April - June 2014

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GRAND LODGE OF MASSACHUSETTS New England’s Largest Italian-American Newspaper Email: newspaper@osiama.org • Website: www.osiama.org



(ISSN 0038-1446)




Boston Marriott Burlington,

CARMELITA BELLO State President Honorary Convention Chairman

Burlington, MA

ANTONIO SESTITO State First Vice President Convention Chairman

RON HILL State Second Vice President Convention Coordinator

Massachusetts Education and Law Awards by Adriana Guida On Sunday, May 4, 2014, over 300 guests packed the ballroom of the Boston Marriott Burlington to celebrate the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts’ inaugural Massachusetts Education and Law Awards breakfast. The Commission for Social Justice honored three long-time public servants and four first responders as part of their program. The Justice Award was granted to The Honorable Peter C. DiGangi, who currently sits as a Circuit Justice on the Massachusetts Probate and Family Court. The Law Enforcement Award was given to Medford Police Chief Leo A. Sacco Jr., the 24-year Chief of the Department and current chair of the North Eastern Massachusetts Law Enforcement Council — School Threat Assessment and Response System. The Public Service Award was granted to Michal A. Caira, the former and longest-serving Town Manager of Wilmington, Massachusetts, and former National Executive (Continued on Page 4)

(Front) - Watertown Police Patrolman Timothy Menton, Firefighter James Caruso, Medford Police Chief Leo A. Sacco Jr., The Honorable Peter C. DiGangi, former Wilmington Town Manager Michael Caira, Watertown Police Sergeant Jeffrey J. Pugliese, and Patrolman Timothy Menton. (Back) – Commission for Social Justice members Carmine Rullo, Pamela Donnaruma, Charles H. Perenick, Robert Orsi, Esq., Richard Vita, Esq., Vice-Chairman Don McGowan, Chairman Albert DeNapoli, Esq., Marie Jackson, Marilyn Petitto Devaney, and Liaison Stephen Cozzaglio.

Join the Grand Lodge of MassachuseƩs as we celebrate our

100TH ANNIVERSARY WITH A BLACK TIE GALA on Saturday, October 4, 2014

Demetri’s FuncƟon Facility 2 Washington Street, Route 1, Foxboro, MA

Tickets: $100.00 For Ɵckets call the Grand Lodge at 617-489-5234 or purchase them online at shop.osiama.org



SONS of ITALY NEWS Pamela Donnaruma, Editor Dom Campochiaro, Photographer NO. 2 - APRIL / JUNE 2014 89TH YEAR OF PUBLICATION The Sons of Italy News (ISSN 0038-1446) is published quarterly by the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, Order Sons of Italy in America, a fraternal non-profit organization with offices at 93 Concord Avenue, Belmont, MA 02478. Phone (617) 489-5234. All manuscripts, photos, art work and editorial material should be type written and mailed to: Editor, Sons of Italy News - 93 Concord Avenue, Belmont, MA 02478. Photo and copy will be returned if accompanied by a self-addressed envelope and return postage. Closing date for publication is February 10, May 10, August 10, November 10. Photos should be clear and sharp and people must be identified on a separate sheet. Direct all subscription correspondence, orders, change of addresses, etc., to Sons of Italy News, Subscription Dept., 93 Concord Avenue, Belmont, MA 02478. Subscription price is $2.00 per year. When changing address, please allow six weeks advance notice. Send old address (clip address from past issue) along with new address. Please include lodge name and zip code. Periodical postage paid at Boston, MA, and additional mailing offices. Postmaster, address corrections requested — send to Sons of Italy News, 93 Concord Avenue, Belmont, MA 02478. STATE COUNCIL CARMELITA BELLO State President ANTONIO SESTITO State First Vice President RONALD HILL State Second Vice President JAMES DI STEFANO Immediate Past President DENISE FURNARI State Orator MARIE JACKSON State Recording Secretary MARGARET OLIVIERI State Financial Secretary DR. JOHN CHRISTOFORO State Treasurer











State Convention Boston Marriott Burlington – Burlington, MA

JULY 12, 2014

Family Outing Salisbury Beach State Reservation – Salisbury, MA

AUGUST 2, 2014

Lobsterfest Sons of Italy – Hingham, MA

OCTOBER 4, 2014 100th Anniversary Celebration of the Grand Lodge of MA Demetri’s Function Facility – Foxboro, MA For more information on these events, call the Grand Lodge office at 617-489-5234 - or check the Grand Lodge Events section of the website: www.osiama.org





from Carmelita Bello

Dear Sisters and Brothers: It’s hard to believe that nearly a year has gone by since the last convention. I hope that your lodge has been contacted by at least one person from the State Council in the last year. Early on I challenged each officer to attend a meeting, function, or to make a call to every Filial Lodge. If you have not been contacted let me know at convention, or send an email to me at cbello@osiama.org. Since my last message, the Sports Commission had a lively bowling tournament at the Woburn Bowladrome with 19 participating teams. Sports Commission Chairman Steve Cedrone is planning golf and bocce tournaments. The Grand Lodge merchandise committee lead by State Trustee Marisa Ranalli has had a stellar year. The most popular items are the Sons of Italy charm bracelet and key chain, both featuring the OSIA logo. You can order the merchandise on our website at www.osiama.org and pay via credit card, Paypal, or check. This committee has obtained many popular items that include the Sons of Italy emblem and Italian-themed items. Marisa and her committee have attended most Grand Lodge events and some Filial Lodge events, and continue to aggres-

sively market available items. We completed our first Massachusetts Education and Law Award breakfast, which combined the Scholarship and Social Justice awards into one event that highlighted some of the best of what the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts does. The event included a sellout crowd of over 300 attendees. It was a positive and uplifting experience. Congratulations to Scholarship Commission Chairman Donna Giuliani, Commission for Social Justice Chairman Albert DeNapoli, and both commissions for working toward an event that was so successful. I am working on the 2014 Convention with First Vice President Antonio Sestito and Second Vice President Ron Hill, our staff Paul and Adriana, and the entire Council. I’m looking forward to meeting all the delegates at convention and moving our Grand Lodge into the future with streamlined by-laws and accountability. I have attended several lodge events across the state, including the 75th Anniversary of the Sons of Italy Drum and Bugle Corp in Haverhill. They are a wonderful group of dedicated members that continue the tradition of music and marching bands. It’s a labor of love. Congratulations on reaching 75 years of making

beautiful music as the Sons of Italy Drum and Bugle Corp. I’ve also attended a wine tasting at the Burlington Lodge, a Spring Fling at the Watertown Lodge, and the first Italian Festa in Waltham that was put on by the Regina Margherita Di Savoia Mixed Lodge in Waltham. All were fantastic, well attended and portrayed our order in a positive manner. This summer there are many events going on at the Filial Lodges. Check with your Lodge President for a listing of these events, which is currently emailed to them bi-weekly, and make an effort to support one or several of them. The Grand Lodge is hosting a Lobsterfest at the Hingham Sons of Italy on August 2, and we are also planning a trip to the 9/11 Memorial Museum in New York City in the fall. Congratulations to Brother Joseph Boncore on becoming President of the National Commission for Social Justice. It’s a well-deserved appointment and he will do a wonderful job elevating the image of all Americans of Italian descent. Stay tuned, stay involved, and stay motivated. Thank you to everyone for making this past year an interesting one. Carmelita Bello State President

Cari Fratelli e Sorelle Sembra proprio incredibile che sia gia’ trascorso un anno dall’ultimo Congresso Statale. Spero che ciascuna loggia sia stata contattata almeno da un deo membri del Consiglio Statale durante quest’anno passato. All’inizio ho chiesto l’impegno di ogni dirigente statale di presenziare alle riunioni, e feste, oppure telefonare alle logge. Se non siete stati contattati, informatemi durante il Congresso oppure inviatemi un messaggio e-mail a cbello@osiama.org. Sin dal mio ultimo messaggio, la Commissione SPORT ha registrato un entusiasmante torneo ‘ai Birilli’ al centro ‘Bowladrome’ di Woburn, con nove squadre partecipanti. Il Presidente della Commissione ‘Sport’, Steve Cedrone sta pianificando tornei di Golf e di Bocce. Il Comitato che vende merce a beneficio della Grande Loggia, diretto dalla fiduciaria statale Marisa Ranalli ha chiuso un anno di grande successo. Gli articoli piu’ popolari sono i braccialetti ‘porta fortuna’ e le catenine per chiavi, e tutti mostrano il logo OSIA. Si puo’ ordinare la merce usando il website www.osiama.org pagando con la carta di credito, Paypal, o inviando un assegno. Il Comitato ha acquistato molti articoli popolari che includono l’emblema dei Figli d’Italia, ed altri articoli di gusto italiano! Marisa ed il suo Comitato hanno presenziato gran parte degli eventi “Grande Loggia”, ed anche eventi delle logge locali, mentre continuano ad intensificare il ‘marketing’ degli articoli disponibili.

