El Ojo del Lago

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Saw you in the Ojo


Richard Tingen

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Alejandro Grattan-Domínguez Tel: (01376) 765 3676, 765 2877 Fax: (01376) 765 3528 Associate Publisher David Tingen Graphic Design Roberto C. Rojas Jazmin Eliosa Special Events Editor Kay Davis Associate Editor Jim Tipton Contributing Editors Paul Jackson Henri Loridans Feature Editor Jim Tuck (Honorary) Staff Photographer Xill Fessenden Staff Writers Mildred Boyd Ilse Hoffmann Floyd Dalton Fred C. Dobbs Sales Manager Tania Medina (045) 33 1140 3570 tania.medina@mac.com Office Secretary Iliana Oregel ADVERTISING OFFICE Av. Hidalgo # 223, Chapala Mon. thru Fri. 9am - 5pm Sat. 9am - 1pm Tel. 01 (376) 765 2877, 765 3676 Fax 01 (376) 765 3528 Send all correspondence, subscriptions or advertising to: El Ojo del Lago http://www.chapala.com ojodellago@prodigy.net.mx Ave. Hidalgo 223 (or Apartado 279), 45900 Chapala, Jalisco Tels.: (376) 765 3676, Fax 765 3528 PRINTING: Quadrimag S.A. de C.V. El Ojo del Lago aparece los primeros cinco días de cada mes. (Out over the first five days of each month) Certificado de Licitud de Título 3693 Certificado de Licitud de Contenido 3117.




Maggie Van Ostrand writes about Queretaro, a city famous for its incredible architecture as well as for its luxurious spas.

8 Cover by Karen Henderson

14 POETRY Bobby Johns, a newcomer to our pages, offers a poem about his father that is sure to make most of us want to write about own fathers.

17 MEDICINE Dr. Manuel Cordova on the H1N1 flu.

22 FICTION Kristen Clodfelter, another newcomer to our publication, contributes a fictional story so subtle that the reader is at first unaware of the tragedy behind the story.

50 SCURRILOUS ANTICS Jim Rambologna (Rambo) holds the editor of our publication up to a brutally harsh light and comes away convinced that our success can be solely attributed to his various nefarious slight-of-hand tricks.

60 SEX MIS-TRAINING Gail Nott starts her article by saying “I dislike writing about sex because I have to rely on memory.” If the piece weren’t so funny, it’d be rather sad.

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El Ojo del Lago November 2009

COLUMNS THIS MONTH 6 Editor’s Page 7 Op-Ed 10 Bridge by Lake 12 Uncommon Sense 16 Thunder on Right 18 Faith and Fables 26 Walker, Will Travel 28 Joyful Musings 36 Welcome to Mexico 38 Lakeside Living 40 Magnificent Mexico 48 This World of Ours 52 Wondrous Wildlife 53 Child of Month 55 Feathered Friends 56 New Lease on Life 58 Hearts at Work 65 Paw Prints on Heart 66 Notes from Nestipac 68 Front Row Center 71 Insight Straight 74 LCS Newsletter






Saw you in the Ojo



Medical Reform Or Medical Ruination?


et’s face it. The U.S. medical system is in serious trouble. It suffers from runaway costs and uneven delivery. It is about to be inundated with a demographic Tsunami, the Baby Boom. The system of providing insurance through employers is breaking down and will likely have to be repaired and/or seriously supplemented soon. Some Canadians are full of advice for Americans about health care but don’t seem to see that the U.S. is not Canada. Canada’s population is little more than one-tenth that of the U.S. and far more homogeneous. Canadians take better care of themselves on the whole, cutting health care needs. The Canadian health care system is based at the provincial level and thus is smaller in scale, closer to the people and more manageable. Canada in general seems to be able to govern itself more efficiently and without a lot of red ink. In the U.S., no one knows what Mr. Obama is proposing since he has yet to put forth a detailed or coherent plan. What we do know is that he wants another gargantuan government program run from Washington D.C. He wants this despite the dismal performance of Medicare/Medicaid which loses billions annually to waste, fraud and overcharging while trying to serve only a fraction of the U.S. population. Medicare/Medicaid is hardly a reassuring demonstration of the Federal government’s ability to finance and manage health care. If the Feds can’t operate this program effectively, how can they provide medical care to 300 million people? If they can’t manage their own budget without trillion dollar deficits, how can they manage the health care budget of the entire nation? A measured repair of the U.S. medical system starts with addressing the cost-push problems caused directly by government. For example, physicians and hospitals spend billions on liability insurance and billions more on defensive medicine


El Ojo del Lago November 2009

and hiring lawyers to defend themselves from our runaway tort system. The patient and the taxpayer end up stuck with the bill from uncontrolled ambulance chasing by trial lawyers. Canada to its credit does not allow this sort of legal raiding on its health care system. Nor should the U.S. and no restructuring can succeed without serious legal reform. And what would hospitals cost if they were constructed by medical professionals and investors without years of wading through red tape and second guessing from state and local government bureaucrats? What would drugs cost if, like here in Mexico, prescriptions are only needed for dangerous or addictive drugs? And if drugs followed a more streamlined and less costly approval process based on the European model? What if doctors could get an education without piling up hundreds of thousands of personal debt which has to be repaid from inflated fees? What would health insurance cost if insurers were free to sell policies and compete everywhere and there was a reasonable and consistent set of standards for all? What if small businesses could join large insurance pools and reap the cost savings thereof? Conservatives know that the U.S. medical system needs repair. We also know the Federal government needs to fix its own house first. A government that is fiscally and managerially bankrupt cannot be trusted with our health care. That’s what those angry crowds at Town Hall meetings and the recent mass march on D.C. are all about. Those are real people and they are really up in arms over the mess in Washington. “Physician heal thyself” is the right prescription now for Mr. Obama, the Congress and the government. After that is done, let’s talk about what’s next for health care.


By Maggie Van Ostrand

Why Can’t Congress Be More Like a Dog?


retty nearly everybody, including cat lovers, know what dogs are like. They greet each other by circling, touching noses, and generally giving each other the once-over until they’re satisfied with what they find and have enough information to decide whether to play together or keep on walking. Why can’t politicians be more like a dog? Wouldn’t it better serve all countries if, when politicians meet other politicians, they’d do the same things dogs do? We can’t count those congressmen from the Democratic Party who call themselves Blue Dogs. That’s just Washington spin. What are we, stupid? If they were real blue dogs, they’d be a painting by George Rodrigue, or have their faces on greeting cards, or have their picture hanging in a Cajun café in Louisiana. A real dog communicates by wagging, barking, or snarling, and you pretty much know exactly what they mean. Unlike the U.S. Congress, in the entire history of the world, there has never been a hypocritical dog. However, there have been congressmen and women who must think they are a dog because they keep on digging holes for themselves. When a dog sniffs fire hydrants, telephone poles and trees, he’s reading messages. He knows who’s been there before him, he knows how tall they were, and he knows what they had for dinner. This certainly beats reading autobiographies by politi-

cians when the book is really written by someone else, or having dinner with one and wondering how much such a fancy meal is costing the taxpayer, or even sticking a foot under the partition to somebody else’s bathroom stall to impart a wordless message. A dog may be lower on the food chain than a human, but no dog has ever done anything so covert. There is honor among dogs, and dogs have ethics, whereas Congress, as a whole, is an ethical midget. In order to socialize our politicians the way we socialize our dogs, they should attend Obedience Class and master a few commands: SIT, STAY: This one is just for South Carolina Republican Senator Jim DeMint, who flew to Honduras to interfere in their politics, specifically against U.S. government policy. OFF: Leave that woman alone, you’ve got a wife at home. HEEL: No need to teach Congress about heel; many have already earned that title. FETCH: Does not refer to lobbyist dollars in your own bank account. BEG: Unless you plan on losing the next election, either sit up and beg or quit obstructing progress, and work for your constituents. DOWN: This means getting off your high horse. It does not refer to a pillow under the head of your Argentine tango partner. Congress will not graduate from Obedience School unless they first figure out that butt sniffing and ass kissing are not the same thing.


Saw you in the Ojo


QUERÉTARO—Muy Clasico! By Maggie Van Ostrand


riting a news-paper column n about the great-ness of Mexico can earn thee writer a good deal of maill running the gamut from “Doo n you know a good dentist in Morelia?” to “My wife and I would like to know where wee should start looking to livee in Mexico.” I don’t know a Morelian dentist to recommend, but there are any number of fine villages, towns, and cities for foreigners to consider in their quest for a new life. Querétaro, Qro, should be high on any list of places to check out. The colonial city of Querétaro is a cultural mecca with outstanding architecture. Of course, if you stay at the Doña Urraca Hotel at Calle 5 de Mayo #117, you might never wish to leave your room. Before I go further into the sights of this beautiful city, I’ll tell you why you might not wish to leave your room at the Doña Urraca. The small suites in this boutique hotel and spa are magnificent and comparatively inexpensive, if you compare them with the Waldorf Astoria, the Four Seasons, or the Beverly Hills Hotel. Rooms, Junior and Master Suites average about $250 US per day, with the presidential suite at $295. Believe me, you get your money’s worth. The rooms are gloriously furnished in beige and white, with gigantic, extremely comfortable beds. Most rooms have a balcony or patio, overlooking magnificent gardens and heated swimming pool. White chiffon draperies billow into the rooms on the cool breeze, and floor-to-ceiling wood shutters slide smoothly to a close, if you prefer darkened rooms


El Ojo del Lago November 2009

for a sleep-in. It’s tempting to stay inside the Doña Urraca Hotel, even in such a glorious city as Querétaro, because the Hotel is also a spa, and not an ordinary one. For a mere pittance, assuming you’re wealthy to begin with, you can order a superb Maya Peel Butterfly and Osilife Plus, which “improves your skin and luminosity through pure oxygen infusion.” They also feature a procedure called Synérgica which uses natural fruits and vegetables to give your skin “a delicious vitaminic balance.” Beauty technicians are very smart at Doña Urraca and even remember to slice the cucumbers before placing them on your eyelids. You can get a facial to end all facials, so healthyfeeling that you want to sell your house and permanently move into this Spa. Technicians are also proficient in Reflexology from the ancient land of China, an art which has healed both mind and body for centuries. It goes something like this—pressure points on the feet are manipulated to rebalance the Chakras and assist the Chi energy to flow through the body. It’s even better than walking on cobblestones in your bare feet. In addition to Holistic Therapy massage, Swedish massage, Quiro (Spanish) massage and detoxify-

ing your lymphatic system through the use of muscular relaxation techniques, Doña Urraca Spa also specializes in Temazcal, a tradition from pre-Hispanic Mexico. The magic ritual of Temazcalli (“House of the Steam Bath”) uses medicinal plants. A popular technique offered at Doña Urraca is Piedras Volcánicas, where hot volcanic stones achieve relaxation and energy harmony. This may be what is meant by getting one’s rocks off. Whatever, it’s divine. Should you manage to peel yourself away from this charming and beneficial little haven of bliss, you’ll enjoy a short walk to the Zócalo (plaza) where you can find a two-story tour trolley to drive you. The most popular tourist place is The Aqueduct, commonly called simply “the arches.” The Aqueduct was begun in 1726 and completed in 1735, supplying drinking water to the city from the springs of the Cañada. There are 74 arches 23 meters high, and 1280 meters long. You can also walk to the arches from the center of town, if you feel the need to exercise. You should also check out the Government Palace located in the Plaza de Armas, once the home of one of Mexico’s greatest heroines, Doña Josefa Ortiz de Dominguez. Doña Jo-

sefa (September 8, 1768 - March 2, 1829) is frequently referred to as La Corregidora (the magistrate’s wife). Much insurgent planning was done in her home, and she supported the rebels financially. A plot was hatched to apprehend the rebel leaders, and Doña Josefa was locked in her room to prevent her from relaying information to her rebel friends. However, she managed to whisper plot details through the keyhole, and her news allowed the leaders of the conspiracy to flee, and prompted Miguel Hidalgo to issue the famous Grito de Dolores during the early hours of September 16th, signaling the beginning of the Mexican War of Independence. A monument honoring Benito Juarez is at the top of the famous Hill of the Bells to the west of the city. This is where Emperor Maximilian and others were shot during the French occupation. It is now a beautiful park with vast green areas, playgrounds, a lake, theatre and the City Museum. Among the beautiful churches and cathedrals to be found in Querétaro, is the not-to-be-missed 18th Century Ex-Convent of Santa Rosa de Viterbo, one of the most impressive colonial Baroque buildings in all of Mexico. Restoration on the extraor-

dinary altarpieces, walls and paintings, and the original organ still in the choir loft, has been underway for some time. You can watch new gold leaf being applied to the neo-Classic altar pieces. The bell tower on the eastern side of the church holds the first three-faced clock in America. Generations to come will be able to enjoy this superb architectural achievement. Other enjoyable sights include Casa de la Zacatecana museum; Royal Convent of Santa Clara de Asis; the Republic Theater; the Neoplateresque Cathedral; and Plaza

de la Independencia, also known as Plaza de Armas. After a few days of sight-seeing, shopping for crafts such as ceramics, embroidery, silverwork and leatherwork, you can return to your hotel for a fine meal, or sit outside in restaurant patios surrounding the plazas, watch the people, and listen to free concerts. All things considered, Querétaro is a choice destination, an easy 220 km north of Mexico City on Federal Highway 57D. It’s well worth the trip, and I’ll bet, if you need one, you can find a good dentist.


Saw you in the Ojo




t’s great to be back in Ajijic after our summer sojourn in Toronto. It is always a delight to experience the wonderful weather here and get together with friends we haven’t seen in six months or longer. And this year there was an extra h special pleasure awaiting us – the spanking new location for the Lakeside Bridge Center adjoining Mom’s Restaurant in Riberas. Bright, airy and spacious, it is a great place to indulge in our favorite addiction. My compliments to the hard working club directors and members responsible for putting this gem together. The illustrated hand was played by herself and myself, sitting North and South, in one of our first games in the new club. It demonstrates once more that no matter how long one plays bridge, one can never come close to mastering it, there are so many variables at play, not the least of which is the human element. Our opponents on this deal were Billy Heim and Lee Dorsey, longtime stalwarts of the club. Sitting East, Billy opened proceedings with a bid of 1 spade and I overcalled 2 hearts. Lee passed and herself raised me to 3 hearts. As it looked as though I had 2 spade stoppers, I took a stab at 3 no trump, figuring that 9 tricks might be easier to take than 10. After some thought, herself bid the heart game. When Lee led the Queen of spades and dummy came down, I saw that I had my work cut out for me to make the contract. I could see one loser each in spades and clubs,


El Ojo del Lago November 2009

and at least one in diamonds. Between my hand and dummy I could count 23 high card points and Lee’s 2 made 25. Surely, for his vulnerable opening bid in first seat, Billy would hold the King of hearts, so the heart finesse appeared to be futile. Also, if I lost a heart to Billy’s presumed King, he would return the King and another spade for Lee to ruff. After due consideration, I decided that my best/only chance was to play a heart to the Ace, hoping to snare a singleton King in East, or failing that, concede a subsequent heart trick to East and hope that I could set up a late diamond trick to park my losing club. So with that plan in mind I won the Queen of spades in hand and confidently played a heart to the Ace, experiencing disappointment when Billy followed with the 4. However, I continued with my scheme and called for a small heart from the dummy on which, to my anguish, Billy pitched a club! I was now going down in a cold contract that my great Aunt Matilda would have made, and she doesn’t even play bridge! All I could say to my opponents was: “Thanks a lot guys, that was some welcome back!” Questions or comments: email: masson.ken@gmail.com




hen my mother died my sister bathed her in the silent stillness of death’s embrace where love alone could not save. Watching too I turned my head In time to see the bare essentials laying there, fallen leaves

that marked her stay. Her spirit’s passage too quick to see drew heat from candles to warm her way, dimmed the lights as she passed us by, a gentle breeze that marked the day.


Saw you in the Ojo



Ambiguity and Democracy


hen George W. Bush led the United States into war against Iraq in 2003, he made claims about the danger Iraq posed to the United States. He, and his surrogates, stated that, “Sadaam is reconstituting a nuclear weapons program,” labeled Iraq “an outlaw regime that threatens the peace with weapons of mass murder,” and declared that Iraq’s regime presented an “immediate threat” to the United States. Less than two years after September 11, 2001, these words understandably frightened the public, drumming up support for the war. If we closely examine these words, however, they are not precise. Their ambiguity makes them essentially meaningless. For example, what does “reconstituting” mean? What is “an outlaw regime,” exactly? (Ironically, Bush’s opponents characterized his administration in a similar fashion.) And, most importantly, how do we assess the precise degree of “immediate threat” clearly enough to justify the loss of thousands of American soldiers? The members of the Bush Administration knew these words were ambiguous; that’s why they chose them. Precise claims can be refuted. General, imprecise statements cannot be. That’s why politicians use them so much. They understand two principles: 1. People hear what they want to hear and rarely ask probing follow-up questions. (Neither does the press.) 2. By being vague, a politician can sound authoritative without being specific. This allows them to avoid offending groups of voters. Let’s look at some other examples: Bill Clinton chose his words carefully when he denied “having sexual relations” with Monica Lewinsky. Of course, he was equivocating. He did not consider oral sex in the Oval Office as constituting “sexual relations.” One of Barack Obama’s campaign slogans was, “Change You Can Believe In.” What’s not to like about that? It’s like a Rorschach test. People see what they like in such a platitude. Essentially it means whatever the audience wants it to. In


El Ojo del Lago November 2009

Bill Frayer

other words, it’s a perfect political slogan. In the recent Supreme Court confirmation process for Sonia Sotomayor, there was considerable discussion, among both Republicans and Democrats, about her “judicial temperament.” Republicans claimed it was dangerous and suspect. Democrats claimed it was one of her primary assets. In reality, “judicial temperament” is a sufficiently vague term to carry no clear meaning. Here are other vague phrases that have been entered into the public lexicon: “The recession is over,” “Tax reform,” “Tax Relief,” “Strong Sanctions” against a “Rogue Nation” and finally, “Government Run Health Care.” People react strongly to such words because they attach their own (usually emotional) meaning to them. It is safe for politicians to use them because no one can prove them wrong. You can’t prove that Barack Obama is an “effective” president until you adequately define what you mean by the word “effective.” And you can bet his supporters and detractors will disagree about how “effective” should be defined! So, where does this leave us? Any democratic system of government presupposes that the voters will understand the arguments being offered for and against specific proposals. This is clearly not happening. The media has failed to demand precision from the politicians, so they promulgate this ambiguous language. Most voters are satisfied with this vague language. They chose to watch the news networks which conform to their own biases, and are not really interested in learning about their opponents’ reasoning. Only when our citizens learn to listen carefully to what our leaders are saying and demand more specific detail can we begin to have the genuine debates that democracy requires. I am not optimistic. Next month, I’ll examine the role of assumptions.




ear Sir: Mel Goldberg’s “A Response to the Muir Article” in your October issue began with a quote that I am sure he was not aware was most aptly applicable to himself. In his case, however, the prison in which he is entrapped may not have been fabricated by himself but by the myths created by Israel sixty years ago and which are clung to religiously by the faithful in the face of an overwhelming body of evidence to the contrary. Such knowledgeable ignorance is not uncommon these days in which serious scholarship is rare. I could easily refute, with hard evidence, most of the representations made by Mr. Goldberg, but one will suffice. He states, “Had there been no invasion by Arab armies against the Jews, there would be no Arab refugees and the problems of the region since would not have occurred.” Confining ourselves to source material authored solely by Jewish Israelis (Avi Shlaim, Professor of International Relations, Oxford University; Ilan Pappe, Chair in History, University of Exeter; Jeff Halper, Lecturer at Haifa and Ben-Gurion Universities), the historical record clearly shows that the forced transfer of the Arab population from what was to become the state of Israel on May 14, 1948 was contemplated, planned and executed prior to that date. Specifically, 1. “I am for compulsory transfer; I do not see anything immoral in it.” David Ben-Gurion, 1938 2. “These operations can be

carried out in the following manner: either by destroying villages (by setting fire to them, by blowing them up, and by planting mines in their debris) and especially of those population centers which are difficult to control continuously; or by mounting combing and control operations according to the following guidelines: encirclement of the villages, conducting a search inside them. In case of resistance, the armed forces must be wiped out and the population expelled outside the borders of the state.” Plan Dalet, 10 March, 1948. 3. Between 250,000 and 300,000 Arabs were forcibly expelled pursuant to Plan Dalet and its predecessor plans between December 1947 and May 14, 1948. 4. The notorious massacre at Deir Yassin (over 160 women, old men and children killed) occurred on April 9, 1948 and was one of only several such massacres. As all of the above took place prior to the invasion of Arab armies on May 15, 1948, the assertion that it was solely the invasion by the Arab armies that caused the refugee problem is patently absurd. Jim Muir Ajijic


Saw you in the Ojo


My Father Written by Bobby Johns My heart leaps to the sound of hobnailed boots on the cobbles. Sometimes, in the dark, sparks fly. A mighty man is my dad!! A hug at the door I smell tobacco in the hair of the Harris Tweed. He clasps me to his chest, the flickering fire, in the grate, makes his face ruddy. High cheek bones chipped from stone, his teeth white contrasting the grime. His hands, the size of shovels, galled and rough, gently ruffle my hair. “Ben good ,’ave ‘e?” I know that he has something special for me. “ ‘es yo, Dad!” This night, my treat, a meddler, rusty brown “Pick un m’self I did” he says. In bed later, under the sheets, with flash lamp held between my knees, reading Ghosts of the Spanish Main I nibble on my meddler.. “My dad picked this…for me!!!!” I hear footsteps on the stairs, boards creaking on the landing, my door opens candle light licking the walls of my room. Nightgowned dad shuffles to my side, bends and kisses me. “night boy, God Bless ‘e.” His deep voice drones in his room, my mother’s voice high, she laughs dad always likes to make mammy laugh makes him feel good. Eventually the house “ticks” in contracting silence, ridding the stress of the day. Ranter’s knee bangs the floor as he flea scratches. I get out of bed; I kneel in the window seat watching the shadows play beneath the gooseberry bush, from whence I came. Many are the times, my mom would say…. “We found you right there, there beneath the lower bough.” I’m so pleased they found me. But how did I get there?! I could have been taken by a wolf, or worse, I could have been found by my friend’s dad, and have missus Cock, for a Mom. I shudder. Thank you Dad and Mom for finding me, and keeping me! Back in bed, sheets to my nose, I look at my little room’s, walls covered with my comic book heroes, motorbikes, sports cars Rupert Bear and Bobby Bear. IT always worries me that my name is taken by a bear. Good night God, Bless my family and please one day make me like my Dad. He did!!!



