Growing use of open source technologies

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Growing Use of Open Source Technologies in Various Industry Sectors Open Source technologies are gaining demand and popularity worldwide for innovative web application development. We have discussed about this here and also about how it supports companies involved in different businesses. Extensive use of web technologies not only in different areas of industries but also each area related to human life has brought a kind of revolution in the area of web technologies itself. Lot many choices are available to developers. The best part is; free readymade source codes are available free with easy to customize options. There might be thousand business reasons for providing such free solutions; Open source development is the trend that has changed the industry scenarios of technology. Open source development is a common word and even people from non-technical background must have heard of it. In simple words, open source software development can be defined as the process by which open source software is often developed. Open source software means the software whose source code is available publicly. These are software or software products that are available with its source code and under an open source license. It sounds little confusing to think or to suggest that freely available software can be better than licensed software. But still, the open source software has got remarkable space in technical world. Apple was the first major computer company that had made Open Source development a key part of its software strategy. Till date, it has continued to develop, to use and to release significant numbers of open source software. Its Bonjour, Java, UNIX and Webkit are well known and successful releases. Apart of those; Zenoss, Mono, Apache, SugarCRM, Drupal, My SQL, Magento, Pentaho – listing the details of all open sources technologies, frameworks and platforms and the fields where they are widely used, can be a little huge task but experienced Open Source development vendors knows the best solution for the particular project. At the time of technology selection, they consider the future support aspects as well.

In a day to day life; an average internet user enjoys open source like anything. For example; the Firefox Web browser or WordPress blogging software, the list can be never ending. Many commercial Web giants like Amazon also rely on open source software such as Linux or Apache to power their services. One of the most popular social networking sites, Facebook has also been developed from the ground up using open source software. With the history of more than 30 years, today open source development has emerged as a cost effective, agile and scalable technology trend. The requirement is either simple web pages or complex portals and Rich Internet Applications, open source technologies have always supported robust application developments. Softweb Solutions efficiently uses various open source technologies for different industry sectors at affordable prices. We deliver secured, flexible, reliable, stable and cost-effective solutions to all our clients worldwide. About Softweb Solutions Softweb Solutions is open source website development company and we have extensive experience of developing various types of websites using various open source technologies and platforms. For your website solutions you can also hire dedicated developers,

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