online insurance quote newfoundland

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online insurance quote newfoundland online insurance quote newfoundland Related

What Is the average monthly payment on a new 2008 yamaha r1? And the average insurance price cost for an 18 year old Car insurance help (UK ONLY)? my mums car insurance company is tryin to screw her over... i need opinions please! the car got wrote off due to something smashing it from the back as it was parked therefore perpitrator was never found! the car was worth 500 which was 100 deducted for policy... then the insurance compony took the whole wak of 12 months insurance aswell when we only had the car for a month! is that fair? deucting that for 500 leaving us with 154.77... IS THIS LEGAL???? Which is the best health care insurance plan & which is the best Indian company to get it? I'm very particular about Hospital cash insurance. What is a cheap insurance? I am a student and i dont want to pay a lot for car insurance i want the cheapest Why is car insurance so expensive? I'm going in for my test in a few weeks and I'm looking to get just a cheap car to get me from a to b but prices are so ridiculous. I got a quote on a 106 3door 1litre engine the cheapest was just under 900 with a company iv never heard of and my dearest was 4600 with asda even though my beautys going to be sleeping in the garage:) why are they such ridiculous prices? How will the affordable healthcare act affect the unemployed? I have a friend who is unemployed and living under my roof. They're not being claimed by anyone (over 21, not being claimed by parents or myself). They're not in school. They receive no income whatsoever. How will the Affordable Healthcare Act affect them? Will they still be required to get health insurance? I'm sure, legally, the answer is yes, but how will the government *know* they even exist?" Insurance (probability)?

An auto insurance company has 10,000 policy holders. Each policy holder is classified as.. - young or old - male or female - married or single Of these policyholders, 30000 are young, 4600 are male, and 7000 are married. the policyholders can also be classified as 1320 young males, 3010 married males, and 1400 young married persons. Finally, 600 of the policyholders are young married males. How many of the company's policyholders are young, female, and single?" "My husband and I are looking for life insurance but dont know the diffrence in term life, accidental and whole? My husband is only 24 but was just diagnosed with Hep C. "Can a 16yr. old making $800 a month, afford a car that cost $24,000....parents payinng for insurance...?" Can a 16yr. old making $800 a month, afford a car that cost $24,000....parents payinng for insurance...?" What is the age that someone who is not on your car insurance can drive your car? What is the age that someone who is not on your car insurance can drive your car? How much would car insurance be for a vauxhall Astra VXR? How much would a vauxhall astra VXR car insurance be for a 17 year old In the uk Car Insurance quotes? I am trying to get car insurance for my young grandson and the prices I have been quoted are extortionate. Is this something that any of you have down recently and, if so, can you give me any advice?" Teens why is car insurance so expensive? This morning i was looking at this 2001 ford crown vic. and the owner wanted $700.00 for it, but when I called the insurance company they told me my insurance would be $300.00 per month. why is car insurance so expensive, thats crazy AM I RIGHT?" "Car insurance, UK QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!?" UK QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am researching car insurance at the moment, what do you think i can expect to pay? Whats a good insurance company to go with? heres my details... 18 year old female, New driver, Pass plus certificate, Insurance group 5 car, the cheapest ive found is 1246.00 is this a normal amount to have to pay??? Thanks :)" Car insurance cost... roughly?

I am 15 and planning on getting my dads 1971 Plymouth duster as my first car when I'm 16, what would the yearly cost be?" How to get affordable HIV Medication with not so good insurance coverage.? Diagnosed about a month ago HIV+ with a VL 111,000 CD4 167, so yeah I've had it for a while. I'm supposed to start treatment ASAP! but I can't afford them, I've talked and negotiated with my doctor to change my prescription she did but it didn't help. The problem is I have insurance and it doesn't have good prescription coverage. I'm in a position that I may have to drop my insurance just to be able to afford my medication. My doctor and case worker is advising me not to do this, I don't have any other choice... someone HELLP my time is limited" Vehicle usage and auto insurance rates? i just noticed on my insurance policy it states one of our vehicles is used for work/school. it should say pleasure use, will that change the rate at all?" Why do you not want to buy insurance? I'm a believer of having protection and that's why I joined the industry as an agent. I do not like to force sell to buy so I'm here trying to collect the possible reasons to why people are not paying attention to getting themselves covered. Also, what do you understand about insurance?" How much of my 18 yr. old son's paycheck should I take from him? My son got his first job at McDonalds. He is living at home. I want to take a percentage of his pay and put it aside for his car insurance, etc.. I can't see him just blowing his whole paycheck on junk. What percentage do you think is fair?" What car insurance would be best and not so expensive? My NOW husband has not had a car for about 5 years now. Since we've lived together we' driven my car so he hasn't had any type of car or car insurance payments to his name for 5 years. How much would insurance cost for a 22 year old to be insured with his mother? My mum has been driving for 24 years . The car I want to be a secondary driver is the Honda Jazz 2004 which is 1.3 Litre. How much is insurance looking to cost around? Will my car insurance rates go up?? Help!? I got a dwi (driving while impaired) the other night, as well as a ticket for speeding. I have Nationwide Insurance. I need to know if my rates will go up because of this?" Insurance for electric components in a car?