El Ojo del Lago November 2009

Saw you in the Ojo


THUNDER ON THE RIGHT By Paul Jackson paulconradjackson@gmail.com


ormer Democratic presidential candidate Michael Dukakis recently made one of the most perceptive comments about politics heard in a long time. Yes, some of you will have a wry smile when I describe the hapless Dukakis as “perceptive.” But Dukakis assessed that in these times “political labels do not necessarily matter.” I thought about this wisdom when invited to speak before Democrats Abroad at Lake Chapala and explain British and Canadian Conservatism and Canadian government medicare before the likes of Keith Sofka, Penelope Caragonne, Howard Feldstein, and Henri and Sandra Loridans. Ponder this. There was much hoopla when President Barack Obama made a speech at the United Nations on climate change. Yet, exactly 21 years ago, in 1988, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was the first world leader to stand up at the UN and warn about global warming and greenhouse gasses and the like. If only we had listened to Thatcher then. Thatcher was also the Conservative leader who condemned what she called the “unacceptable face of capitalism” and the “ugly side of capitalism.” And Maggie was no raving left-winger. Have mentioned before it was Canadian Conservative Prime Minister Brian Mulroney who was feted by the world environmental movement as being the “greenest” leader in that nation’s history, one of Mulroney’s 101 environmental accomplishments being to persuade President Ronald Reagan that acid rain was not science fiction.

Paul Jackson

Again, have previously mentioned it was the Conservative Mulroney who led the international campaign to end apartheid in South Africa and free Nelson Mandela. In the last presidential election Canada’s current prime minister, conservative Stephen Harper, privately wanted Obama to win the White House. Harper felt the United States needed a “generational change” in government. It is also pretty well known Obama himself has privately described British Conservative leader David Cameron as one of the most “exciting” individuals in politics today. The youthful Cameron is almost certain to win a huge majority government in next year’s national elections. As an aside, Cameron rides a bicycle to Parliament to protect the environment, and supports stem cell research. Perhaps perplexingly for American Liberals, Canada’s current Liberal leader, Michael Ignatieff, supported President George W. Bush’s invasion of Iraq. Ignatieff, a former Harvard University professor, who is trailing Harper badly in opinion polls as of late qualified his earlier stance somewhat, but it is firmly in the archives. All these examples—and more —back up Dukakis’ assessment that “political labels do not necessarily matter.” Cameron himself has said Conservatism takes “different shapes” in different countries —and with 24 of the 27 nations in the European Union having Conservative governments that should be obviously true. Some of those Conservative governments must be Liberal by American standards. To me, with four decades of political journalism under my aging belt, it seems that individuals who judge others solely by political labels are frighteningly dogmatic and doctrinaire. Sometimes Conservatives have good ideas, sometimes bad ideas. Sometimes Liberals have good ideas, sometimes bad ideas. Sometimes even Socialists have good ideas. This I know from experience—I have lived under governments of all three political hues.



El Ojo del Lago November 2009

Swine Sw w in ne F Flu lu V Vaccine accine U Update pdate e By J. Manuel Cordova, M. D.


here are a number of different opinions around the world regarding the necessity and benefit of a vaccination for the 2009 HlN1 Influenza, the proper name for the Swine Flu. The purpose of this article is not to give you my personal opinion about getting, or not getting, the vaccination. I want to give you information about a possible alternative if you are unable to get the vaccine. The United States is spending over $1 Billion for vaccine and has ordered over 75 million doses of vaccine from a French Pharmacy. The vaccine will be produced by companies located in Australia, United States, Switzerland and France and sold through the pharmacy in France. China is also expected to start vaccinations by the end of October. I have seen no published dates as to when Mexico might have access to the vaccine, but possibly in November, and probably available only for Government Healthcare Institutions. Historic information shows that epidemic influenza is very likely to be seasonal. More cases develop in the winter months than summer, which means the worst is yet to come for more outbreaks of the H1N1 virus. In the 1918-1919 Influenza pandemic in the United States, fatalities were generally due to subsequent pneumonia and were much higher in the northern states than the southern states. The difference was primarily the Solar UVB doses……. the ‘Sun’.

tection to prevent sunburn. Of course, there are other issues regarding the sun and skin damage; however, the benefit of obtaining Vitamin D from the sun’s rays is clearly a factor in helping reduce the risk of influenza. Each person is different. As a general rule, there is little downside to taking increased amounts of Vitamin D; whereas, the upside could very well be significant. Remember, Influenza attacks are not new. Humanity has historically dealt with viruses. People who are disabled or those with delicate

health conditions are always at a higher risk. The Pandemic classification of the H1N1 virus is a daily reminder of the potential danger of this virus. A medical consultation by a qualified physician may also help provide additional guidance. Good Luck in staying healthy this Flu Season. (Ed. Note: Dr. Cordova is an Internal Medicine and Geriatrics Specialist and full time resident of Lakeside. mdjmcordova1204@yahoo.com Office: 376 766 2777


Vitamin D is the ‘Sunshine Vitamin’. There are current studies that show a major reduction of influenza for patients taking large doses of Vitamin D verses those who are not. Studies also show that pregnant and nursing women can reduce their risk by taking increased amounts of Vitamin D. The daily amount for maximum benefit when you need to have any form of influenza protection would be 4000-6000 IU per day. Be careful, however. According to another study, doses exceeding 800 IU/day may adversely effect Magnesium levels. Other researchers suggest that, except for those with vitamin D hypersensitivity, there is no evidence of adverse effects in doses around 10,000 IU/ day. Regular doses of Vitamin D for the general population to help reduce the risk of influenza would range from 2000-5000 IU per day. Natural sunlight is also believed to be beneficial in helping to prevent the influenza. 10-20 minutes of sunlight a day is an adequate amount to obtain the benefit of the sun’s vitamin D. If you will be in the sun for longer periods of time, you may want to consider skin pro-

Saw you in the Ojo


OF O F F FAITH AITH A AND ND F FABLES ABLES By Bob Haynes bzhaynes@gmail.com Just What The Doctor Ordered!


roverbs 17:22 says: “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” It is difficult, in these times of turmoil, to find much to cheer about. I’ve just about stopped watching the evening news and often just glance at the monthly magazines—searching for the “good news” that will lift me up and lighten my day. In a devotional entitled “Just What the Doctor Ordered,” Stephen Graves and Thomas Addington reminded their readers of this interesting fact: “Even though our work is often tedious, and coworkers can be mean-spirited and crude, and bosses can be critical or unfair, and budgets get tight and clients get frustrated, Solomon had it all figured out many years ago…A cheerful heart promotes health while a dispirited one prompts illness.” It is true that we are a health conscious culture. I know a number of


El Ojo del Lago November 2009

people—family included—who make it a daily practice to walk or run for several miles before breakfast. We exercise, we watch our cholesterol, we try to lower the stress in our lives, we eat fruits and vegetables and take vitamins, but we often overlook one of the best health remedies of all—LAUGHTER. “Few things are more disheartening than to see a professed follower of Christ who walks around all day looking as if he just lost his best friend.” After all, the authors said, “Why would coworkers want to share his faith; why would they want to have what he has if it makes him so gloomy. On the other hand, few things are more attractive than believers whose faces reflect the joy they feel in their hearts, joy that comes solely from knowing Jesus personally.” Just so you’ll get my point, I’d

like to share a rather funny story with you... about an atheist and a bear. An atheist was taking a walk through the woods. “What majestic trees! What powerful rivers! What beautiful animals!” he said to himself. As he was walking alongside the river he heard a rustling in the bushes behind him. He turned to look. He saw a seven foot grizzly charge towards him. He ran as fast as he could up the path. He looked over his shoulder and saw that the bear was closing in on him. He looked over his shoulder again, and the bear was even closer. He tripped and fell on the ground. He rolled over to pick himself up but saw the bear right on top of him, reaching for him with his left paw and raising his right paw to strike him. At that instant the Atheist cried out: “Oh my God...” Time stopped. The bear froze. The forest was silent. As a bright light shone upon the man, a voice came out of the sky: “You deny my existence for all of these years, teach others I don’t exist, and even credit creation to a cosmic accident. Do you expect me to help you out of this predicament? Am I to count you as a believer?” The atheist looked directly into the light, “It would be hypocritical of me to suddenly ask You to treat me as a Christian now, but perhaps could

you make the bear a Christian?” “Very well,” said the voice. The light went out. The sounds of the forest resumed. And then the bear dropped his right paw, brought both paws together and bowed his head and spoke: “Lord, bless this food, which I am about to receive from thy bounty.” Sometimes we just need to lighten up a little…Laugh a little…When we look in our mirror each morning do we see the face of someone who has a perpetual stomach ache… or a face that reflects joy? Hope you had a good laugh! Shalom!

Saw you in the Ojo


El Ojo’s Writers’ Awards


ew places on the planet do Give rise to a mystique. Lake Como does and Khat-

mandu, And then there’s Ajijic. A thousand sixty miles south Of Phoenix burning heat. It’s often known by word of mouth Where literati meet. D.H. Lawrence knew it well, But not the only writer, Who fled his inky urban hell In search of somewhere brighter.


El Ojo del Lago November 2009

Contemporary writers find The climate right for writing, Their talents burst forth unconfined, Their poems and prose exciting.

A feature story unexplored Will need the skills of Johnny Ward. And poetry is whatsoe’er Without the touch of Billy Frayer.

Take M.A. Porter, Mildred Boyd, We cheer each tour-de-force, Who never shall be unemployed But underpaid, of course.

Jim Tipton, Gloria Marthai Are fixtures in the firmament. Both they and Mike McLaughlin try To ever more be germinant.

Thomas Hally, Tony Burton Always write great book reviews; And readers can be very certain Ms.Van Ostrand will amuse.

Congratulations one and all; We marvel at your wherewithal! By Mark Sconce


Saw you in the Ojo


One Breath By Kirsten Clodfelter


here is something haunting and calm about the bottom of the pool, about the near-silence underneath water. Lacerations of light have cracked along the cement, and the sunlight is filtered, muted. There is something lonely, too, about the way sound seems to be an echo of the past, perhaps not sound at all, but only the apparition of sound. This is the place where I am the most comfortable, like in the earliest parts of morning, like in the empty car of a train, where I can steal just a minute of solitude, quiet. A place where I can think. It’s been two months today since Adam and I converted the nursery into an office, though I can’t stand to cross the threshold into the room now, so it’s really just Adam’s office. The walls have been repainted, yellow to white. I have never been an especially good swimmer, but I can hold my breath the full length of the pool, and this is what I’m doing now;

I’ve jjust pushed h d off ff the h wall. ll I pull ll myself through the water, learning the lightness of my body, the way the water glosses over my skin, until it becomes familiar—something I’ve been doing all along. A little past the halfway mark, I push all of the air I’ve been holding out of my lungs. Now I have to hurry, I’m running out of time. We left the nursery for five years. Then I came home one day from the bank and Adam was upstairs with a toolbox, taking apart the crib. In the water, it gets so that I can think of nothing else but the burning in my chest. The panic in my body starts to rise from the lack of oxygen, becomes more persistent, a throbbing just above my ears; my own heartbeat coursing blood through veins. I told Adam I didn’t want an office, didn’t want to put the knitted blanket in a box in the back of our closet. He put down the screwdriver he was holding to pull me against him, to hold me close while he said, “I think it’s time we move on.” I kick my legs harder—the final push. It burns. And burns. And burns. At the wall, I use my hands to break the crisp surface of the water, and I glide my body up through the blue, through the space I’ve made for myself, to open my mouth and take one deep, clean breath, the air filling my lungs.



El Ojo del Lago November 2009

Saw you in the Ojo




ear Sir: As a Jew, I have reason to be proud of many of the achievements of the Jewish State, and there are also things about which I am frankly ashamed. I abhor the military occupation of the West Bank. I abhor the Israeli government’s support for settlements that do not belong to Israel, and restrictions on ownership and use of land, based on ethnic identity. As a Jew and an American liberal I do not believe there is any place for second-class citizenship in a “Jewish State.” The Torah bids us Jews to “Befriend the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.” Even before the establishment of Israel, the Arab nations surrounding her declared war on the nascent state, vowing to “Drive the ‘invading infidel’ into the sea.” War and occupation create dehumanization within one group toward another. There have been abuses by Israel’s forces, some of them glaring. All these things are unacceptable. Jim Muir (in Sept. issue of the Ojo, pp. 70) begins with a reference to “The Zionists who comprise the vast majority of the Jewish Israeli population today.” I read the news, too, and what I see is a vast spectrum of views among Israelis, a great number of different streams of opinion among people who profess loyalty to Israel as a Jewish State. Mr. Muir attacks the “brutal policies” of the State of Israel, “all (sic) grounded in hatred, racism and the desire to achieve removal of all (again, sic) members of the (targeted ethnic group).” What is this monolithic thing he is calling the State of Israel? I know of some Jews who think this way, of course, but I’ve always been of the opinion that if there are two Jews, there are three opinions, an ethnic trait which

often renders the Israeli government less than effective, an imperfect democracy to be sure. Mr. Muir goes on to attack Elie Wiesel for being, in his view, hypocritically silent about Israel’s “policies of aggression toward an entire ethnic group,” referring to “Wiesel and his brethren” as seeking “an ethnocratic state stripped of foreign elements and encompassing as large a land mass as possible.” Mr. Muir, who in the region is trying to strip the land of whom? The history of the region since about the 1920’s is of a huge population mass threatening to drive a tiny Jewish minority “into the sea.” While you attack Elie Wiesel for his “silence,” I witness your own glaring silence about a whole host of facts. I experience your silence about a growing “Peace Now” movement in Israel, and many smaller groups seeking to bring Jews and Arabs together through cultural exchanges. What about a great institution like Hadassah Hospital, staffed by both Jewish and Arab professionals to offer quality medical services to Jews and Arabs alike, from Israel and from all surrounding countries? Where is your voice concerning the suicide bombings, and about Hamas missiles targeting innocent civilians living in Israeli cities? What you are presenting, by the facts about which you are silent, is a totally one-sided view which offers nothing in the interests of peace. You intimate that all Zionists are little different from the Nazi perpetrators of the Holocaust. You brand Israelis as despicable people worthy only of the readers’ hatred, and you impugn the name of Elie Wiesel, who has earned the world’s respect for his lifetime of work. You are entitled to your warped opinions, Mr. Muir, just as I am entitled to my indignation at reading them. Signed, Henry Goldbaum Riberas del Pilar (Ed. Note: Having heard from both sides, this must now be the last word on this volatile subject, at least for the time being.)



El Ojo del Lago November 2009

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Have Walker, Will Travel By Mildred Boyd

Cuenca, Ecuador


llness is a real bummer when you are on vacation. It took a visit to the Doctor and several gallons of Gatorade before I was able to sit up, take notice and venture out into this new Equatorial world I had come so far to visit. I must say it was well worth the effort. Cuenca is a beautiful city. Though it sits at an altitude of 8,200 feet, the true Andes still tower in the distance and closer, heavily forested peaks surround a city filled with flowers, lush foliage and nearly half a million people. Imagine an Alpine valley filled with tropical vegetation and you will know what it looks like. One of the most charming features is the mountain streams that give the city its full name, Santa Ana de los Cuatro Rios de Cuenca. Each stream forms a narrow green belt of parkland all along its banks and is spanned at intervals by gracefully arched bridges. One of these, the Tomebamba, was just across the street from my bedroom window, and watching the passing parade along its banks was one of the first things that caught my interest. I could see how much the local people use and enjoy them. Women came with loads of laundry, laughing and gossiping while they stood knee deep in the swift current as they soaped the clothing and slapped it over handy

granite boulders to get it clean. They helped each other to wring out the heavier towels and bedspreads. Other large boulders served as handy drying racks for the brightly colored garments, giving the place a festive air. Still other rocks provided seating and tables for picnic lunches while the tropical sun dried the clothes. Small children were bathed in the stream while older ones splashed happily about ‘helping’ with the work or, like children everywhere, just getting underfoot. In their midst, stray dogs dashed in and out of the roaring torrent, pausing only to give anyone nearby an unscheduled shower. Pets being taken for walks plunged in to retrieve some bit of flotsam or a thrown stick to drop proudly at their master’s feet. In many ways, the place reminded me of our own corner of paradise, Ajijic. Although it is some 3,000 feet higher, Cuenca is only three degrees from the Equator and has a mild climate with sunny days, cool nights and an average temperature of 58 degrees Fahrenheit. There are also two seasons: rainy and dry. Architecture is very similar although their designs incorporate more wood. Judy’s and Allen’s (my daughter and son in law) condo boasts gorgeous, golden-brown hardwood floors with inlaid designs of reddish and yellowish woods and beautifully carved wooden doors and trims are everywhere. Best of all for the handicapped, although the streets are paved with stone, very few are cobbled. Most are covered with lovely flat flagstones that made getting around with my walker a delight rather than a chore. What did I see? That will have to wait until next time.



El Ojo del Lago November 2009

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Joyful Musings By Joy Birnbach Dunstan, MA, LPC, MAC

An Attitude of Gratitude


bet that many of you, like I do, remember being told to eat all the food on your plate so the poor children of someplace-or-other would not starve. While we’ve long since figured out that stuffing our own bellies didn’t do much to help all those starving children, we may have missed the real message behind that admonition which was to be grateful for what we have. Many of us routinely celebrate Thanksgiving, whether in October or November, as an annual time to enjoy a big meal with family and friends, and perhaps give thanks on that one day for the bounty before us. How many of us, however, take time to express gratitude on a daily basis for the bounty of blessings in our daily lives? It’s an amazing fact: whatever you focus on grows bigger. Pay attention to all those things you don’t have or can’t do, and your life will feel very empty. You’ll soon suffer from a pitiful ailment I call PLUM disease: Poor Little Unfortunate Me. Pay attention to what you have, however, and it magically grows bigger and more valuable. Melodie Beattie in The Language of Letting Go says, “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. It turns problems into gifts, failures into successes, the unexpected into perfect timing, and mistakes into important events. Gratitude makes things right. There is no situation or circumstance so small or large that it is not susceptible to gratitude’s power. We can

start with who we are and what we have today, apply gratitude, then let it work its magic.” Gratitude is more than just a nice idea. Recent research studies have shown gratitude to have real and measureable results: • People who describe themselves as feeling grateful tend to have more optimism and higher vitality, suffer less stress, and experience less depression than the population as a whole. • Grateful people tend to be less focused on the accumulation of material wealth. They have less anxiety about status or acquiring possessions and are more likely to describe themselves as happy or satisfied in life. • In an experiment with college students, those who kept a “gratitude journal,” a weekly record of things they feel grateful for, achieved better physical health, were more optimistic, exercised more regularly, and described themselves as happier than a control group of students who kept no journals but had the same overall measures of health, optimism, and exercise when the experiment began. There are many simple ways you can bring more gratitude into your life. Here’s a few ideas: • Make a point of saying thank you to others throughout your day. You’ll be surprised how many special things people have said or done when you take time to really notice them. • Take the time to write thankyou notes in response to gifts you’ve received, events you’ve enjoyed, or anything else that brought a smile to your face recently. • Give the Universe a quick thank you throughout the day for anything that gives you joy. • Each evening, take an inventory of the blessings of that particular day. If you like, keep a written list and see how long it grows over time. It won’t take long before you learn the magical lesson that being grateful for what you have turns it into more. Editor’s Note: Joy is a practicing psychotherapist in Riberas. She can be contacted at joy@dunstan.org or 765-4988.