Abbiamo concluso il primo ‘Massachusetts Education and Law Award’ evento/colazione, combinando sia i riconoscimenti riguardo la ‘Giustizia Sociale’ sia la consegna delle ‘Borse di Studio’, in un singolo evento, sottolineando quanto di eccelso la Grande Loggia mira a conseguire. L’evento ha registrato un tutto esaurito, con piu’ di 300 membri presenti. E’ stata un’esperienza positiva e molto incoraggiante. Le mie congratulazioni vanno a Donna Giuliani, presidente della Commissione ‘Borse di Studio’, e ad Albert di Napoli presidente della Commissione ‘Giustizia Sociale’. Entrambe le Commissioni hanno lavorato sodo per un evento che ha avuto enorme successo. Io sto lavorando per il Congresso 2014 assieme al primo V.Presidente Antonio Sestito, ed al secondo V.Presidente Ron Hill, ai nostri dipendenti dell’ufficio statale, Paul ed Adriana Guida, e l’intero Consiglio Statale. Guardo al futuro, dando il benvenuto a tutti I delegati al Congresso, e spingere la nostra Grande Loggia versu il future con semplificate regole e senso di responsabilita’. Ho presenziato parecchi eventi delle logge locali dello Stato, inclusa la festa del 75mo. Anniversario del gruppo ‘Drum end Bugle Corp di Haverhill. Sono un gruppo stupendo con membri dedicati che continuano la tradizione musicale di ‘bande marcianti’. Esso e’ un atto amorevole. Congratulazioni per aver raggiunto questo grande traguardo,-75-

Ed anche per essere la banda musicale dei ‘Figli d’Italia. Ho anche presenziato un ‘assaggio di vini’ alla loggia di Burlington, un ballo di Primavera’ alla loggia di Watertown, e la prima ‘Festa Italiana’ a Waltham, organizzata dalla loggia unificata ‘Regia Mrgherita di Savoia’ e la loggia Mista di Waltham. Tutte queste feste sono riuscite benissimo, ben presenziate, che hanno mostrato l’aspetto positivo del nostro Ordine. Molti eventi sono in calendario per questa estate in molte delle logge affiliate. Rivolgetevi ai vostri presidenti per una lista degli eventi che vengono loro inviati ogni due settimane, e fate di tutto per sostenere almeno uno degli eventi. La Grande Loggia ha in programma una ‘Festa dell’Aragosta’ alla loggia Figli d’Italia di Hingham, il 2 agosto (2014). Stiamo anche organizzando una gita al Museo della Memoria sugli eventi dell’undici settembre 2001 a New York City, in autunno. Congratulazioni al fratello Joseph Boncore per la sua elezione a Presidente della Commissione Nazionale della Giustizia Sociale. E’ una nomina ben meritata: lui si adoperera’ grandemente alla missione che terra’ alta l’immagine di tutti gli americani di discendenza italiana. Siate sempre in attesa di buone nuove, rimanete coinvolti in tutto, con motivazione. Grazie ad ognuno di voi per rendere quest’anno trascorso alquanto interessante. Carmelita Bello Presidente Statale




Triathlon of Games by Michelle DiPlacido

(L-R): First Place Cribbage Team members David Poirier and Joe Cotoia, and Sports Commission Chairman Steven Cedrone.

The Sports Commission of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts held its third Annual Triathlon of Games on Sunday, March 30, 2014 at the Quincy Sons of Italy. The morning began with coffee and donuts, and Chairman Steve Cedrone explained the rules for each tournament. Three different tournaments took place among the members: Scrabble, Cribbage, and Darts. In the Scrabble tournament, first place was awarded to Julie Sbraccia-Mano from the Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli Lodge #2183 (Wilmington), and second place was awarded to Maureen Kenney from the Stella Del Nord Lodge #1436 (Quincy). In the Cribbage tournament, first place was awarded to Joe Cotoia and David Poirier from the Ambrose D. Cedrone Lodge #1069 (Newton), second place was awarded to Shirley DeRoma and Paul Stankard of the Sgt. Guido Petrilli Lodge #1606 (Roslindale), and third place was awarded to “Spider” and Mike Sutter of the Giuseppe Verdi Lodge #278 (Weymouth). In the Dart tournament, first place was awarded to the

(L-R): Scrabble Tournament Winners: State President Carmelita Bello, First Place winner Julie Sbraccia-Mano, Second Place winner Maureen Kenny, and Sports Commission Chairman Steven Cedrone. team from the Quincy Men’s Lodge #1295 consisting of Mike Mullins, Kevin Cotter, John Anagnos and Jay Walsh. Second place was awarded to the Piave Fiume Lodge #1036 (Watertown) team, consisting of Immediate Past State President James DiStefano, Steve DeAngelis, Nick Todesco, and Nunzio Visciano.

We extend a special thank you to Marie Lumaghini and the Quincy Sons of Italy for hosting this event and for a delicious luncheon consisting of Italian cold cut subs, pasta and meatballs, and tossed salad. Everyone enjoyed the meal. Thank you to everyone who attended and made this tournament a success.

(L-R): State President Carmelita Bello, First Place Dart Team members Mike Mullins, Kevin Cotter, John Anagnos, and Jay Walsh, and Sports Commission Chairman Steven Cedrone. (L-R): Third Place Cribbage Team members Mike Sutter and “Spider,” and Sports Commission Chairman Steven Cedrone.

(L-R): Second Place Dart Team members James DiStefano and Steven DeAngelis, State President Carmelita Bello, team members Nick Todesco and Nunzio Visciano, and Sports Commission Chairman Steven Cedrone.

(L-R): Second Place Cribbage Team members Paul Stankard and Shirley DeRoma, and Sports Commission Chairman Steven Cedrone.



Massachusetts Education and Law Awards Director of the Order Sons of Italy in America. Four Special Recognition Awards were granted to first responders from the Watertown Police and Fire Departments: Sergeant Jeffrey J. Pugliese, one of the officers who apprehended a marathon bombing suspect, and Patrolman Timothy Menton and Firefighters Patrick Menton and James Caruso, who are credited with saving the life of MBTA Officer Richard Donahue. The Scholarship Commission of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts awarded a total of 29 scholarships to high school seniors pursuing degrees in majors such as engineering, education, finance, business, and science. The students come from the tops of their classes and are involved in numerous national honor societies, extracurricular activities, and volunteer organizations. In her opening remarks, State President Carmelita Bello acknowledged that while this was the first year under the name of the Massachusetts Education and Law Awards, the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts and the two Commissions that were part of the event have long, rich histories of recognizing the talents and accomplishments of Italian-Americans, and of giving back to the community. She noted that over its 100 year history, the Grand Lodge has raised and given over $7 million to various charitable endeavors, including 59 years’ worth of scholarships. Additionally, she mentioned the invaluable work of the Commission for Social Justice over the past 31 years, and their commitment to portraying the “true, positive image of Italian-Americans today” as part of the larger mission of honoring and promoting Italian culture and traditions. She points out that the event was combined in order to bridge the gap between the hopeful, youthful scholarship recipients who are just starting out, and the Italian-Americans who have done so much in their careers and their communities. All of the Law and Justice award recipients took the opportunity to offer words of wisdom and congratulations to the scholarship recipients. They talked about the importance of working hard to achieve their goals, and the role that their Italian-American families and culture played in their successes.


