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Oz Powerful Changes NLP-PPC Group April 2011 Lorrie Ozbey, BA, MA(c), CH, CNLP, is an expert in planning and developing strategies for growth and success, improve skills and communication, and set strategies for expert performance and possibilities to get the job done. Lorrie has a BA and MA(c) in Anthropology, Master Practitioner certification in Neuro Linguistic Programming, certifications in business and life coaching and is currently working on her second Master’s Degree in Training and Performance Improvement Development. Her presentations and sessions have style and humor which involves and stimulates her student, individual and business owner clients. Lorrie’s current areas of interest focus on helping students and At Risk Youth, individuals and business owners and entrepreneurs release resistance to changing and improving and realize their vision beyond anything they ever thought possible. What is the Oz NLP Powerful Positive Changes (NLP-PPC) Program? Oz Powerful Changes, NLP Positive Changes Program for children and students provide practical solutions to help children and students overcome emotional challenges, to increase confidence and self-esteem and therefore enable them to reach a greater learning potential. Our programs are designed and adapted from the effective techniques in NLP to help children and students to become more able to manage their own emotional states, to become inspired and motivated by the learning opportunities that are offered to them. Our Program is designed to help your child develop that winning edge by developing Mental Toughness. The tools we teach and the message is there’s always hope, and there’s always a way out of your problems. You can take control over your beliefs, and you can stop getting in your own way. You can believe in your ability to get over things, through things, and to things. You can also discover that the process of change is actually far simpler than you think. You can believe in possibilities. The good news is that it is possible for you to enjoy freedom from your problems. We are often imprisoned by the chains of our thoughts and we allow ourselves to think ourselves into problems. Scientists tell us that most of our thoughts are redundant and


negative. So much of what you say to yourself today is the same stuff you said to yourself yesterday, and the day before, and the day before, and so on. Our program helps children and students achieve Person Freedom. That means having the freedom to be able to control your thoughts and to manifest the kinds of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors you want. What are people saying about the Oz NLP Powerful Positive Changes Program? ”This year Lorrie came to my campus to work with students that have had many struggles behaviorally. It has been my experience with the kids in alternative schools that we work as hard as a team can to build up kids and their grades and then throw them back onto their regular campus without a lifeline, and say don’t come back. The missing link has always been the transition back to that setting. By bringing in Lorrie we were able to get the kids something that many had never experienced, positive control of their situation. The kids were put in the position of not only owning up to their behavior, but also gaining the understanding that regardless of their personal past, they alone can change their future.” “Lorrie has worked with both the middle school and high school students and the groups that she has worked with always want to know when she is coming again and can they have her number. I look forward to our continued partnership and growing our program.” Sincerely, Karen Stevens, Principle, Comal Discipline Center ***************************************************************** “I am so honored to introduce one of my favorite people in the world. I say favorite not only because of her brilliant mind and her generous heart but also because she has been described as “the missing link to creating lasting, positive lifestyle change” in a revolutionary program she created and facilitated for the Comal ISD Discipline Center called the NLP Powerful Positive Changes (NLP-PPC) Program.” “There are only a handful of people I personally know that I can genuinely say – have a vision that is less about them and more about the world. One of those people is Lorrie HaleOzbey.” Angelife Pardo, Accident Benefit Clinics, LLC and best-seller co-author “Unbreakable Spirit: Rising Above the Impossible” ***************************************************************** Dear Lorrie, “I enjoyed being part of your class. I had fun and learned a lot. I learned to discover more positive things about myself, about others, and about how to learn to communicate better by understanding why some people may react differently under certain circumstances. Your seminars opened my mind to new ideas. I learned to examine my beliefs to determine which ones served me and which ones might be harmful in certain contexts. I learned that some beliefs are only helpful in certain contexts.” “Your program did make me look at certain aspects of my behavior and question my intentions – what am I really trying to communicate and what is my goal. Take anger for example. I’m not an angry person, but I realized my buttons were activated when I felt someone was accusing me off of false pretenses. I learned that having a button or triggers isn’t being self-directed – it’s reactionary. After working with you I know how to manage and control my emotions.”