El Ojo del Lago November 2009

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ear Sir: Recently, President Obama made a decision to give a speech to the children attending school in the USA. Now, in my mind, this isn’t a political thing. This is leadership. This is the President leading by speaking to the youth of our nation directly. He is including them, making them a part of the world around them. But for some reason, that is not the way some people took it. The media blitz prior to the speech made me wonder, “What the heck is going on in the United States? Have people lost their minds?” CNN had news reports that showed one woman in tears. “We are talking about my children!” She wept. In another interview, two parents said that their children were being subjected to “propaganda” and were being “brainwashed.” Many parents swore they were keeping their children home from school— that they would not allow their children to be “subjected” to the President’s message. Why do they assume the worst? What is there thinking? Are they thinking at all? In my time, which was the 50s and 60s, we were taught to listen to the speeches and give our opinions. Yes, even in those times, we were taught to respect our elected officials, and allow them to speak, allow them to present their views. Then, if we had questions, or disagreed, we spoke to our representatives, or wrote letters. Occasionally we even protested. But by in large, we at least let them get their message out before we disagreed with them. A President addressing the

children of the Nation is not new. George H.W. Bush was the most recent President to address the children in 1991, and Reagan talked to them via C-SPAN in 1988. And yes, then, too, political talking heads announced the opposing parties concerns, but nothing to the same degree as President Obama’s speech approached. Some schools didn’t carry the speech; others delayed the broadcast so that the teachers could view it for themselves first. There was such a hullabaloo about the speech that the White House released the text on its website a day in advance for all to preview. It’s such a shame that those parents who were so sure they were going to disagree with what the President would say, or thought that he would say something harmful, didn’t try to use the speech as a learning tool with their children. Talk about the speech, talk about what they agreed and disagreed with, discuss the talking points. What a wonderful opportunity to communicate with your child, to discover your child’s point of view. But instead, they decided against fairness and open-mindedness. They kept their children home. The speech itself was anti-climatic. It was 2472 words long, taking about 15-20 minutes of time. It was designed to motivate students to do their part in achieving their educational goals. President Obama talked about the importance of staying in school, completing homework assignments, working through tough times to achieve goals, and inspiring students to become whatever they wanted to become through attending to their own education. He also told them to wash their hands a lot and stay home if they felt sick during the flu season. Now isn’t that just totally radical liberal rhetoric? And could someone please explain to me: What is so horrible about having a child listen to that? Victoria Schmidt Chapala

a 30

El Ojo del Lago November 2009

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plane is on its way to Houston when a blonde in Economy Class moves to the First Class section and sits down. The flight attendant watches her do this and asks to see her ticket. She then tells the blonde that she paid for Economy Class and that she will have to sit in the back. The blonde replies, “I am blonde, I am beautiful, I’m going to Houston, and I am staying right here.” The flight attendant goes into the cockpit and tells the pilot and the copilot that there is a blonde sitting in First Class who belongs in Economy and that she won’t move back to her assigned seat. The co-pilot goes back to the blonde and tries to explain that because she paid for Economy she will have to leave and return to her seat. The blonde replies, “I am blonde, I am beautiful, I’m going to Houston, and I am staying right here.” The co-pilot tells the pilot that he probably should have the police waiting when they land to arrest this blonde woman who won’t listen to


El Ojo del Lago November 2009

reason. The pilot says, “You say she is a blonde? I’ll handle this—my wife is a blonde. I speak blonde!” He goes back to the blonde and whispers in her ear, and she says, “Oh, I’m sorry.” And she gets up and goes back to her seat in economy. The flight attendant and co-pilot are amazed and ask him what he said to make her move without any fuss. “I told her that First Class isn’t going to Houston.”


Saw you in the Ojo



The Right Nutrients in the Right Concentration.

Dr. Mariana Solórzano Flores M.D. Integrative Medicine marianitasolorzano@hotmail.com


t is well known that Hippocrates is called the Father of Medicine. His principles of medical science formed the basis for modern medical theory developed in the 1800s. His famous oath, the Hippocratic Oath, is still used today. One of them is “primum non nocere,” which means that the first thing a doctor has to do while treating a patient is not to hurt him. Remember that all drugs have advers effects. Another one is “natura medicatrix.” This one is specially important because it remind us that our body and nature have all the tools to keep us healthy. Each of our cells is trying naturally to keep itself in balance and healthy. Of course, that would be easier if we would give the body the natural substances it needs to heal itself. Another principle is “let your


El Ojo del Lago November 2009

food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food.” The food we eat can be the reason why we get sick and also why we remain healthy. Some people don´t know the consequences for our body every time they eat canned, refined or fried food. If we want to optimize our health cell

by cell, What can we do? Orthomolecular medicine comes from “ortho” which means good, and “molecular” from cell. It is defined as the use of nutritional supplements to treat or prevent disease by optimizing the concentrations of substances (for example vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids) normally found in the human body. Each person has unique biochemical needs and deficiencies for these substances. Diet modifications are paramount for achieving optimum health, but the addition of nutritional supplements is also required. In order to choose the type, the combination and the dose of the nutrients is necessary to make an individual nutritional profile. Chronic-degenerative diseases are more and more frequent e.g, diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. An important factor in the prevention and the treatment of this disease is nutrition. However, even the best diet is not always adequate because the nutrient content of our food has been depleted, degraded and contaminated by modern agricultural and food processing practices. The advantages of orthomolecu-

lar medicine is that the nutrients that are used are normally found in the human body, in contrast with convencional medicine that uses drugs and other components that are unknown to our body. The word “orthomolecular” was introduced by Linus Pauling in “Orthomolecular Psychiatry,” his seminal 1968 article published in the Journal of Science. He learned about changes in mental function that precede the overt B vitamin deficiency diseases—pellagra, pernicious anemia and beriberi—and later learned about the work of two psychiatrists, Abram Hoffer and Humphry Osmond, who were reporting success in treating schizophrenics with niacin, the B vitamin that prevents pellagra. There is more evidence of the relationship between the specific nutritional deficiencies and specific diseases like hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, mental disorders, etc. Orthomolecular medicine is not “alternative.” Rather, it should be considered as an adjunct to appropriate conventional medicine. All diseases have a biochemical base and if we give the body the right molecules in the right concentration, the body will note the benefical changes.


Saw you in the Ojo


Welcome to Mexico! By Victoria Schmidt

Street Dogs


e have just been adopted. I know it is rather late in life for such an occurrence. But as is true in most families, there is always room for one more. In this case, we were adopted by a fourlegged furry character we named “Bear.” This golden color chow/lab mix started following our dog Boo and I home after our walks. He was such a well-mannered dog; I couldn’t believe he was on the street. I started asking around the neighborhood, and found out that he followed a little Mexican boy home, and his family had no intention of keeping him. Bear had a bad limp, and no one in the neighborhood seemed to know what to do about it. I was told if a Mexican family took an injured animal to a vet in Riberas that he would not charge for the visit, so we volunteered our van as transportation. I invested in another collar and a leash, and we went to the vet with a Mexican man from our neighborhood. Bear had an infected paw and would require antibiotics twice a day for three weeks. Well, the visit wasn’t free, so we paid for the consult, and the antibiotics. Next it was a flea bath and before we knew it, Bear had taken up residence in our home…much to the chagrin of our two cats. This has been a learning experience for everyone. I assumed when his paw healed, I could just drop him off at a local shelter. But I found out the shelters were full. No takers. I learned that the shelters were full because so many families here in Mex-

ico are having such a hard time financially that they are unable to feed their dogs so they are turning them out onto the street. They also fill up in the spring. I was shocked to learn that many of the seasonal residents also turn their dogs into the streets before they returned to their homes north of the border. To me, a house is not a home without pets. Two cats and now two dogs may be a bit much, but they are all rescued and I don’t know whom we would have turned away. I understand why someone would want to get a dog, or adopt an animal for their seasonal home, but I will never understand why anyone would simply turn that same pet out into the street later. I always thought adoption as a life-long commitment. Apparently some people have a different opinion. I recognize that it is a sad fact of life in Mexico that there are some residents who must make a choice between feeding their pet and feeding their family. I understand that there are circumstances where people have emergencies or problems and must return North of the Border, and that they may not be able to take their pets with them. But there has to be a better solution than opening the front gate and kicking the animal to the curb. Volunteers who work hard to care for the animals and find them homes usually staff the shelters. But they just do not have enough room. And when people adopt animals, the shelters do not expect that they will be turned out again in the space of a few months. My solution? I don’t have the ability to start up a pet-rental agency, or another shelter. I would just encourage all pet owners to be responsible, and to find homes for their pets rather than turning them out into the already over-crowded streets. Victoria Schmidt



El Ojo del Lago November 2009

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Phone: (376) 765-3676 (Ojo office for message – I’ll call back) Email: kdavis987@gmail.com Events are listed by date, like a calendar: past events, then those planned for the future. Some organizations offer multiple events or dates, and these items appear toward the end of the column. On September 22 Rob & Kirsten Moore were married at La Nueva Posada. Both are Americans. Rob Moore is the son of Rob and Linda Moore of Lakeside. The bride and groom decided to hold their wedding where the senior Moores could share in the ceremony, here in Ajijic. The honeymoon was spent in México at an unspecified beach resort. In September, CASA, the Culinary Arts Society of Ajijic, honored Mexican Independence Day by focusing their presentations on Mexican desserts and main dishes. In the category of Southwest/Mexican Entrees, long time member Hazel Tash won first place for her Enchilada Casser-Olé. She also won for Rob & Kirsten Moore People’s Choice. Former CASA president Judy Whitford won second place for her Spanish Rice with Poblano Chilis, and current president Patrick Winn won third place for his Francisco’s Mexican Meatloaf. The second category was Southwestern/Mexican Desserts. Karen Rowell won first place for her Mexican Cajeta Chocolate with Raspberry Salsa and became a BING winner. The BING is awarded after a member wins first place three times during the year. Mary Ann Waite won second place for her Tres Kahlua Cheesecake, and Pam Parrish won People’s Choice and third place for her Tequila Surprise. For information on CASA, call Patrick at Karen Rowell, dessert winner, and BING 766 – 4842 or email patriciowinn@hotmail.com. He would be pleased to invite those interested to come award winner as his guest. In October the Gonzalez Gallo Centro de Cultura in Chapala displayed paintings by Alfredo Gόmez, a display called Paisajes de la Laguna (Lakeside landscapes). Wonderful detail in the artwork. On October 10, Sol y Luna combined a display of art to close the exhibition by Ana Romo with a String Quartet concert. The quartet featured Chris Wilshere on violin with special guests from the Jalisco Philharmonic Alfredo Gόmez artwork Orchestra: Sava Latzanik, vioat the Train Station lin; Robert Nelson, viola; and Jorge Mendoza, Cello. On October 18 the Ajijic Society of the Arts (ASA) presented a variety of types of local artwork on the plaza. They displayed everything from paintings


El Ojo del Lago November 2009

to jewelry to photography. Take a look at the drama in this painting, both the colors and the vivid structure of the plant. On November 1 at 4 p.m. Los Cantantes Del Lago will present a musical treat for Lakesiders. John Herbert Jones, baritone, and Timothy G. Ruff Welch, pianist, will perform an “Afternoon of Song” at St. Andrew’s Anglican Church. The program will feature four styles of the art of song. Art by Ana Romo Gambling Songs composed by John Jacob Niles, represent the folk songs popular along the Mississippi during the 1800’s. Gospel/Revival songs are also from that era. They will then perform seven English Art Songs composed by Roger Quilter who used the poetry of some of England’s greatest writers to create music that evokes the sentiments in the authors’ texts: Tennyson, Shelley, Campion and, especially, William Shakespeare. For the final segment of the concert, Jones has elected to sing four “arias” composed for the three principal male characters in the musical “Les Misérables.” John Jones is a veteran of Broadway musicals and the operatic stage. He is a proud member of Los Cantantes del Lago, who sponsor this concert as they did his first concert at Lakeside in March 2008. Proceeds from this afternoon will help Los Cantantes in their community outreach programs. Tickets to An AfPainting by G. Lott ternoon of Song are $150 pesos, and can be obtained from Los Cantantes members, or by contacting Jan Feise at jan. feise@gmail.com, or phone 766-2691. Also by email to jhjones1024@yahoo.com. On November 10 Lakeside School for the Deaf is featuring the 5th Annual Fashion Extravaganza “Everything Old is New Again.” Contact either Leslie Martin at 766 – 2274, lesliemartin77@ hotmail.com or Coco Wonchee at (045) 333-1060585, s_wonchee@yahoo.com. On November 10 at 6 and 8 p.m., the Secret Garden will host Dilia’s Latin Jazz. The Secret Garden is at Hidalgo #8, Ajijic. Following a sellout show on October 22, this performance has been Dilia sings Latin Jazz added by popular request. Savor an evening of gourmet vegetarian food, fun and sensuality as can only be sung by a Latin heart. Denver-based Dilia sings jazz standards and songs from Brazil and all over Latin America. The talented musicians are Marco Landa, piano; Jimmy Barto, trumpet; Caello, drums; and Cesar Corona, bass. Tickets are $200 pesos. Call to order at 766 – 5213. On November 11 – 12 from 1 – 4 p.m., Love in Action (Amor en Acciόn) will Metin Bereketli, “healing through art” put on a fund raiser with the assistance of Metin Be-

painter, with kids

Saw you in the Ojo



hen we think of the peoples and cultures of modern Mexico, three things invariably spring to mind, and every one of them had its origin in our adopted state of Jalisco! The Mexican’s favorite pastime of listening to the lively music of mariachis while watching the riding and roping of the charros while sipping tequila says much for the fun loving nature of these people. But it is the distinctive sound and irresistible rhythm of mariachis that instantly invokes the image of gay caballeros and laughing senoritas dancing the Jarabe Tapatio, known to the rest of the world as the Mexican Hat Dance. Mariachis first appeared in Cocula in central Jalisco

sometime in the early 19th century, but the first verifiable mention of them is in a letter from a Catholic priest written in 1852. This poses a weighty argument against the folk etymology that claims the word “mariachi” derives from the French word for “marriage.” This is extremely unlikely, since the French did not arrive in Mexico until 1864 and it isn’t on record that any Frenchman ever set foot in Jalisco, much less got married here. Other possible derivations, such as the claim they were named after a Virgin called Maria H. (Mah-ri-ahchay), are even more far fetched and, in fact, we may never know exactly how the name evolved. Not that it matters. Mariachis and their music are the heart and soul of Mexico. They take their themes where they find them; love, betrayal, death, revolution, heroes and heroines, machismo, plants, country life, animals and even the lowly cucaracha who cannot walk because she has no marijuana to smoke. Mariachis are on hand with special music for every holiday and fiesta whether it be Mother’s Day, Independence Day or a young woman’s fifteenth birthday. Music has always been an important part of

Mexican life. Cortez found the natives playing and dancing to the music of gourd rattles, reed whistles, wooden drums, reed or clay flutes, tiny silver or golden bells


El Ojo del Lago November 2009

and horns made of conch shells. They quickly and enthusiastically adopted the brass horns, woodwinds and stringed instruments like guitars, violins, and harps imported by the Spanish. These were intended to provide music for Church Masses but the natives had other ideas. They not only learned to play these foreign instruments but were soon producing their own, sometimes with shapes and tunings of their own invention. Some of these, like the highpitched, round-backed vihuela, the Mexican folk harp and the deepvoiced guitarron still play integral roles in today’s mariachi music. Indians and Mestizos alike were soon playing their new instruments for village festivals where they played the lively, foot-stomping sones and jarabes, many of which have become popular outside Mexico. Typical examples are the son jaracho, called La Bamba, the son huasteca or La Malaguena and the aforementioned jarabe Tapatio. These dances were performed on the tarima, a wooden platform sometimes elevated on clay jars that amplified the staccato heel beats of the dancers. The rapid stomping beat of the zapateado, a distinctive type of footwork originating in Spain, is the basis of such sones as the jaliscience and is

Saw you in the Ojo



El Ojo del Lago November 2009

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El Ojo del Lago November 2009

so forceful it has been known to reduce the hardest of wooden dance floors to splinters. Playing for Spanish social occasions and dances required the Mariachis to add waltzes, polkas and other European dances to their repertoires, while playing in theater orchestras demanded still other musical forms. But their lively rhythms and often scatological lyrics were too profane for the church, which considered them pagans of the worst sort. In time, they became the wandering minstrels of the New World, bringing the current news and the latest songs and dances to remote native villages and isolated Spanish haciendas. In either place they were heartily welcomed and provided with food and lodging for as long as they chose to stay. Some haciendas hired them on a permanent basis at a larger salary than any peon could hope to earn. Poorer villages could only offer a small stipend to help them on their way to their next stop. Such groups were small, usually only four men playing two violins, a vihuelo and a guitarron and singing to their own accompaniment. The 1910 revolution changed everything. The few haciendas that still existed after the revolutionary armies under Villa, Carranza and Zapata finished their vindic-

tive burning and looting could no longer afford such luxuries as mariachis. Hitherto isolated and unknown outside their own small worlds, Mariachis were forced to seek audiences in the cities, where they performed for a fee. It was necessary to learn new musical styles and, in time, brasses were added to the original all-string ensembles Today, a standard group consists of two or three trumpet players, three or more violinists, and men playing the vihuela, the guitarron, the Mexican folk harp and the Spanish guitar, most of whom sing as well. In the early days there were no fancy identifying costumes. True, the small groups were dressed alike, but only because they wore the same clothing as all the other peasants in Mexico. White cotton shirts and trousers, huaraches and broad-brimmed straw sombreros were the uniform of the day. It was not until after the 1910 revolution that mariachis began to wear the distinctive costume of the Charros. Today, silver studded short jackets and tight fitting pants flared at the bottom to accommodate short boots, embroidered belts, flowing bow ties and lavishly decorated sombreros are as much a part of Mariachis as their music. These distinctive costumes were soon highly visible at fiestas and political events such as presidential inaugurations. The introduction of new entertainment forms served to spread their fame. Performances on radio, phonograph records and in motion pictures did much to increase the exposure and popularity of mariachis and their music in the early 1900s. Those early movies in which they appeared focused on the machismo which has become an integral part of their mystique.

By now, mariachis had become such a national treasure that even the Roman Catholic Church finally relented and accepted them. In 1966, Father Juan Marco Leclerc astonished his Cuernavaca congregation by allowing the performance of the first mariachi mass. The Misa Panamerica is a folk mass sung in Spanish to the accompaniment of mariachi instruments which is now frequently performed throughout Mexico and in the United States wherever there is a sizeable Hispanic population. Now, if the Church used tequila instead of wine for communion and held charro contests in their courtyards after mass they might be surprised at how many backsliders returned to the fold.