(Continued from Page 1)

(Front) – Immediate Past President James DiStefano, State First Vice President Antonio Sestito, State President Carmelita Bello, State Second Vice President Ronald Hill, and State Orator Denise Furnari. (Back) – State Financial Secretary Margaret Olivieri, State Trustees John Argiro and Charles DeStefano, State Recording Secretary Marie Jackson, and State Trustees Marisa Ranalli, Marissa Sestito, Stephen Cozzaglio, and Rodolfo Viscomi.

State President Carmelita Bello, Watertown Police Patrolman Timothy Menton, Firefighter Patrick Menton, Commission for Social Justice member Marilyn Pettito Devaney, Watertown Police Sergeant Jeffrey J. Pugliese, Firefighter James Caruso, and Commission for Social Justice Albert A. DeNapoli, Esq.

The Grand Lodge of Massachusetts 2014 scholarship recipients, with State President Carmelita Bello (far left), Scholarship Commission Chairman Donna Giuliani (right) and Charitable and Educational Trust Chairman Angelo Rossi (far right).




State President Carmelita Bello, Commission for Social Justice member Robert Orsi, Esq., Public Service Award honoree - former Wilmington Town Manager Michael Caira, and Commission for Social Justice Chairman Albert DeNapoli, Esq.

(Front) – Scholarship Commission Liaison Mary Ann Bello, Chairman Donna Giuliani, Charitable and Educational Trust Chairman Angelo Rossi, and Scholarship Commission member Nancy Gurgone. (Back) – Scholarship Commission members Paula Sasso, Mary Cooper, Alex Nardacci, Angela Giovannangelo, and State President Carmelita Bello.

Commission for Social Justice Chairman Albert DeNapoli, Esq., Special Recognition Award honoree - Watertown Police Patrolman Timothy Menton, Commission for Social Justice member Marilyn Petitto Devaney, and State President Carmelita Bello.

State President Carmelita Bello, Commission for Social Justice member Robert Orsi, Esq., Public Service Award honoree - former Wilmington Town Manager Michael Caira, Jane Caira, and Commission for Social Justice Chairman Albert DeNapoli, Esq.

Commission for Social Justice Chairman Albert DeNapoli, Esq., Special Recognition Award honoree - Watertown Firefighter Patrick Menton, Commission for Social Justice member Marilyn Petitto Devaney, and State President Carmelita Bello.

State President Carmelita Bello, Justice Award honoree - The Honorable Peter C. DiGangi, Public Service Award honoree - former Wilmington Town Manager Michael Caira, Law Enforcement Award honoree - Medford Police Chief Leo A. Sacco Jr., and Commission for Social Justice Chairman Albert DeNapoli, Esq. Commission for Social Justice Chairman Albert DeNapoli, Esq., Special Recognition Award honoree Watertown Firefighter James Caruso, Commission for Social Justice member Marilyn Petitto Devaney, and State President Carmelita Bello.

(Continued on Page 6)

Commission for Social Justice member Richard Vita, Esq., Justice Award honoree - The Honorable Peter C. DiGangi, Judy DiGangi, and Commission for Social Justice Chairman Albert DeNapoli, Esq.



Massachusetts Education and Law Awards (Continued from Page 5)


Recipes from the

Homeland by Vita Orlando Sinopoli

MUSTARD GREENS FRITTATA (Omelet) 20 ounces frozen chopped mustard greens * 1 cup flavored bread crumbs 3 tablespoons grated Romano or preferred cheese

(Front) – The Honorable Peter C. DiGangi, former Wilmington Town Manager Michael Caira, and Medford Police Chief Leo A. Sacco Jr. (Back) – Watertown Police Patrolman Timothy Menton, Firefighter Patrick Menton, Sergeant Jeffrey J. Pugliese, and Firefighter James Caruso.

2 medium minced garlic cloves ½ cup canola, vegetable or olive oil 2 beaten eggs Salt

Defrost chopped mustard greens in the microwave according to directions on the package or in a saucepan on your stove. Drain liquid and place mustard greens in a bowl. Add bread crumbs, cheese, minced garlic and two slightly beaten eggs. Salt to taste and mix thoroughly. Add oil to a skillet and heat. Test a teaspoon of mixture in heated oil. When mixture sizzles, place the remaining mixture into the skillet. Oil should remain hot so that the mixture will brown but not burn. Add more oil as needed. With a spatula or fork, turn small portions at a time, careful not to burn. Continue frying and turning until the contents have mostly browned, about fifteen minutes. Then carefully slide contents onto a platter. Return the mixture face down into the skillet. Lower heat slightly and allow mixture to brown on that side. Then slide the contents back onto a serving platter. To remove excess oil, slide frittata carefully from platter onto two paper dishes. Repeat for the other side. Wipe oil from platter before returning frittata to a serving platter. *FOR FRESH MUSTARD GREEN: Clean, cut, and steam them. What is not used that day can be frozen in a container for the next frittata. OPTIONAL: Because of the tartness of the mustard greens try substituting ten ounces of chopped spinach for ten ounces of mustard greens, equaling the twenty ounces needed for this recipe. Try it both ways.

1st Generation Italian-American

Vita Orlando Sinopoli Shares with us a delightful recollection of her memories as a child growing up in Boston’s “Little Italy” and a collection of Italian family recipes from the homeland. Great as Gifts (Front) – Commission for Social Justice members Richard Vita, Esq., Marie Jackson, Chairman Albert DeNapoli, Esq., and Marilyn Petitto Devaney. (Back) – Pamela Donnaruma, Charles H. Perenick, Robert Orsi, Esq., Carmine Rullo, Vice-Chairman Don McGowan, and Liaison Stephen Cozzaglio.

Commission for Social Justice Chairman Albert DeNapoli, Esq., Special Recognition Award honoree - Watertown Police Sergeant Jeffrey J. Pugliese, Commission for Social Justice member Marilyn Petitto Devaney, and State President Carmelita Bello.

Pic 3: Commission for Social Justice ViceChairman Don McGowan, Law Enforcement Award honoree - Medford Police Chief Leo A. Sacco Jr., and Commission for Social Justice Chairman Albert DeNapoli, Esq.

Commission for Social Justice member Richard Vita, Esq., Justice Award Honoree The Honorable Peter C. DiGangi, and Commission for Social Justice Chairman Albert DeNapoli, Esq.

FROM MY BAKERY PERCH available on AMAZON.COM and in local bookstores — ask for Hard cover #1-4010-9805-3 ISBN Soft Cover #1-4010-9804-5 ISBN

Il Gruppo Folkloristico "Ricordi D’Italia” Ricordi d’Italia, a performance based Italian folk dancing group, has openings for individuals interested in preserving and fostering Italian culture through the art forms of folk music and dance. Through the joy of dance you’ll have fun while deepening your appreciation of the Italian culture. All new members will be taught the dance steps. We practice on Thursday evenings in Newton from 7:30 – 9:30 pm. We perform at a variety of venues. For more information, you may contact Margherita by calling (781) 893-4740 or email Michael: italianfolk@gmail.com. For more information about Gruppo Folkloristico Ricordi d’Italia, please visit our website: www.ricordiditalia.com



WE NEED YOUR HISTORICAL LODGE PHOTOGRAPHS Make sure your Lodge is represented in our biggest effort yet to showcase the history of the Grand Lodge. We are partnering with local author Anthony Sammarco to publish a quality, historical book filled with photographs. This project requires your participation in order to ensure its success. The deadline for submission is September 1, 2014. You can mail or drop off original photographs at the Grand Lodge office. Please identify where and when the photo was taken, as well as the people in the photo. We thank you in advance for your participation. Fraternally, The Historical Commission

DO YOU KNOW THESE PEOPLE? We’d like to know who is in these great historical photos! If you think you can help us, contact Adriana at aguida@osiama.org. View these photos (and others) on our Facebook page at facebook.com/GrandLodgeofMA





GRAND LODGE SCHO SAVERIO R. ROMANO – JOHN B. BREGOLIO AWARD Lannah Fitzgerald will attend Boston University with a major in Music Education and Saxophone Performance. She is the recipient of the Millis Band Musicianship Award, and was selected as the First Chair Tenor Saxophone in the Massachusetts All-State Band. In addition to her love of playing

the saxophone, Lannah recently demonstrated her acting chops in the role of Glinda in The Wizard of Oz. A member and Gardening Chairperson of the National Honor Society, Lannah is ranked second in her class. She founded the Rosebuds Jr. Garden Club to care for local gardens and make arrangements for local nursing homes. Lannah has worked as a