“I liked how you taught us how to build our own pleasure button, or triggers. I like that you used simple and easy ways to help people find peace with their self and how to really like their self. You know how to give people the tools to help solve their own problems. I knew how to help myself but I just needed that push to get me going. Not only did you help me in discovering peace of mind with myself and towards life, I feel I gained more confidence, too.” “You have the ability to work with people of all ages; whether it’s a person who needs a whole new perspective on life, new tools for success, how to take their life in a new direction, or discover their purpose. You help give people that gentle or tough push they may need. You help people discover that they have all the power within to do whatever they want to do in life. You just know how to do that. I want to tell you how glad I am to have met you I really hope I get to see you before I leave to the navy.” Sincerely Kevin Hernandez 18 years of age June 8, 2011 ***************************************************************** What is NLP? NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming, a name that encompasses the three most influential components involved in producing human experience: neurology, language and programming. The neurological system regulates how our bodies function, language determines how we interface and communicate with other people and our programming determines the kinds of models of the world we create. Neuro-Linguistic Programming describes the fundamental dynamics between mind (neuro) and language (linguistic) and how their interplay affects our body and behavior (programming). NLP is a set of techniques you can immediately use to overcome your problems and begin to do what you want in life. When you can see just how easy change can be, you can take control over your life and make all the changes you want. Going through the process of our NLP program will enable you to find basic yet immensely powerful mental tools that will make changes in your own UC habits so you can change your life. NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) A unique model, it teaches people how to learn, how to motivate themselves, and change their behavior. The goal: striving for excellence. NLP isn’t a philosophy, it isn’t an ideology, and it’s not a religion. It is just a set of tools to make things easier.. NLP explores the relationships between how we think (neuro), how we communicate (linguistics), and our patterns of behavior and emotions (programs). What are the goals of the program, and how do you measure success? Our goal is to help children and teens FIND DEFINITE DIRECTION AND PURPOSE IN THEIR LIVES, and build the motivation, character and skills to ensure they become happy, playful, and focused. With the program in the school, in addition to all of this, we aim to help these kids transition back onto their regular campus and continue with success into adulthood.


The Goal:  Transform a sense of learned Helplessness/Hopelessness into a sense of Hope  Get-in the Zone and Stay-in the Zone  Self-Confidence – how to get it and keep it  Increased Motivation  Improved Study Skills  Become better Decision Makers  Give them Definite Direction  Inspire them to Stay Positive and Committed, even when times are tough  Eliminate Limiting-Beliefs and Un-wanted learned habits  Lead them to build healthy, positive relationships (and even to discard negative ones!)  and much more… …and how do you measure success? And we measure success on Self-Reports and testimonials from parents, the actual participants and teachers, improved grades, improved behavior reports, improved school attendance and performance on all levels, improved outcomes in the home and at school. Why is the Oz NLP-PPC Program important to a child’s education? Our program is important to your child’s education because when you think in a new way, you get to do new things and you get to feel new things. It’s not enough to tell a phobic not to be afraid, you have to teach him/her what makes fear dissipate (it’s their mental rehearsal for fear that needs to be changed). So lessons aren’t just about what to learn it’s about how to learn. All people can learn to do things better. I teach people to learn a variety of ways of organizing their internal world so they can have more control over what their brain does. The easier you can make it inside your head, the easier it will make things outside your head. The more you don’t waste time getting in circles of fights with yourself, the more you’ll get to do things and try things. Some of these things are going to work out wonderfully. It’s essential that you have more control over what your brain does. It’s essential that you have more control over how you feel and so more control over what you do. If you change the way you think, it changes the way you feel, which changes the way you act. The power to choose is a human condition. Even At Risk Youth have a high interest in shaping the course of their lives – making the right choices and pursuing what is important. Oz Powerful Changes Program shifts the commonly held view regarding choice as merely reacting to, or selecting among, the existing options. They learn to learn differently and take another view. One of the most important aspects of what human beings do is build beliefs. Beliefs are what trap most people in their problems. Unless you believe you can get over something, through something, or get to something there is little likelihood you will be able to do it. Your beliefs refer to your sense of certainty on some of your thoughts. As soon as we believe in something we search ways to prove it’s true. Our program teaches these kids to learn to doubt their limitations and be more certain of what is possible for them.