Saw you in the Ojo


reketli, Hollywood’s “healing through art” painter. The shows will be at Pedro Moreno in Chapala where Love in Action provides an orphanage and shelter for children and young single mothers. Tickets will be sold at the door and at the Lake Chapala Society, or call Moonie at 763 – 5126. Price is $100 pesos per person. Snacks and a no host bar. Please help these beautiful children taken from neglect, abandonment and abuse. email moonie1935@yahoo.com. On November 21 – 22, from 2 – 5 p.m., The Spanglish Imposition will provide comedy favorites, inviting guests to laugh and play with them at the Improv 101 Workshop (FUNshop). They will appear at the Lake Chapala Jewish Congregation in Riberas del Pilar. Cost is $100 pesos, reservations required. email Improv sallyserene@yahoo.com. On November 21, 22, 28 & 29 at Sol y Luna, Rio Bravo #19 in Ajijic, there will be Always...Patsy Cline, presented by My, My, How Nice! Productions. This will be the production company’s inaugural offering. The show has been one of the most actively produced shows in the world. The unforgettable Patsy Cline will be brought to life by Patteye Simpson, last seen as Kate in LLT’s Kiss Me Kate. Musical direction and accompaniment will be by Timothy Welch of Los Cantantes del Lago. Jayme Littlejohn, plays Louise Seeger. Part of the proceeds will benefit CREM/Golden Strings. Show times are 7:30 p.m., Sunday matinees at 4 p.m., bar open one hour in advance. Tickets at Diane Pearl Colecciones, and at Pedro’s Gourmet, or email mxpatsy@gmail.com. December 1 (6:30 p.m.) and December 2 (12 noon no host bar, 1:30 lunch) is Christmas at the Tecnico Universitario en Hoteleria Jaltepec. Attendees will enjoy a three course roast turkey dinner plus a taste of the Los Cantantes choir. Tickets Patsy Cline are $400 pesos for December 1 and $350 pesos for lunch on December 2. Contact Linda Buckthorp at 766 – 1631, buckthorp@ laguna.com.mx. The American Legion post #7 schedule for November: Sundays, all month: 12 – 3 p.m. Legion Grill (burgers, beans, salad) Nov 2 – 11 a.m. Legion Executive Board Meeting, 1 p.m. Events Ctte Nov 3 – 11 a.m. Auxiliary Executive Board Meeting Nov 4 – 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. US Consulate (Note: No more Social Security) Nov 6 – 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. Yard Sale Nov 11 – Veterans Day/Remembrance Day Nov 26 – 4 p.m. American Thanksgiving Dinner Nov 30 – 4 p.m. Snowbird Welcome Lakeside Little Theater news: The Lakeside Little Theatre regrets that the final play for this season, Dracula, to be directed by Tod Jonson, scheduled performances April 3 - 11, 2010 will not be presented. LLT’s Board of Directors are deciding on a replacement show. All members and patrons will be advised. LLT’s second performance is the Agatha Christie mystery The Mousetrap, directed by Roseann Wilshere. Performances are October 31 – November 9, with no performance on November 2. There will be a special performance of the hit comedy Old Love, written by and starring Canada’s most popular playwright, Norm Foster and showcasing Patricia Vanstone. Performances are November 19 – 22, tickets available during the run of The Mousetrap at the Theater Box Office during regular box office hours for $150 pesos. Music Appreciation Society (MAS) Season Tickets 2009 – 2010 are $1000 pesos, $1200 or $1500 pesos for each reserved seat. This year’s program: November 17 – Three Tenors and a Soprano: The Mousetrap opera arias


El Ojo del Lago November 2009

December 16 – Flamenco: Antonio Jimenez “El Chupete” and seven artists January 14 – Jalisco Philharmonic Orchestra: a “Night in Vienna” February 9 – Three Sopranos: opera arias, duos, trios March 23 – Two Guitarists Extraodinaire: Juanito Pazcual Taxi service for patrons can be arranged for after the show at audtaxi@gmail. com or patrons may sign up at the Auditorio fifteen minutes prior to the scheduled opening. . Mexican Holidays for November: Nov 1-2 Día de todos Santos and Día de los Muertos (All Saints Day and All Soul’s Day) – unique festive practices derived from a blending of pre-Hispanic rituals and Christian customs. Mexicans honor their dead by decorating graves and attending memorial services in cemeteries. Food is laid out both to honor and to entice visit by departed souls who are invited to share in the festivities as if still alive. Nov 12 Día del Cartero (Mailman’s Day) is an occasion to show appreciation to the postmaster and mail carriers. Nov 20 Día de la Revoluciόn Mexicana The Mexican Revolution marked by parades. Nov 22 Día de Santa Cecilia (Saint Cecilia’s Day), the patroness of musicians is celebrated boisterously by Mariachi bands. Nov 30 Ajijic celebrates fiestas patronales honoring San Andrés (Saint Andrew the Apostle). Dec 6 San Nicolás de Ibarra, near the Vista del Lago subdivision, celebrates fiestas patronales honoring Saint Nicholas. #17 – Open Circle at LCS on Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m.: Nov 1 Michael Warren Nov 8 John de Waal – reality check Nov 15 Don Aitken Nov 22 Doc McGee – naturopathy and your immune system Nov 29 Kevin Knox – Buddhism without beliefs Dec 6 David Seligson – Age of Enlightenment Dec 13 Todd Stong – more on Lakeside infrastructure –VIVA! La Musica’s schedule. Contact Rosemary Keeling for any of these trips (766 – 1801): Nov 6 Bus trip to the Jalisco Philharmonic Orchestra concert, 8:30; concert includes works by Borodin, Rimsky Korsakov and a Tchaikovsky violin concierto. Nov 26 Bus trip to Morelia, return Nov 29 – This trip is fully booked with a wait list. Nov 29 Bus for a Sunday matinee of a fun zarzuela with Luisa Fernanda; Patricia Hernandez will sing the title role in this production featuring the Jalisco Philharmonic Orchestra and the Jalisco state choir. On November 19, Dine with the Shrine will be held at Manix restaurant from 12- 8:30 p.m. The address is Calle Ocampo #57 in Ajijic. The phone number for reservations is 766-0061. Manix has its own parking lot right next door. The Shriners’ special meal will be pork loin with soup or salad and dessert for only $100 pesos. Proceeds will be donated to the Shriners’ Transportation and Treatment Fund by Manix owner Familia Espana. The Lake Chapala Shrine club raises money to send children from the Lake Chapala Area up to the age of 18 to the Shrine hospital in Mexico City for orthopaedic, spinal column injuries and burn treatment free of charge. Every year on welcoming the winter season to what has now become a local tradition, Lakeside children put on a performance with the help of Le petit ballet company to help mistreated teenage mothers and their children. This year it will be held on Thursday December 10 in the Floresta auditorium. Enjoy dancing youngsters in this one hour show and help giving away to the most needed. Tickets at Dra. Dolores Russell office or call 766-0075.

Saw you in the Ojo


THIS WORLD of OURS By Bob Harwood bharwoodb@hotmail.com

The Other Europe


n 2009 we embarked on an exploration of The Other Europe—Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Hungary and Slovakia, countries along the Lower Danube that had been largely off our radar screens until 1989 as it had taken their Russian ‘liberators’ 45 years to go home. From a centrally located hotel in Romania’s Bucharest we strolled streets and grand boulevards, lingered in parks and grand palaces of this Paris of the Balkans. We then embarked on a 12 day Uniworld river cruise to sail up the Danube at a scenic, leisurely pace with ample shore time to savor each country. At Varna we sailed the Black Sea and lunched on shore as sunbathers reclined au naturel on adjacent beaches. Ancient civilizations here predated Rome’s glory days. On board ship local artists entertained us with the music and dance of each region and well versed academics briefed us on sites we were about to explore. We heard of the region’s turbulent history as empires rose and fell. We developed relationships with just 70 fellow passengers and a crew drawn from no less than nine countries. We wandered pedestrian-only streets and squares of architecturally magnificent small towns just minutes from our ship and bussed inland on other expeditions. Castles and fortifications along the Danube spoke to war torn histories. The great natural sandstone formations of Belogradchic were reminiscent of America’s south west. And Mount Rushmore came to mind as we sailed between the walls of the Iron Gates en route Serbia where a giant face carved out of the cliff side honors Decebalus for repelling the Romans. Other sites marked the remnants of societies dating back 8000 years. These waters are now navigable since completion of a massive hydroelectric dam project. We toured the restored archeological site at Serbia’s Viminacium, a bastion every Roman Emperor visited at least once. In Belgrade Tito was memorialized at every turn for


El Ojo del Lago November 2009

leading Serbia’s Nazi resistance and building a nominally Communist state but one defying Russian hegemony. In the 20th century only Queen Victoria’s and Charles de Gaulle’s funerals garnered more heads of state. But, only a decade ago, Serbia and Croatia were torn by violent ethnic conflict. In Croatia we drove from bomb scarred Vukovar on the Danube past signs warning of not yet defused minefields to Osijek. There we savored the healing balm of colorful period architecture under sunny skies and the pleasure of an intimate small group lunch graciously hosted in an artistic private home. On our day in Slovakia from castle heights above we could yet again observe modern high rises on the far side of the river while savoring the period pleasures of the peopled public spaces in our immediate area. It was not our first visit to Budapest and Vienna but we were reminded once again and at every turn that in the glory days of the Austro-Hungarian Empire these cities were equally cultural capitals of the world with the grandest of architecture, dance and music. So we stayed on in Vienna for three musical evenings in venues as intimate as the room of Mozart’s home in which he had performed for the peers of his day to more palatial grandeur for full orchestral / operatic / ballet performances—all within walking distance of our small hotel. Throughout our journey we encountered an almost universal hope for a more prosperous, peaceful future under the auspices of the European Union. I will enlarge on this at a future date as it was one of the most significant insights garnered on our 2009 exploration of The Other Europe.


Bob Harwood

Saw you in the Ojo


LEGERDEMAIN—Italian Style By Jim Rambologna


nzio Grattani was the Editor-in-Chief of a local rivista (or magazine) in Ajiermo, Italy. Locals knew him to be molto intelligente. Those who knew him best, however, knew him as a shrewd dude as well. But Enzio had a secret. He had a history in show business that he shared with no one but, of course, his Associate Editor. For nearly twenty-five years, he had been a magician in El Pasoble, a small southwestern town near Italy’s boot. Ironically, Enzio eventually got the boot out of El Pasoble for reasons that this tale may help explain. Local scribes and wannabes in Ajiermo loved to have their fantasies recounted in Grattani’s magazine, L’Occhio del Lago.The magazine’s owner, Ricardo Tingoni, indulged Grattani and his eager contributors in their endeavors and, once a year, treated all of them to multiple slices of pepperoni pizza, washed down with dago red, at his local restaurant, “Fabbricante di Denaro” or The Money Maker. But not even the influential Tingoni was privy to the secret of his magazine’s success Oh, he was aware that Grattani had a way with words or, at least, a way to be without too many words, but Tingoni never quite came to comprehend how it was all done. And he didn’t care, so long as the Euro kept flowing.


El Ojo del Lago November 2009

Grattani’s office was in cramped quarters with spartan furnishings: a desk, a wooden chair for the editor, a clothes closet, and another single chair for infrequent visitors. Much of his work load was accomplished over the internet, where he accepted submissions and transferred them into his file folder marked “Surgelare” (or deep freeze.) His computer would then automatically send the anxious contributor a form letter indicating that the piece would be published “soon” and with many gratzis. But the real bulk of the old magician’s editorial legerdemain was accomplished right there, in the cramped office. A recent visit by Canuti Clarconzoni was demonstrative. The robust Clarconzoni had his heart set on the publication of a series of articles describing the Italian conquest of the Welsh in 1436. The Italians had delivered plump ravioli to the Welsh, bathed in a rich putanesca sauce and a pudding dessert, claiming it was a peace offering. Later that same night, the Italians attacked the bloated Welshmen and beat them soundly in what is now historically known as the bloody Battle of Tastings. Problem was, Clarconzoni’s six articles detailing the debacle were each over 1,200 words in length. Clarconzoni knew that this was far in excess of Grattani’s much-discussed and reviled limit of 700 words. Nevertheless, in the editor’s office, Clarconzoni pressed hard for

Grattani’s acquiescence. His Inverness cape of khaki, with crowning epaulets, wound round him as he waved the lengthy articles over his head, shouting about fundamental fairness and due process. “Whatsa up wit’ dis?” his voice boomed. The office space, such as it was, shrank even more under the heat of the confrontation. Grattani nervously pulled on the bill of his Anjiermo Antelopes ball cap and adjusted his rose- tinted Versace sun shades. Then suddenly, to Clarconzoni’s shock, Grattani shoved him into his closet and closed the door behind him. The magician, it seemed, was up to his old tricks. Behind the closet door there was silence….for five long minutes. Clarconzoni emerged as quickly as he had disappeared. His eyes were glazed and he shook his head in bewilderment. “Now, where was I?” he asked. The ever-shrewd Grattani smiled broadly and in a gravelly voice said, “I was just saying that I would publish your entire series, as is. Howsa dat?” Clarconzoni leafed through the papers in his hand. Each article had magically been reduced to exactly

700 words but all the dazed author knew for certain was that there were fewer pages. Nevertheless, Clarconzoni’s smile beamed as he thanked the crafty editor and hastened out to the winding cobblestone street. Later, over coffee with other local authors, Clarconzoni learned that they had been treated similarly. However, their complaints focused on the Associate Editor, II Signore Tiptoninni. Those complaining of Tiptoninni’s shoves into the famed closet agreed that all materials submitted to him in excess of 700 words eventually ended up either erotic or romantic, Italian Haiku. The angry group decided to confront Grattani. The following morning the writers elbowed their way into Enzio’s office. The editor’s keen antennae sensed a problem immediately and he decided to seize the moment. He waved his paycheck, in the amount of 1,300 Euro over his head and complained loudly that Tingoni didn’t appreciate his many talents; that only the authors understood his contribution. However, in the midst of this obvious filibuster, Clarconzoni

lunged forward, grabbed Grattani by the shoulders, and shoved him into the closet. The silence was broken by the sound of the other authors’ congratulatory slaps on Clarconzoni’s back. Five minutes later, Grattani stumbled back into the room. The editor was shaken, not stirred, by the situation. He resumed his ramble about his meager paycheck. Eventually, he stopped waving it around and brought in down near his chest, staring at it in amazement. It was no longer in the amount of 1,300 but a mere

700 Euro. Clearly, the ashen-faced Grattani had been hoisted by his own petard. I might recount the repercussions that followed in that formerly placid writing community. However, my own word count is now exactly 916 and, as you may have already noticed, there’s a closet back there behind me! (Ed. Note: By the writer’s own count, this particular article is well over 700 words, thus branding his accusations as utterly scurrilous. Legal action against him might be in the offing.)


Saw you in the Ojo


Wondrous Wildlife By Vern and Lori Gieger

Sloths Could Save Your Life


e all know that sloth is one of the seven deadly sins but did you know that a sloth is also an animal with a rather strange appearance? Collectively known as the living sloths, these animals consist of six species from the tropical rainforests of Central and South America. Sloths are omnivores. Their diet consists of shoots and leaves although they may also eat small birds, reptiles and insects. They do not get many nutrients from the leaves that form the majority of their diet; as a result they don’t seem to have a great deal of energy. The only defense sloths have against predators are their claws, camouflage and the fact they move rather slowly in their tree top homes and do not often attract attention. Feeding, mating and birth all occur in trees. Defecation and urination, however, occurs on the ground and sloths make their way to the ground once or twice a week to eliminate in a hole that is dug by the tail while the sloth clings with its forelegs to the tree trunk or vine above. It is during this process the females of the various moths, beetles and mites that live on the sloth fur will temporarily leave their shaggy host to deposit eggs on its dung. Much like a house cat they ensure that the hole is covered with leaf litter on completion. Although this takes less than 30 minutes, many jaguar kills of sloths are reported to occur during this period. Locomotion in trees is slow as they use their claws as hooks both in vertical and horizontal progression. Terrestrial movement is reduced to a crawl. The sloth prefers to hook objects with its claws and pull itself forwards. Progress under such conditions has been clocked at a whopping 0.25 mph. Swimming is much easier,


El Ojo del Lago November 2009

and sloths are often observed crossing rivers. Though typically the sloth’s movements are generally slow, they can move quite quickly if threatened. Their main predators are large eagles, especially the harpy eagle, and jaguars. Sexual maturity is reached at about three years. One young is produced per year. Nursing requires six to eight weeks. Weaning occurs as infants first lick leaf fragments from their mother’s fur and lips and later sharing the leaves being eaten by the mother. To save energy, sloths barely regulate their body temperature; however pregnant females do invest energy to keep their bodies a few degrees above ambient temperature, the better to develop their embryo. Sloths may live 20 years in the wild. One species is classified as Endangered by the IUCN and the U.S. Department of the Interior, due to its habitat being depleted by lumber extraction and agricultural activities. Other than being an amusing oddity of the animal kingdom, interesting to see, one may assume it has little to offer mankind. However, several tropical rainforest species, including sloths, are being recognized for their potential to further human medicine. Sloths are known for their ability to heal quickly, avoid infection, and survive the most severe injuries. Researchers are investigating the basis of this healing response with hopes to develop improved drugs or treatment methods for severe wounds. Amazing, some day, some people may owe their life to this strange fuzzy creature.



of the month

By Rich Petersen

Joselyn I. Morales Becerra


een here is one of Niños Incapacitados’ “success stories,” nine-year old Joselyn Morales Becerra. Joselyn is the youngest of three children and lives with them and their mother, Maricela, in Atotonilquillo. The family moved recently from Chapala to Atotonilquillo due to the father’s leaving the family on its own, an often-too-common occurrence these days. Joselyn is in fourth grade and an excellent student. She says she would like to be a teacher when she grows up. She loves to be outside in “el campo;” she also loves to dance and to play with her dolls. Her sister Tania is 11 and in fifth grade; her brother José Gustavo is 17 and has one more year of high school. He would like to go on to college and study sports medicine and therapy. The siblings and their mother are very close and have helped their little sister with her disability throughout the years. In fact, at our last meeting Joselyn’s Mom brought some photographs of Joselyn dancing with a group of her friends and also at a fashion show—all with her brace in place and doing an excellent job of keeping up with the others. She has never allowed her disability to keep her from most activities any little girl her age enjoys. Joselyn has been with Niños Incapacitados since the age of three.

She was born with severely turnedin feet which made it almost impossible for her to walk without assistance. The doctors at the Hospital Civil in Guadalajara have monitored Joselyn over the years. Their treatment has been one of using different orthopedic shoes and braces to gradually straighten the little girl’s feet and knees, guiding them gently into a more normal position. The best news is that with the last brace and shoes that were fitted just a month or two ago, the doctors believe that in another six months, Joselyn will be able to then walk without any kind of brace. This was more than evident at our last meeting when she walked briskly around the room and showed hardly any sign of weakness or hesitation. Please join us the second Thursday of each month at 10:00 at the Hotel La Nueva Posada in Ajijic to meet other children like Joselyn and to learn more about what Niños Incapacitados does and how you could help as a volunteer. Also, watch for news about two of our fundraising events, one in January and then in February, 2010.


Saw you in the Ojo


The Ojo Crossword

ACROSS 1 IBM Competitor 4 Cain Killed him 8 Climber 14 Gone by 15 Asian dress 16 Resistance 17 May 18 Exchange 19 Patted gently 20 Visits 22 American sign language 23 Journalist’s question 24 Time period 27 Communicators 31 Pine 33 Down town 35 Alphabet 36 Gorilla 38 Boxer Muhammad 39 Narrow opening 40 Powerful person 44 Philippines’ second national language 46 Giant 47 Profit 49 Twosome 50 French “yes” 51 Wing 52 Ballet skirt 55 Cattle farm 58 Building lot 61 Mantle 63 Radioactivity unit 65 Kansas city 67 Slight 70 Antic 71 Set 72 Machine men 73 Type of tea 74 Bard’s before 75 Poem division 76 Meager 77 Lodge


El Ojo del Lago November 2009

DOWN 1 Parrot 2 Modern female mystery write Christie 3 Brand of cold remedy 4 Association (abbr.) 5 Ribald 6 Wipe out 7 Edge 8 Carbonated drink 9 Crack 10 Wander 11 Scientist’s office 12 Stage of life 13 Crimson 21 Hydrocarbon 25 Expression of surprise 26 Policy 28 Painter of melting clocks 29 Wading bird 30 Hormone 32 Government agency 34 Hogtie 37 Bunsen burner 39 Slump 40 Make secure 41 Water (Spanish) 42 Smile 43 Snaky fish 45 ____ feeling 48 Thai 53 Computer game 54 Commotion 56 Sign softly 57 Cps 59 Two times 60 Bedspread feather 62 Dine 64 Plateau 66 Rule 67 Internal Revenue Service 68 Obtained 69 BB association 70 Gloomy

Feathered Friends By John Keeling

A Primitive Duck


arly this year we spent time with birding friends exploring the east end of Lake Chapala for the first time. We followed the Lerma river, driving slowly and stopping every few hundred yards to look for birds. We discovered a pond, with reeds, the only Black-bellied Whistling Duck pond we have found in the large, drained farming area that at the top of the list. I asked myself used to be a vast marsh. Passing the “what does this mean?” pond, suddenly I observed a bird It turns out that professional orwith a long, pale-brown neck which nithologists have followed the lead made me think “that’s an unusual of the botanists who first got into looking heron.” I quickly stopped the listing game. The listers have the car and we got out to look. A key always shown the most primitive feature was the bright pink beak. It species first, followed by those that didn’t take long to identify it as a have evolved progressively from Black-bellied Whistling Duck. the older species. So it is that when Back at home I discovered it you buy a bird book you will find was not on the list of birds sighted the birds arranged in peculiar searound Lake Chapala. It was a first! quence. They are arranged from the Since then we have observed them oldest species, to the most genetion the coast around San Blas, where cally evolved species. At the beginthey are common. This summer we ning of the book you find loons, discovered a family of these ducks ducks and gulls; at the end you find much closer to home. We saw a pair finches, orioles and sparrows. of adults with half a dozen duckSo it appears that the bird we lings swimming at a dam not far saw at the other end of the lake is from “Los Burritos” restaurant on the most primitive bird species seen the way to the airport. here. These birds are found from TexJohn Keeling and his wife lead as to Argentina and do not migrate, ‘Los Audubonistas del Lago’ which though they will wander in large is a loose-knit group of people inflocks in the winter. In the summer terested in birds. To receive notices they nest in tree cavities, or on the of events please leave your e-mail ground if they have to. They have address at www.avesajijic.com. a “strong monogamous pairing bond” meaning they stay with the same partner for many years. Both parents share incubation and care of the young. The ducklings are able to feed themselves almost immediately after hatching. Adults feed on aquatic plants, worms, insects and grain. In the past, over-hunting was a concern. Now, with nesting box programs and less hunting, the population in North America is increasing, and it is expanding its range.


