Outdoor pursuits 14 15

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Formerly known as Outback

Katie Oliver ’16 (right) | Editor Cameron Chow ’16 (left) | Assistant Editor

Outdoor Pursuits is Pacific University’s outdoor recreation program. Offering outdoor adventure trips, events, rentals, and classes, Outdoor Pursuits provides unique recreation opportunities for Pacific students, alumni, staff & faculty, as well as community members. Trips and classes are geared toward multiple skill levels, with a main focus on introducing Pacific students to new activities. Whether you are going to test the waters by signing up for a day trip, or want to spend a semester learning new skills in an academic course, Outdoor Pursuits has something to meet your interests. If you have questions or would like to sign up for a trip, class, or event, stop by the Outdoor 2 office in the Milky Way. Pursuits

Reserve your spot on a trip!

Call 503-352-2264 or visit the Outdoor Pursuits office in the Milky Way on 21st Avenue & College Way

2 pacificu.edu/outdoors | 503-352-2264

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