The Signal | Ouachita Baptist University

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Ouachita Baptist University

12.08.16 Volume 125 Issue 13

Andy Henderson y Photo Lab

2 n News


this weekzCALENDAR Tweets of the Week


Danny Hays @Haysdanny 15 Apr I love my job. I get to study God’s word & then teach it to eager college students who love the Lord. It’s a great job. Even on Mondays.

REFUGE is tonight at 9 p.m. at Second Baptist. For more information, contact James Taylor at

LATE NIGHT BREAKFAST at the Ouachita Commons will occur Tuesday, December 13 from 11-11:45 p.m.

OBU @Ouachita 15 Apr So how do you use social media -- to affirm and encourage to attack tear “Be ye kind to oneEXAMS another.” will RECorLIFE willand host a doen? Christmas FINAL (Eph. 4:32). Hmmm... climbing party at SPEC’s Monday, December

take place 12 through rock climbing center Friday, Friday, December 16. Visit December 9 from 8-10 p.m. for a full @JustinYoung072 16 Apr For Justin more Young information, contact schedule. Shane at seatons@obu. TheSeaton Harley Davidson leather vest must be the key to memedu.orizing the entire Bible.

The Signal @obusignal 8 December Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for up-to-the-minute updates on everything going on around Ouachita Baptist. Twitter: @obusignal Facebook: Instagram: @obusignal

[from our perspective]

Barrett Gay Editor-in-Chief “My dad got me a beautiful music box when I was younger. It has ballerinas spinning on an ice rink inside it. Behind them is a wintry scene with a castle.”

Cimber Winfrey Online Editor “A bright yellow gocart. Santa left me and my brother a letter saying he couldn’t fit it down the chimney, so he had to leave it in the front yard. It was magnificant.”

Top 5 New Year’s Resolutions you won’t follow through with

5 4 3 2 1

Lose weight and exercise Get a ring by spring Actually go to class and turn in homework on time Take fewer (and shorter) naps Watch less Netflix

What’s the best Christmas gift you’ve ever gotten?

Ian Craft Sports Editor

Evan Wheatley Features Editor

Nate Wallace Video Editor

“One time I got a three-gallon jug of hot sauce. #TooMuchSauce.”

“A jar of Lucky Charms...just the charms.”

“My ukulele that my parents got me last year.”

3 n News

Ouachita students to travel to Sundance Film Festival in Utah By WILL BLASE Staff Writer

This January, shortly following winter break, a group of students will be attending the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah. The festival takes place from January 19-29.  Students underwent a brief application process to receive entry into the OBU Sundance program. Anyone can apply, and students accepted receive either mass communications, speech communications or English credit.  The Sundance website summarizes the Institute as “a nonprofit organization dedicated to the discovery and development of independent artists and audiences. Through its programs, the Institute seeks to discov-

er, support, and inspire independent film and theatre artists from the United States and around the world and to introduce audiences to their new work.”   “Filmmakers want to have a chance to present there because the filmmaker industry descends onto Sundance,” said Rebecca Jones, associate professor of communications. ”Those filmmakers hope their work gets picked up for production and distribution.”   Sundance is a highly competitive festival, often heralded as the most prestigious film festival in America.  “I’m extremely excited to have the opportunity to go on this trip,” said Caleb Smoke, a junior political science major from Pine Bluff, Ark.   Smoke has been an avid film enthusiast for the last

seven years.  “Sundance has always been a dream of mine, and it’s so crazy to see it finally being a reality,” Smoke said.   Not only will students have the opportunity to see films that directors have poured their passion and creativity into, but they will also be given the chance to attend the Windrider forum each morning they are there. The Windrider forum gives emerging filmmakers a chance to show just how much their independent films reflect the values of creativity, compassion and respect. Visual media is the most common form of storytelling in today’s culture, and Windrider harnesses that method and challenges forum attendees to delve deeper into the workings of film.   “We don’t have a film program, so we don’t have film

majors, but we certainly have students who are interested in film. Going to Sundance for those students is a big deal,” said Doug Sonheim, chair of the Department of Language and Literature. This is Sonheim’s third year attending Sundance. He is looking forward to attending Sundance this year not only with the group of OBU students but also with his son.   Often times, the cost of Sundance is a major obstacle for those who want to attend the festival. The most prestigious film festival often comes with many “prestigious” people trying to get into the festival.   “We’ve been really fortunate to have funding made possible to us. We had a generous donor, Taylor King, the principle partner of a local law industry, who provided

funding to help continue this program,” Jones said.   With the cost of Sundance being so high, this is an extreme relief and blessing for students with their hearts set on Sundance.   “I think he sees value in the program, which has allowed us to continue going to Sundance,” Jones said.   For more information on Sundance or films being shown at the festival, visit   If you are interested in the Windrider forum and all that they have to offer, discover more at   Students interested in attending Sundance in 2018 will have the opportunity to meet with a team in the spring to talk about the festival and learn more about the program. n

Evan Wheatley y Courtesy Front row: Kacy Earnest, Kutter Callaway, Sydney Santifer and Evan Wheatley. Back row: Dr. Rebecca Jones, Victoria Anderson, Candee Jo Bloxom, Sarah Davis, Garrett Moore and Brook East. Kutter Callaway is an assistant professor of theology and culture at the Fuller Theological Seminary in California. Ouachita students met with him at one of the daily Windrider forum sessions. THE EGYPTIAN THEATRE (far right) is famous for hosting screenings at the Sundance Film Fsetival, which takes place in Park City, Utah.

