an area of concern.

Internal audit acts as the third line of defense,

Is Cybersecurity Discussed Regularly at Audit

providing senior management and the board

Committee Meetings?

with independent and objective assurance of

Nearly 43 percent of respondents said that

the cyber risk management implemented in the

cybersecurity is discussed regularly at audit

first and second lines of defense.

committee meetings as an established agenda item, and another 36 percent said it is not an

The Compliance Week/Mazars Cybersecurity Oversight Survey

established agenda item, but it is discussed

The survey polled more than 150 executives

This is an area where the level of dialogue

responsible for cybersecurity at their

can stand to improve. “More and more, the

organization. The respondents represent a wide

responsibility for cybersecurity oversight is

variety of industries, with nearly a quarter from

falling on the audit committee,” Browne says.

financial services, and another 12.5 percent

“It’s the right place in a lot of organizations

from insurance organizations. The majority

to talk about cyber risk. While many audit

of respondents were chief audit executives,

committee meetings have this as a regular

chief information security officers, or chief

agenda item, we should see that continue to

compliance officers.

grow year over year.”

Who Owns Responsibility for the Enterprise’s

Who Conducts Cybersecurity-Related

Cybersecurity Oversight?


Nearly 32 percent of respondents said that their

Roughly 20 percent of internal audit

audit committee primarily owned responsibility

departments perform all of their cybersecurity-


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related internal audit services themselves;

Nearly 79 percent of respondents said that

however, almost half (46 percent) co-source

their internal audit department covered

these internal audit services with an external

cybersecurity in some way as cybersecurity was


rated a high enterprise risk; some 36 per- cent also said it came by way of direct board or audit

What drives co-sourcing, Browne says, is

commit- tee request.

that it allows an organization to marry internal audit organizational knowledge with

“That’s good,” Browne says, “because the

external cybersecurity expertise to provide

board is ultimately responsible for overall

senior management and the board with an

cybersecurity oversight. The fact that they are

independent assessment of the effectiveness

asking internal audit to do something there

of management activities in managing and

is a good thing. I would hope over time, that

mitigating cybersecurity risks and threats.

number goes even higher.”

Usually, companies turn to external providers

But when asked to what degree their

because they lack the time/budget, talent,

organization had adopted the IIA three lines

and/or tools assess their cyber risk. This is all

of cybersecurity defense model approximately

fairly normal, Browne says, but he did find it

60 percent indicated that they have not

concerning that some 27 percent of respondents

formally defined or assigned any roles and

said that their cybersecurity was assessed by

responsibilities across the three lines.

another internal or external assurance provider (i.e., non-internal audit personnel).

Nearly 21 percent of respondents were not even aware of the three lines of cybersecurity

“That’s all well and good, but the role of

defense, which Browne said was disappointing,

internal audit is to be that third line of defense

but not surprising, given the wider lack of

on cybersecurity and independently assess and

formal assignment of cybersecurity roles and

report to the board on how the organization


is managing its cyber risk,” Browne says. “In a way, you’re saying, ‘somebody else is doing that

When asked how their internal audit

so we don’t have to.’ In reality internal audit

department independently assesses their

should still be responsible as the third line of

organization’s cybersecurity, the most common


answers were:


| 360 | April 25 , 2018

оо Assessing the cybersecurity control

appropriately to effectively manage your risk.”

framework such as people, process, and technology (57 percent); оо Assessing the compliance status

Browne added that the defined EU GDPR data subject rights will probably drive more

against one or more regulations or

attention to asset inventories of personally

frameworks such as the New York

identifiable data.

