bakotopia 11-27-08

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Charla Cormier Beatin’ down the pounds! November 27th 2008 December 10th, 2008



Fri. Nov. 28th - Shock G - Humpty Hump doing

Digital Underground w/ guests Frost & The Natural Movement Sat. Nov. 29th - Back Up Johnny Wed. Dec. 4th - Murs Fri. Dec. 5th - Closed For Private Party Til Midnight Sat. Dec. 6th - Grant Langston & The Supermodels Wed. Dec. 10th - Dr. Steel’s Toy Soldier Toy Drive Fri. Dec. 12th - Just Dave Band Sat. Dec. 13th - Which One’s Pink? Tribute to Pink Floyd Wed. Dec. 17th - Gary Hoey - Ho Ho Hoey Christmas Show Fri. Dec. 19th - Paul Chesne & The 99’s Sat. Dec. 20th - Mento Buru Christmas Show Sun. Dec. 21st - 5th Annual Paul Cartwright’s

Paulapalooza Show Tues. Dec. 30th - Wayne Hancock





s you read our latest issue of Bako, you are either getting ready for a feast or recovering from one. This year, think about attempting to be healthy for the holidaze. Now before you start to frown, check this out. Our country is getting bigger by the day, and not just from illegal immigration - we’re talking pounds. Recently I’ve had some friends get sick due to bad health - that was scary. We’re hoping to inspire our readers to at least try something healthy as we head into the annual food freak fest of the holidays, and we found the perfect local story to get you started. Inside you’re going to read about Bako’s own Charla Cormier. Her story has a little bit for everyone, and not just for the ladies. The fellas can use a tip from Charla, so read on. You’re also going to find out about some cool events happening in town in the coming weeks. Plus photos by Jessica Moncrief from a big night in Bako, Turkey Shouts and more! With the economy slump hitting locals hard, Bakotopia wants to give a big THANK YOU to our advertisers for helping to keep our magazine free for you and yours. Please pay them a visit to show you appreciate them, too. Have a Happy Thanksgiving! Please drive safely, don’t drink and drive, and try the new Mento Burrito at Fishlips!

EDITORIAL Olivia Garcia Publisher 395-7487 Matt Muñoz Editor/Product Manager 395-7660 Teresa Adamo Managing Editor Debbie Weaver Copy Editor

ART Eric Duhart Lead Designer Orlando Galvan Graphic Designer Robert Nuñez Graphic Designer

ADVERTISING Jaime de los Santos Sales Manager 716-8632 David Alanis Sales Executive Gustavo Carrillo Sales Executive Diana Clark Sales Executive David Santillan Sales Executive Samantha Vilchis Sales Executive Mark Wells Sales Executive Dora Cardenas Sales Assistant 716-8642

OFFICE Marisol Sorto Office Administrator 716-8640


BAKOTOPIA 1522 18th St. Suite 305 Bakersfield, CA 93301


Matt Muñoz, Bakotopia Editor

Contribute your own articles/stories. Upload photos


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nce again, the fab lenswork of photographer extraordinaire Holly Carlyle graces the latest cover of Bakotopia. “She’s definitely hot, and who doesn’t want a butt like that that?” said Holly of this week’s cover model,

Charla Cormier. “Charla was easy to shoot, totally gorgeous.” As you will see inside, Holly was right. Special thanks to Holly,Charla,and Anytime Fitness on Panama Lane for use of their gym during the shoot.

