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活动汇/ EVENTS 2013 open-air stages including at the Grand Place, and dozens of clubs and jazz cafes will hold about 160 concerts in three days! www.brusselsjazzmarathon.be

2013.05.02 – 2013.05.12 法语歌曲,摇滚乐,电子乐, 还有其他各类音乐在此聚 集。为期十天的音乐节绝对 能让您尽兴狂欢。期间的音 乐 会 将 在 Cirque Royal, Rotonde Art Déco 和 Orangerie 等绝佳的地点举行。 French pop, rock, electro music, and much more ; these ten days will definitely make you want to dance through the night ! The concer ts will be held in marvellous places such as the Cirque Royal, the Rotonde Ar t Déco or the Orangerie. 地址/Address: Le Botanique Rue Royale 236 – 1210 Brussels www.botanique.be

2013.05.26 对于运动爱好者,换上您的 运动鞋与其他25000参与者一 同跑步穿越布鲁塞尔最漂亮 的街巷吧!您同样也可以在比 赛的沿途观看或是为运动员 们呐喊助威。 Sport lovers, put on your sneakers and get ready to run on Brussels’ most beautiful avenues and boulevards, along with 25000 participants!

If sport is not really your thing, you can still come and encourage the brave runners! Esplanade du Cinquantenaire 地址/Address : Place de la Chapelle 17 – 1000 Brussels www.sibp.be www.20km.be

Culinaria 2013.05.30 – 2013.06.02 米其林星级名厨汇集于此, 分享他们的美食经验。在此 您还能品尝到顶级的美食。 A Michelin star-studded cast is gathering for an outstanding culinary experience. The best chefs slave over their hot stove while the audience can have a taste of their finest cuisine. 地址/Address : Tour & Taxis Avenue du Port 86c – 1000 Brussels

Brussels Oriental Art Fair - BOA Brussels Ancient Art Fair - BAAF Brussels Non-European Art Fair - BRUNEAF 2013.06.05 – 2013.06.09 在此期间Grand Sablon区域 将会人潮拥挤。数天内,三 个与古董相关的活动将带您 发现和了解古董,亚洲的和 非洲的艺术精品。 The Grand Sablon district is going to be crowded! Three events in a few days to discover antique, Asian and African art. 地址/Location: Grand Sablon



Out Loud ! 2013.06.05 – 2013.06.29

Ommegang 2013.07.02 , 2013.07.04

临近市中心证卷交易所。在建 筑顶部还能欣赏免费的电影和 音乐会。来此能感受到热情且 独特的氛围,活动期间每天下 午五点到凌晨。 Just near the Bourse, free films and concer ts on a roof! Come and enjoy a very warm and special atmosphere, from 5 pm till late.

这是一个在布鲁塞尔历史上 最重要的传统节日之一。 Ommegang重现了一个具有声 望的庆祝活动,为的是纪念 1549年的Charles Quint。在 这个庆祝活动中,超过1000 套那个年代的服装将为您重 现当时的民俗风情和氛围。

地址/Address :Beursschouwburg Rue Auguste Orts 20- 28 – 1000 Brussels

This traditional festival is one of the most important in Brussels’ history. The Ommegang re-creates a pres-

布鲁塞尔2013春夏季 / Spring-Summer 2013 | 65

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