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比利时特产 /


© Godiva

GODIVA 1926年由比利时人Joseph Draps创办,并以传说中尊 贵的Godiva夫人命名。Godiva在大广场 Grand Place 上的专卖店总是门庭若市,相当部分是中国游客, 因此店里面一直有讲华语的营业员。Godiva 在 Grand Sablon,Avenue Louise 大街上也有专卖 店。 www.godiva.com Godiva was founded in 1926 by Joseph Draps and was named after Lady Godiva.The first boutique was opened in the Grand Place in Brussels, and is still today one of the most popular chocolate shops. There are also (plus “correct/courant” que “also are”) flagship stores on Avenue Louise and in Grand Sablon.

趣事/Fun Facts

克力不但美味,而 且能补充体能,提 升性欲,并具有抗 抑郁的效果。因此,在比 利时的某些场所还提供专 门的“巧克力治疗”。 Chocolate is not just delicious, it is also restorative, energising, an aphrodisiac and an antidepressant. For those reasons, several centres offering chocolate therapies have opened across Belgium.



这个品牌是 Jean Galler 在1976 年创立。产品自成系列,而且 有编号。比如说Noir 85,就是 含85%的可可;Noir70,就是含 70%的可可。专卖店在布鲁塞尔 有三家,其中一家在大广场附 近,夏天也卖冰淇淋。 Galler 一直在推广巧克力配葡萄酒的 新奇搭配。

创始于1919年真正的比利时传统 果仁巧克力,共70种不同口味。 自1942年以来一直荣获比利时皇 室御用授权,您可以去参观巧克 力展览和巧克力工厂。45分钟的 漫步会让您完全了解到巧克力的 历史,从古老的玛雅文明到巧克 力糖的制作,MARY在北京设有分 店,更多的相关信息可以查阅他 们的中文网站。


www.mary.be Jean Galler was born in a world of sweets, as the family business was pastry. In 1976, he launched his own enterprise and has never lost his values since then; passion for chocolate, pride in perfection and creativity. Sold internationally, Galler has three shops in Brussels, where he offers chocolates and ice creams during the summer. Galler is also famous for complementing chocolate and wine, an interesting innovation.

52 | 布鲁塞尔2013春夏季 / Spring-Summer 2013

Mary opened its first chocolate boutique in 1919, with more than 70 different kinds of chocolate associated with a wide variety of nuts. In 1942, the brand becomes one of the Belgian royal warrant holders.Today, the headquarters are still on Rue royal where the first shop was established, although the production was moved to the Arsenal, where customers can learn about Mary’s story and even make their own chocolates.

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