Do you have legal questions? Email us at

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Turkey Shouts

November 27, 2008

By Matt Muñoz, Bakotopia Editor & Bakotopians


t doesn’t matter who you are, everyone’s got something to be thankful for at Thanksgiving! Our registered users at: shared some of their own gratitude for Turkey Day: “I’d like to give a BIG shout out to the guys and gals with pig s#%@ on their boots, whose hard work makes my Honey Baked Ham an American possibility! Yo pig farmers, big thumbs up for your dedication! Please remember to donate to your local food banks! Even one donation can make a difference! Happy Holy Days to Evah’body!” - sistersheree “I’m thankful to have Brendan, my son. He is healthy, smart, funny and such a character, what more could I ask for. He is my sunshine and I thank God every day for blessing me with him. I am also very thankful to have such a great job, with wonderful co-workers and a very caring and understanding boss. I can go on for days, there’s so much to be thankful for. Everyday I live I’m thankful for.” - MsJosey “I’m thankful for our Constitution. I am thankful for the rights we have been given and the opportunity we have in the United States to make as much money as we want to, worship who we want to, own property where we want to, work where we want to, go to school, learn, read, have a family, or not have a family, drive a car, go to the doctor, love who you want, live with who you want, vote for who you want as president. I am very thankful for what I have, what I can do,and that I have the ability and opportunity to succeed or fail on my own.” - Annie L White “Thanks be to God that I am alive! I am thankful for my husband, Roman. He works very hard to provide for our family and is appreciated soooo much. He is my Corona and Lime. =) My fab four: Baby Girl, Sissy, Majin Buu and my little Monkey. You are my life. I am so proud of you girls and I love you! I am also very thankful for my mom, Doreen, an AWESOME woman. Even though she has a busy schedule, she helps with taking care of my girls on those occasions that my husband and I just need a little break. My cousin Bonehead Jaci Rae, and my brothers from another mother, Ponch and Jess, I love y’all and am very thankful to have you in my life. Some of us may not be blood related, but you have been more of a family to me than my own family. Stank you smelly much everyone!” - LomelEZ “I’m thankful for my two beautiful children, Kaitlyn & Mark, my wonderful family & friends, job (duh!), and my band - Mento Buru ... Orale!” - Matt “I’m thankful for coffee in the morning & splashing it with a taste of Pumpkin Spice Coffee-Mate. I’m thankful for my awesome husband who makes me feel like the hottest girl in Bako! My kids make me thankful for the miracle of life! I thank Jesus everyday for my little monsters!!! I’m thankful for my mom who loves me, even though she hates my tattoos. I am thankful for my dad who wants my mom to be ‘all tatted up.’ Haha! I’m thankful for my sister- in-law, who is my best friend! (Besides my husband & my mom, of course!) I’m thankful for art, keeping the world beautiful. And thankful for music ... taking me away when I need to escape, and helping me remember the times I never want to end! I’m thankful for life! And I’m thankful for Bakersfield … because it’s rad. The air sucks, but the people are like no other!” - HOBAG “I’m Thankful for my dad coming out of his surgery, and that he’s going to be around a longtime.” - Charla Cormier BAKOTOPIA 5

Charla Cormier:



November 27, 2008

By Matt Muñoz, Bakotopia Editor


ust when you thought it was safe to surrender to gluttony,along comes Charla Cormier. Bakersfield’s super-mom of fitness modeling - Cormier, 35, wife and mother of three - wants to help you survive holiday food temptation, and its ever-present guilt. “Make a goal, not an excuse,” said the 5-foot-5-inch beauty during a photo shoot break for the latest issue of Bakotopia at Anytime Fitness on Panama Lane,where she also works as a certified trainer. “It’s really all about diet,more than weights and exercise.” Judging by her solid, but very feminine physique, we believe her. “After my third baby, I decided I had to get into shape,” Cormier said. Originally from Marble Falls, Texas, along with her husband Rob, the two moved to Bakersfield in 2001, and have been settling into Bakersfield life ever since. “All my family lives in Texas, and where I’m from, we like to wave to people even people we don’t know,” she explained. “I still wave a lot. They probably think I’m weird,” she laughed. Looking back at her life so far, from being a Marble Falls football cheerleader to Bakersfield health guru, Cormier shared some memories of creating a family, but also her struggle with post-pregnancy weight. “After my third child, I reached my heaviest at 170 pounds,” she said of her former physique. Cormier’s older brother Bryan Northcutt, who also happened to be an awardwinning body builder in his own right, helped his sister start her journey back into solid shape - and quickly. “I had my youngest in March of ’04, and competed in my first fitness competition in December that same year,” she remembered. “I placed six out of 12. And I’ve never done steroids.” Impossible as it may sound, according to Cormier, once she had her mind set, it was on. “My brother and I developed our own diet called the ‘Caveman Plan,’” she said of the prescribed 200-calorie-every-two-hours diet plan. “Basically you eat like a caveman might have - berries, vegetables, etc., and minus the fatty foods.” If the name doesn’t turn you on, maybe the results will - fabulous arms, legs, tummy, butt - BAM! For Cormier, who also developed her own exercise plan to reach her ninemonth goal prior to her first competition, she reminds that you needn’t spend days on end at the gym - 30 minutes will do. And even if you’re not interested in competing, it’s easy with a little will-power and dedication. “30 minutes of cardio (running, walking, aerobics) a day is nothing,” she said. “Even 20 minutes is fine.” What about moms and dads out there who say they can’t exercise with kids? “I have a double-stroller, and I don’t care how much the kids weigh, I’m gonna go run,” she said. “No excuse.” After a few more competitions, Cormier’s name began to grow like the muscle mass she acquired during strict workouts,as product endorsements (American EFX), and modeling offers began to knock at her door. Creating a balance in all areas of her life as a wife and mom, Cormier also experienced a scary reality check when her youngest child became ill while on a flight to another competition. “My family comes first, and when I found my daughter had a 105 degree temperature, I jumped off the plane at the next stop and headed home,” she said. Cormier gives credit to husband Rob, for encouraging her to follow her dream, and supporting her through a busy four years of maximum fitness. “He’s really proud of me, and has always been supportive,” she said. As the holiday season nears with family gatherings and parties,Cormier has finally come to grips with what can commonly be described as “table terror” where food, snacks, and booze are plentiful, and we all know what that means: pounds. “Once you get the right kind of cardio and dieting plan going, your body becomes this natural fat-burning machine, where you can eat and lose it right away,” she explained. “I was once an overweight person, so I know how it feels. Now I can go to a party and have slices of pie. I couldn’t do that before.” BAKOTOPIA 7


