Everything You Ever Wanted Or Needed To Know About IPhone...

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Everything You Ever Wanted Or Needed To Know About IPhone

ΘΗΚΕΣ IPHONE PUBLIC Accessing and building your social network is easier than ever with an iPhone. Many people still haven't figured out how to accomplish this for some reason. This article will show you how to connect your social media to your iPhone. To dry an iPhone that's wet, use rice. Life happens and more than likely your phone will fall into some water at one point or another. Rather than using a dryer, dry the phone with some paper towel and place it inside a rice filled ziploc bag. This should dry out the phone, usually after a few hours or by waiting until the following morning. You can use your headphone cord to make picture-taking a snap. By using the cord buttons with one hand, you can keep your phone hand steadier. This will improve the overall quality of your photograph. Lower your iPhone's brightness to save your battery. The brightness level can be lowered from the iPhone's settings area. Your battery will last longer using this method, which may make quite the difference in long-term use. It is now possible for Siri to let your program a location-based reminder. No longer do you need to give Siri a time to remind you of a specific task. For example, ask Siri to remind you to do something when you arrive at your destination. Your phone will detect where you are and tell you about whatever reminder you set. You'll be able to use reminders more effectively by making them location-based instead of time-based. One of the best buys you can make for your iPhone is a protective screen. Without such a protective device, the phone is sure to get scratched and dinged. Even a tiny bit of dirt on the fingertip or keys in your pocket will scratch the screen. Make sure your phone is always covered by protection. Are there special characters such as umlauts or accents that you would like to use in your texts? This is actually quite simple to accomplish. Hold down the alphabet character you want to accent instead of tapping it. You will get a box that shows you several extra keys. You will then be able to type as many fancy letter as you want. Do you want to include an umlauted or accented letter in your conversation, but don't know how? Here is how to find them. All you have to do is touch and hold the letter you want for a few moments, and you will receive a list of options. When you hold down a letter key on your iPhone, you should see an options box that will include several additional ways you can type a specific letter. This place lets you type anything you want!

Taking full advantage of your iPhone's multimedia capabilities just makes good sense! By downloading episodes of your favorite television series, a classic movie or humorous clips from countless online sources, you can turn your iPhone into an incredibly versatile solution for all of your entertainment needs. The iPhone's Safari browser will let you do just about anything you could do on a full-sized computer, including pull images off of the Internet. Just press on and hold any images you wish to save. The context menu pops up, and you can save the picture to the Camera Roll on your phone. Alternately, you can copy the image into a text message. If your iPhone is submersed in water, do not instantly try to turn it on. Let it dry out as much as possible before attempting to turn the power on. When you attempt to turn an iPhone back on immediately after it gets wet, it can potentially cause permanent damage to the phone. Don't go overboard when installing new apps. There are many apps available for an iPhone including free apps and those that charge money. However, beware of apps that are malicious which can steal your information or charge you without you knowing. As you can see, it is easy to stay connected with your usual social media accounts on your iPhone. Now you're just a few clicks away to all your family and friends at all times. And if you do not own an iPhone yet, do more research about these devices and consider purchasing one if you know the different features will be very useful to you. ΘΗΚΕΣ IPHONE ΤΙΜΕΣ

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