Department of Financial Services (NYDFS) Cybersecurity Regulation,

When asked to identify their top cyber security

Health Insurance Portability and

threats, the respondents’ most common

Accountability Act (HIPAA), or the

answers were phishing (63 percent), malware/

European Union (EU) General Data

crime-ware (55 percent), and third-party risk

Protection Regulation (GDPR) (44

(43 percent).

percent); and оо Assessing a specific cybersecurity

This is an opportunity for internal audit to

operational area such as vulnerability

gauge the organization’s overall risk in these

management, logging and monitoring,

areas, especially since things like phishing and

etc. (42 percent).

malware are what Browne considers the “point of the spear” for much larger cyber security

Only 33 percent of respondents said they


assessed asset inventories such as hardware, software, and sensitive data, which is another

“This is an opportunity for internal audit to ask,

area Browne says should rate higher, but is not

‘Do we have the right protection on mechanisms

a surprising result, given what he has seen in

at the perimeter and on user endpoints, so if

the field.

they do click on a link or open an attachment, there is some countermeasure there to thwart

“Asset inventories are foundational from

the attack?’” Browne says.

security perspective, to understand exactly what hardware and software you have deployed

Third-party risk is trending upward, Browne

in the organization and what sensitive data you

notes, in part because regulators are paying

have,” Browne says. “Without that awareness,

more attention to those risks as well. “Look

you may not be aligning your cybersecurity

at the New York cybersecurity regulations,”

protection and detection mechanisms

Browne says. “Regulators are paying more

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attention because more and more security

your cyber risk, and your results are going to

incidents and data breaches involve third

show that.”

parties. Those all align, so that’s good to see the recognition of that as a risk.”

Some 31 percent of respondents said they felt the overall maturity level of their cyber security

What Standards Do You Measure Your

efforts were “managed”—processes were

Cybersecurity Program Maturity?

monitored and performance was measured.

When it comes to measuring cyber risk

Results steadily fell from there, with 23 percent

programs against a maturity model, some 41

saying their programs were defined (processes

percent of respondents said they leverage the

formally defined with without sophistication

National Institute of Standards and Technology

or monitoring), 21 percent saying their

Cybersecurity Framework (NIST CSF). Other

programs were repeatable (processed follow a

frameworks were mentioned, but none came

recognizable pattern but based on intuition or

close to the prevalence shown for the NIST CSF.

individual knowledge), and 13 percent saying they were initial (processes are ad hoc and

“That is the one most people have heard of,


and is familiar to them,” Browne says. “The challenge with the NIST is that it is so big,

Overall, this shows a trend in the right

intimidating, or even onerous to implement.

direction, Browne says, pointing out that

Organizations tracking to it need to take the

the relatively high number of respondents

time to understand and tailor that framework to

reporting their programs as managed is a very

their organization.”

good result, and higher than expected. Only 3 percent of respondents said their programs

What is surprising, Browne said, was that 25

were optimized—that is, highly refined and

percent of respondents said they did not track

automated—which was not a surprise, given

the maturity of their cyber risk program at all.

that many organizations, once they hit the

“Talking about the control frameworks that

“managed” level feel they have their risk

define the people, processes and technology in

managed to within an acceptable level.

your organization is key to managing cyber risk on an ongoing basis,” Browne cautions. “If you

How Much Do You Feel Your Organization Is

do not have a framework in place, you are going

Managing Its Cyber Risk?

to be haphazard in your approach to managing

Perhaps the most telling result was from the


| 360 | April 25 , 2018

survey’s final question, in which respondents

a fruitful partnership between internal audit

noted how much they felt their organization

and external resources when it comes to

was managing its cyber risk. The majority of

managing and assessing cyber- security, Browne

respondents (60 percent) said they felt they

says. “From an internal audit perspective,

were keeping up with their level of risk, while

in order to function as the third line of

21 percent said they were falling behind.

cybersecurity defense, going through some

Surprisingly, 19 percent said they were getting

sort of formalized risk assessment method

ahead of their cyber risk.

or process to determine your cyber risk and corresponding cybersecurity related audits is

“Frankly, I don’t know if I would ever feel

really important.”

comfortable enough to say I am ‘getting ahead’ of my cyber risk,” Browne says. “To say you’re

Once those risks have been identified,

getting ahead, you are truly identifying risks

Browne says, the decision of how much of the

before they’re actually becoming realized. I

performance of those audits can be handled

think that’s a difficult thing to say, and having

in-house. “The vast majority of internal audit

been in this field for over 25 years, I don’t

departments need some external help when it

know if I would ever say I was getting ahead.

comes to cybersecurity because it’s typically not

I am even surprised over that 60 percent of

a core skill set that they are going to maintain

organizations are keeping up with managing

as part of their department. That would be the

their cyber risks.”

key to providing that third line of cybersecurity defense.”