Caveman Plan Party Survival

by Charla Cormier

Mama said knock you out: Charla Cormier shows off her guns and gloves much to the delight of Bakotopia readers. Photos by Holly Carlyle.


, I think it is time to tell my secret! I know I should say something like, “I stay lean because I stay away from all the rich foods during the holiday” BUT I DON’T! I can allow myself to have great foods during holidays and parties because of the “Caveman Plan.” Funny name, but it works! The concept of this plan is to feed the body every two hours with the right amount of calories for your lifestyle (mine is 150 to 200 calories every two hours). Do some research and find the right snacks to enjoy, don’t just eat anything. Eating frequently turns my body into a fat burning machine and eliminates cravings and hunger. This has become my new way of eating, and by eating this way I get to enjoy the holidays and every other special occasion without feeling guilty! Other tips I use to stay healthy at holiday time are: 1. Eat a handful of almonds before going to a party. 2. Don’t stand in front of the food table. 3. Do not eat until you are stuffed, and wait at least 30 minutes in between eating small portions. 4. Always drink plenty of water (half a gallon is the daily requirement)! 5. Stay consistent with workouts. 6. Do extra cardio the day after eating those rich foods and get back on the Caveman Plan ASAP!


Charla’s favorite exercises: Hip lifts: Lie on your back with your legs straight up in the air. Keep your back pressing into the floor and think about tightening a belt around your waist. Slowly pull your belly button to the floor and as you do so, feel your hips lifting gently off the floor as your legs are lifted. Do not lift with the legs, but instead with the abdominals. Repeat 10 to 15 times. The Plank: Facing the floor, get on your hands and knees, keeping your shoulders over your hands. Straighten out your body and keep your toes on the floor. You should be straight like a board with your abs pulling in tight. Breathe in and out naturally. Hold for up to one minute. Repeat four to five times. The Bicycle: Lie on your back with you knees bent. Slowly pull your upper body off the floor and support your head with your hands. Activate your abs by pulling your belly button to the floor and release any pelvic tilt. Take one shoulder and turn your torso to face your opposite knee. Go to the other side. Think of riding a bicycle as you turn slowly from side to side. Repeat for 20 repetitions. Double Leg Drop: Lie on your back with your legs straight up in the air. Keep your back pressing into the floor and think about tightening a belt around your waist. Keeping your abs pulled in at all times, slowly drop your legs toward the floor, keeping them pressing together. If you feel your back begin to arch, pull your legs back to the starting point. Inhale on the way down, exhale on the way up. Only go as far as you are comfortable with and go slowly. Repeat 10 times. For more information, e-mail Charla at:, or visit:

November 27, 2008

Atomic Kitten Christmas Bash

Hey, ladies! It’s time to rock ‘n’ shop on F Street By Nisha Smith, contributor


tomic Kitten Salon, 2507 F St., will be holding a Christmas Bash on Friday, Dec. 5, from 5 to 9 p.m. This event will include wine, hors d’oeuvres, free consultations with the Atomic Kitty team of hair experts, raffles, giveaways and a chance to do some Christmas shopping for that unique gift!

