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Nastopamo lahko skupaj z ramo ob rami. Namen projekta »Slovenska hiša, Peking 2008« je celovita promocija Slovenije ter skupni in povezan nastop na področju športa, gospodarstva, turizma in kulture. Predstavite se in vzpostavite neposredne stike s številnimi gospodarstveniki ter poiščite poslovne priložnosti v Slovenski hiši na olimpijskih igrah v Pekingu v času med 8. in 24. avgustom 2008.

We can act together, hand in hand. The purpose of the project “Slovenian House, Beijing 2008” is a wholesome promotion of Slovenia by harmonious presentation of its sports, economy, tourism and culture. May we therefore kindly invite you all to present yourselves at not only the world’s biggest sports event but also a major business event and establish direct contacts with numerous representatives of worldwide companies at the “Slovenian House Beijing 2008” from 8 August throughout 24 August 2008.

Medijski sponzor

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