Conclusion The fact that nearly 43 percent companies discuss cybersecurity as an established agenda item audit committee meetings is promising from an oversight perspective, we should see that trend upward moving forward based on the role that many internal audit departments are playing with respect to cybersecurity. In addition, there is much to be gained from

Mazars USA LLP provides insight and specialized skills in accounting, auditing, tax, consulting and advisory services. Since 1921, our dedicated professionals have leveraged technical industry expertise to develop customized solutions for clients, create value, and optimize their performance. As the independent U.S. member firm of Mazars Group, our global reach includes 20,000+ professionals across 86 countries. At local and global levels, we are proud of our value-added services in building lasting relationships with our clients and communities. For more information, visit us at

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Goodville Mutual Hires Bruce Brizzi as VP of Marketing Goodville Mutual Casualty Company has hired Bruce Brizzi as Vice President of Marketing.

Beginning this month, Brizzi takes leadership of the Marketing Department. His predecessor Fred Macy retired from the position effective March 29 after more than 10 years filling this role. Brizzi has worked in the property & casualty industry for over 30 years. He most recently held the title of Executive Vice President of Insurance Operations at Northern Neck Insurance Company, serving the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Before his time at Northern Neck, Brizzi worked for Travelers Insurance Company for 17 years, where he led claim center operations in Ohio and Pennsylvania for several years. He later transitioned into the role of Regional Vice President for Personal Insurance, responsible for production, profitability, and agency relationships. Bruce grew up in western Pennsylvania and earned a B.S. degree in Business Management from Clarion University of Pennsylvania. Goodville Mutual works through independent insurance agents in eight states, providing comprehensive property and casualty insurance products for autos, homes, businesses, churches, and farms. For more information, visit

Cannabis Businessowners Policy Developed for California The American Association of Insurance Services, a not-for-profit insurance advisory

organization, announced the filing of the first-of-its-kind Cannabis Businessowners Policy (CannaBOP) in the state of California. According to AAIS, CannaBOP program will include property and liability coverage for cannabis dispensaries, storage facilities, distributors, processors, manufacturers and other businesses participating in or supporting the California cannabis industry. Greenwald, Judy. “Cannabis Businessowners Policy Developed for California.� Business Insurance, 20 Apr. 2018,

10 | 360 | April 25 , 2018

InsurTech Fundamentals and Compliance Strategies for Implementation Date: May 2, 2018 Time: 8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Where: Saul Ewing Arnstein & Lehr LLP, Centre Square West 1500 Market Street, 38th Floor Philadelphia, PA (Live stream available for this event)

InsurTech — it’s not just for

startups anymore. Insurance companies are utilizing innovative technology in all stages of the insurance lifecycle. New distribution models are critical for marketing to millennials, which are now the largest living generation. Big data enables insurers to more effectively underwrite policies and detect fraud. Blockchain has the

potential to drastically increase efficiency for administrative functions, and artificial intelligence has tremendous promise in improving claims handling. Failing to keep up with innovation is a serious challenge and enterprise risk that must be met. What initially started as a potentially disruptive force, has transformed into a remarkable opportunity for insurers to reach new clients, create a better customer experience, improve risk selection, reduce expenses and operate more efficiently. Join us for a seminar addressing new technologies that will affect nearly every aspect of insurers’ day-to-day operations — from distribution to claims — and their compliance strategies for implementing these new technologies. Our speakers Jeremy Heinnickel and Jim Gkonos, members of the Firm’s InsurTech Practice, are joined by Alison Beam of the Pennsylvania Insurance Department, Michael Fitzgibbon of Slice, Leonard Steinmetz of Grant Thorton and Christopher McDaniel President of The Institutes RiskBlock Alliance.