Evan Wheatley z Courtesy

Sarah Davis z Courtesy

4 n Features

History of the Christmas tree: traditions and symbolism By JULIE WILLIAMS Copy Editor

There are many traditions that we simply look over as just another part of life, something we have just always done. No meaning, no purpose, but I was pondering some of these unknown traditions and thought, “Julie, perhaps you should know what this means.”   The Christmas tree is one of those traditions we all just accept, never really knowing its origin, meaning or purpose, other than to just have pretty, sparkly lights and house the presents underneath. But after considerable time, I thought it best to peruse the history behind perhaps the most recognizable of Western Christmas symbols.   According to the official website of The History Channel, the hanging of evergreen plants in homes has traditionally pagan roots. Many pagan cultures, such as the Egyptians, associated the winter solstice (around December 21-22) with an illness of a sun god or other pagan deity that brought light and warmth to the world. The evergreen limbs served as a reminder of the life that would soon come back with the wellness of their deity (the spring season to come).   The advent of the modern Christmas tree is mostly attributed to the efforts of the German people. While it has pagan origins, the 16th century Christian Germany often developed what they called Paradise trees. According to an article from, Germans would celebrate the Nativity Story with medieval plays and

Liberty Films (II) y Photo Courtesy

Dr. Kluck y Courtesy

church services, but many of these were soon skewed by “rowdy, imaginative performances.” Because the German people often considered Christmas Eve to be Adam and Eve’s day of feast, they began to hang fruit and other treats, leading to the traditions of stringed popcorn, nuts and candy canes. This included the story of the Garden of Eden and earned the tree the title of “paradise.”   Other legends have said that the great Protestant reformer Martin Luther could have been the originator of the German trend. The legend goes that as he walked home one night while preparing a sermon, he was so in awe of the stars in the night sky that he wished to recreate the sight for his family on the evergreen tree.

Because of the pagan origins, many Christian Americans were skeptical of the use of Christmas trees and even any celebration of Christmas outside of a church service. The Puritans in early colonial America found the pagan symbols to be a sinful practice, but by the mid-19th century, the tradition was beginning to grow from the German immigrants in the Pennsylvania area.  Furthermore, a certain beloved monarch made the transition a little easier and a whole lot more fashionable for many Western thinkers. According to The History Channel article, the British Queen Victoria asked her husband, Prince Albert, a native of Saxony (Germany), to decorate a tree as he had done in his younger years.

This quaint little scene was soon featured on the Illustrated London News. Those who kept up with the Royal Family’s fashionable trends both in Europe and in the elite circles of the eastern United States began copying the tradition.   By the end of the 19th century, German artisans were manufacturing fragile and decorative Christmas ornaments to be hanged from the limbs of these trees, while nearly 20 percent of families had a tree in their home. While many used the traditional candle and fruit method of decoration, the advent of electricity shed a great deal of light on the tradition (see what I did there?). Strands of individual bulbs made the practice much safer and contributed to the advance into

glass ornaments and memorable keepsakes, rather than just sweet treats.   In the United States, the tradition of the Christmas tree became more domestically popular with the arrival of the White House Christmas Tree, always under the watchful and graceful eye of the First Lady. Furthermore, the Rockefeller Center Tree began to gather worldwide fame as it started in 1933, but continues to appear today with over 25,000 lights.   Today, the Christmas tree is often seen by some as a representation of eternal life, a symbol of the incarnation of Jesus, while the gifts beneath are something simple to give to the ones you love, in recognition of the gift of Christ to the dying and sinful world.   But no Christmas tree is ever complete without its topper. The two most famous, especially in this country, are a star and an angel. The one that’s always been on the trees in my house (yes, we have more than one) was the angel. This winged warrior is often the symbol of the Angel of the Lord or the angelic Host that announced the birth of Jesus. In accordance with this, the star on the top is meant to be a representation of the star above Bethlehem that alerted the coming magi and shepherds to Jesus’s location at His birth.   Either way, the Christmas tree has worked its way into the fabric of the traditions of Christmas and into the homes of millions of families. When trimming yours with glistening lights and pretty, sparkly ornaments, remember its surprising history and the lofty ideals that it now represents. n