Top Duck When this species was added to the Lake Chapala List, the Blackbellied Whistling Duck appeared

Saw you in the Ojo


A NEW LEASE—on Life! By Judit Rajhathy, B.A., RNCP, D.Ac.

Fake It ‘Til You Make It


eople often ask me how I can be so upbeat all the time. Like anyone else I also have my ups and downs - the difference is that I do not allow my down times to last long because I have learned that life is just too short to be wasted on negativity. Given that my physical health is optimal via diet and supplements, I try my best to live in the moment, knowing the past is gone, the future is not yet here and that all we have is the very moment in which we find ourselves. Living in this consciousness isn’t easy, so I often ‘fake it ‘til I make it’ without repressing my feelings but at the same time not paying too much attention to them since most feelings are generated by thoughts—thoughts that come and go all the time—like clouds passing in the sky. I choose to focus on the sun above the clouds. So the days that I wake up with challenges, I switch from choosing to focus on them to focusing on the positive—ensuring that before the day is over I have performed some kind of service to another—what better distraction than helping another human being? The energy expended in this direction is infectious and can totally change the direction of the day. I also try to surround myself with positive energy either through uplifting music, exercise, dance, a good conversation —anything passionate! We cannot control external influences—what we do have full control over is our reactions to these influences. Knowing and fully accepting also that there is nothing constant in life but change, we need to get our-


El Ojo del Lago November 2009

selves to the point where we can be adaptable and able to adjust to changes in life. Partners come and go, dear friends become sick and die, our children can experience hardships, we can experience financial issues— the list is endless. We can choose to argue with reality and swim against the stream or we can accept reality and swim with the current. As Byron Katie, best selling author and developer of The Work often says, “You can argue with reality but reality will win—always.” Suffering is optional. Why choose to suffer when you can choose in any given moment to be happy? The one thing we do have control over is our mind, our attitude. As Victor Frankl points out in Man’s Search For Meaning, “We who lived in concentration camps can remember the men who walked through the huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread...they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way”. Hopefully you will also choose to take care of yourself by proper diet and regular exercise. See you at the gym!


Judit Rajhathy

Saw you in the Ojo


Hearts at Work —A Column by Jim Tipton



e are disturbed not by what happens to us, but by our thoughts about what happens.” --Epictetus, Greek philosopher Back in the mid-fifties, in the little town in which I grew up in northern Ohio, I read, between novels about Indians in southern Ohio and in the Rockies, the writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau, along with a little pamphlet, As a Man Thinketh, by James Allen. I returned to these authors again and again. They all wrote about how we are responsible for our own lives, and how our lives our literally determined by how we think. In his opening chapter, “Thought and Character,” James Allen writes that “The aphorism, ‘As a man thinketh in his heart so is he,’ not only embraces the whole of a man’s being, but is so comprehensive as to


Byron Katie

reach out to every condition and circumstance of his life. A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts.” One sunny afternoon not so long ago I picked up in a little mountain bookstore in western Colorado, Loving What Is, by Byron Katie, a woman who depressed and desperate woke up one morning “in a state of absolute joy.” Byron Katie reminds us of what philosophers throughout the ages have understood: “It’s not

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the problem that causes our suffering; it’s our thinking about the problem.” The subtitle of Loving What Is is Four Questions That Can Change Your Life. She offers us a few simple principles and then proceeds to demonstrate how these actually work in real life with real people who are struggling with all sorts of relationship problems. She suggests people go to her website, “The Work of Byron Katie” (www.thework. com) and download several useful forms, including: “Judge Your Neighbor Worksheet,” “Judge Your Body Worksheet,” and “Instructions for Doing the Work.” Once you have identified a negative judgment you have made about others or about yourself, you then proceed through “Four Questions”: Is it true? Can you absolutely know that it’s true? How do you react, what happens, when you believe that thought? Who would you be without the thought? For example: “Is it true that he should understand you? Ultimately can you really know what he should or shouldn’t understand? Can you absolutely know what’s in his best interest to understand? What happens when you believe ‘Paul should understand me’ and he doesn’t? Do you experience anger, stress, frustration? Do you give him ‘the look’? Do you try to change him in any way? How do these reactions feel? Does that thought bring stress or peace into your life? Be still as you listen. “What would you be without the thought? Close your eyes. Picture yourself in the presence of the person you want to understand you. Now imagine looking at that person, just for a moment, without the thought, ‘I want him to understand.’

What do you see? What would your life look like without that thought?” Following the Four Questions you turn your statement around in The Turnaround. “For example, ‘Paul should understand me’ turns around to: Paul shouldn’t understand me. (Isn’t that reality sometimes?) I should understand me. (It’s my job, not his.) I should understand Paul. (Can I understand that he doesn’t understand me?)” Do you need a class, a workshop, a teacher? Byron Katie assures us that “No teacher is necessary. You are the teacher you’ve been waiting for. You are the one who can end your own suffering.” As you proceed to clean up your thoughts, remember that “Behind every uncomfortable feeling, there’s a thought that isn’t true for us.” Begin filling out worksheets for people you haven’t yet totally forgiven. (That means if you’ve only forgiven 99% you still need to do it.) Be “judgmental, harsh, childish, and petty. Write with the spontaneity of a child who is sad, angry, confused, or frightened. Don’t try to be wise, spiritual, or kind.” As you go deeper and deeper into the inquiry process you will begin to discover who you really are. Eventually “may notice that you’re meeting every thought, feeling, person, and situation as a friend.” The Introduction, by her husband Stephen Mitchell (author of The Gospel According to Jesus), begins with these words by Baruch Spinoza: “The more clearly you understand yourself and your emotions, the more you become a lover of what is.” Let’s all work harder to become “lovers of what is.”


Jim Tipton

Saw you in the Ojo





dislike writing stories about sex because I have to rely on memory. When one suffers from CRS, (Can’t Remember Shit), this becomes very tricky. As I recall, sex is supposed to involve passion. I feel passionate about many things, i.e. vodka and tonics, Scottish terriers, airport security, etc. None of which, has anything to do with sex. Consequently, you can anticipate that my ideas on this subject are a bit askew. As a child, the message was clear: you don’t touch any part of your body or make contact with orifices without explicit parental instructions. A finger up your nose doesn’t seem particularly provocative. Little girls were forced to deal with the issue of “sugar and spice.” Fifty years later, I am still analyzing what baking items have to do with sex. How horrifying for male children who had to constantly experience the threat of blindness. Children are required to participate in the barbaric ritual of toilet training, which negates the “no touch” rule. “Son, just hold your binky over the toilet bowl and watch what happens.” Imagine the confusion, how do I do this without touching myself and what the hell is a Binky? They are expected to just go along with this process on blind faith? Adolescents look to their parents for guidance and explanations about body changes and sex. Who told us anything? We were the generation that grew up with “The Brady Bunch,” two adults from failed marriages who obviously know nothing about birth control, hook up and let the housekeeper raise the kids. “Love Boat” was another great example. Through coercion, you get your love interest on a boat, than you stalk them around the ship, hope they panic and give in. We are the generation of “Free Love.” We freely got pregnant, caught venereal disease and spent jail time. Some bargain! We don’t know how or what to tell our kids about sex. They do what every generation has done;


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they experiment. Oral sex could be a bit painful; your partner has a pierced tongue, nose and lips. The posts on those earrings could leave some serious scratches. Picture some poor teenage boy getting his tongue caught in his girlfriend’s vulva ring. Having an acne-pocked, spiked haired, body pierced adolescent male, who holds up his baggy tom jeans with a semierection, would be a real turn on for me. Kids today have it tough; people ask them what sex they are and laugh hysterically when they answer. Isn’t it great to be entering our twilight years? We’ve paid off the mortgage, gotten the kids through college and kept our affairs a secret from our spouse. We can accept that some things will never change. Men still don’t know what turns a woman on and women gave up trying to turn their husbands off. Nature does that for us. As a generation, we’ve learned that regardless how hot and steamy our sex life was; passion fades and there had better be a lot of money to take its place. “Boomers” are faced with one more major challenge, grandchildren asking about sex. It is cruel to continue passing along inaccurate information or lies. Grandchildren are computer literate. They can check out the crap you tell them. So, let’s give them truths: a pig’s orgasm lasts for 30 minutes (I’m ready to be reincarnated), humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure (now you know why Flipper was always smiling), some lions mate over 50 times a day (how does he get them to say “Yes”) and the male praying mantis cannot have sex while its head is attached to its body. The female initiates sex by ripping the male’s head off, (you thought Lorena Bobbit was a bit rough). The final pearl of wisdom you can offer your grandchildren is when someone hassles them, it takes 42 facial muscles to frown, but it only takes four muscles to extend their middle finger.


Saw you in the Ojo




ear Sir: At last some interest is being taken in the governance of the Lake Chapala Society! I think the Preamble to the proposed new constitution says it best: “The Lake Chapala Society, A.C., since its official formation in 1979, has continually endeavored to meet the ever-changing and growing needs of its members and the Lake Chapala communities in which they reside. As the Society has matured the membership has recognized from time to time the need to adjust the governing documents with the effect that there are now four different registered documents that must be consulted to answer complex governing and administrative questions. So, while recognizing the intent of previous documents and paying homage to the significant accomplishments of members in years gone by, this document does four things: 1. Establishes one governing document, 2. Clarifies the difference between governing and operational roles and assigns appropriate accountability for carrying out those responsibilities, 3. Requires both short-term and long term planning based on the clearly stated vision, mandate and values of the Society, and 4. Demands transparent accountability to the membership. This Constitution is a new document that supersedes and revokes all previous versions of the constitution and bylaws. Its creation is the result of long hours of work by many dedicated members who took significant time to carefully debate each and every concept, word, and

sentence. Open to all members, often vigorous, sometimes heated, and occasionally humorous, these discussions about the heart and soul of the Society have resulted in general agreement on what follows and is delivered with the greatest respect for the Society and its members.” The particulars of the proposed new constitution follow this statement, and readers can read the complete document at www.lakechapalasociety.org or at the LCS Service Desk or attend any of the many informational meetings to be scheduled soon. Members should not be misled by the interpretations of others. For instance, • Family Memberships ARE NOT eliminated. The new constitution provides flexibility so the membership can determine what types of membership it should have and make changes as needed. • The new Constitution requires the membership to approve all strategic plans of the Society. Only the membership can eliminate services, not the Board. The new constitution actually strengthens the powers of members. • There is NO REQUIREMENT that a board member make any financial contribution in order to be on the Board. • The Annual General Meeting was moved to the third week in March to accommodate the change in the society’s fiscal year and to allow time for reporting actual figures for the year-end financial statements. This will give members a much clearer picture of the health of the Society at the Annual General Membership meeting. I urge all LCS members to be informed and to vote responsibly. For me, voting FOR the proposed new constitution on November 12th makes the most sense. Most sincerely, John R. Rider Chapala



El Ojo del Lago November 2009

Saw you in the Ojo



El Ojo del Lago November 2009

PAW PRINTS ON MY HEART By Gudrun Jones, Co-Founder & President of the Lakeside Spay & Neuter Center


en Years ago I meet Bob Hocking. I knew him as the sophisticated, dapper dresser always the correct gentleman, an animal lover and a supporter of the Lakeside Spay & Neuter Center. I thought I knew him and I loved him. However, at his memorial service I learned about the real Bob, the entertainer, the man with a great sense of humor, the practical joker and the philanthropist. I wish I had known the real Bob. Sometime ago I wrote a poem and it has been featured in this publication, but when I recited it for Bob many people came to me and asked for a copy. So here it is Remember Me Think of me with a smile, Now that I’ve left this world behind. There is no need to weep For finally I’m free. I’m somewhere beyond the sea, Where no sorrow touches me. Dry your tears and look for me In all that once was dear to me. Find me in the blue of the sky, Feel me in the cool and gentle breeze at night. Hear me in the music that fills your soul, See me in the flowers that once I adored. Watch the eagle in flight... It might be me as I leave the earthly bounds behind. I may be the wind that caresses your face, Or the sunbeam, which draws a pattern of lace.

I am the laughter and the good old time, The smile of a stranger as he passes by. I am the star that watches over you, The rose that is touched by the morning dew. I am all the things you let me be And I will live, as long as you remember me. If you are looking for a companion and don’t really want a twolegged one, then come to the Ranch and check out a four legged one. If you have been there before and did not find what you are looking for, come again. There are always new dogs there, along with the old-time residents. Be adventurous; add a dog to your life. The Lakeside Spay & Neuter Center will have its 6th Annual “Country Critter Bash Fundraiser” on November 8th. Come have fun, join us and support our charity. There will be music, dancing and laughs with Shirley Haverland. I “imported” my sister, Ingrid, from Germany to help Diane Hazen with the cooking of our succulent Prime Rib. For Information on the Ranch or Fundraiser call Gudrun766-3813 Also check our Web Page: chapaladogranch.com. Thank You, Gudrun.


Saw you in the Ojo


Notes From Nestipac

By Phyllis Rauch rauchlosdos@yahoo.com

Medical Music


t’s November and I’ve just celebrated another birthday. It’s likely that I will experience at least as many visits to the Dr. and dentist in the coming year as in the last. Whatever this year brings in the way of medical events or surprises, one thing’s for sure: I’ll be taking along my iPod. You might say I’m offering some medical advice in this column. Of course I’m not going to recommend a doctor or suggest which medicines to take. My advice is about how to reduce your stress, fears, even boredom when faced with a variety of medical situations. I didn’t have an iPod yet when I first drew upon music to help me in a medical setting. I was scheduled for an echocardiogram—otherwise


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known as a chemical stress test. A year or so prior to this I had driven a friend to the same hospital for the same test. After half an hour I was called in to the doctor’s office to comfort my usually unflappable friend, who was in tears. As I lay down to be injected for my own stress test, knowing my heart would soon start to beat faster and faster, I was prepared. I had planned to utilize my favorite breathing exercise: inhale on 4 counts, hold for 7, exhale for 8.

This exercise has always had a reliably calming effect. Just as the Dr. was coming toward me in the tiny, cramped room, injection in hand, I spontaneously asked, “Would you happen to have any music in here?” He replied, “What would you like, Frank Sinatra or Mozart?” “Mozart, please,” I said, smiling. The combination of Mozart and Dr. Weil’s breathing exercise was perfect. Yes, I was aware the echocardiogram was taking place and that my heartbeat was increasing, but when the nurse gently tapped me on the shoulder to tell me it was all over, I was pleasantly surprised. Thus I learned the power of medical music. Next I brought my iPod with me into a sterile operating room at the hospital. I was prepared to have it politely ripped from my hand. It couldn’t be standard procedure to bring your own music to an angioplasty. The surgical team and nurses couldn’t have been nicer. They knew that angioplasty is an invasive and slightly scary procedure. I imagine they thought that anything that distracted me, gave

me a sense of control and made me a more amenable patient was fine with them. My favorite harp CD (a gift from my late husband) soothed and delighted me, as usual. At one point the doctors told me they were actually good singers themselves. I offered to turn off the iPod and listen to them instead, but they wisely decided that wasn’t the best idea. Recently, the iPod was simply shuffling through my 1600 songs while the dentist inserted a new crown. I was enjoying the surprises that turn up in the shuffle mode: classical, latin, jazz, modern. The volume must have been turned up louder than usual because the dentist remarked, “That’s John Lennon.” Later, getting up to leave, I said, “Are you a Lennon fan?” “Haven’t you seen Lennon’s drawing of himself, silk-screened and signed by Yoko Ono? It’s hanging in another office.” We went to look at the print, accompanied by a Lennon poster. Probably I’m not the only one of the patients to have missed this artistic detail until now. One never knows what medical music will lead to.


Saw you in the Ojo


FRONT ROW CENTER By Michael Warren Regrets Only By Paul Rudnick Directed by Barbara Clippinger


f all you require from the theater is a superb set, glamorous costumes and some witty one-liners, Regrets Only will send you home happy. If you want to see a good play, you may have regrets. Paul Rudnick, a successful writer of humorous screenplays, here attempts the difficult task of mixing quips with a serious message. Oscar Wilde maintained that the only way to be serious was to be utterly frivolous. Rudnick fails to take Wilde’s advice and has his superficial Manhattan socialites tell us what to think about a current social issue— gay marriage. On the plus side, there are some accomplished performances by a talented cast. Diana Rowland (“Tibby McCullough”) plays a smart and wealthy woman whose life is mainly devoted to clothes and menus. She delivers her zingers with marvelous aplomb—“Is it chilly? Do I need a bracelet?” Her best friend is “Hank Hadley”—a successful and gentlemanly dress designer who is gay and whose partner of many years has just died of cancer. Russell Mack plays Hank with a certain dignity, though I felt that his supposedly deep friendship with Tibby didn’t really come across. Things become complicated when Tibby’s lawyer husband “Jack” (played by Pat Carroll) is asked by the President to draft a constitutional amendment effectively banning gay marriage. At this point the zingers cease and the play begins to sag. Some of the characters appear to have arrived from the set of a different play. Jeritza McCarter has a wonderful time as the wacky maid “Myra” and steals every scene in which she appears. Indeed, we have to wonder who irons the sheets and loads the dishwasher in this house. Although Jeritza is terrific, it is probably a sign of the playwright’s desperation that he has to amuse us with a zany character like Myra. Also, while Pat Carroll puts in his usual dependable performance, he


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seems out of place amidst these glitzy socialites—it’s hard to believe that Jack is actually married to Tibby. Florette Schnell is sweet and appealing as their daughter “Spencer” who is about to be married – I would like to see Florette cast in a more challenging role. So far she has appeared only in Dancing At Lughnasa and in this show. Joyce Vath—Tibby’s mother “Marietta Claypool”—delivers a delightful cameo performance in the second act, which is prolonged by the necessity of seeing her change out of a garbage-bag outfit into a very smart dress for Spencer’s wedding. And of course we have to see Spencer looking gorgeous in her wedding dress. But, and it’s a big but, the play itself loses momentum when it tries to be meaningful and even the characters hardly seem to believe their lines. Rudnick’s strained comedy is no asset to gay activism—today, with Obama replacing Bush, the play already seems silly and dated. Barbara Clippinger and her cast almost bring off a miracle, making a success out of a poor play, and she also improves it with some smart touches—I have to mention Ed Tasca (Dog-walker) and the adorable dog (“S’koocha”) who of course plays herself. It is a neat idea to mark the end of the gay work-to-rule by the arrival of gifts and flowers at the beginning of the final scene. The set and wardrobe were wonderful. And congratulations also to Trish Conner (Stage Manager) and all the backstage team who did an excellent job. It was a pleasure to watch such a slick production. Next up is a good old-fashioned Agatha Christie murder mystery, The Mousetrap. If you don’t already know who the murderer is, I’m not going to tell you!





ood morning. This is your five-thirty wake-up call. The temperature is twenty-five with light snow flurries.” I glanced at the other bed. It was empty. Jumping up, I saw that my luggage was gone—my new clothes and gifts for my family in Houston where I was headed for my father’s funeral. I had kept my billfold under my pillow. I called the night manager. The house detective would be with me as soon as possible. All I had left was a bathrobe and slippers. Opening the door, I watched the detective’s eyes move from straight ahead down in amazement to the four foot-five baby-faced creature in a plaid bathrobe looking up at him. At least he didn’t ask, “Is your father here, Sonny?” I told him I would be back in ten days to file a formal police complaint and fill out the necessary insurance forms. As I waited for the coffee machine buzzer, I wondered what I was going to do. No stores were open, and I had no idea if the airlines would let me board wearing only a robe and slippers, but I had no choice but to go to the airport and hope for the best. The hotel courtesy car was available, and the desk clerk gave me a lap robe to use until my return, so I wrapped it around myself and headed for the car. The look on the driver’s face would have made a fabulous photograph. I looked like something out of “Ten Little Indians” minus a feather in my hair. Heading for the ticket counter I got some strange looks. Since the agent was unable to see me over the counter, I went to the space for luggage and handed her my ticket along with an explanation of why I was dressed in the robe. Before she could laugh I added that I was headed to Houston for my father’s funeral. She called the supervisor. Since I was traveling First Class I would not have to walk down the aisle of the entire plane and be embarrassed further. On the way to my seat the supervisor said he recognized me from my recent TV appearances and was highly complimentary. A stroke of luck had made a fantastic change in my life. Applying for jobs posed a big problem and was a futile experience. I applied at the finest and best-known circus and became the fourth member of a group of three other little people that led to my present career. We were acrobats

and tumblers. Attending a party one night, the four of us gathered around a piano and performed a song we had been singing in our dressing room, and many of the guests including some entertainers advised us to try out for a TV talent show. We began rehearsing a tumbling act and dance routine daily and finally signed up for the show. We won first place weekly, eventually leading up to a contract at the Circus Circus in Las Vegas where I was headed after my return from Houston. My brother was waiting for me at the airport, total shock on his face as I came through the door. Before I had a chance to explain, he asked if I had been entertaining the passengers. We stopped at a mall on the way to his house to buy clothes. Again people stopped to watch a little man in his bathrobe and slippers walking casually as if I were wearing a suit and tie. Some recognized me. The funeral mass was beautiful and the next few days enjoyable. My brother’s wife and ten-year-old twin boys, who were now taller than I and old enough to understand why I had not “grown up” saw me off at the airport promising they would come see me in Vegas. From the Chicago airport I returned to the hotel to fill out my insurance claim. The surprise of my life awaited me. My suitcase was there intact. The thief had been caught shortly after my departure. Greed had overcome good sense. He made the mistake of hitting one more room. The occupant happened to be in the adjoining room with her friend. Thinking she heard somebody in her room, she called the front desk who alerted the police. They were waiting when he came out of the room with an armload of expensive dresses over his arm. My luggage was destined for another problem. My suitcase was incorrectly tagged for Las Palmas, Spain, finally catching up with me two weeks later after a tour of Europe just in time for our smash hit opening in full costume.