NLP doesn’t look at why you have problems – because knowing the source of the problem doesn’t mysteriously create change somehow. NLP is about modeling how people did things successfully, how they got over things, and what it takes for humans to live more efficiently. When choice is explored as profoundly human ability to create, and when it is understood and known this way, what had previously seemed simply part of “the way things are” – “inevitable or impervious to change” – appears in a new light. They, we, learn and find ourselves able to choose – to have a say – about who we are and who we will be, in any and all situations. What is the structure of the Oz NLP-PPC Program? There are Three (3) components to the program: -part one “The Power of Belief” and “The Power of Your Mind-The Freeway to Change”: An introduction that will summarize core beliefs and attitudes that enable certain people to begin to thrive regardless of their current circumstances. They learn how to think successfully, transform their relationships, master fear, and banish the sense of hopelessness/helplessness, and turn up the temperature on their success thermostat! We finish this section by setting a clear direction for where they want to go in their life- a compelling vision of a rich and happy future. -part two “Creativity out of Confusion” and “Strategies” (seeing inside the black box: This part is packed with everything they need to know to actively go out and make the life they desire. Every exercise will help them to reprogram their mind to automatically seek out the best available wisdom on how, when, and where to create and use their new tools! -part three “The Secrets of Effortless Change” and “Planning To Succeed”: As they work with these ideas, they will experience more and more of what they really want; an ongoing sense of happiness and freedom that is priceless. Once your mind is positively directed, it begins to create a domino effect, creating positive changes in your life and the lives of the people around you that could never have been predicted when you began. In order to create any change, it’s necessary to help the person change their beliefs and build new beliefs that will allow them to maintain the change into the future. In order to change beliefs, we first need to learn a new way of finding the qualities of beliefs. When you have control over what you believe, you can start to generate new, resourceful beliefs that help you live happier and better than before. As I have said before, most problems we face in life happen in our minds. Problems generally exist in our concept of the past and the future. The past and the future don’t exist except in our minds. How long does the program take to complete? Ideally the program runs 4 weeks meeting twice per week, whether sessions are in school or in our office. What qualifies a student for the NLP – PPC Program? They have to sign up for my seminar and program and receive parental permissions -and they have to want to learn how to learn differently – they have to want to participate.


What are the latest statistics of the San Antonio public education system that shows the need for the NLP-PPC Program More than 100,000 Texas schoolchildren are removed from their regular schools each year and sent to “discipline alternative-education placement,” or DAEP. The practice isn’t unusual: In school systems across the country, students who act out are sent to special “alternative” schools. Administrators say it’s the best way to keep schools safe, and in fact, state laws in Texas and elsewhere mandate that students be suspended for weapons or drug offense. But most of the students removed from Texas classrooms have committed relatively minor, nonviolent offenses and for many, this marks the beginning of the end of school. An advocacy group in Austin (TX Appleseed) report that students sent to alternative schools are five times more likely to drop out — and they’re more likely to end up in prison. They also report that the state average was 2% some districts send the equivalent of up to 20% of their students to DAEP facilities. The Intercultural Development Research Association reports on Attrition and Dropout Rates in Texas  At 29 percent, the overall attrition rate was less than 30 percent for the first time in 25 years.  Texas public schools are failing to graduate one out of every three students Officials say the goal isn’t strictly discipline but that some kids thrive in the alternative setting. On that point, at the CDC recidivism (repeat offenders) was at 72% and is now down to less than 11%. Our program is only one of several approaches the principle has applied. She has called our program the missing link to reducing recidivism…because these kids leave knowing that their future isn’t based on their past but the decision they begin making now. Do you offer this program for parents who are interested in being proactive Absolutely! You can visit us on the web at, and you can call our San Antonio offices at 210 888 1649 to schedule a private, one-on-one and confidential session. How can I learn more about the NLP-PPC Program Anyone interested can visit us on the web at or you can call our offices at 210 888 1649. for more information and to schedule an appointment How can I support the Oz Powerful Changes NLP-PPC Program to help improve the quality of my child’s education There are several ways you can participate and support our program for at risk teens and students. 1. It’s important for parents to realize they will need to makes changes too. I like to put it this way. Parents, what if you were to awaken to your child really liking who and what they are? What if: every day your child loved who and what they are; they know their purpose


and mission in life and they stay focused on that; they choose their peers wisely and build support networks that are designed to help them stay focused on their goals in life? What if every day your child is happy and productive young-adults. As a parent, how are you going to feel if that is your child? Well, odds are, if you aren’t that kind of parent you won’t produce that kind of child. Period! Odds are your child has the same fears you have. And, we can only go as high as our limiting fears. 2. Put another way, what would you do if your child suddenly became that person? Would you even know how to act, or react to them? Of course not…they’ve changed and you will need to change how you respond to your child. So, in the first example, parents must learn to be the change they expect and desire to see in their child, and in the second example parents must learn new ways of responding to their child. 3. We are currently running our programs as volunteer services and will be approaching school boards to bring our programs on board and your support is critical. You can contact our office and your school district and request our program…you can go to our website and sign up as a supporter of the program which will demonstrate your desires for such programs. Our goal is to work towards every child graduating from high school ready for college and the world of work. We want every child to learn how to have a happy heart, playful spirit, and a peaceful mind. Communities and their neighborhood public schools can turn the tide.


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