5 n Features

Different traditions, different countries, same holiday While international students make plans to celebrate Christmas stateside, they recall their important family traditions By CHRIS DIGIOVANNI Staff Writer

There are few times more important to Ouachita students than Christmas. Everywhere you look, you’re reminded of the season, from the garland in the student center to the trees that seem to multiply and end up in every residence hall and academic building around campus. Beyond that, it’s a reprieve from the monotony of college, and many Ouachitonians relish their time with family and away from class.   For some students, however, they cannot go home, because they are part of Ouachita’s international community. Three such students are Tristan Benzon, a junior psychology and history major from Harare, Zimbabwe; Nonsi Nxumalo, a junior from Bulawayo, Zimbabwe majoring in finance and management; and Gail Lange-Smith, a junior dietetics and nutrition major also from Harare.   Due to the extreme distance from his home in Zimbabwe, Tristan explained that he plans to travel with Flippen-Perrin Resident Director Jake Kornegay.  For Tristan, Christmas has always been a family affair, and the past few have been very different for him. He said that his family “is always busy except around Christmas there [Zimbabwe], so it’s always a great bonding time.”

Nonsi is excited to be celebrating the season with friends, echoing Tristan’s feelings toward the meaning of the season.   “For me, Christmas is a special time for family, we usually try to get the family together and go on holiday or spend time at home playing games and bonding,” Nonsi said.

Tristan Benzon y Courtesy

cious foods,” Gail said.   While this is enough to get anyone’s belly thinking maybe it has room for one more slice of ham, Gail explained her family’s dessert traditions.   “We always have a warm fruit cake for dessert...this pairs perfectly with a glass of grape juice and plain vanilla ice cream,” Gail said.

Nonsi Nxumalo y Courtesy

bwe’s rainy season. In North America, the traditional, sentimental weather appropriate for Christmastime is snowy and cold, so to even think of weather patterns that one could go out in and enjoy (without mittens and a sled) is shocking.   Gail even pushed the envelope further.   “After our meal, we usu-

Gail Lange-Smith y Courtesy

“For me, Christmas is a special time for family, we usually try to get the family together and go on holiday or spend time at home playing games and bonding.” --Nonsi Nxumalo   As for Gail, she will spend time with friends stateside. She provided details for her family traditions as well.  “Usually on Christmas day I go to church with my family… and then we go to my grandmother’s house for lunch where we eat ham and roast potatoes, vegetables and all sorts of deli-

Both Tristan and Gail spoke about what normally goes on in Zimbabwe during the Christmas season, and it is nothing short of jarring to North American ears.  Tristan reminisced on “hearing the African thunderstorms every Christmas” and how the holiday falls in the middle of Zimba-

ally take a nap and go swimming in the afternoon,” Gail said.   Taking a holiday nap really ought to get some consideration for an American pastime, but going for a swim, unless it is of the polar plunge variety, would be nothing like the North American way of Christmas-ing.

While all three will not be spending the Christmas season as they have in their pasts, all three are still thankful for the meaning of the season. Tristan loves Christmas here, thanks to the differences in weather patterns between here and Zimbabwe.   “The snow, which I’ve only experienced twice, Christmas lights, which Americans go all out on, and food, make it a great time no matter where I am,” Tristan said.   Nonsi agrees with Tristan.   “It is a great time to show love to one another and celebrate the birth of Jesus,” Nonsi said.   Gail loves the way her family starts off Christmas day, setting the tone and reminding her family the reason for the season.   All three students here have spent holidays stateside before, and agree it is worth it for the quality, Christ-centered education Ouachita offers them. It is important to note that with the diversity of Ouachita’s campus, these three are not the only ones not celebrating the holiday in a traditional way. Many students will go to friends’ houses or spend their holidays exploring some of America’s major cities, with the help of the Grant Center and the International Club. While these students may not be able to be home for the holidays, they will be able to experience a Christmas unlike one they have seen before, one they will not likely forget. n

6 n Features

Santa Claus around the world By KATHERINE CARTER Opinions Editor

Red cap. Rosy cheeks. Big, bushy white beard. A sleigh pulled by reindeer (one with a shiny nose) carrying a bag filled to the brim with toys. We’ve all grown up with some image of Santa Claus, who was introduced to us through the stories our parents told us or the magical television programs that came on each December. He’s been an integral part of the Christmas festivities dating back centuries. While it’s easy to think that the rest of the world views Saint Nick the same way we do, each culture has their own unique legend of the jolly gift-giver. Who is Kris Kringle outside of America?

