Painthacker Magazine The Rolling Edition - October 2013

Page 13

Production/Systems 02. Stop roller marks dead in their tracks! “Roller marks are production killers.” You can easily spend double the time on the wall without noticing it’s killing your profits. Prevent them from happening in the first place by re-beveling both ends of the roller cover with scissors. This 5 minute TIP can save countless hours by providing efficient load distribution, because four passes on a wall will always be twice as fast as 8. The fewer roller marks need feathered, the less time spent on the wall.

03. Pre-Wet Roller Covers Dunking roller covers in water and spinning them out allows paint to penetrate to the core of the cover faster. Pre-wetting covers also helps with faster clean-up on short runs.

TIP Extend Cover Life Extend the life and performance of roller covers by not allowing them to dry. Transport and store covers in a 5 gallon bucket of water.

| October 2013 | Painthacker MAGAZINE 13

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