Lannah Fitzgerald Saverio R. Romano — John B. Breglio Award

Courtney Muttart John Saporito — Luigi Fiato Award

Jenna Troio Joseph T. Zottoli — Vincent Brogna Award

Alissandra Hillis Felix Forte — Michael A. Fredo Award

Robert Lederman III Joseph Gorrasi — Anthony Julian Award

Aidan Burke Joseph B. Silverio — John Guarino Award

Annabel Consilvio Paul A. D’Agostino — Peter E. Donadio Award

Lorenzo Dube Aldo A. Caira — Peter B. Gay Award

Theresa Zannoni Louis W. Salvatore Award

Michael Sacco Jr. Guy Arigo Award

Katie Puiia Henry Frissora Jr. Award

Emily Argiro Charles H. Perenick Award

James Conley Angelo Furnari Award

water safety instructor, teaching children ages 8 to 13 how to sail small boats, and teaches dance (in addition to being a soloist) for the Terpsichore Dance Club. JOHN SAPORITO – LUIGI FIATO AWARD Courtney Muttart plans to attend Lesley University to major in Art Therapy. A member of the Bourne High School Key Club, she also spends time volunteering for the Big Brother Big Sister program, and at the Bourne Food Pantry and Cawnacome Sunshine Lodge. She has spent four years on the varsity soccer team, two as the leading scorer, and took on the role of captain for her senior season. She has won the All-Star Award, Scholar Athlete Award, and has been the MVP for two years. Courtney has worked at Dunkin’ Donuts for two years, and enjoys drawing and painting. JOSEPH T. ZOTTOLI – VINCENT BROGNA AWARD Jenna Troio will be majoring in Biomedical Engineering, and minor in Business, at Worcester Polytechnic Institute this fall. A member of the National Honor Society, National Latin Honor Society, and National Math Honor Society, she is also a Senior Leadership Committee Member for the Latin Club, and a Social Sciences Interview Committee Member. Jenna volunteers at Beal Early Childhood Center, as a homework helper at Sherwood Middle School, as a first grade religious education

teacher at St. Mary’s, and as a Red Cross Babysitters/First Aid Training co-teacher. She works as an after school aide at St. Mary’s School, and on the wait staff at Southgate of Shrewsbury. FELIX FORTE – MICHAEL A. FREDO AWARD Alissandra Hillis plans to attend the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with a major in Biology and a minor in Brain and Cognitive Sciences. She is a member of the Student Council, Math Team, Foreign Language Club, and Yearbook Committee, and is a peer leader. She is the recipient of the Harvard Book Award, MA Superintendents’ Award, is an AP Scholar and recipient of a National Merit Commendation. Alissandra placed first in the National Italian Exam, and obtained a perfect score on the National Latin Exam. She has played soccer for four years and was a 2013 Middlesex League All-Star. She volunteers for Kicks for Cancer, Support our Troops, Cradles to Crayons, and at the youth soccer clinic.She works during the summer as a marketing liaison at RSC New England, and as a youth soccer referee. JOSEPH GORRASI – ANTHONY JULIAN AWARD Robert Lederman III plans to attend Worcester Polytechnic Institute to major in Chemical Engineering. A member of the Best Buddies Program, Student Council, and Jazz Choir, he also volunteers as a coach for youth lacrosse and basketball programs, and as a Peer Minister at Blessed Sacrament Church. Robert both volunteers for and works at the Walpole Rec Department. He has spent four years playing football, three playing lacrosse, two playing basketball and running winter track, and one running spring track. He is the captain of the winter track team. JOSEPH B. SILVERIO – JOHN GUARINO AWARD Aidan Burke will be majoring in Kinesiology and minoring in Sports Medicine at UMass Amherst. He is a member of the National Honor Society and the Secretary of Students Against Destructive Decisions. He has received awards for Excellence in French and Latin, as well as the St. Mike’s Book Award. Aidan volunteers at his local food pantry, tutors students, participates in town cleaning efforts, and volunteers at the Boston Marathon. He plays soccer and baseball, and works for a roofing company during the summer. PAUL A. D’AGOSTINO – PETER E. DONADIO AWARD Annabel Consilvio is attending Olin College of Engineering to major in Bioengineering. She is an American Junior

Jack Santoro Philip R. Boncore Award

Academy of Science Delegate and a National Honor Society Member. She placed first at the Massachusetts Science and Education Fair, and third in the Massachusetts Society of Medical Research Contest. Annabel volunteers for Habitat for Humanity, and as an elementary school science fair coordinator. She is the spring track manager and scorekeeper, a STEM summer camp counselor, and the general assistant at a flower shop. ALDO A. CAIRA – PETER B. GAY AWARD Lorenzo Dube plans to attend UMass Amherst (Commonwealth Honors College) to major in Chemical Engineering, and minor in Pre-Med Studies. He is the Student Council President, Student Ambassador to the Executive Board, and a member of the National Honor Society. He is the recipient of a National Merit Commendation, and the Fortier Award for Service to the New Bedford Yacht Club, where he also works as a sailing instructor. Lorenzo is the varsity swimming captain, plays varsity tennis, and sails for the New Bedford Yacht Club Sailing Team. He volunteers for My Brother’s Keeper and the Missions for Humanity Tanzania Trip. LOUIS W. SALVATORE AWARD Theresa Zannoni will be attending UMass Lowell and is currently undeclared, but interested in majoring in Engineering. She is a National Honor Society member, Student Ambassador, Interact Club member and Yearbook member. She is an honor student and the recipient of the Dean’s Scholarship. Theresa plays lacrosse and participates in swimming, skiing, and skating, in addition to teaching religious education for seven years and volunteering for Habitat for Humanity and the Hoop-A-Thon for Huntington’s Disease. She works at Hollister Co. and counts among her interests singing, dancing, and theater. GUY ARIGO AWARD Michael Sacco Jr. will be attending Bentley University to major in Accounting. He is a member of the Student Council, National Honor Society, SAAD, and Guardians for Life. He plays baseball, bowling, ultimate Frisbee, and football, and was named the football team captain in 2013. He was a 2013 Central Mass Conference Football All-Star, a 2013 Division 4 All-Star, received the Owen Coogan Award as an Outstanding Lineman, and attended the Global Young Leaders Conference. Michael volunteers at St. John’s Food Pantry, Our Lady of Loreto Church, for the Special Olympics, and as an Eucharistic minister. He works for the Polar Corporation as a merchandiser. HENRY FRISSORA JR. AWARD Katie Puiia will attend either the University of New England or Rhode Island to major in Pre-Pharmacy. A member of the National Honor Society and Peer Helpers, she is among the top ten students in her class. She volunteers for her youth ministry church group and the Relay for Life, and is the recipient of the Wells Leadership Scholarship. Katie plays varsity soccer, basketball, and lacrosse and is the captain of all three teams. She is a dance academy all-star, and an MVC Honorable Men-




OLARSHIP AWARDS tion for basketball. She works as an ice cream artist at an ice cream shop. CHARLES H. PERENICK AWARD Emily Argiro will be attending the Pratt Institute. She is a member of the National Honor Society, the Drama Club Stage Manager, and a member of the Junior State of America. She is the recipient of the Boston Globe Scholastic Arts Gold Key award, and figure skates at the Skating Club of Hingham. Emily is a Learn to Skate volunteer instructor and TJ Maxx sales associate. She considers her special talents to be art, photography, and skating. ANGELO FURNARI AWARD James Conley plans to attend the United States Naval Academy to major in Chemistry and Minor in Italian. He has been a chorus member for four years, and participated in the school newspaper for one year. He received the American Classical League and National Junior Classical League Certificate of Honorable Merit, Summa Cum Laude in 2009 and 2010 in the National Latin Exam, and Maxima Cum Laude in 2011 and 2012. He has volunteered for Habitat for Humanity, the Mayor of Boston’s Youth Leadership Council, and works summers as a YMCA Camp Counselor. James plays baseball, runs Track and Field (varsity for three years, Captain in 2014), plays varsity hockey (captain for two years), and plays soccer (varsity for two years). PHILIP R. BONCORE AWARD Jack Santoro will attend Fairfield University to major in Electrical Engineering. He is the Vice President of the National Honor Society and has been an Honor Student for all four years of high school. He is the recipient of the Ronald Regan Leadership Award and the Wendy’s High School Heisman. He is a tri-sport captain (soccer, basketball, and baseball) and plays AAU basketball and baseball. Jack organized a fundraiser for “We Can Good Drive” and volunteers for the Healing Little Hearts fundraiser for Boston’s Children’s Hospital. He works as a lifeguard at Warren’s Point Beach Club. JOSEPH S. GIUFFRIDA AWARD Thomas Wahlberg plans to attend the Massachusetts Maritime Academy and major in Engineering. He is a member of the Chess Club, Philosophy Club, Italian Club, and Friends of Rachel Club, in addition to being on the honor roll. He volunteers for the Walk for Hunger, MDA Muscle Walk, and participates in various local road races raising money for charity and scholarships. Thomas plays football and has worked as a busboy and at the Riverbay Club. He considers himself to be “hands-on,” and likes working with computer and video components. JOSEPH RUSSO AWARD Brittany Petros will be attending Harvard College to major in Neurobiology and minor in Flute Performance. She is the Junior Engineering Technological Society President, a DECA officer, a member of the National Honor and Spanish Honor Societies, and a member of Destination Imagination. She is the Boston Brain Bee Winner,

