ORIGIN Magazine

Page 147

(Charlie at Anwu Elementary School in China)

communities in the world, started when Charlie asked himself, “What is pure love?” The answer was pretty clear. While traveling the world and crisscrossing America over the last eight years, Charlie was always awed by people’s loving response to his ever-present golden retriever, Lucky. From the coal mining towns of Mississippi to the cold streets of Detroit, from the towers of New York to death row at San Quentin— wherever they ventured, Lucky always opened peoples’ hearts and minds. Charlie understood the powerful connection these “guardians angels of the human spirit” could generate, and he grasped the profound love that exists between a dog and its custodian. He wondered how he could facilitate a conversation about this connection, and help people to share their love of dogs with one another. Since the community’s inception in November 2010, Dog Bless You has managed to do just that—and then some. Mixing his life’s work of philanthropy and his love of dogs, Charlie has given the community an opportunity to do more than just share cute pictures and converse—(which they do in abundance) he has created an opportunity for people to participate in spreading the selfless acts of dogs to people who need them. At SXSW last year, 150,000 people helped send search and rescue dogs to Japan just

days after the earthquake ravaged that country. During the summer of 2011, thousands more participated in a Dog Bless USA campaign that paired service dogs with 36 war vets who were returning home with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. While spreading awareness about the realities and repercussions of war, the campaign also brought out the best in people—some would come forward with their pains, while others would gather to show support.

“Charlie understood the powerful connection these “guardians angels of the human spirit” could generate, and he grasped the profound love that exists between a dog and its custodian.” Even with incredible live streams of nature, a global dog community, and a vast library of photos and films, Charlie would contend that explore.org has no agenda, but those who get a chance to speak with him may disagree: he is clearly focused on providing experiences that change people’s lives for the better. www. explore.org

(Charlie and Lucky next to a fallen redwood)

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