Allison Margolin Har vard Law School Graduate

For more information, visit: or call Atomic Kitten at 323-7653. Hubba-Hubba!: Nisha Smith, right, not only designs pinup creations, she wears them, too!


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Rockin’ brands like Cherry Lane Apparel, Lucky 11 jewelry and hand-painted purses, Miss Red’s Lucky 13 line and accessories, and beautiful handmade hair pieces by Mezmerized will be available for purchase. The designers of all these great brands will also be on hand to offer insight on their products! Owners Ramona Potts and Kresa Hoffman, and their diverse and innovative collection of Atomic Kitten stylists, have worked especially hard to come up with some great gift packages that offer you rockin’ deals for the Christmas season! This is the salon that, among more traditional hair styles and color, has been made famous for the pinup girl up-do now ever-so-popular. They even have an inhouse barber! Need a photographer? Eric James will be there, showcasing not only his classic, era-appropriate motif photography taken especially for the salon, but will also have on display photography from other realms of his talent. So join us — it’s sure to be a rockin’ good time!





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Nov. 29 With A Bible & A Gun “Johnny Cash Tribute” Skip Heller w/ special guest Amestoy’s 2303 River Blvd. $5 / 21 & over / 8 p.m.

=Highly recommended event “Go Figure”

Nov. 27 Karaoke (Also Sun.) The Belvedere 3090 Brundage Lane 21 & over / 9 p.m. / 325-2139

Seed aka Dub Seeds Fishlips 1517 18th St. 21 & over / 9 p.m.

Nov. 28 Really Big Midgetz The Belvedere (Fri & Sat) 3090 Brundage Lane 21 & over / 9 p.m. / 325-2139

Divided Highway The Lone Oak (Fri & Sat) 10612 Rosedale Highway FREE / 9 p.m.

Shock-G of Digital Underground - w/Natural Movement & HPC Fishlips 1517 18th St. $20 / 9 p.m. / 21 & over

“Project Turkey Day” The Empty Space (Fri & Sat) 706 Oak St. / Fundraiser night 8 p.m. / 327-PLAY

Left Coast Groovies Glenda Robles & The Heritage Park Allstars Sandrini’s 1918 18th St. $5 / 9:30 p.m. / 322-8900


Vinny’s Bar 2700 S. Union Ave. $5 / 9 p.m. / 21 & Over

Group show in The Basement 1532 19th St. $10 / 7 p.m. / 330-8733

The Mothership Sandrini’s w/special guest The Natural Movement 1918 Eye St. FREE / 21 & over / 9 p.m.

Dephinger & Missing Autumn Vinny’s Bar 2700 S. Union Ave. FREE / 21 & over / 9 p.m.

Mento Buru’s “Gobble Gobble Getdown” Funky Reggae Latin Ska! BRyder’s 7701 White Lane FREE / 21 & over / 9 p.m. 397-6709


Mike Ness of Social Distortion w/ Dead Rock West

Backup Johnny

Buck Owens Crystal Palace 2800 Buck Owens Blvd. 7:30pm / $30 / 322-5200

Fishlips 1517 18th St. $5 / 21 & over / 9 p.m.

Panic Tuesdays w/ ’80s DJ Music

Major League Improv The Empty Space 706 Oak St. FREE / 6 p.m.

$1 PBRs & more The Element Lounge 1927 K. St. 8 p.m. / 21 & over

Nov. 30

Dec. 4

Sunset Sundays w/DJ Damage

Twisted College Night w/DJ Myth & Adam E

Chuy's Mesquite (Rosedale) 4-9 p.m. / FREE All Ages

Randolph’s Lounge 7737 Meany Ave. 9 p.m. / 615-1494

Dec. 2

College Night w/DJ Oso Mighty & DJ John Fox

Comedy: Dane Forst, Brian Ross, Russ McGaffin & Joe Alanis

Chuy’s Mesquite 8660 Rosedale Highway FREE / 7-11 p.m. / 587-5750

Randolph’s Lounge 7737 Meany Ave. $5 / 8 p.m. / 303-3945

Karaoke (Also Sun.) The Belvedere 3090 Brundage Lane 21 & over / 9 p.m. / 325-2139

SPOTLIGHT Dec. 4 MURS Fishlips

1517 18th St. $12 / 21 & over 8 p.m.