Saw you in the Ojo


ESPAÑOL—Gringo-Style By Margie Harrell


ike most expats when they first arrive at Lakeside, I decided to sign up for some Spanish lessons, fully expecting to master the language in a few short weeks and move on to something more challenging, like salsa dancing. As I began to get the hang of things I wondered what all the fuss was about. The fact that my high school French kept getting in the way was beside the point as I greeted one and all with a cheery buenos dias. It wasn’t long before I discovered how warm and friendly the Mexican people are but their greatest asset to my way of thinking is their ability to overlook how we gringos butcher their beautiful language. Lord knows we try but the sounds in our heads don’t always come out the right way. Try rolling the double rs in perro (dog) and you will see what I mean. Armed with my trusty travelers’ Spanish Dictionary I felt equipped to mingle with the natives. A friend had told me that the local home for the elderly was looking for volunteers and having worked in the medical profession for years, I was sure I could handle this. Oh dear, you would have thought I had just landed from Mars. Those poor souls didn’t understand a word I was saying. A mime had nothing on me as my arms and hands flailed about. To add to this, for some reason I thought moving my eyebrows up and down in synch with my hands would help the cause. What a sight I must have looked to them. Things got even worse when I offered to help a young girl who was sweeping the floors. I mumbled something like “Me, broom, si?” as


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she gave me a faint smile and retreated to a corner with eyes downcast. It seems, in one fell swoop, I had robbed her of her livelihood. My friend gently took the broom from my hand and returned it to the girl as I once again learned a valuable lesson. When in Rome, it’s always a good idea to tread lightly until you first see how the Romans do things. Shopping was always a lesson in humility as I would ask for huevos (eggs) and say jueves (Thursday) instead. Undaunted by my many goofs I recall asking a waiter one evening for some tea (te) but instead managed to tell him I desired tu (you). He smiled, I smiled and the tea never was forthcoming. As time went by I did manage to learn a few helpful phrases, mostly pertaining to auto repairs. Saying thump, thump, bang, bang doesn’t quite get the message across to the mechanic. Mind you, should it get too complicated, we were back to arm waving again. Aah, the universal language. During my travels in France I learned there is only one way to speak French, their way—but not so in Mexico. You can be speaking Swahili and you will still get a friendly “Si, Señora.” Over the years I have made feeble attempts to brush up on my Español but my mind only seems to absorb so much and the rest just flows right on through. But not to worry as in my part of Paradise everyone just says “no problema” and life goes on. Apparently after all is said and done, Español gringo-style really can work as a second language.



A Bleeding-Heart Liberal Looks at Jane Fonda


hough the Vietnam War has been over for several decades, one of its burning issues was dramatically revived in a recent book titled Aid and Comfort. The authors, Henry and Erica Holzer, argue that Jane Fonda should have been tried for treason for her activities during a 1972 visit to North Vietnam. The authors’ argument seems unassailable. The Constitution defines treason as giving “aid and comfort” to an enemy power in wartime. While in Vietnam, Fonda made antiAmerican propagandist statements, urged GIs to shoot their officers and desert, and later went to the extent of calling returning POWs “liars and hypocrites” when they revealed they had been mistreated during captivity. On the cover of the Holzers’ book is a picture of Fonda posing with the crew of a Communist antiaircraft gun. Her hands are clenched together and on her face is a look of ecstasy that seems almost orgiastic. There’s a line between dissent and treason and Fonda most definitely crossed it. Like most liberals—and some conservatives—I came to oppose our involvement in that un-winnable war. But principled dissent does not take the form of actively aiding the enemy. Looking at the picture in a broader perspective, what angers me more than anything else is that there seems to be one brand of justice for rich, well-connected traitors and another for those who don’t fall in that category. I have no brief for John Walker Lindh or Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. They committed offenses that deserved punishment. But talk about overkill. A confused and pathetic young man converted to Muslim fanaticism gets a stiff twenty-year sentence. In the case of Ethel Rosenberg, due to a deficiency in the electric current her execution amounted to a torture slaying. By contrast, consider the case of the fascist traitor Ezra Pound. During the Second World War, he went

on the Rome radio and made vituperatively anti-Semitic broadcasts in which he urged U.S. troops to desert and advocated the assassination of President Roosevelt. There were other radio traitors—notably Robert Best and Douglas Chandler in Berlin. Best and Chandler received life sentences and both died in Leavenworth. And Pound? Thanks to the efforts of powerful establishment figures who admired his poetry, Pound was allowed to plead insanity. During his twelve-year confinement, he played tennis, presided over a salon of visiting admirers, and enjoyed conjugal visits from both his wife and his mistress. On return to Italy after his release, an unrepentant Pound’s first act was to give the Fascist salute. Fonda got off with no penalty whatsoever. Where Pound was at least indicted for treason, no charge of any kind was ever brought against Fonda. If the cases mentioned above were examples of overkill, this is a grotesque example of “under-kill.” I have friends who, even today, would cheerfully wish Ethel Rosenberg’s fate on Jane Fonda. Being a bleeding-heart liberal, I have to dissent from so Draconian a solution. However, there is a precedent if we wish to correct this longstanding case of justice delayed. In 1949 a guilty verdict was handed down on a woman named Mildred Gillars. Better known as “Axis Sally,” she made Fonda-Pound type broadcasts denouncing the U.S. war effort, castigating American political leaders, urging troops to desert, etc. Axis Sally received a 10-30 year sentence, of which she served 13 years. This seems a pretty fair sentence. Treason, like murder, has no statute of limitations.


Saw you in the Ojo




ear Sir: When President Obama attempted to bring the 2016 Olympics to the United States he failed and many Republicans cheered. When, on the other hand, the president successfully brought the highly prestigious Nobel Peace prize to the United States, these same people did not cheer. The test of their approval is apparently not whether something hurts or damages the United States so much as whether it hurts or damages Barack Obama. It is consistent that congressional Republicans have opposed Obama’s health care reform, climate change initiatives, efforts to negotiate with Iranians or North Koreans, attempts to regulate the financial industry, efforts to close Guantanamo, his stimulus package and nearly every other of his major proposals. Almost 100% of congressional Republicans oppose Obama 100% of the time. This cannot be about rational opposition, careful parsing out of the good and the bad. A president elected in a landslide by the whole of our electorate and of such obvious intelligence and good will could not be 100% wrong on 100% of the issues. That is absurd. So the issue is not substance. It is power. Obama has it and Republicans want it. They will cheer our country’s defeat or attack our country’s successes if it will help them get power back. From Rush Limbaugh to Senator De Mint of South Caro-


El Ojo del Lago November 2009

lina, they have openly declared that that is their test of whether a thing is good or bad. Their contempt for the Nobel Peace Prize must therefore be understood to come from the same source as their 100% opposition to his legislation. If it might help Obama succeed, they oppose it. If it helps Obama fail, they favor it. But they protest, concerning the Nobel award: “What has he done?” That is not a hard question to answer if you are not trying to bring Obama down. This new president has single-handedly, and overnight, transformed the climate of global diplomacy. Instead of a United States intent on declaring axis of evil and bombing or threatening to bomb enemies from Tikrit to Teheran to Hanoi, unilaterally deciding when and whom to bomb, willing to ignore the UN Charter and to invade Iraq—a country with which we were at peace—or a United States willing to place missiles in Czechoslovakia, and Poland, or a United States uninterested in nuclear weapons reduction or the non proliferation treaty, a United

States that internally rounds up Moslems and throws them into jail, a United States that externally unleashes the CIA to commit murder and kidnapping from Rome to Indonesia—instead of all this—the US has overnight become a leader again in international collaboration. This president has reversed the almost universal global sense that the United States was the least predictable, most militarized and therefore most dangerous, power on the planet. He took the lead to call for the elimination of nuclear weapons in Prague. He reached out to the Islamic world in Cairo and addressed an audience of millions with peaceful hand outstretched. He has re-entered the world of reality to deal with climate change and an apparent threat to the survival of life as we know it. He has halted the chest-pounding 19th century style of his predecessors and brought us back to modern times. This is true not only in the opinion of the Nobel Prize committee in Stockholm; it is true in the ringing endorsements of the award

by President Sarkozy in France, Chancellor Merkel in Germany and President Medvedev in Moscow. Obama’s willingness to cooperate and participate rather than to demand and dictate has already changed their world. For those of us who are not out to bring him down merely because he is of the other party, the calculus for the Peace Prize is clear. This president has already done more to advance the possibility of diplomacy and negotiation, conversation and compromise, civility and consensus, than anyone in recent memory. He has two awful wars to get us out of, and has no magic wand to do that. Nothing but tragedy lies in the future in Afghanistan, no matter what he does. But this one man has brought the rest of the world back to the table where an attempt can be made to pull us all back from the Bush/ Cheney formula that all solutions are military. This is a mind shift of tectonic proportions. No one else’s achievements come even close. Congratulations, Mr. President. Craig Barnes Santa Fe, New Mexico


Saw you in the Ojo




November 2009

From the President These are very important times for LCS. Literally, the future of this organization is being decided on November 12 at the Extraordinary Meeting of the Membership. The new Constitution for LCS, which is now available both on the website and in printed form inside the LCS office, needs 2/3 majority of the members present on November 12 to be adopted. The Board of Directors as well as the volunteer Work Group that crafted it, endorse the new Constitution and urge all LCS members to vote in FAVOR of it. I cannot overemphasize how important your YES vote is! In last week’s Guadalajara Reporter, you probably noticed an advertisement paid for by a small but vocal faction of LCS members who are using nothing short of scare tactics and misinformation to try to defeat the new Constitution. The title of the ad was “Will You Help Save the LCS?” Let me assure you that LCS does not need saving! Nor is the sky falling! What LCS needs is modernizing! In the last several years, modern technology has been harnessed at LCS, to help streamline our procedures and processes. Computers are now commonplace in the library, video and various offices to keep better track of money, books, and general paperwork. Just this past month, a new machine has been purchased to issue new membership cards with photos and bar codes on them. All this is to the good and no one is arguing with this sort of modernizing. But, when it comes to organizing LCS along the lines of successful non-profit organizations in the US and Canada, suddenly hysterics break out in Ajijic! Scary claims such as family memberships going away and even the demise of the LCS library and biblioteca are alarming LCS members who hear or read of them. Don’t be fooled! Let me assure all of you that, according to the new Constitution, family memberships can ONLY be changed or eliminated by vote of the members themselves! Services like the library and biblioteca can ONLY be changed by the members NOT by the board of directors! The types of membership are not spelled out in the new document so LCS can be more flexible in the future, meeting the needs of an ever-changing membership in an ever-changing world without amending the Constitution again anytime soon. This is precisely what the current LCS governing documents, (and there are FOUR of them!) including the present Constituion lack: flexibility! For example, the current governing documents specifically call for maintaining a “video TAPE library”. This locks us in to keeping VHS tapes in the video library, despite the fact that this is obsolete technology. VHS tapes are not even available for purchase any longer from our movie suppliers. I ask you, is this wise? Is this good planning? It is time to vote FOR the new Constitution! Time to bring LCS into the 21st Century in structure as well as technology. We need to separate the governing and planning functions from the day-to-day operations of LCS. We have literally outgrown our present structure! Vote on November 12 to adopt the new Constitution. Make LCS the modern, smooth-running organization it deserves to be!

David Flaningam, New LCS Vice President David Flaningam was appointed to the LCS Board in September 2009. He spent 35 years in the high-tech industry, and co-founded an engineering software company in 1982. He has served on corporate and non-profit boards including The Christie School and the Economic Development Corporation of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, OR. He and his wife Anne, are avid golfers and wine enthusiasts. They reside full-time in Ajijic and have been LCS members since 2005.


El Ojo del Lago November 2009




LCS Board Meeting: 2nd Wednesday at 11:30

• Talking Books Library – Thursday, 10 - 12 Medical • Blood Pressure Check-up - Monday & Friday, 10 - 12 • Hearing Aids - Monday & 2nd & 4th Saturday, 11 - 3 • Optometrist -Thursday, 9:30 - 4 • Skin Cancer Screening - 2nd & 4th Wednesday, 10 - 1 • Next Health Care Week - October 13 - 16 Information Services • BUPA Medical Ins. – Friday, 10:30 - 12:30 • NY Life Insurance – Tuesday & Thursday, 11 - 2 • Becerra Immigration – Friday, 10 - 1 • IMSS - Monday & Tuesday, 10 -1 • Loridan Legal - Tuesday, 10 -12 • U.S. Consular Visit – 1st Wednesday, 11:30 - 2 Lessons • Childrens Art Class - Saturday, 10 - 11 • Contra Dance - Tuesday, 3:30 - 5 • Country Line Dancing - Tuesday & Thursday, 10 - 11 • Exercise Class - Monday, Wednesday & Friday, 9 - 10 • Intermediate Hatha Yoga - Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday, 2 - 3:30 • Teen Shop Class - Monday, 10 - 1:30, Friday, 2 - 4 Social Activities • Alcoholics Anonymous - Monday & Thursday, 4:30 • Beginner Digital Camera - Wednesday, 12 - 1 • Chess Players - Wednesday, 2 - 5 • Computer Club (Linux) - Monday, 9:30 - 10:30 • Computer Club (MAC) - 1st Monday, 12 - 1:30 • Computer Club (Windows) - Monday, 10:30 - 11:45 • Changing Your Mind - Wednesday, 9:30 - 12 • Creative Writing - Monday, 10:30 - 11:45 • Digital Camera Club - Wednesday, 10:30 - 11:50 • Discussion Group - Wednesday, 12 - 1:30 • Film Aficionados - Thursday, 2 - 4 • Gamblers Anonymous - Wednesday, 3 - 4:30 • Geneology - last Monday, 2 - 4 • Green Group - 1st Tuesday, 3 - 5 • Mah Jongg - Friday, 10 - 2 • Meditation Group - Monday & Friday, 4:45 - 5:45 • Music Jam - Friday 2 -4 • It Is What It Is - Thursday, 12 - 1 • Needlepushers - Tuesday, 10 - 12 • Open Circle - Sunday, 10 - 12 • Scrabble Group - Friday, 12 - 2 • Tournament Scrabble - Tuesday, 12 - 2 • Quilt Guild - 2nd Tuesday, 10 -12 • Women’s Writing Group - Wednesday, 2 - 4 • Write Your own Story - Monday, 4 - 6 NOTE: Times and offerings are subject to change. Check with the LCS office if you have questions.

November 2009

Open Circle Everyone is Welcome!

Every Sunday morning at 10:00 on back patio at LCS. Nov 1 Nov 8 Nov 15 Nov 22 Nov 29 -

Michael Warren There is such a thing as a bad poem John de Waal. A reality check Donald Aitken Doc McGee Rebuilding your immune system through traditional naturopathy Kevin Knox. Buddhism without beliefs

ACA Eco-Talks on Tuesday in the Gazebo from 12 to 2

Eco-Talks and Food discussions & Demonstrations are open to the ppublic. Please register in advance at the LCS Services Office and there is a suggested $50 pesos contribution for lectures and a $70 peso contribution for food demonstrations to help cover costs. The trips are priced according to the destination. October 27 - Green Cleaning November 3 - Urban Edible Patio Gardens November 7 - LCS Craft FAir - Come get your Herbs November 10 - What’s up with the water? Carmen Gomez Mont, Amigos del Lago November 17 - Edible Flowers - Food Demo & Tasting, Wendee Hill, ACA November 19 - Abastos Food Market Tour November 24 - Coffee, Brewing the Best, Kevin Knox, Professional Coffee Taster November 28 - Organic Food Market Tour

New Radio Program for Expats! An experimental program called "Express 58 Ajijic on the Air," is broadcast every Friday night, 7 to 8 p.m. on radio station 580 AM. Aided by Alma Chavez, Tod Jonson and Ektor Carranza, and producer Paul East Raza, this is the first English program in Mexico. The public service hour is full of local announcements, health advice, music, and interviews of interest to all Lakesiders. Don't miss it!

Saw you in the Ojo




November 2009

The LCS Governing Documents Work Group All the LCS volunteers participating in the Work Group are excellent and deserve praise for the efforts they have made in this endeavor on behalf of the rest of us. This group of volunteers who have, over the past months, gone way beyond normal volunteer activity and have spent their time and talents creating a unifying and comprehensive Constituion for LCS. First in weekly sessions and then twice-weekly sessions each Tuesday and Friday afternoon, this group of volunteers reviewed and hammered out the wording on the new governing documents for LCS. In fact, on the Mexican holiday Wednesday, September 16, they all spent the day finalizing the draft of the new Constitution proposed to the whole membership in October. This is an important, if unglamorous task! A thank you from all LCS members to: the faithful and fast scribe, Hebina Hood; the consultant via Skype, Conrad Lablanc; and the patient and thorough moderator, Terry Vidal. The other members of the group were present when they could be there, some at every meeting, were: Dale Blake, Ross Brownridge, Kenneth Caldwell, Ken Crosby, Howard Feldstein, Beverley Gardner, Nancy Hagen, Fred Harland, Wendee Hill, John Keeling, CB Kelley, Marshall Krantz, Howard Malis, Bob McKeown, Betty and Jim Parker, Bernie Raisman, John Rider, Mary Alice Sargent, Karen Schirack, Betty Schrader, David Seligson, Bert Slocombe, Charlie Smith, Sharon Smith, Jim Spivey, Al Trottier, Sheila Turner, and Lloyd Vickery. The documents are posted to the LCS website and are available in printed version at the LCS office. The work continues on other governing documents and anyone is welcome at anytime to join the work group and participate in the conversation and contribute to framing the future of LCS. Dates and times available on the website or from the Services Office, 766-1140.



CRAFT FAIR - November 7th from 10 to 2

Saturday November 7th from 10-2 on the back lawn area LCS is holding its Annual Craft Fair. Any member or Mexican citizen is encouraged to participate as a seller of their creations. Registration is necessary, see Maria Huerta (bilingual) at the Wilkes Education Center, #18 Galeana, Ajijic. You must register in person. The fee for sellers is 100 pesos per space and you will need to supply your own tables, chairs and other displays. Setup for sellers on Nov 7 starts at 8:30 AM using rear gate ONLY. There is NO entrance fee for buyers! Shop for Unique items -- ONLY at the LCS Annual Craft Fair!


