OutdoorUAE - March 2012

Page 20

Breaking Away

From The Norm

Love to kayak but have a small car and can’t get your head around how to transport it?

product review

Making paddling more accessible, the Modular Point 65° North Kayaks are said to be, ‘As easy as one, two, three’, (with the catalogue cover of the range depicting a couple with one of the kayaks sticking out in two parts out of a convertible VW beetle). It was too hard to resist in taking up our own challenge of getting a kayak down to the beach in lets say- a Toyota Yaris Hatchback, and checking if the kayaks were really as easy as they were made out to be.

The kayak we were testing out was the amply named ‘Tequila’- fun and versatile, this sit-on-top is great for kids and adults alike.

So does it fit?

Surprisingly it does, with the front and back seats down it fits perfectly, just make sure you can see out your blind spot and review mirror by adjusting the pieces to the side. When you have it out of the car and on the beach- you can easily clip it together as shown with the Snap-Tap system, and coming in two parts it’s much lighter to get to and from the car- and much easier to store. Its also fun on a bit of surf (but be careful of winds we have been having here- and always wear a lifejacket), it also accommodates fishing; with an additional midsection it turns into a double kayak.

Photos: Alexia Mabragañis

Where can I get it?

The kayak is a stand-alone piece of kit; you have to buy the paddle, lifejacket and backrest separately- and can all be purchased at Go Sport the Dubai Mall. The reasons for this are mainly because the modular design ethics allow you to add onto your single kayak turn it into a double and so forth with options to accessorize; and in doing so allows you to kit your kayaks out the way you want to.


Are there any downsides?

The only downside is if you live in an apartment- you need to find an efficient way of getting it to your car. We recommend getting a kayak trolley, which will be available at Go Sport The Dubai Mall shortly. Contact Go Sport the Dubai Mall for further details tel: 04 3253595

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