Chi nei Tsang Internal organs chi Massage (Mantak chia)

Page 195

Chapter V

The processing of food is not the only cause of constipation. Some people lack the ability to commit themselves and hold back from normal human involvement, perhaps through fear. They may be unaware that this behavior may be the reason they are often constipated. If the large intestine gets constipated and enlarges, it will stop the free motion of the diaphragm. Roemheld, a German doctor, discovered the syndrome that was later named after him (the Roemheld Syndrome). He found that gas pressure building up in the intestine causes increased contraction of the rib cage and attracts stagnant toxicity all along the length of the diaphragm area. This will eventually press against the heart area under the rib cage and can create feelings of anxiety, heart pains, and breathing difficulties. This energy back up is sometimes referred to as “constipation” of the heart. Constipation can cause an accumulation of mucus in the lungs resulting in asthmatic symptoms. It can also be the cause of psoas muscle, leg, and back pain.

3. Diarrhea Diarrhea is the abnormal frequency and liquidity of the feces. Western medicine has named over 50 varieties. It can be caused by failure of the ileum (the lower part of the small intestine) and the colon to absorb sufficient water. Sometimes worry and anxiety causes over stimulation of the nerves, which cause hyper-peristaltic movement and premature discharge. Diarrhea can be beneficial if the body needs to expel toxins or parasites. In Chinese medicine the most common cause of diarrhea is too much Yang energy in the spleen and kidneys. This energy needs to be balanced, a technique you will be taught in Chapter 7.

4. Colonic Irrigation It bears mentioning that while CNT probably offers the best techniques available anywhere for irrigating and clearing the large intestine, it is advisable to have at least one high colonic irrigation to have a healthy digestive and elimination system. This involves full irrigation of the colon all the way to the cecum. The colon is full of cracks, fissures, and bend. Usually its walls are caked and lined with junk material that has been collecting there since childhood. The only way to clean it properly is to give it a good hosing; this - 195 -

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