I consulted St. Nicholas Center to learn more. In Germany, Sankt Nikolaus is a bishop with the canonical beard and a bishop’s miter and staff. In preparation for his arrival, people clean their homes, and children polish their shoes. Letters and carrots are left for Sankt Nikolaus and his white horse, respectively. As Sankt Nikolaus travels from house to house, he carries a list of the children’s deeds. If they’ve been good, then they receive candy, nuts or fruit; if they’ve been bad, they receive potatoes, twigs or coal.   Stories and poems are told, and children gather around one by one as Sankt Nikolaus asks them whether they’ve been good this year. Likewise, just as he gives the children presents and treats, the children give him little gifts as well. His

visit is highly anticipated, even if it’s only for a short while.

In Aruba, Santa Claus is known by another name: Sinterklaas. Taken from the Dutch tradition, he arrives by boat to Oranjestad, the capital, with his Pieten helpers. Festivities commence upon his arrival, and children leave their shoes out so that Sinterklaas can fill them with treats between the time of his arrival and the main celebration on Dec. 5. Gifts are exchanged, parties are thrown and, if one is lucky, Sinterklaas and his Pieten helpers might even make an appearance.

St. Nicholas, or Nikolaos as he’s known here, is the patron saint of Greece, and it’s his job to protect sailors and others who travel the high seas. Instead of the big red coat and rosy cheeks, Nikolaos’s clothes are supposedly soaked with brine, his beard is dripping with seawater and his face is shiny with perspiration because he works hard to protect those out at sea. At Christmas, boats are decorated with blue and white lights, and little white chapels commemorating Nikolaos dot the coast. Because of how important Nikolaos is to the Greeks, numerous families name their sons after him.

Hungarian children also leave

their polished shoes out in anticipation of Szent Mikulás. Similar to the American Santa Claus, Szent Mikulás has a book of the children’s deeds; however, his companions are much different. One of them is a good angel who helps pass out presents to the good children; the other is a Krampus devil who causes trouble.   Szent Mikulás delivers little packages of chocolates or other sweets to good children and twigs or wooden spoons to bad children, but since children do both good and bad deeds, they’ll often get a mixture of both.   Mikulás Day is celebrated in schools and daycares, and children sing songs and read poems in honor of him. If the children are lucky, Szent Mikulás may even stay for a little while to play games or watch a movie.    Despite the fact that Mikulás Day is generally celebrated by children, adults often participate as well, even if they don’t leave out their polished shoes.

Christians in Lebanon celebrate Mar Nkoula, or their Saint Nicholas. Mar Nkoula is a very important saint for Christians here, and many schools and churches are named after him. The most famous would probably be the Stairs of Saint Nicholas in the Achrafieh district of Beirut, which is the longest staircase in the Middle East. Like many other nations, their Saint Nicholas Day comes around in early December.

In the town of Beit Jala, they celebrate the Beit Jala St. Nicholas Festival. It’s a huge


festival filled with many parades, fairs, performances and other festivities. St. Nicholas is the town’s patron saint, and they credit him with protecting them during World War II. The Palestinians also pray to him when they need help. In the mostly Christian town, almost every family has someone named after St. Nicholas. Name Day is celebrated to honor those people with the exchange of gifts and family reunions.   Whether it’s Szent Mikulás, Sinterklaas or Kris Kringle, he’s a figure known and beloved by everyone worldwide. Even though we in America celebrate Santa Claus during Christmas, he’s honored all throughout the year by many people. He holds a special place in the hearts of many, whether that’s as their protector or their Coca-Cola provider. Despite the fact that Christmas is in honor of the birth of Christ, the American Christmas today wouldn’t be the same without Saint Nick. n

7 n Features

Top five places to see Christmas lights in Arkansas By KATIE KEMP News Editor

If ever there were a family that went all out for Christmas, it’s mine. We have an abnormally large collection of Christmas movies on DVD, we send out a hilarious family Christmas card every year and our house is always the most decorated in our neighborhood by a landslide. One of my favorite traditions we incorporate into our celebrating is our annual Christmas lights tour.   It usually doesn’t go far outside of the city limits of my hometown, but every year, we load up the car and drive around to find the most impressive light displays we can. We’ve seen stories-high Christmas trees, entire displays synced to songs on the radio and more inflatable reindeer than I’ve been able to keep count of.   I always love this time at home with my family, but if there’s one thing I could change about our tradition, I would make the tour a road trip to see the most extravagant displays our car could take us to. There are plenty of beautifully decorated Christmas destinations to visit in Arkansas, and if my budget for gas was not restricted to how much I needed between Arkadelphia and my hometown, here’s the top five places I would visit. * Harding   Though they may be one of our rival schools in sports, Harding University in Searcy is well known for its beautiful Christmas light displays. After a ceremonious lighting that much of the Searcy community attends, more than 100,000 lights illuminate the campus and stay on through the New Year. And while in Searcy, you can check out the lights at the town’s court-


house and downtown area as part of the community’s annual Holiday of Lights festivities. For more information on this, visit * Garvan Gardens   This one may seem like a no-brainer to longtime Arkansas residents. The holiday lights at Garvan Woodland Gardens in Hot Springs are not to be overlooked. The display of over four million bulbs across approximately 17 acres attracts thousands of viewers from across the state every year. There’s complimentary hot cocoa and free holiday concerts held in the garden’s Anthony Chapel throughout the season. There is a fee of