an AP Scholar with Honor, a National Financial Capability Challenge Perfect Score, and MICCA Solo Silver Award winner. Brittany is the Dracut Leo Club President, a Girl Scout Troop Assistant Troop Leader, and volunteers for the Sun Santa Volleyball Tournament and Eyes on Talent Show. She studied neurobiology and music at Harvard as a junior, and is the principal flutist in many school and regional ensembles. She works as a host and cashier, private tutor, and secretary. KEVIN A. CAIRA AWARD Marc Maggiore is currently undecided on a college, but will major in Special Education. He is the School President and was a previous class president from 2010 to 2014. He is a Cullman Scholar and is on the High Honor Roll. In addition to playing hockey and soccer, Marc volunteers for Project Abroad and Kua Coffee House. He lists a cappella and reading braille as his special talents. FLORENCE FERULLO KANE AWARD Andy He plans to attend Northeastern or Boston University to major in Mechanical Engineering and minor in Kinesiology. He is a member of the National Honor Society, Caring Hearts Club, Interact Club, and Foreign Language Honor Society. He is the recipient of the John and Abigail Adams Scholarship. Andy plays basketball and volunteers for the Interact Club and the Wang YMCA. He works as a Boston Harbor Islands Island Ambassador and a Department of Conservation and Recreation Deckhand. JAMES DI STEFANO AWARD Austin Solimine will be attending Quinnipiac University to major in International Business and Italian Studies. A member of the National Honor Society, DECA, Student Council, and the School Committee Advisor, he also plays soccer and runs track and field. He was recognized among the 20 Under 20 of the North Shore, won first place in the Massachusetts DECA competition, and is the recipient of the Sonia

Schreiber Weitz Upstander Award. Austin volunteers for Haven from Hunger, the Christine Barbuto Memorial Garden, the MyEco Reusable Program, and provides academic tutoring. He works at DeMoulas and Subway, and considers communications and public speaking among his strengths. CARMELITA BELLO AWARD Diana Gerberich will attend Harvard University to major in Statistics and minor in Economics. She is a National Honor Society Co-President, Key Club President, and recipient of the Yale University Book Award, in addition to placing first in the Western Massachusetts Regional Science Fair. She has received the Girl Scout Gold and Silver Awards, and was Wilbraham’s 250th Celebration Queen. Diana is a National Jazz Baritone Saxophonist, a performer at Carnegie Hall, and the Drum Major for Minnechaug Regional High School Marching Band. She works as a soprano saxophonist at Easter and for weddings at St. Cecilia’s Parish, and as a child care and pet care provider.

Cori Ward Wakefield Lodge #1734 Award

Marina Otis Aldo A. Caira Memorial Award

tal, and has participated in the Multiple Sclerosis Walk. She has skated for the U.S. Figure Skating Association since 2004, and plays volleyball. Amanda is a member of the choir, drama club crew, and the Help Other People Everywhere (HOPE) Club. She works for the Gingerbread Construction Company.

WAKEFIELD LODGE #1734 AWARD CORI WARD plans to attend Saint Michael’s College or the University of Vermont. She is a National Spanish Exam Silver Medalist, a John and Abigail Adams Scholarship recipient, and was nominated to the National Youth Leadership (Continued on Page 11)

Thomas Wahlberg Joseph S. Giuffrida Award

Brittany Petros Joseph Russo Award

Marc Maggiore Kevin A. Caira Award

Andy He Florence Ferullo Kane Award

Austin Solimine James DiStefano Award

Diana Gerberich Carmelita Bello Award

Amanda McNiff Wakefield Lodge #1734 Award In Memory of Lois Landry and Bernie Hopkins

Stephanie Friece Maria Montessori Lodge #1744 Award

Carlene Mosca Lawrence Ladies Lodge #2026 In Memory of Mary H. Paolino

Joseph Lemieux Mary J. Guida Memorial Award

Celina Calo Rosemary Malvone L.P.N. Memorial Award

SPECIAL AWARDS WAKEFIELD LODGE #1734 AWARD – IN MEMORY OF LOIS LANDRY AND BERNIE HOPKINS Amanda McNiff plans to attend Salem State University to major in Elementary Education. She is a Nazareth Academy Admissions Ambassador, a volunteer at Winchester Hospi-

Nicholas Troy Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli Lodge #2183 Award

Kyle Quitadamo Pasqualina Ciardeillo Memorial Award




Grand Lodge Bowling Tournament by Michelle DiPlacido On Sunday, April 27, 2014, 19 teams from around the state gathered at the Woburn Bowladrome to participate in the annual Grand Lodge Bowling Tournament. Sports Commission Chairman Steven Cedrone welcomed everyone and explained the rules for the day. Coffee and doughnuts were served. Before the games began, teams were allowed time to warm up. In the Women’s Division, First Place was awarded to the Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli Lodge #2183 (Wilmington), the team members including Sandra Oliva, Cheryl Ciara, Beth Alfonso, and Lynne Martel. Second Place in the Women’s Division was awarded to a team State President Carmelita Bello, Women’s Division First Place team from Woburn Ladies Lodge #1584 members Cheryl Caira, Lynne Martell, Sandra Oliva, and Beth Alfonso State President Carmelita Bello, Women’s High consisting of Nancy Dinelli, Lori from the Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli Lodge #2183 (Wilmington), and Sports Single winners Donna Quinno and Connie Walker Cotton, Ann Marie Moreno, and Commission Chairman Steven Cedrone. from Woburn Ladies Lodge #1584, and Sports Donna Quinno. The Women’s High Single was Commission Chairman Steven Cedrone. a tie between Donna Quinno and Connie Walker from the Woburn Ladies Lodge #1584, and the Women’s High Triple winner was Lynne Martel from the Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli Lodge #2183. In the Men’s Division, First Place was awarded to the Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli Lodge # 2183 and team members Joe Martel, Ron Aprile, Glen Picone, and Chris Appiani. Second Place in the Men’s Division was awarded to Joseph Gorrasi Lodge #1406 (Woburn Men), the team members being Dennis Katromadis, Michael DeRienzo, Johnny DeRienzo, and Matthew Gangi. The Men’s High Single and State President Carmelita Bello, Men’s Division First Place team members Men’s High Triple went to Chris Glen Picone, Joe Martel, Chris Appiani, and Ron Aprile from the Angelo Appiani from the Angelo Giuseppe Giuseppe Roncalli Lodge #2183, and Sports Commission Chairman Steven Cedrone. Roncalli Lodge #2183. After the tournament ended, State President Carmelita Bello, High Triple Winner Lynne Martell from the Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli Chairman Steven Cedrone presented the winLodge #2183 (Wilmington), and Sports Commission ners with prizes and thanked everyone for coming. He also thanked everyone for their Chairman Steven Cedrone. cooperation, which helped to make this event a great success. Everyone agreed it was a great way to spend a Sunday morning.

State President Carmelita Bello, Men’s Division Second Place team Johnny DeRienzo, Michael DeRienzo, and Matthew Gangi from the Joseph Gorrasi Lodge #1406 (Woburn Men), and Sports Commission Chairman Steven Cedrone.

