Ampul Spring 2009

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Pharmacy News and Activities Cleveland-Area Pharmacists Take Bus Trip to Northern Dr. Ervin Pierstorf, ’53, Hon. D. ’78, is always looking for ways to promote the pharmacy profession and the Raabe College of Pharmacy. At a gathering of some Cleveland-area pharmacists, all members of the WestShore Pharmacy Association, Pierstorf discovered that many of them had not visited campus for several years. “Why not put them all on a bus to Ada?” he thought. With the help of Bill Robinson, BSEd ’61, Hon. D. ’05, H of F ’05, executive assistant to the president, the idea was “given wheels,” and more than 20 WestShore members and their spouses arrived in Ada on Oct. 8, 2008, for a University luncheon with

Deirdre (Mozdy) Myers, BSPh ’83, pharmacy and laboratory instructor, put the pharmacists through their paces as they compounded a special humorous product for home use.

Dr. Kendall L. Baker, ONU president, and Dr. Jon Sprague, dean of the College of Pharmacy. Sprague reviewed the status of the college and provided a glimpse into the future. Following lunch, Sprague conducted a tour of the Robertson Evans Building and the Hakes-Pierstorf Family Pharmacy Education Center, ending with a compounding class in the new Pharmacy Skills Center.

Everyone boarded the bus with great memories, several keepsakes and a box dinner for the trip back to Cleveland.

Student Lounge

On March 24, 2009, the Raabe College of Pharmacy dedicated the newly renovated student lounge. During the dedication, Giant Eagle was honored for providing the funding for the lounge. Sixty people attended, including Dr. Kendall L. Baker, ONU president, Dr. Jon Sprague, dean of the College of Pharmacy, faculty, staff and students. The new lounge includes snack machines, tables for study and wireless network access. 20

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