$6 for adults and $4 for children ages 6-12 to see the lights, but most who have seen the gardens for themselves would agree that it’s worth the cost. And with about a 45 minute drive from campus, this makes for a fun weekend outing with friends before you head home for the break. For more information, visit * Fayetteville Square   Northwest Arkansas is well known for its beauty yearround, and it only intensifies around the holidays. Each year, Fayetteville’s Parks and Recreation department decorates the city’s historic downtown square with more than 400,000 clear

and colored lights. In addition to the display, spectators can enjoy hot cocoa, pictures with Santa, carriage rides and more. * Conway   In a tradition fairly new to the city, downtown Conway boasts a 54-foot-tall Christmas tree in its downtown square in addition to lights and decorations throughout its downtown area. Children can enjoy pictures with Santa and train rides, and attendees of all ages are invited to enjoy horse-drawn carriage rides and a Ferris wheel overlooking downtown, which is new this year. * Batesville   The White River in Batesville

serves as the backdrop for this celebration in the city’s Riverside Park. The park offers a drive-through experience featuring thousands of lights, and it offers ice skating and carriage rides for those willing to brave the cold and leave their cars.   Amidst the stress and anxiety that this time of year can cause (looking at you, finals week), it’s good to take a few minutes to enjoy the beauty in simple things. This is certainly a crazy season, but it can be a refreshing and restoring one, too, and a quick trip around town to enjoy Christmas lights or a road trip to hunt down the most impressive light setup you can find works wonders for stress relief. n

8 n Opinions

“It’s a Wonderful Life”: Christmas and the blessings of life By EVAN WHEATLEY Features Editor

“Strange, isn’t it? Each man’s life touches so many other lives. When he isn’t around he leaves an awful hole doesn’t he?” - Clarence, “It’s a Wonderful Life”

icy waters of a frozen pond, causing Bailey to permanently lose hearing in one of his ears. Rarely does he put himself first, and this is evident in his actions throughout the film.   After tragedy strikes his family, Bailey gives up his

the opportunity of a college education. Instead of going on his honeymoon with his wife, he stays behind after their wedding to keep his Building and Loan Company afloat. He even turns down a sizable job offer from Mr. Potter himself to uphold his

warmth and humanity to the character of George Bailey. He steals every scene he is in, and each word, facial expression and movement of Stewart contributes to the timeless message of the story.   Frank Capra’s vision and direction drive the actors’

With a bleeding lip and a broken spirit, George Bailey stares longingly at the tossing and turning of the waves. The frigid wind bites his face as suicidal thoughts creep into his head.   Bailey steadies himself on the edge of the bridge. His eyes widen. He looks to his left, and then to his right. Preparing to jump, a single thought enters his mind… “I wish I had never been born.”   No good deed goes unpunished. You hold a door open for someone, and you get the next one slammed in your face. You take over the family business to make a difference in others’ lives, and your Uncle Billy misplaces an $8,000 deposit that sends your business into bankruptcy.   Regardless of how small or large the good deed, gratitude for it can be hard to come by. Those trying to do good eventually get burned out, feeling that no one appreciates or cares about them; that the world would be no different had they never been in it.   From the start of “It’s a Wonderful Life,” we see the kind heart of its protagonist George Bailey (James Stewart). At the age of 12, he saves his brother Harry from the

Liberty Films (II) y Photo Courtesy life dream to stay behind and run his father’s company in Bedford Falls, New York, to ensure that it stays out of the greedy clutches of banker Henry F. Potter (Lionel Barrymore).   Bailey makes several sacrifices throughout the film; often oblivious to the lasting impact these choices have on the lives of others in Bedford Falls. Twice he gives up

values.   And yet, despite all of this, one mistake by his uncle leads to a moment of panic and despair for Bailey. Facing bankruptcy and imprisonment, that terrible thought first surfaces… “I wish I had never been born.”   James



performances. Despite it being in black and white, the quality and special effects hold up surprisingly well to this day. The film even won an Academy Award for developing a new method of simulating falling snow on a motion picture set.   It received five other nominations from the Academy, including Best Picture, Best Director and Best Actor. It

has had an impact on today’s entertainment as well, with popular TV shows such as “The Fairly Odd Parents” creating episodes based on the film’s third act. “I wish I had never been born.”   As this thought rings out in Bailey’s head, he rears back, ready to leap into the waters below. The splash he hears is not his own, however. Another man jumped, and he is drowning.   “Help me! Help me!” the man cries.   In another selfless act, Bailey takes off his coat and dives into the water to save him. The man turns out to be Clarence – Bailey’s guardian angel sent from heaven to help Bailey realize his purpose in life.   Bailey tells Clarence that he wishes he had never been born, that everyone including his wife and kids would be better off without him. Clarence grants his wish, and right away it becomes clear that without George Bailey in their lives, the people of Bedford Falls are not the same, and their circumstances are considerably worse.   “You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone.” This saying can be applied to Bailey in the film and often for us in our everyday lives. Regardless of what you’re going through, your life has meaning, and you have touched others’ lives in ways that you may never know. Count your many blessings this Christmas, and when times of hardship or self-loathing arrive, remember the enduring words of Clarence, “No man is a failure who has friends.” n

