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Yelena Owstons

Spring Valley, United States

Here is the Revitol stretch mark cream history. My first pregnancy inflicted quite horrificstretch marks. A friend told me to try Revitol because it worked. I found Revitol following my first post-natal body-shock. Can you relate to what I am talking about? The body-shock when you see what child birth does to your skin, the skin that you show the world as you. None of my friends was in a position to tell me regarding stretch marks - I'm not positive if that was my responsibility because I wasn't listening or I simply didn't perceive what I was being told. Following some wasted disappointments with alternative creams and alternative treatments that girlfriends endorsed, I finally had a win with Revitol so I used it once more with my second daughter. Stretch marks were a distress that I was -at this time- hearing everywhere. I counseled Revitol to friends and family and they also had good results and thus I set out to make this web site so I may assist similar mums like
