El Ojo del Lago - April 2014

Page 38

Sandy Olson

Phone: 331-283-8529 Email: sandyzihua@hotmail.com


:5,7(56 $7 :25. The tenth annual /DNHVLGH :ULWHUVœ &RQIHUHQFH, held on February 26-28, was a huge success. Over seventy people attended and heard writers’ words of wisdom from the following authors:

the following events: April 4 at 7 pm Orquesta de Camara Cedart Clemente Orozco April 8 at 7 pm Orquesta Tipica de Chapala April 10 at 5 pm Encuentro de Alumnos del Centro Cultural Gonzalez Gallo, con alumnos de La Casa de Cultura de Ixtlahuacan. April 11 at 7 pm Group to be announced. The events are free and everyone is welcome. Please attend to help celebrate this 94th anniversary of the arrival of the train to Chapala. /(7Âś6 7+,1. $%287 62&,$/ 6(&85,7< /DNHVLGH /LWWOH 7KHDWHUÂśV ÂżQDO SOD\ RI WKH VHDVRQ 6RFLDO 6HFXULW\ will have its ÂżQDO SHUIRUPDQFH RQ )ULGD\ $SULO )RU ODVW PLQXWH WLFNHWV DUULYH DQ KRXU EHIRUH WKH performance. Tickets are 200 pesos.

Cast members left to right are Phyllis Silverman, Pierre Blackburn, Georgette Richmond, Zane Pumiglia, Candace Luciano, and Roger Larson. The director is Phil Shepherd.

The panelists, left to right: John Scherber, Claudia Long, Miranda Hill, and Lawrence Hill Claudia Long, author of the popular novel -RVHÂżQDÂśV 6LQ, set in 17th century Mexico (yes, it is a bodice ripper). One of the main characters is Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, who is nowadays depicted on the 200 pesos note. Miranda Hill has created a collection of short stories titled 6OHHSLQJ )XQQ\. -RKQ 6FKHUEHU, of San Miguel de Allende, has authored nineteen books. The most recent is ,QWR WKH +HDUW RI 0H[LFR ([SDWULDWHV )LQG 7KHPVHOYHV 2II WKH %HDWHQ 3DWK Lawrence Hill held the luncheon group spellbound with the story about his inspiration for 7KH %RRN RI 1HJURHV (published as 6RPHERG\ .QRZV 0\ 1DPH in the United States). His most recent book is %ORRG The Writers’ Conference Committee members are Harriet Hart, Victoria Schmidt, &DURO %RZPDQ +HUEHUW 3LHNRZ and 6DQG\ Olson. They are still congratulating each other on the success of the event, and are already looking forward to next year’s conference, which promises to be even more successful. Danza del Sol was the venue for this year’s conference and was a happy choice for attendees. LIFELINES: AN AMERICAN DREAM Writer Antonio Rambles spoke to an interested group recently at Oasis Cloud’s “Meet the Writers Luncheon.â€? Rambles read from his new book, titled /LIHOLQHV $Q $PHULFDQ 'UHDP The generational story is of two families, set against the backdrop of US emergence as a world power, and the rise and fall of industrial America and the labor movement. The Roaring Twenties are still ahead when West Virginia newlyweds and a young farmer from Italy uproot themselves to pursue the American dream. /LIHOLQHV is available digitally on Amazon. FRP +LV ÂżUVW ERRN /DJXQD 7DOHV, is a collection of short stories. It is available on Amazon. Antonio Rambles com as well.

COMING EVENTS NINETY-FOUR YEARS AGO 7KH ÂżUVW WUDLQ RIÂżFLDOO\ DUULYHG DW WKH 2OG 7UDLQ 6WDWLRQ LQ &KDSDOD²DQG LW ZDVQÂśW ROG then—ninety-four years ago, on April 8. To celebrate this anniversary the city will host


El Ojo del Lago / April 2014

Social Security is a play by Andrew Bergman. The play focuses on trendy Manhattan art gallery owners Barbara and David Kahn, whose life is upended when her Mineola housewife sister Trudy deposits their eccentric mother Sophie on the couple’s doorstep while she and her husband Martin head to Buffalo. They intend to rescue their sexually precocious college student daughter from a mÊnage a trios with two men. Barbara and David introduce Sophie to suave aging artist Maurice Koenig, who offers to paint her portrait and soon begins to brighten her life in ways she never expected in her twilight years. HOW DOES YOUR GARDEN GROW? Popular local watercolorist -RKQ 0F:LOOLDPV has started a successful veggie gardening class. The next meeting is Wednesday, April 9 at 10 am. The topic will be planting seeds and growing them into strong starter plants. John reports an excellent response and enthusiasm from the gardening group. Contact him at mcwilliamsmx@ gmail.com or by phone at 376-7660620. YOUNG MEXICAN PAINTERS Support a group of independent young Mexican painters by attending a show and reception at Sol Mexicano on April 11 from 4 to 7. Thee artists are from Guadalajara. They are Enrique Avila Gordiano, Miguel &DVWHOODQRV 0DULWD 7HULTXH] and $ORQVR &UX] Alonso Cruz has previously had some excellent examples of beautiIXOO\ FRORUIXO WUHHV ÀRZHUV DQG ZLOGlife. Miguel Castellanos has sold pieces here at Lakeside. Each El Burro Blanco by Enrique Avila many are unique and individual. Pieces vary in subjects of nature, wildlife, renditions of children in colorful indigenous clothing and fabulously muscular horses. This year he is producing a new series of meditative mandalas. Marita Terriquez’s work is a unique realism. Previously she created a series based on the derelict grand houses of Guadalajara. Enrique Gordiano Avila has proven popular with art lovers. He uses oil paint lightly, to delicately capture the Mexican countryside or street scenes. He manages to freeze-frame a slice of life in his paintings. Since the opening reception is on March 11, the same day as the next CaminARTE de Axixic event, the gallery will be open from 10:30 am through 7 pm for extended viewing. Sol Mexicano is located at Colon 13 in Centro Ajijic. Opening times are 10:30- 4:30 Monday through Saturday and Sundays 12-5. Tel. (376) 766-0734. Email: GaleriaSolMexicano@gmail.com.

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