Guest Post: Sexual Misconduct Claims: How Charitable is Your D&O Policy? The media spotlight on sexual misconduct has resulted in claims against business executives,

and businesses. D&O policies generally provide coverage for the “wrongful acts” of a company’s directors and officers and, often, its general employees. Many of the policies cover claims against the business but coverage is narrower than for the insured individuals. Businesses and their executives should look carefully at their D&O coverage and take into account that in the scope of sexual misconduct claims corporate liability could become a more serious issue. LaCroix, Kevin. “Guest Post: Sexual Misconduct Claims: How Charitable Is Your D&O Policy?” The D&O Diary, 20 Apr. 2018,

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Pennsylvania Legislative Update By Vince Phillips, Phillips Associates

House Passes Insurer Examination Reforms On April 12, the PA House passed House Bill 1851 (Pickett-R-Bradford) 194-0 to provide more certainty to insurance companies when an examination will take place. Among other things, the bill requires: оо An advance consultation оо Estimated costs and completion time оо An additional consultation if the Department concludes that the exam will take more time or be more than 10% more costly than originally projected OR that there have major staffing changes by the examiner оо A yearly report on monies spent by insurance companies for financial and market conduct exams. Since the bill was amended, it has been returned to the Senate for concurrence. This legislation addresses a major concern by insurers that the examination process is opaque and subject to

12 | 360 | April 25 , 2018

longer and more expensive than needed exams. Noteworthy is the inclusion of language that examination options must be considered to make sure that least intrusive options are examined. HB 1851 also sets parameters on invoicing from contractors such as a detailed description of specific exam components broken down in 15-minute increments. Workers’ Compensation Drug Formulary On April 18, the House voted 101-92 to pass Senate Bill 936 (White-R-Indiana). This bill establishes a drug formulary for Workers’ Compensation. One of its purposes is to reduce the amount of opioid prescriptions.. This was vigorously opposed by organized labor and their political allies who maintained that SB 936 would reduce the medical treatment choices for workers. Opposition was not limited to Democrats. This vote came about by a motion to reconsider a February 6 tie vote of 98-98. What made the difference is that two Republicans changed their votes from ‘no’ to ‘yes’ These were Rep. Brian Ellis (R-Butler) and Rep. Harry Lewis (R-Chester). Five Democrats were absent for the final passage vote on April 16. Given the contested nature of this legislation, it is unclear what Governor Wolf will do as there was no word from the Governor’s office over the weekend. He has until April 28 to decide. Rebates and Inducement Bills Senate Bills 877 and 878 (White-R-Indiana) are going to the Governor for his signature this week. They would end the prohibition on offering

rebates and inducements now contained within Act 205 and numerous other statutes. On April 18, the PA Senate concurred with House amendments to finalize their consideration of the legislation. Self Storage Limited Lines License House Bill 504 (Charlton-R-Delaware) permits unlicensed retail clerks in self storage unit companies to sell contents (property) insurance. The House voted 192-0 to pass the bill and send it to the Senate. A limited lines producer license would be issued to a storage unit owner who would then designate unlicensed employees (called ‘authorized service representatives’) as those being able to solicit and sell contents insurance. These authorized service representatives would complete an unspecified length of training on property insurance basics. An important amendment to the bill is that the training must be approved by the Insurance Department. During the sale of contents insurance, the customer must be informed that contents insurance may not be necessary if the customer already has homeowner’s insurance and be provided with a brochure which describes insurance provisions. An owner is not required to have a limited lines producer license if the insurance solicitation is limited to display brochures and other promotional materials created by an insurer. A limited lines self-service storage insurance producer is not required to take continuing education. Travel Limited Lines License On April 18, Senate Bill 630 (Reschenthaler-RAllegheny) permitting unlicensed employees