State President Carmelita Bello, Men’s High Single and Triple winner Chris Appiani from the Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli Lodge #2183 (Wilmington), and Sports Commission Chairman Steven Cedrone.

Front: State President Carmelita Bello, Connie Walker, State Orator Denise Furnari, Michele Caira Nortonen, Laura Caira, and Mary Patterson from the Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli Lodge #2183 (Wilmington). Back: Cynthia Ranalli, State Trustee Marisa Ranalli, and State First Vice President Antonio Sestito.

State President Carmelita Bello, Women’s Division Second Place team members Ann Marie Moreno, Donna Quinno, Nancy Dinelli, and Lori Cotton from the Woburn Ladies Lodge #1584, and Sports Commission Chairman Steven Cedrone.

Regina Margherita Di Savoia Mixed Lodge #1094 members Paul Reardon, Florence Ferullo Kane, Robert Oliverio (back), Kimberley DiStefano, and Linda Foureaux.





Methuen Lodge #902 Scholarship Awards

Granite State Lodge #2380

by Dottie Crisa

Celebrates Mother’s Day by Michael Dello Iacono

Chefs Jim Bonia, Krissy Telles, Matt Telles, Natalie Dello Iacono, and John Caliri prepared a wonderful lasagna dinner served with garlic bread, salad, coffee, and dessert. The dinner was held at St. Mary’s Church in Rochester, New Hampshire. (L-R): Scholarship Committee Chairman Rosemarie Castro, scholarship recipients Nicholas Mele of Greater Lawrence Technical High School, Madelyn Wallace of Methuen High School, and recipient of the Manny Cabral Memorial Scholarship, Samuel Beninato of North Andover High, and Lodge President Armand Buonnano. Missing from photo: scholarship recipient Madison Berube of Travelers Rest High School. Methuen Lodge #902 recently awarded four $1,000 scholarships to graduating high school seniors Nicholas Mele, Madelyn


Wallace, Samuel Beninato, and Madison Berube. The funds for these awards are raised through the Lodge’s annual Golf Tourna-

Methuen Lodge #902 Annual Golf Tournament by Dottie Crisa

ment every May and the generosity of member Mrs. Manuel Cabral in memory of her late husband.

(Continued from Page 9)

Forum: Careers in Medicine. She is a member of Model UN and a writing center tutor at her school. She is the senior dance team captain at Revive Dance Exchange, and plays junior varsity soccer and gymnastics, in addition to figure skating. Cori volunteers at the Beverly Bootstraps thrift store and works as a hostess at Periwinkles restaurant. MARIA MONTESSORI LODGE #1744 AWARD Stephanie Friece will be attending Becker College to major in Pre-Veterinary Science. She is a member of the Student Council and Massachusetts Girls’ State Speech and Theater Workshop for Drama Club. She is the three-time recipient of the Joe Masi Patriot League Sportsmanship Award, as well as the President’s Education Award. Stephanie swims on the varsity swimming and diving team, and has served as the captain for two years. She volunteers for the Student Council Christmas Tree Drive and founded the Thanksgiving Food Drive. She works at Papa Gino’s, the Middleboro Animal Clinic, and Lolan’s Farm, and loves horseback riding and playing the trumpet. LAWRENCE LADIES LODGE #2026 – IN MEMORY OF MARY H. PAOLINO Carlene Mosca plans to attend the University of Maine at Farmington to major in Early Childhood Education and minor in Elementary Education/Art. She is the Vice President of the Spanish Club and Lead Cantor of the Music Ministry program. She placed first in the Sylvan Essay Contest, third in the FAAN National Poster contest, and is a FAAN Legislative Ambassador Maine Representative. Carlene volunteers as an assistant teacher for Saint

Michael’s religious education program, fundraises for the Make A Wish Foundation, is a Senior Cadet in the Girl Scouts of Maine, and participates in the Susan G. Komen Foundation Walk for Hope. She runs track and field in addition to working for the City of Augusta Recreation Program. ANGELO GIUSEPPE RONCALLI LODGE #2183 AWARD Nicholas Troy is planning to attend The Citadel (Military College of South Carolina) to major in Criminal Justice. He is a member of the National Honor Society, Rotary Club, and 9/11 Memorial Committee. He received an Academic Achievement Award for Foreign Language in Italian, and the University of Rochester’s George Eastman Young Leader Award. In addition to participating in wrestling and spring track, Nicolas plays the saxophone and works as a lifeguard at the YMCA and Silver Lake. He volunteers at St. Thomas of Villanova Parish. ALDO A. CAIRA MEMORIAL AWARD Marina Otis will attend the University of Rhode Island to major in Nutrition and Dietetics and minor in Kinesiology. She is a member of the Rotary Interact Club, the recipient of the National Physical Fitness Award, and on the High Honor Roll. She plays varsity soccer and varsity winter and spring track, dances, and played freshman basketball. Marina volunteers at the Tiny Tots/Kids Club Summer Camp, and with her Sons of Italy Junior Lodge. She works part-time at Cold Stone Creamery. MARY J. GUIDA MEMORIAL AWARD Joseph Lemieux plans to attend Bentley University to major in Finance. A member

of the National Honor Society, Joseph is in the top 15 percent of his class. He plays varsity hockey, and volunteers for North Reading Learn to Skate, St. Theresa’s Church, the public library, and the Parks and Recreation Department. Joseph works as a cashier and delivery driver at Pizza Guys. ROSEMARY MALVONE L.P.N. MEMORIAL AWARD Celina Calo will be attending the Mass College of Pharmacy and Health Science to major in Nursing. She is the President of the Environmental Youth Coalition and a member of the National and Italian National Honor Societies. She is the recipient of the Young Choreography Award, and volunteers as an assistant dance teacher. Celina works as an IHOP hostess, and counts among her special talents dance, piano, and flute. PASQUALINA CIARDEILLO MEMORIAL AWARD Kyle Quitadamo plans to attend Assumption College, Springfield State or Westfield State College to major in Secondary Education and History. He was inducted in the National Honor Society his sophomore year, and was a member of the state championship team to the “We the People” program in 2014. He played in the World Series with the Auburn Senior League baseball team, and was recognized for excellence in World History and TV Production. Kyle volunteers as the high school representative at school committee meetings, and as an alter server at North American Martyrs Church. He has run cross country, indoor track, and played baseball for four years, and was a tri-sport captain his senior year. He works as a Town of Auburn Recreation Department Summer Camp Counselor.

Mike Woronka, Bob Duquette, LeeAnn Cuscia and Mike Cuscia Jr., a member of the Key Program Board of Directors. On May 16, 2014 the Methuen Lodge #902 held their annual Golf Tournament at the Merrimack Valley Golf Club in Methuen, Massachusetts. Approximately 70 golfers participated in this event. With the overcast skies and the 65 degree temperature, it was a perfect day for golf. Although there was a threat of rain, it didn’t start to drizzle until we departed the course for our typical family dinner at the new Methuen Sons of Italy building. There were many raffles and great prizes, including two pairs of Red Sox tickets and other Red Sox paraphernalia. The profits from the tournament are split between the Scholarship Program and the Key Program. The Key program continuously helps troubled youth and their families and has been quite successful throughout the area.


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WORCESTER LODGE #168 Inducts New Members and Awards Scholarships by Maria Sciannameo Ed.D.