9 n Opinions

“Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life” brings a new twist to an old show By ETHAN DIAL Staff Writer

After nine excruciatingly painful years of wondering what happened to one of the most famous mother-daughter duos of all time, Netflix provided many answers for anxious fans with its recent reboot of “Gilmore Girls.”   Over Thanksgiving break, many fans, including myself, binge-watched the whole series in just a short matter of time to re-enter the quaint little town of Stars Hollow and the lives of Lorelai (Lauren Graham) and Rory Gilmore (Alexis Bledel). *Spoiler’s Ahead*   Following the series finale in 2007, many of us were very disappointed that neither Lorelai or Rory ended up married. Specifically, after watching seven dramatic seasons of Luke Danes (Scott Patterson) and Lorelai’s relationship status changing from friends to fiancés, it was extremely upsetting that they did not end up with their happily-ever-after fairy-tale ending. On the other hand, in Rory’s case, I, along with many others, was devastated that she did not accept Logan’s (Matt Czuchry) hand in marriage. Needless to say, many fans needed the closure that Netflix was willing and able to provide with its recent reboot of the dramedy.   “Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life” begins with Lorelai and Rory strolling through town, and just like that, the audience is sucked back into Stars Hollow. Although, back then, no one knew the extent of the show’s future, this world is one of perfect

Netflix y Photo Courtesy escape where no character is underdeveloped. Therefore, the revival brought back many favorite characters including the beloved Emily Gilmore (Kelly Bishop), Sookie St. James (Melissa McCarthy), Jess Mariano (Milo Ventimiglia), Dean Forester (Jared Padalecki), Lane Kim (Keiko Agena), Paris Geller (Liza Weil) and Michel Gerard (Yanic Truesdale). All of these characters were not just seen in the reboot, but also given a quick back story for the last nine years.   The majority of the show was spent following the lives of the Gilmores, specifical-

ly Lorelai, Rory and Emily, all of whom seem to be in a rough period in their lives. Over the span of a year, or winter, spring, summer and fall, we learn that Rory is still in love with Logan, who is currently betrothed to another, Lorelai is still in love with Luke, but not married, and Emily is still in love with her husband, who passed away. These three problems are what drive the plot of the four-episode revival that each lasts over an hour.   Despite my love for returning to this world where the Dragon Fly Inn and Luke’s Diner actually exists, I have

begun to wonder if Netflix truly did fulfill the purpose of the reprise. After years of not-so-patiently waiting, this new show was meant to bring more closure, but instead it ended with me wanting to know more than ever. With the last three words, everything in the lives of the Gilmores changed forever. Although the ending should have been no surprise, it still came as a complete shock to me.   With this shocking finale, I began to immediately crave a sequel to the sequel and pray that Netflix has plans to finish the work that they had

started.   Even though the show did leave many questions unanswered, it did end with a happy moment between Lorelai Gilmore, who is now and hopefully always married to the one and only Luke Danes. But with this happy ending came a twist that brought the show full circle.   However, all in all, “Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life” was completely worth the hours I spent ruining my eyesight on a tiny bright screen, and I have no regrets, unless they don’t make any more episodes. n

10 n Features

‘Twas the night before finals... Pruet School professors publish biblical resources By CHUCK FARMER Staff Writer

Twas the night before finals, and all through the dorm Students snuggled in blankets, to help keep themselves warm But this chill would most certainly take its toll Because it went deeper than surface, down to your very soul Up until dawn the students will study and cry Trying to get out of their tests even if it means they must lie But let us look now at their never-ending suffering Through the sleigh bells’ ringing and the Christmas trees’ rustling Johnny sits and just cannot believe The path of a fifth-year senior he shall weave Destined to be alone and make minimum wage All because for art credit he forgot to engage And Wendy so fair and full of life Would meet a life of nothing but strife How is this so? You may be confused Because when it came to chapel skips, hers were misused “Five skips?” the dean said, “That is too much!” “You will not walk at graduation. On this I’ll not budge!” And on this night, where might he be? Reprimanding some noisemakers in Perrin 403! Pulling all-nighters and drinking Dr. Jacks Student center studiers fall victim to naps. “Excellent,” say professors, “for their souls will be ours. Good luck studying for finals and getting credit hours!” Truly, throughout Ouachita, an evil wind blows With rings by spring flying as gentlemen propose Good luck trying to marry, it will never do Because class attendance is mandatory on your wedding day too! Be mindful and wary of things that go bump in the night Because Whelan can’t save you when the Reddies try to bite! They’ll find you no matter where you try to hide Because by the rules of open dorm you must abide

