Warwick Ahead Newsletter #10

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Warwick Ahead Newsletter #10 - December 2014

What is Warwick Ahead? Warwick Ahead is a project funded by Big Local it is an exciting opportunity for residents in 150 areas around England to use at least £1m to make a massive and lasting positive difference to their communities. It’s about bringing together all the local talent, ambitions, skills and energy from individuals, groups and organisations who want to make their area an even better place to live. Big Local is being run by Local Trust, which is working with over £200m from the Big Lottery Fund and a range of partners providing expert advice and support for residents. The four programme outcomes for Big Local are: 1. Communities will be better able to identify local needs and take action in response to them. 2. People will have increased skills and confidence, so that they continue to identify and respond to needs in the

Warwick Wheels – Launches!

future. 3. The community will make a difference to the needs it prioritises. 4. People will feel that their area is an even better place to live.

The most recent and ambitious project is Warwick Wheels a new community transport project for the area, funded by Big Local

Warwick Ahead is run by a Community Board

and run by Osgoldcross

made up of local residents, there are lots of

Forum we are looking for

ways other residents can get involved in helping

volunteers to get involved.

decide what the £1m is spent on, get in touch

The Community Bus will be available for local jour-

with us through any of the links in this newsletter

neys from the estate, into Knottingley, Castleford

or come to an event/meeting. Lots of projects

and Pontefract – it will also be available for groups.

are being funded and set up to benefit the

The bus is a membership scheme and it will be

community of Warwick Estate and Knottingley.

launched at the Warwick Ahead Christmas Fayre on

It is early days of this project so there is lots of

Saturday 29th November at Pinewood Place 1.00-

opportunities to get involved.


The Addy Youthy

Run Riot Sessions

Free youth club, open Thursday evenings

Every Thursday 3.30-5.30pm term time, school

6-8pm for young people aged 11-19.

holidays 3pm – 5pm. FREE “stay and play” session for children with additional needs. This session provides children with the opportunity to play freely in an unrestricted but safe environment alongside. Each week a variety of activities and resources are available for the children to use and play with. Please contact the Addy on 01977 670953 for further details. (Below) Ebony making smoothies

Youthy members at Xscape The youthy has been running for almost 3 years at the Old Quarry Adventure Playground on Sycamore Avenue in Knottingley. Within the last year the 2 hour sessions have provided young people with skiing experiences, various sports related activities, movie nights, volunteering prospects, cooking, help and advice and a space that they associate as being their own, even just somewhere to chill with their friends! If you have never visited the youthy before and are not yet part of the Addy youthy team pop in for a visit and join in!

The Addy Carol Service Tuesday 16th December 12.00 noon Carol service with warm drinks and mince pies Transport available, please join us Please contact Holly Corbett on 01977 670953

The Run Riot Group are working with One to One Development Trust to create a healthy eating app game called Fast Food. The children have been making smoothies and creating characters for the game and the parents working on some healthy recipes! The project will be launched in March 2015.

Simpsons Lane Academy

for residents to help build self-esteem and develop

Children from Years 3-5 have been working with

sessions were also delivered to six community

One to One Development Trust on a film and animation project about what makes a happy and healthy community. The children have written stories and created animation about what would be important on a new planet they discover.

relaxation skills which 13 people enjoyed. Taster groups and a number of residents started one to one counselling. The feedback from residents who used this Service has been really good. In September the Warwick Ahead Board voted to invest more funding into this service. Sessions will be running in the estate from January through the year. Please contact Kathy Engler on 0113 3055802 if you would like to be involved in a group or find out more.

Warwick Community Group get creative Warwick Community Group have been working with the Art House on a series of artist-led projects about living in Warwick. Creative Warwick is funded by South West Yorkshire NHS Trust Creative Minds Miss Copely’s class Funded through Big Local the film project is a way of getting more people involved in Warwick Ahead, capturing what different people on the estate want and how changes can be made. “I’ll be 19 when the £1m on Warwick Estate is spent, so people need to listen to what we want and have to say, as it’s our home and our estate.” - Year 5 pupil Follow the Warwick Ahead Facebook page for details about when the film will be launched.

Warwick Well-being Project

and Arts Council England and has seen 3 artists run a series of free workshops between April and November. Warwick Community Group run a range of activities from craft sessions, trips, through to a diabetes group. Anyone is welcome to pop in and get involved. 9 Pinewood Place, Warwick Estate

Award Winning Residents Congratulations to 3 Warwick Ahead residents who were presented with ‘Love Where You Live Awards’ by WDH Matthew Poxon – ‘Working with young people’ 2nd place

Leeds Mind and Wakefield Well Women’s Centre were funded by Warwick Ahead to run a three month pilot project to help address issues of

Hazel Richardson ‘Working with older people’ 1st place & ‘Green Hero’ 2nd place Mary Gladman ‘Good Neighbour’ 2nd place

depression and promote well-being. 33 people engaged in the peer to peer support sessions. ‘Liking me’ and ‘Relax and Chill’ groups were run

For more information about Warwick Ahead please call Judi on 07901686142 or email info@onetoonedevelopment.org

Residents star photo

Thank you to Andy and Sophie Cable for sending in this fantastic photo of a double rainbow over the estate. If you have a favourite photo of the estate please email it to: info@onetoonedevelopment.org

Warwick Savers Loan Shop Warwick Ahead – Big Local are really pleased to have joined up with Leeds City Credit Union to run the Warwick Savers Loan Shop on the estate. Warwick Ahead funding is paying for Haley Frost to be our local Credit Union worker. Haley is on the estate every Friday and can help you with loans, saving and advice.

Projects supported by Warwick Ahead in the Community Plan: •

Community Caretaker Job

Weekly Luncheon Club for older people

Community Events (next one Christmas Fayre)

Ongoing support of the Addy

Fitness Zumba Class

Knottingley Angels cheerleaders coaching

Warwick Watchers - Junior Neighbourhood Watch

On going support of the Warwick Community Group

Film Project, newsletters and social media One to One Development Trust

Counselling and Peer to Peer support - Leeds Mind

Warwick Wheels Community Transport Osgoldcross Forum

Better Gardens Pilot Project - Groundwork

Natural Play Spaces Pilot Project - TCV

Warwick Savers - Leeds City Credit Union

Warwick Neighbourhood Watch - The Lanes Project

In 2015 we will be recruiting for a Warwick Ahead Big Local Community Development Worker

Warwick Ahead Meetings Come to a Warwick Ahead Community Board meeting at the Addy: Monday 15th December at 10.00am Monday 26th January at 10.00am Friday 27th February at 10.00am AGM Monday 23rd March at 6.00pm.

Meetings not your thing? Then follow Warwick Ahead on facebook.com/warwickaheadonline and Twitter @warwickahead

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