On Thursday, May 1, 2014 Worcester Lodge #168 inducted new members and awarded four $1,000 scholarships to deserving young people. A dinner meeting was the setting for both. In attendance were State Financial Secretary Margaret Olivieri, as well as State Trustee MaryAnn Bello, State Scholarship Commission Chairman Donna Giuliani, and State Italian Culture Commission Chairman Joan D’Argenis. Lodge President Michael Sacco welcomed all in attendance, challenged new members to be active in lodge events, and encouraged scholarship recipients to not forget their Italian heritage and customs and to become members of the Order during or after graduation from college. Dinner was catered by lodge member Stella Maria Fiore, and included sausage and peppers, chicken, pasta, meatballs, salad, and a variety of desserts made by lodge members. It was a delicious meal. Members and guests enjoyed the atmosphere and each other’s company as they re-acquainted. Members of the Scholarship Committee included Coordinator Donna Giuliani, Chairman MaryAnn Bello, Mary Jane Simoncini, Rosemarie Mikitarian, and Paula Rigero. The following talented young men and women were the recipients of this year’s scholarships: The Worcester Lodge #168 Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Michael P. Sacco Jr. He is the son of Lodge President and Mrs. Michael Sacco of Worcester. Michael is a senior at St. Peter-Marian High School where he excelled in AP, Honors, and Accelerated College Prep courses. He is a member of the National Honor Society, Student Council, SADD, and the Guardians for Life, as well as an Extra-ordinary Minister of the Eucharist, and a volunteer at a food pantry. Michael has been accepted to Bentley University, Stonehill College, and Assumption College. He will be attending Bentley University and plans to major in Accounting and Finance. In February, Michael signed his national letter of intent to play football for the Bentley University Falcons. The Worcester Lodge #168 Achievement Scholarship has been awarded to Jenna Troio, daughter of John and Deborah Troio of Shrewsbury. Jenna is a senior at Shrewsbury High School where she excelled in AP and Honors courses. She is a member of the Biology and Latin Clubs, a peer tutor, and volunteers at an earlychildhood afterschool program. Jenna is a member of the National Honor Society, Latin Honor Society, and the Math Honor Society. She will be attending Worcester Polytechnic Institute, majoring in Biomedical Engineering and minoring in Chemistry. Tori Dalbec received the Worcester Lodge #168 Achievement Scholarship. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dalbec of Shrewsbury. Tori is a senior at St. Peter-Marian High School where she e xcelled in Honors and Accelerated College Prep Courses. She is a member of the varsity volleyball team, the Student Council, SADD, and Youth Against Homelessness. Tori has been a class representative and has participated in the March for Life. She will be attending Wheelock College, majoring in Elementary Education with a second field of interest in Psychology. The Worcester Lodge #168 Achievement Scholarship was awarded to Kyle Quitadamo, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Quitadamo of Auburn. Kyle is a senior at Auburn High School where he has excelled in Honors and College Prep courses. He has attended the Youth Leadership Conference, and has played on the Cross Country, Indoor Track, and Baseball teams, and was Cross Country and Indoor Track team captain. Kyle has been accepted to the University of Hartford, Westfield State, and Assumption College. He plans to major in Secondary Education with a concentration in History. Welcome to all the new members of Worcester Lodge #168, congratulations to all the scholarship recipients, and may you all have success in your future endeavors!

(L-R): Donna Giuliani, scholarship recipient Kyle Quitadamo, Lodge President Michael Sacco, and Mary Ann Bello.

(L-R): Donna Giuliani, scholarship recipient Tori Ann Dalbec, Lodge President Michael Sacco, and Mary Ann Bello.

(L-R): Donna Giuliani, scholarship recipient Michael Sacco Jr., Lodge President Michael Sacco, and Mary Ann Bello.

(L-R): Donna Giuliani, scholarship recipient Jenna Troio, Lodge President Michael Sacco, and Mary Ann Bello.

New members of Worcester Lodge #168 taking the oath of membership. BELOW: Lodge members and guests enjoying dinner and pleasant conversations.






Celebrates Carnevale D’Italia by Maria L. Sciannameo

The parade of costumes.

Members of the cooking and wait staff help Chairman Stella Fiore. On Saturday, February 8, 2014 Worcester Lodge #168 celebrated their annual Carnevale D’Italia with many family members and friends! Over 200 people enjoyed a great meal created by Stella Fiore and served by members of her family. Members of the parish CYC also helped with the event. Attendees danced up a storm, participated in the raffle, and delighted in the parade of costumes. Music was provided by the band Ambrosiani and guests danced to the music throughout the evening. The evening started with a period of getting together and enjoying a wonderful spread of hors d’oeuvres consisting of pizza, fruit, cheese, olives, and more. A delicious dinner, which included antipasto, pasta with meat sauce, and a buffet including roast beef, potatoes, tripe, and green beans, was enjoyed by everyone. This year’s event was chaired by member Stella Fiore, helped by a whole crew of volunteers, including Anne Docimo, Debbie Colletta, Cristina

LaCourse, Keri and Lucia Visci, Shannen Gray, Trinity Gustafson, Jonathan Mitchell, Sam, Isabella Keyes, Carmella Campbell, Matthew LaCourse, Matteo Colletta, Bob Docimo, Joseph LaCourse, Tabitha Docimo, Emily Docimo, Roz Consiglio, Rose Porcaro, Rosemary Mikitarian, Elena Olivieri, Carolyn Padavano, Anna Alano, and Maria Sciannameo. Raffle donations came from many sources, including Worcester businesses and lodge members. The Parade of costumes was one of the highlights of the evening, featuring many unique and colorful costumes.

The only drawback of the evening was that everyone hoped all the entries could win a prize! First place was won by Caterina Valentine and her husband Robert, who donned costumes of a female matador and bull. Second place was won by Lynn Ciociolo, donning a great Jester’s costume, and third prize was won by a couple dressed in ’60s attire. To top off the evening, the piñata was broken by Robert Valentine Jr. Lucky guy! Prizes were awarded to all the winners. Everyone had a fun, great time, and is looking forward to next year’s celebration! See you then!

Enjoying the festivities, good food, and great friends!





Granite State Lodge #2380 Valentine’s Day Breakfast

Wilmington Junior Lodge Donates to BIRTHDAY IN A BOX

by Mike Dello Iacono

by Charles DeStefano

Members of the Wilmington Junior Lodge collecting donations for the Birthday in a Box organization.

(L-R): Elena Centi Pizzutelli, Natalie Dello Iacono, and Clelia Urcuioli. The Granite State Lodge #2380 held a Valentine’s Day breakfast on Sunday, February 9, 2014 at St. Mary’s church hall. The menu consisted of eggs, sausages, biscuits, bananas, coffee, and juice.

LODGE EVENTS Friday, August 22nd — 1:30 pm. Quincy Lodge #1295 — GOLF OUTING — President’s Golf Course, 357 West Squantum Street, Quincy, MA. Four-person team: $440.00/Individual player: $110.00. Call Ted Myers at 781-243-1938 or Gerry Sheehan at 617-839-3272. Saturday, September 13th — Giuseppe Verdi Lodge #278 (East Weymouth) — 100TH ANNIVERSARY — Sons of Italy, 15 Whitman Street, East Weymouth, MA. Tickets: $50.00. Call Norm Bagen at 617-479-7917 or 781-335-9820.

On Sunday, April 27, 2014 the Wilmington Junior Lodge gathered prior to the start of their monthly meeting to support their latest charitable endeavor, Birthday in a Box. Birthday in a Box is an organization that supplies needy children with all the party items they need to celebrate their birthday. Lodge

members loaded the boxes with cake mix, baking pans, frosting, candles, party decorations, and a present. Since their inception in 2009, the Wilmington Junior Lodge has had a history of giving back to the community. Some of their past donations have gone to programs like the American Cancer Society Relay for Life,

Local Heroes, Shriner’s pull tab collections, and the adopt an U.S. Army Platoon Program. If your Lodge would like to learn more about Junior Lodges, or how to institute your own Junior Lodge, contact Junior Division President Charles DeStefano at charles. destefano@comcast.net o r 978-404-6777.

Lawrence Ladies Lodge #2026 Scholarship Awards by Josie Paolino

www.sewbizfabrics.com Susan Mirra, Lodge #1035 - Fall River, MA 02723 Grand Lodge of Massachuetts 93 Concord Avenue Belmont, MA 02478 (617) 489-5234 newspaper@osiama.org


(L-R): Betty Giarrusso, Ruth Giordano, Rose Paolino, scholarship recipients Felicia Farrana, Magdalene Kwakye, and Michael Giannone, Scholarship Chair Josephine Paolino, and Teresa Petralia.

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On May 21, 2014, the Lawrence Ladies Lodge #2026, sponsored by the Service Center of Greater Lawrence, held a scholarship reception at DiBurro’s to award three $1,500 Josephine I. Rizzo Scholarships. The recipients are Felicia Faranna, a graduate of Whittier Tech High School who will be attending New England Institute of Technology, majoring in Mechanical Engineering, Michael Giannone, a graduate of Andover High School who will be attending the University of New Hampshire, majoring in Business Management, and Magdalene Kwakye, a graduate of Methuen High School who will be attending Clark University, majoring in Psychology.