I was wondering if anyone knowof an insurance company that offers affordable insurance for the elecltric components in a car such as cars that have a push to start button, navigation etc. The dealership offered insurance however it was not in my price range. Are there companies that have different options you can choose from" Do I need to have both insurance coverage? I am in the process of starting a Virtual Assistant business. Would I need both general liability and professional liability (errors & ommission insurance) coverage? From my understanding general liability covers physical damages and professional liability is for written errors. Since I will not be doing work at client's homes and offices (probably only initial consults there), I would think I would just need professional liability. Btw, my business is in California" Rear ended someone with the same insurance (AAA California). Deductible is waived. Who pays for damages? If insurance pays for damages to their car, will my premium increase? The estimate of damages is larger than my deductible but since it is only cosmetic damages is it worth the risk more" online insurance quote newfoundland online insurance quote newfoundland Car insurance? Geico? encompass? I just recently signed up for encompass insurance company. Does anyone know anything about them? good / bad? How is Geico? Do you recommend any insurance good car insurance companies? i'm from NJ. Cheapest car insurance company for young drivers? I am 18 and just passed my test. Any one know of any really cheap insurers that i can go with? Car insurance help needed ASAP thanks.? Ok. My father has his own jeep insured in his own name.He has owned the jeep since 2005 and he still has it this day.He has a 9 year no claims bonus on it.He is insured with FBD insurance.His insurance is commercial. Now I have my own car which was only bought recently but I put my car in my fathers name.Now the reason been is because im trying to get my insurance cheaper.Now I dont want any comments saying that its insurance fraud because every one is broke now and trying to get things cheaper just like myself here.Now what I was thinking if I were to go with a differant car insurance company than his and if he were to go as main driver and me as named could he say that he uses the jeep for commercial use and the car for private use? If that works can he put his 9 year no claims bonus on my car which is in his name so ill just say he owns it for now one.So can he put his 9 year no claims bonus on my car aswel as his own jeep aswel.Because if that worked I would get mine really cheap?So if that would work,I know that if i were in an accident his no claims bonus would be gone but my father trusts me to be a carefull driver. I only want proper answers to my question and thanks very much for the help and it will be much appreciated for it.I live

in Ireland aswel ok....Thanks very much." Can I drive a classic car as a daily driver while it has collector car insurance? I want to purchase a 1966 Chevrolet Impala and I found one in my area for a really good price. My mom's boyfriend knows how to work on older cars so repairs and labor costs wouldn't be an issue (unless it'd be something he can't do with his hands like taking the engine out or something) and I am a senior in high school and live about a mile from my school (I know it's not far, but walking through inclement weather or on slippery sidewalks is a hassle sometimes). Can I use a classic car as a daily driver while it has collector car insurance or would I have to insure it with regular car insurance?" Is there any way a 16 year old minor can get car insurance in his own name in SC? From what I have read it seems like all I have to do is get my parents permission to get my own plan in my name and that's it. And if you can please give me some car insurance agencies that will give minors car insurance. thank you "Im 17 i hve a 1.4 citroen saxo west coast, nd te lowst insurance ive found is 2300! cn an1 suggest a company?" ive tried all the compairson sites and they are really expensive, can anyone suggest a cheaper insurance company? i love my car and dont want to sell it!" In a california DUI license suspension how do i get my license back? its been a year that got a DUI in California and got my license suspended, and im just wondering how do i get my license back? do i just show up to DMV? i never got sent to court so by law the case gets dismissed after a year. so how do i go about getting my license back. ANSWER FAST!! :D" Where can i get cheap auto insurance for an 18 year old student with a 2000 mustang? Well this may sound like a long shot, but I just recently bought my son a 2000 Ford Mustang, Now its insurance time, hes 18, gets A's in school and has had drivers ed. Why do the quotes from Progressive and esurance estimate its going to cost nearly $500 a month, even with a 1990 honda junker it still cost nearly $400 do these prices seem reasonable, i cant recall them being that high, when i first got insurance, thanks." What if I upgrade my car insurance because someone threatens to mess up my car? An old roommate stole a lot from me the day he moved out. I've been waiting 5 days for the police to take the report (they're busy according to them). In the mean time I contacted him telling him to return my stuff or I'll involve the police, and he said if I do that he's going to f*ck up my car. Right now I have basic insurance but after he told me that I want to upgrade my insurance just in case. My question is what happens if I upgrade and he does mess up my car? If I file a police report about the threat can my car insurance deny the claim? What if the police are still too busy and he does this

