Buena Vista Youth Project Newsletter January 2012

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The Buena Vista Youth Education Sponsoring Project Looking back on the year just passed we have had the opportunity of looking into the progress and lessons learned during that fourth year of our program. The economical – political environment for 2011 was a roller-­‐coaster and having accomplished what was done, in that situation was a success story on it’s own. We have come out of that year with renewed enthusiasm and awed by the power of making even a small positive contribution to our immediate society. Closing 2011 in December with final grades presented has provided us with final indicators of last year. Please forward this newsletter to your friends and family so that all can rejoice in the good news!

Highlights Three young ladies were able to keep up some good work and be honored at the close of 2011. We are pleased to share with you that Ivania Rodriguez was the winner of the highest-­‐grade average, and has shown the intellect to help her become a special leader of her community, as we are constantly impressed by her insight and power of memorization. Zamantha Varela, a close second showed her ability to cope with a difficult family situation, a move into very a cramped small house, taking care of three younger siblings and still come out in the top 80% of her class. We are especially pleased to announce that Sulma Rodriguez (photo on the top left) was awarded the distinction of being the most dedicated and successful student coming from a very disadvantaged position, and with wisdom, shunning the wrong kind of association even if it meant being alone. Congratulations to these fine young girls and to the sponsors who should be proud of their contributions being put towards worthy individuals.

Administration Our Andrea Castiblanco has had to use a lot of persuasion and skill in getting everybody to submit their paper work and try and tie up the accounts of 2011, into a coherent and transparent report that she is working on at this date. Our California Sponsors are still interested in forming a Board of Directors and filing Contribution Tax Exemption in the US, so we hope that we can report some progress during this year.

Oxford Center’s Activities On-Line Nabil Pavón has diligently posted up-dates to the Oxford Center webpage (www.oxfordhn.org), and photos where all can comment and share with others on www.flickr.com). If you are interested in checking these out please follow the links, add your comments and keep checking back for more news!

Needs for 2012 Twelve youth urgently need sponsorship for the beginning of 2012 to continue their high school studies. Our budget for this year is approximately $18,000 in order to start the school year. We also have included a new sub-component to help four poor single mothers take English and Beauty Courses in order to be able to generate an income to alleviate their situation. The Buena Vista Coordinator and Director are volunteers who do not receive any compensation for their time, transportation and office supplies, such as photocopying machine, maintenance of equipment, internet and so on. We need your help!

Make a Contribution to Oxford Center Making a financial contribution to Oxford Center has never been easier. By visiting our oxfordhn.org page you can make a contribution of any amount with just a few clicks of the mouse at no extra cost. If you would like to become a sustaining donor and sign up for regular contributions that option is there for you too. Every penny makes a difference for these children who without your help would not be the shining stars that they are. Make your contribution by following the link, today!

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