Palo Alto Weekly August 15, 2014

Page 17



DQG D /LHYPUN (PK :LTPUHY by Scientists for Scientists WHGQHVGDy $XJXVW WK á DP ò DP Call Today to R.S.V.P. ŕ Ž 3PTP[LK :LH[PUN ŕ Ž (YL YV\ *\YPV\Z (IV\[ /LHYPUN (PKZ& WHâOO GLVFXVV WKH P\WKV DQG IDFWV DERXW KHDULQJ DLGV DV ZHOO DV WKH We’ll discuss how the ear works as well as the myths and facts about VFLHQFH DQG WHFKQRORJ\ EHKLQG WKHP hearing aids and the science and technology in them. ŕ Ž 56 *6:; [V H[[LUK LUQV` *647304,5TARY coffee and pastries from Douce France. ŕ Ž 3LH]L `V\Y JOLJRIVVR H[ OVTL . No hearing aids will be sold at this seminar. ŕ Ž If you or a loved one are experiencing symptoms of hearing loss, then don’t miss this opportunity to get all of your questions answered!

7YLZLU[LYZ 1VOU ( 5LSZVU 7O + is a Vice President at GN ReSound and is responsible for Audiology Global Relations. He is based in Glenview, Illinois. He joined GN ReSound in 2004 and worked at the corporate headquarters in Copenhagen, Denmark for three years. In 1998, he earned his Ph.D. in Speech & Hearing Sciences at the University of Iowa with a focus on psyJOVHJV\Z[PJZ HTWSPÄJH[PVU HUK KPNP[HS ZPNUHS Wrocessing. He has held a faculty appointment at the University of Texas in Austin and was a research audiologist at the Veterans’ Affairs Medical Center. :O\ ,U 3PT (\ + PZ H JSPUPJHS H\KPVSVNPZ[ H[ 7HJPÄJ /LHYPUN :LY]PJL +r. Lim earned her B.S. at Northwestern University and her Doctor of Audiology (Au.D.) at Vanderbilt University. Prior to that, she completed an independent study internship within the Stem Cell & Developmental Biology group of the Genome Institute of Singapore. Dr. Lim has also participated in research looking at the orNHUPaH[PVU VM [OL H\KP[VY` JVY[L_ HZ ^LSS HZ HTWSPÄJH[PVU [LJOUVSVN` HUK OV^ P[ PU[LYHJ[Z ^P[O various listening environments.


Lucie Stern Community Center, Fireside Room 0LGGOHĂ°HOG 5G á 3DOR $OWR &$ 1HUL )H_[LY (\ + +LIVYHO *SHYR (\ + )VHYK *LY[PĂ„LK +VJ[VYZ VM (\KPVSVN`

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www 7HJPĂ„J/LHYPUN:LY]PJL JVT +VU’[ TPZZ [OLZL \WJVTPUN L]LU[Z ZWVUZVYLK I` 7HJPĂ„J /LHYPUN :LY]PJL th Music Appreciation and Hearing Loss (Sept. 24th ŕ Ž /LHYPUN 3VZZ HUK [OL *OHUNPUN )YHPU 6J[ • Palo Alto Weekly • August 15, 2014) • Page 17

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