El Ojo del Lago November 2009



November 2009

Antique Quilt to be Raffled for Library! One ticket is $30 pesos, two tickets are $50 pesos and five tickets are $100 pesos. Lakeside residents will have the opportunity to benefit the Lake Chapala Society Library and have the opportunity to own a one-of-a-kind work of art. Raffle tickets are on sale in the Library at the circulation desk. The lucky person holding the winning ticket, which will be drawn on December 11th at the annual membership meeting, will receive the beautiful heirloom quilt that is on display on the wall inside the LCS Reading Room. The 76” by 93” quilt carries an interesting history. Although the quilt blocks for this full-size quilt were made from feed sacks in the 1940s in Kentucky, Lyla Riley (born in 1931) discovered the string-pieced, four-patch blocks after her mother’s death. Lyla lived most of her life in Douglas County, Illinois, and completed the hand-pieced top and assembled and hand quilted the piece there in the 1980s. The colorful quilt has been documented by the Illinois Quilt Project. A label from the Illinois State Museum verifying the quilt’s recorded history is attached to this piece of art. The quilt was purchased in Arcola, Illinois, in 1993 by a long-time Ajijic quilt collector who has maintained the quilt in unused condition.

CHILDREN’S ART PROGRAM IN THE GARDENS This garden art project will decorate the two white pillars in the middle gardens at LCS with the help of kids in the art program and young artist Luis Enrique. This project will be on-going so watch its progress. The Children’s Art Program meets Saturday mornings on the back patio and Gazebo. If you want to volunteer or have questions about the Children’s Art Program please contact Clark or Elizabeth Drummond at email, clarkdrum@msn.com.

WILKES CENTER COMPUTER CLASSES NEED VOLUNTEERS The Computer Program at Wilkes Center is offered to the Mexican community every year. The program is looking for a few good volunteers for upcoming classes. Please contact MaryAlice Sargent in the LCS Services Office or Patrick Stirling at email, pms@ psconsult.com, if you are interested in talking about how you might help the computer class program at Wilkes Center.

www.lakechapalasociety.org MEDICAL HEALTHCARE WEEK Thanks! Thank you to all those volunteers and medical professionals who made the October Health Week another successful program for LCS members and general public. There were a record 220 seasonal flu vaccines administered during the week. Every program was busy and we appreciate all those who attended. If you have feedback or suggestions for the next health week please write them down and put them in the mailbox for Janet Shriver, Medical Director. The next Health Care Week will be Feb. 9-14 and will feature pneumonia shots.

Saw you in the Ojo






* ANIMAL CLINICS/PET SHOP - ACUARIO REPUBLICA Cell: (045) 333 441 3563 Pag: 59 - ANIMAL CARE Tel: 766-3062 Pag: 65 - DEE’S PET CARE Tel: 762-1646 Pag: 73 - FURRY FRIENDS Tel: 765-5431 Pag: 74 - LAKESIDE SPAY & NEUTER CENTER, A.C. Tel: 766-0821 - PET SHOP Pag: 65 - SALUD ANIMAL Tel: 766-1009 Pag: 75


Pag: 11 Pag: 75 Pag: 24 Pag: 25 Pag: 31 Pag: 58

Pag: 72


* BOUTIQUE / CLOTHING STORES - CUGINIS OPUS BOUTIQUE Tel/Fax: 766-1790 - FIAGA BOUTIQUE Tel: 766-1816 - LA BELLA VIDA Tel: 766-5131 - LEATHER GALLERY Tel: 766-2845 - OXXY2 Tel: 766-2181

Pag: 21 Pag: 32, 75 Pag: 30

Pag: 33



Pag: 39

- PROFESSIONAL WINDOW WASHING Tel: 765-4507 Pag: 56 - TODO LIMPIO Tel: 766-0395 Pag: 29

Pag: 34


Pag: 07

Pag: 59


- EASYCALL MEXICO Tel: 766-4980 - HANDY MAIL Tel: 766-3813 - MAILBOXES, ETC. Tel: 766-0647, Fax: 766-0775 761-0363, Fax: 761-0364

Pag: 60 Pag: 63

Pag: 18



* BEAUTY Pag: 52 Pag: 51 Pag: 75

Pag: 76

Pag: 67 Pag: 34

- DEL MAR Tel: 766-4278

Pag: 55

El Ojo del Lago November 2009

Pag: 16 Pag: 62 Pag: 74 Pag: 28

* FURNITURE - AJIJIC ART DESIGN Tel: 765-5882 - ARDEN MEXICO Tel: 765-3540 - ARTE AMANECER Tel: 765-2090 - KARVY Tel: 765-6601 - PATIO PLUS - RICARDO FERNANDEZ Tel: 766-5149 - TEMPUR Tel: (52) 333-629-5919, 333-629-5961

Pag: 29 Pag: 44 Pag: 53 Pag: 30 Pag: 19 Pag: 59 Pag: 54


Pag: 74

* GOLF - ATLAS COUNTRY CLUB Cell: (045) 33-1024-8669

Pag: 35


Pag: 08

- FERRETERIA Y TLAPALERIA GALVEZ Tel: 766-0880, Fax: 766-2440 Pag: 82



- CRISANTEMO ROJO Tel: 766-4030

Pag: 69

Pag: 20

Pag: 71

- CHANGE OF PACE Tel: 766-5800 - STAND BIKE Tel: 765-6271

Pag: 19

Pag: 22


Pag: 61 Pag: 64 Pag: 69



Pag: 23

* HOTELS / SUITES Pag: 14 Pag: 12


- BEES Tel: 765-7574 - FUMIGA Tel: 762-0078, (045) 33-1155-7059 - FUMI-TECH Tel: 766-1946, Cell. (045) 333-369-3737 - RW SERVICIOS INTEGRADO Tel: (33) 3124-6151

Pag: 10

Pag: 07

766-1760 765-4444 766-5555


Pag: 19 Pag: 15

066 765-2308, 765-2553 766-3615

- FABULOUS FOOD Tel: (376) 766 1349 - SPLENDID DESSERTS Tel: 765-3587


Pag: 57



Pag: 13

Pag: 11


- AJIJIC DENTAL Tel: 766-3682 - C.D. MARÍA LUISA LUIS VILLA Tel/Fax: 766-2428 - C.D. SANDRA ANAYA MORA Tel: 765-3502, 765-5444 - DRA. ANGELICA ALDANA LEMA DDS Tel. 765-5364 - DRA. DOLORES RUSSELL D.D.S. Tel: 766-2881, 766-0075 Cell: (045) 333-108-7727 - DR. ALBERTO DON OLIVERA Tels: 765-4838, 765-4805 - DR. FRANCISCO CONTRERAS Tel: 765-5757 - DR. HECTOR HARO, DDS. Tel: 765-3193, 765-6974


Pag: 34 - AJIJIC COMPUTING Tel: 765-4156 - CAFE INTERNET AJIJIC Tel: 766-3626 - COMPUTERLAND Tel: 765-7595 - NEW WORLD TECHNOLOGY Tel: 766-4343


Pag: 58


- ARCHITECT GERARDO ROMERO MORALES Tel: 766-2594 Pag: 59 - ARELLANO CORPORATION GROUP Tel: 766-4696, Tel/Fax: 766-4660 Pag: 42-43 - CABO DO MUNDO- INTERIOR DESIGN Tel: 766-0026 Pag: 21 CONSTRUCTION & REMODELING Tel: 766-3626 Pag: 11 - ELECTRICIAN & PLUMBER Armando Marquez V. Tel: 766-3568 Pag: 74 - HOMESERVICES Tel: 766-1569 Pag: 49 - LAKESIDE CONSTRUCTION Tel: 766-0395 Pag: 76 - POLI ACERO Tel: 765-3557 Pag: 37 - SALVADOR DE LA TORRE Cell: 045 (331) 229-2432 Pag: 48 - ULTRA Tel: 765-3446 Pag: 56 - WARWICK CONSTRUCTION Tel: 765-2224 Cell. (045) 331-135-0763 Pag: 66

Pag: 50

Pag: 56

Pag: 53

- AFRODITA Tel: 766-6187 - ANGEL ESTRADA Tel: 766-4666 - MARY KAY Tel: 765 7654

Pag: 76



- EL LAGO-BAR-BERIA Tel: 33-3903-5581

- BETO’S LIQUOR Tel: 766-5420, Cell (045) 333-507-3024 - MODELORAMA Tel: 766-2678, 765-2055

- LAKE CHAPALA BAPTIST CHURCH Tel: 765-2925 Pag: 66, 75




- VENTILADORES DEL OCCIDENTE Tel/Fax: (33) 3631-6619, 3634-9982

- AUTOMATIC GARAGE DOOR OPENERS Tel: 766 - 4973, Cell: (045) 33-3157- 6536 Pag: 55

-O&A - MULTIVA Tel: 766-2499

Pag: 61

Pag: 64


- GRUPO OLMESA Tel: 766-3780 - LINEA PROFESIONAL Tel. 766-2555, Fax. 766-0066 - MAZDA Tel: 765-4800, 01 (33) 3344-4499 - RON YOUNG-MECHANIC Tel: 765-6387

- CASA DEL SOL Tel: 766-0050

Pag: 24 Pag: 30 Pag: 70



Pag: 52

- HOTEL LA CASONA Tel: 01800-700-8877 - LA NUEVA POSADA Tel: 766-1444, Fax: 766-2049 - LOS CROTOS Tel: 764-0067 - MIS AMORES Tels: 766-4640, 4641, 4642 - QUINTA DON JOSE Tel: 01-800-700-2223 - VILLA DEL SEÑOR Cell: (045) 31-2132-2687 - VILLAS DEL SOL

Pag: 37 Pag: 03 Pag: 67 Pag: 26 Pag: 12 Pag: 52

Pag: 36

Tel: 766 1152

* INSURANCE - EDGAR CEDEÑO Cell: (045) 33-3106-6982 - LLOYD Tel: 766-0152, 766-3508

Pag: 26

Pag: 69


Pag: 08


Pag: 50

* MEAT/POULTRY/CHEESE - PURITAN POULTRY Tel: 765-4399 - TONY’S Tel: 766-1614, 766-4069

Pag: 10 Pag: 73

- BODY SENSE CLINIC - PODIATRIST Tel: 766-6080 Pag: 35 - DERMATOLOGIST Tel: 766-1198, 765-2400 Pag: 67 - DERMIKA Dermatologic Center Dra. Monica Ramos Tel: 766-2500 Pag: 29 - INTERNAL MEDICINE SPECIALIST & GERIATRICS Dr. J. Manuel Cordova Tel: 766-2777, 766-5611 Pag: 30 - DRA. MARTHA R. BALLESTEROS FRANCO Cell: (045) 333-408-0951 Pag: 20 - GYNECOLOGY & OBSTETRICS Dr. Héctor Manuel Alvarado Soria Cell: (045) 33-3626-7957 Pag: 73 - HOSPITAL ANGELES DEL CARMEN Tel: (01) 3813-0042 Pag: 11 - MEDICOS ESPECIALISTAS Tel: 766-5357 Pag: 25 - OPHTHALMOLOGIST Dra. María de Jesús Quintero Bernal Tels: 765-2400, 7654805 Pag: 15 - PINTO OPTICAS Tel: 765-7793 Pag: 31 - PLAZA LA MONTAÑA Tel: 766-5513 Pag: 35 - RED CROSS Tel:765-2308 - SURGERY HOST Tel: 766-3145 Pag: 61


* MOVERS - BALDERAS Tel: 01 (33) 3810-4859 - LAKE CHAPALA MOVING Tel: 766-5008 - SEYMI Tel: 01 (33) 3603-0000, 3603-0256 - STROM- WHITE MOVING Tel: 766-4049

Pag: 06 Pag: 18 Pag: 14 Pag: 17


Pag: 22

Pag: 41


Pag: 28

* PERSONAL ASSISTANCE - JUSTUS HAUSER Tel: 763-5333, Fax: 763-5335 Emergencies: 01 (33) 3441-8223 - NEWCOMERS

- FARMACIA CRISTINA Tel: 766-1501 - FARMACIA EXPRESS II Tel: 766-0656 - FARMACIA MASKARAS Tel/Fax: 765-5827 - FARMACIA MORELOS Tel: 765-4002 - FARMACIA SAN PAULO Tel: (378) 763-0506

Pag: 67 Pag: 12

Pag: 05

- ROMA Tel: 766-3163 - VILLAS DEL SOL Tel: 766 1152

Pag: 18

- COLEGIO DE AXIXIC Cell: (045) 33-1350-4122

Pag: 36


* REPAIRS/ MAINTENANCE - SERVICIO BELTRÁN Tel: 766-4586, 765-3949 - WATCH & CLOCKS Tel: 765 5190, Cell: (045) 33-1331-9226

- S.O.S.E Tel: 765-4921

Pag: 73

Pag: 66

Pag: 76


Pag: 76

- SELF STORAGE-BODEGAS CHAPALA Tel: 766-0661, Tel/Fax: 766-1045 Pag: 34

Pag: 16



Pag: 71

- AJIJIC TANGO Tel: 766-2458 Pag: 56 - CAFÉ ADELITA Tel: 766-0097 Pag: 52 - CAFFETTERIA TOSCANA Tel: 765-6996 Pag: 60 - CASA WAFFLE Tel: 766-1946 Pag: 03 - CHAC-LAN Tel: (387) 761-0111, 761-0326 Pag: 47 - CHILI BANG Pag: 29 - COCINA SAN ANDRES Tel: 766-5614 Pag: 57 - DAVID’S CAFE Tel: 766-2341 Pag: 75 - EARLY BIRD Pag: 58 - EL BAR-CO Tel: 766-0452 Pag: 24 - EL JARDIN DE NINETTE Cell: (045) 33-1410-4064 Pag: 32 - FABULOUS FOOD Tel: (376) 766 1349 Pag: 19 - GO LE CLUB Tel: 766-4747 Pag: 16 - LA BODEGA Tel: 766-1002 Pag: 17 - LA GASCONADE Cell: (045) 33-1340-8046 Pag: 26 - LA NUEVA POSADA Tel: 766-1444, 766-2049 Pag: 03 - “ LA TAVERNA” DEI QUATTRO MORI Tel: 766 2848 Pag: 30 - LAS CABALLERIZAS COXALA Tel: 766-0744 Pag: 47 - LOS TELARES Tel: 766-0428 Pag: 57 - MANIX Tel: 766-0061 Pag: 26 - MELANIE’S Tel: 766-4253 Pag: 12 - MOM´S DELI & RESTAURANT Tel: 765-5719 Pag: 09, 72 - NUMBER FOUR Tel: 766-1360 Pag: 25 - PEDROS GOURMET Tel: 766-4747 Pag: 50 - PEPE’S & AURORA’S Cell. (044) 33 1265 7900 Pag: 36 - PEPITO’S Tel: 766-2060 Pag: 71 - TABARKA Tel: 766-1588 Pag: 61 - THE GARDEN Tel: 766-1381 Pag: 33 - TOMAS Tel: 765-3897 Pag: 49 - TONY’S Tel: 766-1614, 766-4069 Pag: 73 - YVES’ Tel: 766-1851 Pag: 62

- ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Tel: 766-5961 Pag: 71 - EL BAZAR DE LOS NIÑOS Tel: 765-3147 Pag: 77 - LAKE CHAPALA SOCIETY Tel: 766-1140 Pag: 70-73 - LAKESIDE SPAY & NEUTER CENTER, A.C. Tel: 766-0821

Pag: 58




- AVSA Tel/Fax. 01 (33) 3825-2350


Pag: 32


ILSE HOFFMANN Cell: 33-3157-2541, Ilse40@megared.net.mx www.mexicoadventure.com/chapala/guadalajara.htm Tel: 01 (33) 3647-3912

- 1ST CHOICE HOMES LAKESIDE Tel: 765-2484 Pag: 31 - AJIJIC HOME INSPECTIONS Tel: 766-2836 Pag: 13 - AJIJIC REAL ESTATE Tel: 766-2077, Fax: 766-2331 Pag: 03 - ALL IN ONE REAL ESTATE SERVICE Tel: 766-1161 Pag: 05 - ALTERNATIVE REALTY Tel: 766-5575 Pag: 20 - ARELLANO CORPORATION GROUP Tel: 766-4696, Tel/Fax: 766-4660 Pag: 42-43 - COLDWELL BANKER CHAPALA REALTY Tel: 766-1152, 766-3369 Fax: 766-2124, Tels: 765-2877 Fax: 765-3528 Pag: 84 - CHULA VISTA NORTE Tel: 766-2177 Cell: (045) 33-3841-8867 Pag: 57 - CIELO VISTA Tel: 766-4867 Pag: 27 - EL DORADO Tel: 766-0040 Pag: 02 - FOR SALE BY OWNER Tel: 01 (33) 1568 9254 Pag: 70 - FOR SALE BY OWNER Tel: 01 (33) 3121-6779 Pag: 74 - FOR SALE BY OWNER Tel: 766-5609 Pag: 72 - FOR SALE BY OWNER Tel: 01 (33) 3631-5851 Pag: 77 - FOR SALE BY OWNER Tel: 766-4440 Pag: 65 - FOR SALE BY OWNER Tel: 766-2142 Pag: 73 - FOR SALE BY OWNER Tel: 473-732-5789 Pag: 66 - GEORGETTE RICHMOND Tel: 766-2129, 766-2077 Pag: 13 - IMPULSA REAL ESTATE Tel: (+52) 669 913 2745 Pag: 33 - JOSEPH KALO Cell. (045) 33 3159 4803, Home Tel. 766-0525 Pag: 48 - LLOYD REAL ESTATE AJIJIC Tel: 766-0040 Pag: 02 - LOS ARROYOS VERDES Tel: (329) 2986-267 Pag: 63 - MIGUEL RUEDA ROMAN Tel: 765-2484 Pag: 28, 55 - RIVIERA ALTA Tel: 766-1169 Pag: 51 - TOM AND DIANNE BRITTON Tel. 766-5249 (home) Cell. (045) 33-1298-5722 Pag: 03 - VILLA OLIVIA Pag: 22 Tel: 766-1069

* RENTALS/PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - COLDWELLBANKER CHAPALA REALTY Tel: 766-1152, movile: (045) 33-1175-9632 Pag: 68 - FOR RENT Tel: 01 (33) 3122 4676 Pag: 70 - FOR RENT - Barra de Navidad Tel: 011(52) 33-36-29-04-53 Pag: 36 - FOR RENT - Manzanillo Tel: 765-7749 Pag: 70 - FOR RENT - Vallarta Pag: 32 - RENTAL LOCATERS Tel: 766-5202 Pag: 62

* RETIREMENT/REST/NURSING HOMES - LA CASA NOSTRA Tel: 765-4187, Fax: 765-5815 - LA SAGRADA FAMILIA Tel: 762-1425 - THE BLUE HOUSE Tel: 766-1256

* SPA / MASSAGE - AFRODITA Tel: 766-6187 - BODY SENSE CLINIC Tel: 766-6080 - HYDROPOOL Tel: 766-4030 - LA BELLA VIDA Tel: 766-5131 - MONTE COXALA Tel: (387) 761-0111, 761-0326 - RESPIRO SPA Tel: (045) 33-3157-7790 - SILUET CORPOFACIAL Tel: 766-5867 - TOTAL BODY CARE Tel: 766 3379 - VILLA BORDEAUX Tel: (01-387) 761-0494

Pag: 52 Pag: 35 Pag: 57 Pag: 30 Pag: 47 Pag: 22 Pag: 17 Pag: 19 Pag: 62

* THERAPISTS - DRA. MA. LUCÍA VELASCO MEDRANO Physical Rehabilitation Cell: (045) 33-3954-6966 Pag: 67 - PROFESSIONAL REHABILITATION Tel: 766-5563 Pag: 19

