Game changer flake

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In it goes.

Out it comes.

Kevin Nash delves into the development of Nashbait’s Flake one of best ever bait edges on the bottom is now as simple as opening a bag.


dges aren’t just about finding a new type of carp food or making the best quality boilie, they can be as simple as presenting foods in a way that carp haven’t seen before. Carp have had round balls thrown at them for 40 years so it’s obvious there’s a wariness of


a round food item. But change the format you offer the same food and difference is tremendous. Back in the 1990s believe it or not very few anglers used PVA bags. Because they worked out at 50 pence per cast they were a huge advantage that not many had

cottoned to or were prepared to pay for. I found that crumbing my boilies inside them was an even greater edge. Getting on the crumb was a huge step forwards for me and an approach I have used to good effect for over 25 years since.


PREOCCUPATION The big advantage of crumb is that you have a bed of bait out there that doesn’t scare carp like round balls. It provides a much higher level of water borne attraction and equally importantly takes carp longer to fill up on it which keeps them feeding and rooting around for hours. I think it creates a kind of preoccupation and they have to work so hard to get the morsels their guard drops… and bang, they get nailed unexpectedly. I did a nationwide slide show around this time and made the point that the only round ball I had in my swim was the one on the hook.

I used crumb a lot on Warmwell in the 90s and the effect was amazing. One day I took it down there - this was pre spods remember - and I was making up PVA bags with crumb and stones in them and feeding ten at a time with a catapult. Immediately the fizzing started in the swim. If I didn’t keep throwing bags out the bubbling would stop, but as soon as another ten bags went out I got another take. I had 40 carp that week which was most of the lake’s population. I remember very vividly one guy shouting over at me ‘What’s Nashy doing? Building a gravel bar?’ It absolutely slaughtered those fish.

TOO MUCH OF A GRIND Today we have devices to crumb our boilies but the amount of crumb produced is a small amount just to fill a stick. It’s just not enough to get the best from the approach. I feed crumb like others apply round boilies, and may have a kilo or two over each rod. The problem was that I was wearing my fingers out crumbing up five kilos of boilies. So I got Nashbait to invest in a machine to make my crumb, it being logical to produce and sell crumb for the new baits in the range and offer everyone the same edge. In fact the machine we sourced made an even better product than crumb, Flake. It differs because the machine cuts whole 20mm boilies and produces irregular slices of all sizes as well as very finely crumbed boilies at the same time.

TOP TIP “I use balanced hookbaits over the top of flake because that random motion of the free pieces of flake around a feeding carp as they waft them up off bottom and they settle again is a big part of flake’s success. If the hookbait behaves the same way the carp just grab at it.” Gary Bayes





Flake soaks up the attractive juices Nashbait Particles are cooked in, making it great for spod mixes to keep carp feeding on boilie fragments rather than becoming preoccupied on small seeds.


Added to sloppy mixes for Spombing over zigs the lightweight, irregular shaped Flake hangs in the upper layers of the water column for longer.





Bait with Flake on venues where birdlife can be a pest. They find it impossible to pick it all up and the smell and taste of your boilies linger on the lake bed as the Flake breaks down.


Try two or three of the larger Flakes from the bag on the hair for a slow sinking, irregular shaped hook bait that matches the feed in the swim better than a round boilie.

Flake sinks slowly to settle over the top of weed and silt for carp to easily find where a heavier, round boilie can easily disappear out of sight.

Add flake both to pellet bag mixes and Method mixes to add the smell and taste of your chosen boilie to the mix.

cutting edge NASHBAIT’S unique Flake is produced from rolled boilies taken through a cutting and milling process to create a blend of irregular 1-2mm flakes and crumb that settles lightly over weed and silt, spreading a stimulating food signal through the swim. Even the smallest quantities encourage intensive and prolonged feeding. Available in: The Key® Frozen, The Key® Stabilised, TG Active Frozen and Shelf Life, 4G Squid Frozen and Shelf Life.


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