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G. Marconi Lodge #1620 Spaghetti Dinner by Sandra and Steve Cozzaglio

Head Cook Peg Daley. On Saturday, May 17, 2014, a Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser for G. Marconi Lodge #1620 charity and scholarship funds was held at St. Mary’s School gym. Five Junior Lodge #1610 members, including Caitlyn Gooley, Meghan Scapin, Elizabeth Consolati, and Mathew and Andrew Consolati, were joined by Senior Lodge mem-

Barbara and Peter Scolforo.

Lodge member Lynda Newton. bers Chrissy Bona, Lorita Trombly, Rico Smachetti, Jean Killacky and Lynda Newton and served as the wait staff for the evening. The menu for the affair consisted of spaghetti, homemade meatballs, Italian bread, salad, coffee, tea, and dessert. Water, soda, wine, and beer were on sale, and take-out meals were also available. During the year, the Lodge supports Alzheimer’s, Cooley’s Anemia, Casa Monte Cassino, Coaches for Cancer, Autism, Lee Youth Association, the United Way, and gives two $750 scholarships each year. For those who might not know, the Casa Monte Cassino (House of Monte Cassino) is named after the huge monastery in Italy that was bombed

(L-R): Ron Nickerson, Rico Smachetti, Jean Killackey, and Ed Rizzardinni.

Ann O’Brien and family.

(L-R): First Row: Caitlyn Gooley and Meghan Scapin. Second Row: David Consolati, Elizabeth Consolati, Lodge President Nelson Daley and Junior Lodge Adviser Elaine Consolati. Third Row: Mathew & Andrew Consolati. during World War II. This house is located in Boston, a short distance from Hanover Street. It was once a convent that was converted into a home for those from out of the country, who at no cost, are allowed to stay there when their family members are at Boston hospitals. Many have worked to make this a success. An energetic group of Lodge members had gathered to set-up the room: Ed Rizzardini, Alex Nardacci, Richard and Judy Brittain, Anna Van Lingen, Conrad Decker, Tom Cinella, Ann and Tony Bona, and Sandra Cozzaglio. An exhibit created by Stephen Cozzaglio featured Sons of Italy information and culture, the US and Italian flags, and a gondolier in his gondola. Our charter and pictures taken over the years were on display. The dinner was prepared by our able cook, Peggy Daley, and assistants Nelson Daley, Ron Nickerson, Lucy Bodega, Linda Winters, Mary Ann Fennelly, Kathleen Curtain, and Ann and Tony Bona. Donations were received from many local businesses and organizations. The winner of the 50/50 Raffle, Ed Rizzardini, donated his winnings to the Lodge, making the total profit for the evening $1,273.56. We thank all who helped through your donations, assistance at the event, selling tickets, buying tickets, and supporting this event.

(L-R): Meghan Scapin, Lorita Trombly, and Caitlyn Gooley.

Waitress Chrissy Scolforo with Jeanette and Chris Scolforo.

(L-R): Fred Brown, Michael Vecchia, and Tom Boyne.

Conrad Decker and Tony Bona.




Figli D’Italia Lodge #2692 Scholarship Awards


Braintree Ladies Lodge #1422 Holds Pajama Party by Angela Geso

by MaryAnn Ankiewicz

(L-R): Lodge President Angela Maraia, grandmother of recipient Triana Jean Maraia; Christopher Maraia, father of recipient Tiana Jean Maraia; recipient Tiana Jean Maraia; Joyce Demas, mother of recipient Zachary Demas; recipient Zachary Demas; and Jean Rossi, grandmother of recipient Zachary Demas. On May 19, 2014, the Figli D’Italia Lodge #2692 of Saugus awarded scholarships in memory of Albert A. Maraia to two deserving students who will be attending college in the fall.

Members of the Braintree Ladies Lodge #1422 enjoying their Pajama Party. Seated are Co-Chairmen Angela Geso (left) and Corinne Fasano (right). Members of the Braintree Ladies Lodge #1422 showed up in pajamas, nightgowns, and bathrobes for their Annual Pajama Party at the February meeting. In addition to enjoying pizza and salad, the members also brought in their slightly used handbags, jewelry, and other accessories to swap with each other so

that no one left empty-handed. All the accessories that were left were donated to Dress for Success, a local non-profit program that pre-pares disadvantaged women for entry into the job market. Vice President Angela Geso and Trustee Corinne Fasano were the event co-chairmen.

In Memory In Remembrances The Grand Lodge received notification of the death of the following members. The Grand Lodge of Massachusetts extends sincere condolences to the members of their families. LODGE NAME Worcester #168 Worcester #168 Worcester #168 Worcester #168 Worcester #168 Cristoforo Colombo Regina Elena #169 Cristoforo Colombo Regina Elena #169 Cristoforo Colombo Regina Elena #169 Cristoforo Colombo Regina Elena #169 Cristoforo Colombo Regina Elena #169 Christopher Columbus #216 Venezia #374 Gorizia #467 Gorizia #467 ITAM #564 ITAM #564 ITAM #564 ITAM #564 Dante Alighieri #648 Dante Alighieri #648 Dante Alighieri #648 Vittorio Veneto #1035 Vittorio Veneto #1035 Vittorio Veneto #1035 Piave Fiume #1036 Piave Fiume #1036 Ambrose D. Cedrone #1069 Regina Margherita Mixed #1094 Veturia Romana #1200 Norwood Italian #1235 Norwood Italian #1235 Quincy Men #1295 Quincy Men #1295 Francesco DeSanctis #1411 Quattro Eroi #1414 Winchester Men #1580 Sgt. Guido Petrilli #1606 G. Marconi #1620 Victor Emanuel #1646 Wakefield #1734 Minerva #1846 Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli #2183 Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli #2183 Greater Boston Renaissance #2614

CITY Worcester Worcester Worcester Worcester Worcester Fitchburg Fitchburg Fitchburg Fitchburg Fitchburg Brockton Rockland Rumford Rumford Pittsfield Pittsfield Pittsfield Pittsfield Waltham Waltham Waltham Fall River Fall River Fall River Watertown Watertown Newton Waltham Salem Norwood Norwood Quincy Quincy Natick Franklin Winchester Roslindale Lee Haverhill Wakefield Stoughton Wilmington Wilmington Boston

NAME Dina Dionne Mary L. Jasper Natale Losapio Ida Sebring Dorothy R. Tufano Richard Boudreau David Brogna Sarah Capodagli Marion G. Madonia Theresa A. Murchie Louise Sylvester Angelo J. Umbrianna Dr. Robert Saisi Rocco John Salatino Lucy Bernardo Ir ma DiNicola Emily LaFramboise Jenio J. Santolin Michael C. Mula Joseph Sabetti Guy Vallerand Christina Conforti Maria G. Panell Joseph F. Saravo Roberto Nardone Nicholas Rozzi Earl T. Criel Frances M. Giordano Constance Poretta Rose M. Gallazzi Angelina B. Higgins Peter M. Marinelli Thomas McCarthy Carmella M. Torti Rose Pepin Orlando Subrizio Lucille M. Vadala Joseph J. Scapin Sr. John W. Auriemma Bernard R. Horn Teresa M. Leahy Mary I. Carrozza Vita O. Sinopoli Domenic J. F. Russo

In Memory of Domenic J. F. Russo

In Memory of James Salemme by friend Lucy Codella

by Stephen & Sandra Cozzaglio

MEMORIAMS SONS OF ITALY NEWS Name of Deceased: ____________________________________________________________________ Name of Bereaved: ____________________________________________________________________ Street Address: _______________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: _______________________________________________________________________ Name of Donor: ______________________________________________________________________ Street Address: _______________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: _______________________________________________________________________ TYPE/PRINT MESSAGE IN BOX

SELECT MEMORIAM TYPE One Line ........................................$10.00

Small Box 1¾ by ¾" ..........................$20.00

Medium Box 3¾ by ¾" .................$35.00

Large Box 5½ by 1½" ......................$100.00

Make all checks payable to:Charitable & Educational Trust Mail check and form to: Charitable & Educational Trust, 93 Concord Avenue, Belmont MA 02478

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