before I get to file a report? What should I do? I already started parking 2 blocks from my apartment." Value Of Car Set By Insurance Company? My car was recently stolen and declared a total lost, when I first got insurance on this car the new or used cost value was set by my insurance company for $19,000. Now that my car is a total lost they only said they can give me the fair market value only. Why did they set a price of $19,000?" Car insurance? i can't make the decision , i just got the car about 9 months ago , and i was paying the car insurance in full and full overage with my credit card, which my mom helped. because i was at school, rightnow i graduated, and i don;t have a job, i couldnot afford the full coverage on my car, i was thinking to go to third party. what do you guys think. i understand i will not be covered many things such as bad weather , flood , hurricane, and so on , if anything happened on the road, at no one's fault, i will lose my car, i was thinking that the odds of that. do you guys think i should go with the third party insurance?" Can i insure 2 cars by 2 different insurance companies? i already have car insurance with my first car but i have just bought another. to insure it on my current insurance is expensive. iv looked at other insurance companies and its cheaper to insure with them. Am i allowed to have a different insurance company for each car? Best Health Insurance??? My husband and are getting health insurance...who's the best to go with?? We are looking at united health care right now...r they any good? What is the best way to find cheap auto insurance in california? What is the best way to find cheap auto insurance in california? "How much do braces cost in los angeles, without insurance?" I don't really have crooked teeth. My bottom teeth are straight... and my top teeth look straight from a frontal shot, but in reality one of my canine teeth is a little higher and outward then the rest. I want to straighten that one out. How much do braces cost without insurance? in cash! thakns" Farmers Market Liability Insurance? My girl friend and I are starting a new company that would sell smoothies and baked goods at Californias farmers market and it is our understanding that we need 100,00.00 liability insurance coverage to get into most markets. My question is how much on average do people pay for this and would the cost be different if we were to

go under the cottage food act? Any information or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks" Insurance on 1995 BMW 318i heeelp? I am a 20 year old college student that is looking to buy his first car. I am currently ON MY PARENTS INSURANCE and i am thinking of buying a bmw 318i 1995 automatic trans with around 140,000 miles on it. Around how much would the insurance for this car be? I just need a rough estimate just to see what i'm working with. Thanks" Am i going to get my drivers license suspended? i was going 76 in a 45 in the state of northcarolina. will i be with out a license? also how much is this ticket going to cost? i was also charged with reckless driving. if you could answer this that would be great too but, how much will my insurance go up? i have liablility insureance and i pay 160 a month. i have been driving for about 5 months and this is my first ticket." Can my fiance add me to his insurance plan? and is it more convenient than individual? (insurance through his work) Ohio health insurance? Can someone recommend me a good health insurance for college student? I live in Ohio, non-smoker Thanks" Cheap car insurance in Arizona for an 18 year old with a volkswagon beetle? i really want a volkswagon beetle, and then one im looking at right now is a 2006 with 70,000 miles (i know, its alot but thats not what im asking you to answer on) and its a convertible. i've never had my own car, and right now im using a family member's. i dont have ANY credit, idk if that helps or not... i already know my car payments are going to be high, so i want cheap insurance, that will still cover me. i see commercials for The General and Freeway Insurance, along with Safeauto. are they good companies? i kind of checked out The General, and it wasnt as cheap as i thought it was going to be... help?!" How much will my insurance increase? Im 17 an had my first accident when i swung in to a parking spot a little too fast and too close and my door scraped the back bumper of the car next to me...i dont think it will be any more than a few hundred dollars to have it repaired it was just a bit dented and the panel needed to be pulled out to sit flat with the rest but that really is the only real damage other than maybe a few scratches. My insurance before was at 800$ a year without full coverage so what do you think it would go up to now? Im 21 and a new driver how much would my car insurance cost on a honda civic type r 02 reg?