(called ‘travel retailers’) to sell travel insurance was re-referred to the House Appropriations Committee.. There must be a limited lines insurance producer’s licensee who is responsible for the travel retailer’s actions. Training must take place and the limited line producer licensee must maintain a registry of travel retailers. The legislative update is provided by Vince Phillips of Phillips Associates. For more detailed info on issues facing the PA legislature please contact Vince at

Department of Labor and Industry Publishes News & Notes The Department of Labor and Industry

recently published their Spring 2018 newsletter that includes important updates and educational resources that are available from the Department. This edition of the newsletter covers recent judgments and legislative changes to Workers’ Compensation. The newsletter also covers upcoming events and important changes within the department. Included in this publication is also an introduction to the OLCAM Building Workplace Safety Committee, and the steps they regularly take to ensure workplace safety for all Pennsylvanians. View the full Spring 2018 Department of Labor and Industry News & Notes.

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General Regulatory Information

Use this table to discover important links to information on Insurance Department’s that affect PAMIC members.

Pennsylvania Insurance Department Bulletins Notices SOP’s


Title 40 Statutes Unconsolidated Statutes

Press Releases PID Newsletter Consumer Alerts News & Notes

Title 18 Statutes


Title 11 Statutes

General Info



Title 38.2 Statutes


Delaware Department of Insurance Bulletins


NJ Department of Banking & Insurance Bulletins


Maryland Insurance Administration Bulletins


Virginia SCC - Bureau of Insurance Admin Letters Admin Orders


West Virginia Office of the Insurance Commissioner Info Letters



Consumer Advocate


News Releases Newsletters

Ohio Department of Insurance Bulletins


New York Department of Financial Services - Insurance Opinions Circular Letter



Press Releases Statements

Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services Bulletins



Press Releases

Maine Department of Professional & Financial Regulation Bulletins



Press Releases


Press Releases

California Department of Insurance Bulletins


14 | 360 | April 25 , 2018

Legislation Tracker Below is a list of bills that the association is currently tracking. For a full list visit our PA Bill Information Page.

Bill #



HB 1335

Tina Pickett

Amends Title 40 (Insurance), in preliminary provisions, providing for Insurance Regulation and Oversight Fund; and making a related repeal.

HB 1840

Rob Kauffman

Amends the Workers’ Compensation Act, in liability & compensation, further providing for schedule of compensation and for physical examination or expert interview.

HB 1848

Tina Pickett

Amends Title 40 (Insurance), in regulation of insurers and related persons generally, providing for corporate governance annual disclosure.

HB 1851

Tina Pickett

Amends the Insurance Department Act, in examinations, further providing for purpose & providing for scheduling conference, for budget estimate & revisions, for billing invoices and for annual examination & analysis report.

SB 936

Donald White

Amends the Workers’ Compensation Act, in liability and compensation, further providing for prescription drugs and the treatment of workrelated injuries; and, in procedure, further providing for peer review.

SB 956

Daniel Laughlin

Amends the Insurance Regulation and Oversight Fund Act, providing for annual report to General Assembly.

HB 1823

Kurt Masser

Amends the Insurance Company Law, in casualty insurance, further providing for billing.

HB 1841

Mike Tobash

Amends the Insurance Company Law, in general provisions relating to insurance companies, associations & exchanges, further providing for rebates and inducements prohibited, revocations of licenses, and penalties.

HB 1842

Mike Tobash

Amends Insurance Department Act, in insurance producers, further providing for rebates and for inducements prohibited.

SB 877

Donald White

Amends the Insurance Department Act, in insurance providers, further providing for rebates prohibited and for inducements prohibited.

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Market Regulation: Insurance Department Perspective April 26, 2018

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