Why does Your Child Need Braces?

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Why does Your Child Need Braces? Although not every child will need braces, but the chances are that if you had braces as a youngster, your son or daughter will need them as well. Many of the reasons braces are needed are inherited from our parents, such as malocclusion, which is a size difference in the upper and lower jaw. This is also referred to as an overbite or an under bite. There are several other reasons that braces may be needed, including problems with the jaw and teeth caused by tooth decay, baby teeth that come out too soon, bad habits like thumb sucking or accidents. If teeth overlap, grow in crooked or are overcrowded, braces can help correctly align teeth or straighten them and help properly space them. The Age for Braces A Los Angeles Orthodontist may recommend braces for children as young as eight-yearsold. However, the usual rule of thumb is to wait until they have lost their baby teeth and most of their adult teeth have grown in. Your child may start seeing an orthodontist before then for examinations and treatments if problems have been spotted with their jaw or teeth.

Some children may not need braces until their teenage years, it just depends on why they are needed and how their mouth develops or if they have been injured. Kids who participate in sports may sustain injuries that can push their teeth out of alignment or injure their jaw, requiring braces. How Long are Braces Worn? Usually, a child will need to wear braces for about two years, but it depends on how long it takes to fix the problem that prompted the need for braces. After the braces come off, many children will wear a retainer so that the teeth do not slip out of alignment.

How Much do Braces Cost? One of the most expensive dental treatments for children is braces. Braces can average about $5,000, but some of the costs will be covered if you have dental insurance. However, insurance sometimes doesn't cover all that much and you can still be left with a hefty bill. You may be able to shop around for the best priced braces in Los Angeles or you can contact dental schools, as well as charities that offer braces for reduced prices. Your orthodontist may be able to refer you to programs that can help you cover the cost of braces so your child doesn't have to do without them. He or she may also offer financing so you can spread the payments out in order to afford the braces. Braces can help correct a child's bite and improve how the teeth look cosmetically as well. If you needed braces as a child, you may start saving up money for when your children are older in case they need them as well. This will help prepare you to cover the costs when braces are needed.

Contact Us: 360 Orthodontics Address: 1609 Westwood Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90024 Phone: 310-906-4911 WebSite: http://www.360orthodontics.com/

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