By SARAH DAVIS News Bureau

Faculty members of Ouachita Baptist University’s Pruet School of Christian Studies have had several books published in 2016. The professors with published books include Dr. J. Scott Duvall, Dr. Danny Hays and Dr. C. Marvin Pate.   Dr. Duvall is the J.C. and Mae Fuller Professor of Biblical Studies. He is the author of “The Heart of Revelation: Understanding the 10 Essential Themes of the Bible’s Final Book,” published by Baker Books. Focusing on these 10 major themes allows readers to see the hope that the book of Revelation provides. Among the themes addressed are the people of God, worship, perseverance and the mission of believers.   Dr. Hays is dean of the Pruet School of Christian Studies and professor of Biblical studies. He is the author of “Jeremiah and Lamentations,” part of the “Teach the Text Commentary” series published by Baker Books. Other Pruet School professors writing for the “Teach the Text” series include Duvall, Pate and Dr. Doug Nykolaishen, associate professor of Biblical studies.   Dr. Hays also has

written “The Temple and the Tabernacle,” which examines God’s dwelling places throughout history. Hays writes about the historical and theological context of the buildings to show how the structures relate to Christian believers today.   Hays and Duvall also co-authored a resource book titled “The Baker Illustrated Guide to the Bible.” The guide highlights the central teaching, setting and message for each book of the Bible and places each book in the context of Scripture as a whole.   Dr. Pate, the Elma Cobb Professor of Christian Theology, has written “Interpreting Revelation and Other Apocalyptic Literature: An Exegetical Handbook,” published by Kregel. It focuses on the apocalyptic literature in the Old Testament, Second Temple Judaism and Revelation to show how the material intersects with the story of Israel’s sin, exile and restoration.   “As dean of the Pruet School, I am extremely proud to be associated with a faculty that embodies the very best of Christian scholarship,” Dr. Hays said. “Not only are they outstanding classroom teachers, but they continue to produce a large number of cutting-edge publications that serve the church, the classroom and the academy in

ways that expand their ministry well beyond the walls of Ouachita’s classrooms.”   Several Pruet School professors also had articles or book chapters published in 2016. Dr. Terry Carter, associate dean of the Pruet School of Christian Studies and W.O. Vaught Professor of Christian Ministries, wrote the “William Carey, Missionary Hero” chapter in “Witnesses to the Baptist Heritage: Thirty Baptists Every Christian Should Know.”   Hays wrote “The Persecuted Prophet and Judgment on Jerusalem: The Use of LXX Jeremiah in the Gospel of Luke,” published in the “Bulletin for Biblical Research.” He also wrote “What Does the Bible Say about Race?” for “The Gospel and Racial Reconciliation.”   Dr. Joey Dodson, associate professor of Biblical studies, wrote “Death and Idols in the Wisdom of Solomon” for the “Journal of Jewish Studies.” He also wrote “The Transcendence of Death and Heavenly Ascent in the Apocalyptic Paul and the Stoics” in “Paul and the Apocalyptic Imagination.”   For more information about Ouachita’s Pruet School of Christian Studies, contact Dr. Danny Hays at or 870-2455526.n

A significant light source, oh no this can’t be true That makes it all the easier for them to find you! So, get ready my friends, to experience finals week No matter your scores, the week shall be bleak And for those of you who yearn for Santa’s sleigh Don’t worry, finals will bring you some coal on Christmas Day! Study till dawn, you fool, and pray to see the light For Christmas comes soon and with it better nights!n

Tyler Rosenthal y Communications

11 n Sports

For Dennis Nutt, coaching is the family business By MARCELLUS HILL Sports Writer

In the world of sports, there are a vast number of well-known families: the Harbaugh coaches; the quarterback family in the Mannings; for hockey fans, the Sutters; the Williams sisters; the Matthews and their ridiculous number of family members in the NFL; and, now emerging as an elite family, the sharp-shooting Currys. Whether it be a family of well-known coaches, well-known athletes or a combination of both, families in sports will always be one of the most heavily discussed topics.   Dennis Nutt, head coach for the Ouachita men’s basketball team, also is a member of a well-known family in sports. The youngest of four brothers, Dennis continued the family tradition of coaching as he followed not only his dad, but every one of his brothers’ footsteps. Dennis’s dad, Houston Dale Nutt Sr., started the family tradition of coaching back in 1956, where he began a 31year basketball coaching career at the Arkansas School for the Deaf.   Dennis claims being in the gym at a young age is what helped his brothers and him

