Lavylites en

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DESCRIPTION ­ LAVYLITES PRODUCTS The international established, Hungarian scientist of medical development Tibor Jakabovic has made a huge breakthrough, with potential on a worldwide scale, in the field of nanotechnology possible. The nano­technological discovery is cause of a particle, which, because of its specific three­dimensional structure and small size, is able to not only penetrate our many layers of skin and tissue, as far as the cells of our bones together with other active substances. The cell membranes of the different tissue types also let the molecules of the active substance molecules easily pass into their cells. Thanks to this nanoscale effect it is possible to transfer the active substances by appliance on the skin all the way to the bone cells in a matter of seconds (8­30 seconds). This effect is applied with positive results in the area of cosmetic appearance and your status of health. It is being said that this worldwide first, patented extraction technology has enourmos positive influences. The active substances and information (oscillations) gathered amongst other things out of minerals, healing crystals, healing plants and –herbs and colloidal metals are combined in a way, in which they are able to promote each other and enhance their impact exponentially. Because of this there are more than 3000 ingredients present in Lavylites products. Lavylites products do not contain any animal­based chemicals or ingredients. Please contact us if you are interested in more Information about Lavylites effect, Lavylites products or if you have any other questions, no matter which kind. We are glad to help and talk to you! Because of legal reasons it is not allowed to pass on further information. Test the products for yourself and get your own impression! Currently the delivery takes 1­2 weeks. To see a List of Products and their you have to either Subscribe to our Newsletter Or Write us an Email or fill out the form and we will send you the full list. Legal notice: Lavylites products are not approved medicinal products, they do not claim to heal successfully. Fine working essences medical treatments and therapies support positively and speed up the healing process. The treatments are done at your own risk and do not replace the diagnosis or treatment of a doctor or medical practitioner or limit it. There are no

promises of salvation made, and a cure in the medical and conventional sense, is not to be inferred. So when in doubt, follow the instructions of your doctor, or other practitioner, or pharmacist you trust! Source: Verein für Bildung und Gesundheit, Zürcherstr. 13, CH­5401 Baden,Dr. Rezsö von Kapy, medical and scientific staff member A, CH, D, FL. Translation by Google Translate; Corrections have been made afterwards to keep the meaning and content in accordance with the original citation. In Europe it is illegal to make health claims about any kind of products besides pharmaceutical produce, which is the reason why this warning is stated. YOU ARE FREE TO ASK QUESTIONS ABOUT LAVYLITES OR THEIR PRODUCTS!

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