* TOURS - CHARTER CLUB TOURS Tel: 766-1777 - GRUPO TURQUESA Tel: 766-5435 - LOS VAGABUNDOS Tel: 01 (415) 152-3013

Pag: 09, 11 Pag: 69 Pag: 77


Pag: 77

* WATER - TECNO AQUA Tel: 766-3730, 766-3731

Pag: 15


Pag: 36

Pag: 06 Pag: 73 Pag: 49


Pag: 66 Pag: 15

* SCHOOLS - CLC Tel: 765-5498

Pag: 65

Saw you in the Ojo


AA- Meets daily at 10:00 am. Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at 4 pm. Marcos Castellanos 51-A. 766-5961. ACÁ- Teaches youths, families sustainable agriculture, Joco and Jaltepec. Meet 14th of month. For more Information 387 763-1568. A COURSE IN MIRACLES- Saturday 2:00 pm 16 Sept #34, Unit 6, 766-4882 No charge. Ongoing. AIR FORCE ASSOCIATION OF CANADA 904 WING- Meeting 2nd Friday of every month in May, June, July & August. From September to April we meet the 2nd and 4th Friday. Contact Don Slimman 765 4141. AJIJIC QUILT GUILD - Meets second Tuesday monthly. Guests & New Members Welcome. ajijicguild@gmail.com AJIJIC SCRABBLE CLUB- Tuesdays and Thursdays noon-3 pm at LCS Ken Gosh Pavilion. Dan Stark 766-0411. AJIJIC WRITERS’ GROUP- Meets 1st and 3rd Fridays at 10 am. New Posada. Coffee. Meeting followed by lunch at the New Posada. AXIXIC MASONIC LODGE #31- Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month at 5:00 pm. Contact the secretary at 763-5346 for details. AMERICAN LEGION OF CHAPALA POST- #7 General Membership meets 11 am 2nd Thursday. Tel: 765-2259. AMIGOS INTERNACIONALES- Every Wednesday 6 to 8 pm, Nueva Posada; informal friendly group meet to make new friends. AMIGOS DEL LAGO A.C.- Working to improve the ecology. See www.amigosdelago.org or contact us at info@amigosdelago.org. AMITIES FRANCOPHONES- Meets every 3rd Saturday at 1 pm contact: Roland and Camille at 766-0149. rvanhoudt@prodigy.net.mx. ANIMAL SHELTER- Provide shelter and new homes for dogs and cats. Tel: 765-5514. ANITA’S ANIMALS- Free loving dogs and cats. call (01 387) 761-0500. www.anitasanimals.com. ASA- Ajijic Society of the Arts. Meets every 1st Monday of the month at Nueva Posada, 10 am. BRIDGE AT OLD POSADA- Monday 1:15 check in. Mary Andrews 766-2489. BRITISH SOCIETY- Lunch meeting the 1st Saturday of each month, 1pm at Manix Rest. 765-4786, chapalainn@prodigy.net.mx. CARD & DOMINO CLUB- Wednesday, Friday & Sunday. Call for times. We will teach; make friends! Tel. 766-4253, Cell: (045) 33-1295-6485. CANADIAN CLUB OF LAKE CHAPALA- Meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month, September through April. Social hour: 3:00 pm, program 4:00 pm. Visit www.canadianclub-chapala.com. CASA DE ANCIANOS- Provides support for elderly citizens, 765-2497. CENTRO DE DESARROLLO AJIJIC- Provides family planning and reproductive health education. 766-1679. CHILI COOK OFF- Providing a carnival for residents raising charitable funds, 763-5038. DAR- (Guadalajara)- Daughters of the American Revolution, meets monthly Sep. through June. Cell:333-897-0660 or Tel: (376) 766-2284. DAR- (At Lakeside)- THOMAS PAINE CHAPTER meets every 3 Wednesday at 12:30 noon, September thru June. Tel: 766-2981 or 762-0834. EASTERN STAR ESTRELLA DEL LAGO CHAPTER #10- 1st Wed. at 1:00 pm at Hotel Monte Carlo. 766-3785, www.oesestrelladellago.org. E.R.I.C.- Provides support for the construction and renovation of educational buildings. 766-2866. GAMBLERS ANONYMOUS- GA Meeting held every Wednesday afternoon at 3:00 PM in the Doctor’s office at the Lake Chapala Society Charlie K. at cell: 331-445-2136. GARDEN GUILD- promoting the interest in the development of local gardens with an accent on the exotic species available in central Mexico. GERMAN MEETING- 2nd Thursday, 1:00 pm. La Nueva Posada. Call Thea 765-2442 or Hannes 765-3094. GOLDEN STRINGS OF LAKE CHAPALA, A.C.- Rehearsals at auditorio de la Floresta. Tuesday & Friday, 3-6 pm. HASH HOUSE HARRIERS- Every Saturday at 8:30 am at La Nueva Posada. IRISH SOCIETY OF MEXICO- Meets second Monday 4 pm at La Nueva Posada, Ajijic. Contact Brian Cronin, at 765-5071. JUNIOR LEAGUE DE GUADALAJARA A.C.- Av. San Francisco #3332. ligagdl2@prodigy.net.mx, Guadalajara, Jal. Tel. (33) 3121-0887. LAKE CHAPALA DUPLICATE BRIDGE CLUB- Meets every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 1:15 p.m.. www.chapalabridge.com. LAKE CHAPALA GARDEN CLUB-Promotes an interest, appreciation and better understanding of botanical subjects. 766-2637. LAKE CHAPALA SHRINE CLUB.- Meets the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 1 pm in the Nueva Posada. Perry King at (376) 763-5126. LAKE CHAPALA SOCIETY - LCS- 16 de Sep. # 16-A Ajijic, Open Monday - Saturday, 10 am to 2 pm. www.lakechapalasociety.org. 766-1140. LAKESIDE COMMUNITY AWARDS- We benefit all the community by honoring lakeside’s most talented. 766-3232. LAKESIDE FRIENDS OF THE ANIMALS - Board meets last Monday every month. Contact Ellie McEvoy at 765-2523 or John Marshall at 766-1170. LAKESIDE LITTLE THEATRE A.C.- Balanced theatrical entertainment, English-speaking, 765-5942. LAKESIDE SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF- The 4th of each month. Nueva Posada 10:30 am. Call 766-2280, www.lakesideschoolforthedeaf.org. LAKESIDE WILDLIFE RESCUE & REHABILITATION- Rescue & rehabilitation of wild animals. 765-4916. LAKE SPAY AND NEUTER CENTR A.C.- Provides shelter and helps curtail the over-population of animals. 766-3813. LCS EDUCATION CENTER- Provides classes in language and other topics for both Anglo and Mexican community. 766-0499. LCS STUDENT AID FUND- Provides financial support to area students to enroll in university, vocational and high school program. 766-0716. LINK- Assisting foreign community. Desk at Lake Chapala Society-Monday, 10 am-noon. LITTLE BLUE SCHOOLHOUSE- Provides financial assistance for students at school for disabled children in Chapala 766-1552. LOS NINOS DE CHAPALA Y AJIJIC, AC Providing educational scholarships to Lakeside children 376-766-1688, www.lakesideninos.org. LOVE IN ACTION- Shelter for abused and abandoned children. For volunteers and donations. Anabel Frutos 765-7409, cell: 331-351 7826. MAS- Music Appreciation Society. Concerts from fall to spring. Classical music and dance concerts. For info call Beverly Denton, 765-6409. MISION SAN PABLO- Helping 60 orphaned children ages 2-14 yrs, 7662551. Beaupaton@yahoo.com. www.misionsanpablo.org NAVY LEAGUE, LAKE CHAPALA COUNCIL- Meets the third Saturday for lunch at 1 pm, Manix Rest. 766 4750 or 766-1848. NEEDLE PUSHERS- Sew dresses, knit or chet sweaters for local kids. Every Tues. 10 am at LCS. Call Gay at 766-2902. NIÑOS Y JOVENES CARAVAN- Delivers foodstuffs and used clothing to orphanage in San Juan. Call Reuben Varela, 01-387-761-0828. OPEN CIRCLE- Fostering body, mind & spirit, every Sunday at the LCS from 10 am to 12 noon. 765-3402 or frankdburton@yahoo.com. OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS- Every Tuesday & Friday 12 am at Marcos Castellanos 51-A, in Upper Ajijic. Tel: 766-2575 or 766-1626. PROGRAMA PRO NIÑOS INCAPACITADOS DEL LAGO AC.- Assisting Lakeside disabled children www.programaninos.org , 763-5010. PASOS MILAGROSOS (MIRACULOUS STEPS.)- Helping Handicapped Children Through the Magic of Horses. Saturdays 8-2. www. pasosmilagrosos.com RED CROSS VOLUNTEERS- Meets 1st Wednesday at 2:00 pm at the Sala LCS. New members welcome. ROTARY CLUB OF AJIJIC- Meets every Tuesday at 1:00 pm at Hotel Real de Chapala. Contact at 766-3302. SCIENCE OF MIND STUDY GROUP- Ajijic Center for Spiritual Living. Tuesday 10 am. Call for info: Ann Brandt 765-2037 or email tim@revdoctim.com. UVA - University/Vocational Assistance (Little Chapel by the Lake a.c.)- Sue Torres, 766-2932 or Lynn Hanson 766-2660. VILLA INFANTIL ORPHANAGE- Provides financial support for children. 766-3396. www.friendsofvillainfantil.org VIVA LA MUSICA - Bus trips to the symphony, summer concert series, call Rosemay Keeling 766-1801. www.ajijicviva.org. VOLUNTEER HEALTH RESOURCE GROUP- Meeting last Saturday of each month at LCS in sala, 10:30. VOLUNTEERS OF THE CRUZ ROJA- Sponsors fund raising events and provides administrative and support services to the Delegation.

(NOTE: If there is any change in the above, please advise us so that corrections may be made. Call: 765-2877)


El Ojo del Lago November 2009

All Saints Lutheran Church Worship Service 11:00 am 4600 Avenida Tepeyac, Guad. Tel. (01 333) 121-6741. Abundant Life Assembly of God Carr. 140 next to Mail Boxes etc, Tel: 766-5615. Center For Spiritual Living Celebration Service, 5pm every first and third Friday, Nicolas Bravo #17 Ajijic. 7669020 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Services in English and Spanish, 10 am, Riberas del Pilar Bishop Wyvell Tel. (376) 765-7067, Bishop’s residence (376) 766-1532. Church of the Holy Spirit Services Sun. 10 am, Albaro Obregon #119, Chapala Tel. (376) 765-4210. Grace Baptist Church 5th Sun. Evening service 6 pm, Pedro Buzeta No. 970, Guad. Tel. (013) 641-1685. Lake Chapala Baptist Church Mid-week service, 9:30 am, worship service, 10:45 am. Santa Margarita #147, Riberas del Pilar, Tel. (376) 7652925, 765-3329. www.lakechapalabaptist.com. 7th Day Adventist meet at Madeira 12 in Rancho del Oro, 9:15 am to Noon. Potluck follows. 765-2165. Little Chapel by the Lake Sun. services 11 am, Chula Vista,. Jal, Tel. (376) 763-1551. Lake Chapala Jewish Congregation Santa Margarita 113, Riberas del Pilar, Tel: 765-6968. For information and service times, please call Pres. Elliot Gould. contact us@lakechapalajews. com. Web site: www. lakechapalajews. com. Lakeside Fellowship Sun. worship 11 am, Javier Mina #49 Ajijic, Tel. (376) 766-0795. Saint Andrew´s Anglican Church Calle San. Lucas 19, Riberas del Pilar, Sunday services, 10 am. www.standrewsparish.net. San Andres Catholic Church Services 9:00 am. Ajijic, 766-0922. St. John’s Catholic Church Between Av. Vallarta & Av. Lazaro Cardenas, Guad. Sun. 11am. (013) 121-8131. The Lake Chapala Unitarian Universalist Fellowship meets Sundays at 10:30 a.m. at the Jewish Community Center behind Mateos in Riberas del Pilar (Santa Margarita 113). For additional information call Steve at 766-5507 or email: trudycrippen@earthlink.net. Check out our website at www.lcuuf.org.


WANTED: Looking for Compact SUV in Very Good to Excellent condition only. Can overlook normal wear but want a well maintained vehicle. Thank you. Contact: Rafael Terracino FOR SALE: Almost new Thule Sportrack car top carrier - 18 cu. ft. Bought in June 2009 to drive to Mexico. Asking 2000 pesos. Call: Brian Way Telephone: 766-4708 FOR SALE: 1991 Mercedes 300TE Station Wa. Perfect Condition Inside and Out. Price $2,400 USD. Call Bert Poirier @ 763-5086 or email bertpoirier@hotmail.com FOR SALE: Cargo Trailer - 5 x 10’ Capacity: 2500 pounds, brand new spare tire, 2” ballpoint hitch with hitch jack. Call: Peter Dymacek Telephone: 376-766-5577 WANTED: want address of someone in Guadalajara to replace headliner in car. Mine is falling apart due to heat. Contact: Frank Raimo WANTED: Right rear lamp assembly for 1988 Caravelle. Contact: Frank Raimo FOR SALE: Classic. Good motor. Not oilburner. Rebuilt trans. U.S.plates. Price $750. Contact: John Whiley. BEST OFFER FOR: Price includes new USA plates and title in buyers name. Must see to appreciate. Will accept any reasonable offer. Car is well maintained. Call: Joe Dean @ 766 0782 FOR SALE: 1997 Pontiac Bonivile. Engine runs good. Mirrors gone. Dings and dents. Needs paint job. Air-conditioner and driver side window motors need fixing. Contact: Heinz Stapff. Price $4000 US DOLLARS. FOR SALE: PARTS from 1993 Ford Escort. Most body parts very good; glass, seats, good tires/rims, etc. Prefer you contact me through PM at www.chapala.com with any questions. Contact: Lotta Linya FOR SALE: Polaroid portable GPS with Auto mount and Mexico map. Excellent road detail for highways and cities. Includes music player and photo viewer. About 1 year old. Asking $2200 pesos. Contact: Wayne Garding


FOR SALE: new Sony Cybershot. It includes a 1 year guarantee with Sony and is in the original package. 7.2 megapixels. price at bestbuy 2,700 pesos. I am selling it for 1,900 obo Contact: Eliza Osher FOR SALE: Wireless Receiver. Laguna Net wireless receiver complete with antenna and cable. Price $200 US. Excellent condition. Contact: Heather Leonard FOR SALE: MapSend Topo Mexico; This works on the eXplorist models. Really never used. Price $550 Contact: David Unlisted @ 376-763-52-48 FOR SALE: Portable Radio Complete with built-in generator carrying case and manual. Price: $30. Contact: John Whiley. FOR SALE: Electric Organ/Piano. As new, with adjustable chair and manual. Price $295 Contact: John Whiley FOR SALE: Printer HP 722C. High ratings on Google. Good working condition. $75.00 U.S. Contact: Linda Nelson.


WANTED: Need To Find A Mate- Xolo. I need a male to meet with my female xolo mexican hairless to mate next year. “Nena” is a mini xolo and will be ready to cross next Feb. I am in Guadalajara but can come out to lakeside and meet. 15688234

LOOKING FOR LOVING HOME: for a 10 month old beautiful, mixed breed female puppy I rescued last January, but can no longer keep. Please. Call 045-333-597-2015 for more information. WANTED: Need kitty condo (cat tree) in good condition for 2 kittens to play in. Contact: Sherry Butler FOR SALE: Pet Car Seat Cover, for a bench seat, straps on so it is secure and keeps your pets hair off of your car seats. Beige color. $200p. Call: Julie Hensley @ 765-4590 WARM AND CUDDLY NEEDS HOME This is a wonderful, gentle abandoned female cat. If you take this baby - we will supply food for a month and a litter box with litter. Contact: Dr. Galen Harris WANTED: Need dog run, fenced on all sides with top enclosed, any size will serve the purpose. Economical please. Contact: Dusty Ward


WANTED: small kitchen cabinet. For a wall.. Clean. Price you name it Contact: Alex Golzwarden FOR SALE: Unique hand crafted chairs, very elegant, hand crafted, leather, wrought iron and wicker chairs. Like new. Please call Bebe at 766-1273 for more information. Price $799USD Pair WANTED: Record Player. Would like to buy a functioning phonograph/record player for 45, 78, 33-1/3 vinyl records. Contact: Donald Williams FOR SALE: Kenwood TS-50S HF Transceiver and SGC SG-230 Smartuner microproscessor controlled automatic antenna coupler. Keep in touch with the world, still a great source of world communications. Price $8,500.00 MN Contact: Patricia Castillo WANTED: Golf bags, trying to find golf bags in the Lake area is not easy. Hope someone has some they don’t want. Contact: Donna Blackburn FOR SALE: Maytag dishwasher Quiet series 200. White. Brand-new, not even unpacked. Only $3.700 pesos. E-mail or call Barbara for more information: (33)36169187. FOR SALE: Kingsize mattress and split wooden base, never been used. $3800 pesos. Call michael mutter @ 765-7494. FOR SALE: Microwave oven, medium size, silver, hardly used. mint condition $800 pesos.. Price $800 pesos Call Michael Mutter @ 765-7494 FOR SALE: Pre-owned Golf Clubs Cobra driver; $1000 Pesos, 3 Wood, 5 Wood $500 Pesos each. Almost new Callaway 5 Wood, 7 Wood; $1000 Pesos each. Contact: David Flaningam WANTED: Gas Grill. Looking for new/ used gas grill at a good price and in good condition. Please send me an email at glenr@kemaker.com FOR SALE: Universal car cover by Coverking barely used one season. Size to fit Honda CRV, Subaru Forrester, Toyota RAV4, etc. $325 pesos. Call: Alice Tumblin @ 766-0095 FOR SALE: Sm. Whirlpool Upright Freezer. This freezer is in almost new condition and works perfectly. See photos and more information at http://www. joanandsteve.com/freezer.html Contact: Joan Petty WANTED: Looking for reasonably priced elliptical trainer or other low-impact fitness

machine for a young man with muscle atrophy in his legs due to an accident. Contact: Meredith Miller BEST OFFER FOR: Nordic Track Ski Pro. Cross Country skiing in Mexico! Still the best whole body low impact cardiovascular exercise. Very good condition. Electronic readout (needs one 9V battery). Contact: Gillian FOR SALE: TDK CD burner. Good working order, with cables and manual. Contact Information Price $50 Contact: John Whiley FOR SALE: HP printer Deskjet 810C series. good working order, complete with CD and manual. Contact: John Whiley. FOR SALE: Camcorder. Sony mfr, complete with manual and carrying case. Contact Information Price $95. Contact: John Whiley FOR SALE: Microwave oven. LG 1.1f3 capacity. Cocina Mexicana Plus. White. All new, I have another one so I don´t need it. Contact: Carmen Sanchez Carstens WANTED: Car battery charger. Want a decent 6-12 Volt car battery charger; it’s that simple. Call: David Unlisted @ 376-76352-48 WANTED: Gasoline or Elect Weedwhacker. Looking for used gasoline or electric weedwhacker-weedeater in good condition. Call: Arlene Havard @ 765-7574 WANTED: Share Star Choice Programming. Want someone to share programming on Star Choice (now Shaw), we know our systems are compatible. Call Jill 766-3025 or write fotoflyer2003@yahoo. com. WANTED: Need a Black Baby Grand Piano in good condition with bench. Sound quality key. Will have it picked up. Would like to have it before Dec 2009. Contact: Linda Fossi FOR SALE: Nearly new bedside commode. Used only 3 weeks. On wheels w/breaks; padded seat; comfortable arm, back & foot rest. Also excellent for assisted shower. $3000.00 Pesos. Contact: Linda Nelson FOR SALE: Dish TV Receiver Model 311. Used only 3 months. $125.00 U.S. Contact: Linda Nelson FOR SALE: RCA VCR Model VR674HF.

Old but works great. $35.00 U.S. Contact: Linda Nelson FOR SALE: Corner desk with computer keyboard drawer. Upper portion has shelves and racks to store computer disks. 750 pesos. Call Lorna at 766-2793. FOR SALE: Aluminum Tool Box, for full size pickup truck. Good condition. New ones cost over $800USD. Size approx. 2 ft. X 2 ft. X 5 ft. Sliding interior tool tray. Contact: Richard Bray @ Tel: (387) 763 3223 FOR SALE: Diningroom table “Antigua de Mexico”, old wood and eight chairs, size 2.00 mts. large for 0.80 wide, excellent conditions. 12, 000.00 pesos. Call: Romero Gerardo @ Tel: (376) 7662594 FOR SALE: 1971 Siler Streak “Continental”. Stainless refrig., new toilet, central heat, freezing air. Good condition. New upolstery. Fully equipped. Fully equipped. $4995. Call: (387) 763 1725 or email coleen.johnson@gmail.com FOR SALE: Polaroid portable GPS with auto mount and Mexico map (only). Excellent road detail for highways and cities. Includes music player and photo viewer. About 1 year old. Asking $2200 pesos. FOR SALE: Digital blood pressure cuff in a carrying case. Also records pulse and time of recording. Has memory for 90 recordings. Less than one year old. Retailed for $1000 pesos. Asking $700 pesos FOR SALE: Fisheye lens FC-E8 for Nikon CoolPix digital cameras. Originally developed for scientific or industrial applications, Fisheye lenses are now also widely used in advertising, commercial and general photography. $100usd. Call David Tingen @ (376)765-3676 WANTED: Need used windows, doors, fencing, barbed wire, chicken wire, chain link, metal railings, window security metals, wheel barrel and ladder, any building materials, tiles, sinks, faucets, toilets, wood, rebar etc. Contact: Diane Ward


FOR SALE: 50 Mexican talavera plates from Puebla. Still in crates. Different styles and patterns. Safe for hot, cold food or your collection. cardellcalhoun@hotmail.com, or (33) 3656-5701

The Ojo Crossword

Saw you in the Ojo



El Ojo del Lago November 2009

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