develop a love for basketball and a love for coaching.   “It was easy for me. I grew up in a family that played all of the sports. With my dad being a basketball coach at the Arkansas School for the Deaf, we were always in the gym, always around the game, so it was just a natural progression, and that’s where we all went,” Dennis said.   Houston Nutt Jr. is the oldest of the four brothers. Houston played quarterback at the University of Arkansas and played for the college football legend, Lou Holtz. He also played basketball at the University of Arkansas but transferred two years later to Oklahoma State where he played the same two sports as well. Houston is known for being the head football coach at Murray State University (1993-1996), Boise State (1997), University of Arkansas (1998-2007) and the University of Mississippi (2008-2011). He is now a college football studio analyst for CBS.   Dickey Nutt, second oldest of the four brothers, was also a successful coach on the collegiate level. He began his collegiate coaching career with Oklahoma State and eventually worked his way up to become the head men’s basketball coach for

Arkansas State University, a team’s starting point guard. position he held from 1995- He did mention, however, 2008. Following his depar- that he was not heavily reture from Arkansas State, he cruited out of high school. became the head men’s bas-   “Basketball for me was alketball coach at Southeast ways a love,” Dennis said. Missouri State, a position “I always had an extra love he held from 2009-2015. He for it and that eventually led now serves me to TCU. as the video I was able to c o o rd i n a t o r get a scholfor men’s arship late basketball at in the game, Florida State and I wasn’t University. highly re  D a n n y cruited by Nutt served any means. as Houston’s I didn’t start assistant at until my seboth Boise nior year in Wesley Kluck z Courtesy State and the high school, U n i v e r s i t y Coach Nutt is a member of the TCU so it was of Arkan- Hall-of Fame and spent time as a kind of a scout, head coach of UA Fort sas, coach- NBA late developSmith, and assistant coach at Aring running kansas State before coming to OBU. ing process. backs. DenThankfully, I nis said that it was easy to got the chance to go to TCU just follow in his brothers’ on a scholarship and play footsteps for both playing for a great coach in Jim Killsports and coaching. ingsworth.”   “I have three older broth-   Dennis is a member of the ers and they all played TCU Hall of Fame, was seand coached before me, so lected to the All-Time Southit makes it easier for the west Conference Team and younger brother to just hang was on the 1985 All Southwith them,” Dennis said. west Conference First Team.   Dennis Nutt is a successful He also was named the team coach in his own right at the MVP in 1984 and 1985. Folcollegiate level. He has a lot lowing TCU, Dennis went of experience with the game on to play 25 games for the of basketball. He played at Dallas Mavericks from 1986Texas Christian University 1988 after being moved up for four years, serving as the from (what is now known

as the NBA Development League) the CBA’s La Crosse Catbirds. Dennis served as an NBA scout for the Charlotte Bobcats (now the Charlotte Hornets) briefly and began his coaching career as an assistant for the University of Arkansas Fort Smith.   He also served as an assistant for Coastal Carolina University and Arkansas State University. Prior to becoming the head coach at Ouachita, he served as Texas State University’s head men’s basketball coach from 2000-2006.   Dennis is finishing his fourth year as head men’s basketball coach for Ouachita and has won a conference championship as well as made an appearance in the NCAA tournament this past year.   On the coaching legacy for the Nutt family, Dennis said it all started with his dad, and it escalated from there.   “It started watching my dad growing up, that was a big influence on my life and then all the brothers got into coaching once they stopped playing, so that was another influence,” Dennis said.   The Nutt Family tree is one that the sports world should be very familiar with as it has four brothers who were all successful coaches on the collegiate level.n

Ouachita kicker Cole Antley named to AFCA Division II Coaches’ All-America Team By KYLE PARRIS Sports Information

Dr. Kluck y Courtesy

The 2016 AFCA Division II Coaches’ All-America Teams were announced today by the American Football Coaches Association. Ouachita Tigers’ place

kicker Cole Antley was named to the First Team, marking the first time a member of the Ouachita Tigers’ football team has received this honor in AFCA Division II Coaches’ All-America Team history.   The sophomore from Atlanta, Ga. was recently named as a Fred Mitchell All-American

and a top-10 finalist for the Fred Mitchell Award. in 2016 he set a single-season Great American Conference record with 19 made field goals and finished the season ranked third in Division II with a 1.73 field goals per game average. Anltey previously earned All-GAC and All-Super Region 3 Second Team honors

for his performance this year.   The AFCA has selected an All-America team since 1945 and currently selects teams in all five of its divisions. What makes these teams so special is that they are the only ones chosen exclusively by the men who know the players the best — the coaches themselves.n

Andy Henderson y Photo Lab

Ouachita Baptist University Office: Evans Student Center E-Mail: Phone: 870.245.5210

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Barrett Gay

Ms. Tiffany Eurich







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