Rolling review report 2016

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clearing the regulatory field from the regulation that does not correspond with the principles of regulatory policy

assessment of the quality of markets regulation and consideration of the last years’ experience to develop a new regulation

System assessment of the regulatory field (Rolling Review) is a review of markets regulation to improve its quality (effectiveness), including:

preparation of recommendations regarding the system regulatory improvement

practical implementation of the cooperation of the state (regulators), businesses and society leading to the increased level of business involvement in the process regulating its activity



Preparation Previous inventory and review of regulatory acts by Better Regulation Delivery Office experts Formation of working groups at the ministries Inventory of the Regulation acts, markets, aims and objects

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Efficiency analysis of market regulation “Green Book” is the report on the effectiveness of current regulation and ways to improve the efficiency of market regulation The Ministry provides regulation aims and their possible indicators

Approval of the Regulation model “White Book” is the determination of the model and effective actions plan of the market regulation The Ministry and the Better Regulation Delivery Office choosing a combination of measures

3 public consultations

Draft Laws Development The package of the legislative changes to implement the effective market regulation Package development is based on the model

Public start of the process

With the aim of objective assessment of the regulatory framework, inventory and clearing, the Better Regulation Delivery Office appealed to the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine with the proposal to start the systematic review of regulatory acts. This initiative was supported by the First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine Stepan Kubiv who signed the corresponding Order in August 16, 2016.

Methodology of the market regulation review No

Yes 1. Acts legitimacy 1.1 Is this act registered by the Ministry of Justice? 1.2 Is the act adopted in pursuance of the law? 1.3 Is the act relevant?

2. Regulation Necessity 2.1 Is the regulation effective? 2.2 Is the regulation useful from the perspective of businesses?



3. Corruptive risks of procedures high

low 10


4. Convenience of the market regulation for the business uncomfortable

comfortable 10




Document analysis


Regulation results analysis


Business poll

Assessment results of the previous regulatory acts review Legitimacy assessment Result of the legitimacy assessment

Legal Illegal, protected Illegal, must be removed

Analyzed by the publisher

1 103 20 203

Analyzed by sectors

Construction Energy Control and Supervision Agriculture Transport

The Verkhovna Rada 124 The Cabinet of Ministers 401 Ministries 429 Other 438

Analyzed by types

315 178 495 655 95

Law 126 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers 536 Order 591 Code 10 Other 1 044

Importance assessment Result of the importance assessment

Completely important Partly important Completely important

746 117 318

Analyzed by sectors

Construction Energy Control and Supervision Agriculture Transport

Analyzed by the publisher

The Verkhovna Rada The Cabinet of Ministers Ministries Other

122 375 351 383

Analyzed by types

265 154 459 589 85

Law Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers Order Code Other

124 501 487 8 918

Stage 1. Market regulation efficiency analysis Analysis Regulation of Market regulation: Acts Obligatory permits (regulations), their procedures Regulation statistics Regulators Functions


Participants Business processes Market statistics Analytics


Aims Task Problems Problems indexes

Regulatory decisions Poll of every one is interested of every case


According to the results of market analysis we will form an exhaustive list of applicable regulatory decisions, which efficiency will be analyzed further

Analysis Efficiency of Analysis of every regulatory case (accident) that exists at the market in terms of efficiency in solving problems

Therapy Determination of the measures to improve the efficiency of market regulation

Alternatives Determination of the alternatives to improve the market efficiency

Alternatives comparison Analysis and determination of the of advantages and disadvantages of the alternatives


According to the results of regulation diagnostics the efficiency evaluation of regulatory decisions and market is being formed, and measures of efficiency improving are offered

Pilot Markets (December 2016 – January 2017)

Market of metal structures and parts of structures

Wood market

Market of international passenger transportation

Mobile payments market

Electrical power distribution market

Step 2. Regulation model approval Process Consultations

New matrix

Polling of everyone Approval of the who is interested of desired state of every case market regulation

Measures choose


Approval of the Forecasting the measures to achieve effects of measures the desired state of approval market regulation

Terms of Reference Description of the terms of reference for legislative drafting

According to the results of the consultations Effective Market Regulation Concept is approved and becomes the terms of reference for the legislative drafting of the package of changes

Step 3. Draft Laws Development Conclusion review according to the results of market regulation evaluation


Development of the draft amendments to the market regulatory acts


Publication and dissemination of the developed draft laws


Approval of the developed draft amendments at the level of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine


Public Consultations

Improved regulation


Problem issue/ Defined market


Draft Law



Consultations at the national level. Key interested parties

MARKET X Consultations 6 at the national and regional level

3 Green Book

5 White Book

4 Consultations at the regional level. Key interested parties

+38 (044) 332 49 12 | | Khoryva St., 55K | Kyiv, 04071, Ukraine ROLLING REVIEW Project Manager Oleksii Dorogan | Analysis Head Igor Lavrynenko |

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