Mystic Red Band BRyder’s 7701 White Lane 8 p.m. / 21 & over 397-7304

Abysmal Dawn & Axiom Pharos

Moosehead Band

Jerry’s Pizza 1817 Chester Ave. 6 p.m. / All ages

Ethel’s Old Corral Café 4310 Alfred Harrell Highway FREE / All ages / 7 p.m.

Kottonmouth Kings The Dome 2201 V St. $30 / All ages / 5 p.m.

Ballroom Dancing Lessons (every Fri.) Randolph’s Lounge 7737 Meany Ave. 6-9:30pm / 615-1494

The Dome 2201 V St. 8 p.m. / All ages

Jerry’s Pizza 1817 Chester Ave. 6 p.m. / All ages

Major League Improv

Divided Highway Muggs Pub & Eatery 1306 Airport Drive FREE / 8 p.m. / 393-2035

The Empty Space 706 Oak St. FREE, donations encouraged 6 p.m.

Bakersfield Jam vs. Utah Flash

Dec. 9 Panic Tuesdays w/ ’80s DJ Music

Grant Langston & the Supermodels

$1 PBRs & more The Element Lounge 1927 K. St. 8 p.m. / 21 & over

Fishlips 1517 18th St. $5 / 21 & over / 9 p.m.

Dec. 10

The Entertainers Café Med (Fri & Sat) 4809 Stockdale Highway FREE / 8 p.m. / 834-4433

Stick to Your Guns, My Children My Bride & Gwen Stacy

Dec. 6

Rabobank Arena 1001 Truxtun Ave. $5-$20 / 7 p.m.

Dec. 5

Fall of Troy, God is an Astronaut, The No. 12 Looks Like You & Warship

Goodbye Elliott, Dying to Live & Age of Trinity The Gate 2010 O St. $7 / All ages / 7 p.m.

Toy Soldiers Toy Drive w/Calcaneous, Sunday Snake Oil and Lucid Chaos Fishlips 1517 18th St. Free entry with unwrapped toy 21 & over / 8 p.m.

Dec. 11 Be a Santa to a Senior Glenwood Gardens 350 Calloway Drive 6:30 p.m. / 321-3235

Bakersfield Jam vs. Tulsa 66ers Rabobank Arena 1001 Truxtun Ave. $5-$20 / 7 p.m.

Comedy: Harland Williams The Nile Theater 1721 19th St. $22 / 8 p.m. / 322-5200

Karaoke (Also Sun.) The Belvedere 3090 Brundage Lane 21 & over / 9 p.m. / 325-2139

Live Music • Pool Tables • Shuffleboard • Darts Video Games • Great Food • Drinks & More NFL Ticket & ESPN College Game Plan • 14 T.V.s Wed. - Nov. 26th My Opus Sat. - Nov. 29th Mento Buru Thurs. - Dec. 4th Sunday Snake Oil Fri. - Dec. 5th Mystic Red Sat. - Dec. 6th Cross Thread Tues. - Dec. 28th Bob Wayne

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Gaming with Gil By Gamestor Gil, contributor


ere’s an oxymoron: holiday fitness. How do I stay fit during the holidays, when I have homemade tamales, tortillas, pecan pies, mashed potatoes, yams, cookies, biscuits and gravy, and am being prodded by my in-laws to eat up? This is a challenge for many of us to get through. These are the holidays, right? We’re supposed to eat, drink (in my case caffeine-free Diet Pepsi), and be merry, aren’t we? Well, I might have a solution for all of us who struggle to say,“No, thank you” - it’s called “Wii time.” By now, everyone must be familiar with Nintendo Wii. It was not so in the beginning of 2006. Code named “Revolution,” Nintendo wanted to make an interaction game system, not a graphics-and-flash machine like their competition Xbox 360 and PS3. In the fall of 2006, Nintendo launched Wii in North America. We could not get enough of them. We are just now beginning to see more and more of them in stock. No doubt the physical aspects of the game system make it so much fun. Some of you put your Wii-mote (controller) right through your LCD flat screen TV or even wake up with Wii-elbow soreness. Some have coined this treatment as needing “Wiihab.” The Wii has moms, dads, kids and the elderly celebrating the fun you can have with the five featured games it comes with, the Wii Sports (baseball, tennis, bowling, golf, and boxing). Wii Sports has, on national average, been played up to 33 hours per person, according to a data collector for Nintendo Channel ( With Wii Fit out there, people are introduced to their own Avatar personal trainer. According to a September 2007 report 33 percent of Wii Fit buyers are women ( Almost 20 per cent of women polled admitted having accidents after getting carried away in the living room with fitness routines such as those on the Nintendo Wii Fit.


