Concrete Cathedrals

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Mehmet Shehu (on the right), second in the communist party, assessinated under orders of Enver Hoxha, on December 1981

Led by Prime Minister Mehmet Shehu along with a talented group of military specialists and engineers, the bunkerization’s defense tactics were implemented at three scales—city, region, and country, interdependently of eachother. The shelters began along the border and from there moved inwards towards the centre of the country and Tirana, the capital and home of Enver Hoxha. The density of bunkers on each defense line adapted to the strategic qualities of the terrain. In mountainous areas there were only 90 bunkers per line, because the enemy was expected to be traveling by foot, and had the disadvantage of a limited field of vision due to the rugged terrain. In lowlands where the imagined enemy could experience some challenge while traveling in armored vehicles, there were around 150 bunkers per line. In costal and topographically flat areas there were close to 400 bunkers per line. In each defense line, there were variations in terms of the type of military forces positioned, the tools and artillery available to them, the task assigned to those units, and the type of bunkers.28 60

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