Technical Program Manager Interview...

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Technical Program Manager Interview

Program Management Technical Program Manager Interview this will contain 3 distinct parts 1.System Design Questions - Typically here you will be asked one system design question and you will have an entire hour to go over the below 1.Ask more questions understand the question well. 2.Use cases of the question you are tackling 3.Draw out the flow diagram 4.Detail out the API calls 5.Detail out the type data stores and how the interact 6.Talk on scalability, concurrency, durability and caching. 7.You should be prepared to discuss various system design decisions and why you made those decisions. What you could do differently. 2.Questions on Project / Program Management. Some examples would be 1.How would you handle non- productive developers ? 2.How would you increase the efficiency of your development team ? 3.How would you describe critical path and float in a program ? 4.How do you deal with stress, pressure, and unreasonable demands? 5.What are the tools you would use to ensure your program will succeed. 6.If you come about an early delay in one of your milestones what would you do ?

7.Describe a situation when you had conflicting responsibilities and how did you handle it ? 8.How do you decide if you would like to you traditional project management vs Agile methodologies ? 9.How would you manage cross team dependences and deliverables. 10.What are the main things you would look for when you are running a cross team Program ? 3.Behavioral questions 1.Describe a situation where used your leadership skills to help your project team meet a difficult challenge. 2.Describe a situation where you should you technical aptitude and solved an issue. 3.Describe a situation where you negotiated a win win situation. You can find a lot more information here - Roles and responsibilities of Technical Program Managers

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