Now people are losing weight and getting off their couch while playing video games. What a winning concept! With your Wii game system and the desire to have fun, you have only weight to lose this holiday season. So go ahead and snack a little, but keep your Wii nearby. What’s coming up: Week of Nov. 24: Sonic Unleashed (X360); Chrono Trigger (DS); and The King Of Fighters Collection: The Orochi Saga (Wii) Week of Dec. 1: Destroy All Humans! Path of the Furon; Kingdom Hearts RE: Chain Of Memories; Prince of Persia; The Tale of Despereaux; and your favorite - SingStar ABBA. Questions? Comments? E-mail: with“Bakotopia” in the subject line.



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November 27, 2008

Pink Ladies Christmas Toy Drive


Be Santa to kids of Bakersfield on Dec. 3!

Photo by Danya Absher

with Marky Chavez

Take lessons from Marky Chavez founder of platinum selling rock act Adema. Learn from a proven professional. Beginner to intermediate and get advice concerning the entertainment industry.

Lessons starting at: $70 / Hour $50 / Half Hour

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All ages are welcome. Gift Certificates Available


Pink Ladies from left to right: Jennifer Webb, Amber Callas, Angie Aleman, Jenelle Hutcherson, Paulette Engle, Joanne McCain, Emily Chapman, Stephani Memering, Carrie Puckett & Amanda Thomas.

By Paulette Engle, contributor


he Pink Ladies are having their very first toy drive this Christmas for the less fortunate children of Bakersfield - and we’re asking for your help. Please bring a new, unwrapped toy to Fishlips, 1517 18th St., on Dec. 3 between 6:30 and 10 p.m. The Pink Ladies will be on location to collect, and all toys will be donated to the local 20/30 Women’s Club following the toy drive.

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661-679-7904 • 828 Norris Road • Bakersfield, CA 93308 BAKOTOPIA 15


The Basement

New local gallery has a lot to do with art - find out how to get involved! By Deon Bell, contributor


Lot to do with Art (aka The Basement), 1532 19th St., is an establishment offering local artists an opportunity to create, promote and exhibit their work. More importantly, it will be a location for artists to network and develop productive relationships with other artists. A Lot to do with Art will provide paint, easels, canvas and a large workshop. Over time, no matter the medium, artists will only need to bring themselves. Our goal is to attract and exhibit all artists, but more importantly, the true artist: one who produces art that communicates his or her point of view about something that matters. More often than not, artists who choose to express themselves, their points of view or their beliefs are shunned by more “traditional” galleries. We believe such artists are create change, and because of that they are always welcome. Nonetheless,the quality of work that will be displayed in our monthly exhibits must be up to standard. Another goal is to create a constant art scene that never gets boring in an atmosphere that encourages artists to produce more work. Besides providing art supplies, A Lot to do with Art also offers artists a venue (8,500 square feet). Additionally, artists will be allowed to exhibit their work in our 1,400square-feet members gallery (I’ll come up with a cooler name later) free of charge. If an artist chooses to charge an entry fee for his or her event, the gallery will only receive 30 percent of what comes through the door. If the artist sells a piece, he or she owes the gallery nothing (donations are appreciated). Each artist/member will be allowed to exhibit work in our monthly show every four to six weeks. All proceeds for these events go toward the gallery. There will be instances when the studio will be closed due to serving as a

Got art? By providing art supplies and a space to create, A Lot to do with Art is doing more than its part to help local artists. venue. In these instances, the artists/members will have an additional day added to their lease (month to month). More importantly, if an artist/member finds a patron who wishes to use our location as a venue and the customer follows through,the artist will be given an additional month added to his or her membership. In essence and with a little initiative, an artist/member can have studio space, free paint and a large venue — all for free. — For more information on exhibits at The Basement, contact Deon Bell at: or 281-4752.


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