Im 21 and a new driver how much would my car insurance cost on a honda civic type r 02 reg? What is the average cost of insurance for a day care center? What is the average cost of insurance for a day care center? Cheap health insurance? How can i get very cheap health insurance? i am 18 yrs old, i go to school and i work at a place that doesnt have insurance and i really need to go to get my teeth pulled and i need to go to the doc for my stomach... how can i get free or very cheap health insurance?? cause i have no money!!" online insurance quote newfoundland online insurance quote newfoundland How much is car insurance for a car with an antique tag? Im thinking of buying an antique car but im not even quite sure how the insurance and registration works. I live in florida im not sure if it varies per state. Can i drive with just insurance? is it ok for me to drive with just insurance on my car for a certain amount of time? Does getting car insurance quotes lower your credit score? I was wondering if getting multiple insurance quotes can significantly lower your FICO score due to inquiries..especially if you have a limited credit history.. Best place to get California car insurance? Online, preferably. Thanks!" How much is medical insurance? I plan on moving to the U.S some day but how much would i have to pay per month for medical insurance? Strange how its free here but costs over there. I need cheap auto liability insurance can anyone recommend a good company? I need cheap auto liability insurance can anyone recommend a good company? How does auto insurance work? I just had an accident today. Me and someone else were backing up at the same time in the parking lot, and we backed into each other. I drive an Explorer, so there was

only paint damage. The other car was much smaller so they have a large dent on their rear bumper. We both have Allstate for our insurance. We exchanged info, so what now? Will i have to pay for the other cars damage or will AllState do that? and how much will my insurance increase? this is my second accident. My first was 5 years ago." What is the best insurance company for a recently passed young driver? I passed my test last week and i am looking to buy a corsa, punto, clio like car. Its gonna be either a 1.0L or 1.2L car. How much will this cost me and what companies will give me the best quotes? Also, i am a boy" What is the best teen driver insurance in California? Taking driving test tomorrow and need insurance coverage for just me, 18 years old." How much do you pay for car insurance? Just wanted to take a poll. Per year or per month Do you live in Canada or US Liability car insurance? I need to know some good places to get liability car insurance for a good price Which credit reporting agency is best for the credit report? I know that i can get my free credit report once a year, but there are like 3 reporting agencies to chose from. Which of those agencies is most accurate, and gives out the most info? I want one, to show all the negatives thing i might have in order for me to fix them, if there are any." What the health insurance influences on? I would like to know if a pregnant women can be treated in different ways depending on her health insurance. I can imagine that different health insurances can cover pregnancy in different way. For example with some health insurance the woman cannot get some services which she could get with another health insurance. Is that true? I also can imagine that different health insurances can have a different network of medical providers which could have different level of services and qualification of staff. Is that true? Life insurance question - term life and term life with return of premium? Hello, my spouse and I are in the market for life insurance now. After some researching, we have pretty much decided to go with term or term return of premium insurance. I still have following to decide and if you could enlighten me on these I would appreciate it very much. Which company? I found the following list that's supposed to be the best life insurance companies at this website. * New York Life: A++, stable outlook * Mass Mutual: A++, stable outlook * State Farm: A++, stable

outlook * Geico: A++, stable outlook Does this mean I should probably check out these companies? We have State Farm for auto and home insurance. Would State Farm be a good way to go (convenient to have all three in one place)? I also thought Geico didn't offer life insurance. I was led to LifeQuotes page from Geico. Does this mean that this list is not reliable? How much? We are 40-45 years old, just We still have almost 30 years of mortgage, and 20 years of raising our son. I was using some calculator online (Kiplinger, Life Foundation?) to calculate how much coverage I need, and they both returned figures like 1+ million. How can this be? Is 1 million life insurance common these days? We have about 170,000 in remaining mortgage balance (actually I only included half of that in calculation), and I calculated monthly living expense to be 2,000-3,000 (depending on if our child is still with us)/month with my spouse's income to be 2,000/month, and also included college cost. Does this seem reasonable that this will add up to be million dollars in 30 years, with inflation? I was thinking of about 300,000-400,000 before using these calculators. Term or Term ROP? We have almost decided against Term ROP and to go with straight term, but are not final on this decision. What do you all think about ROP? With ROP, do we typically actually receive ALL of the premium, or are there any fees etc. subtracted from the refunded amount? Also, does ROP term insurance give you investment returns in addition to the amount of premium you paid? One of the reasons that we are leaning towards straight term is that with our current age, with 20-30 year policies, the likelihood well actually be using the death benefit would be moderately high then ROP wont be such a good deal, as well as hearing that if we just get term and invest the difference in the premium, wed be ahead of term ROP. How long? In this case, should we try to get a 20 year term (for while our son will be with us), or 30 year term, just to cover the full length of the mortgage, although I wouldnt need that much coverage towards the end of 30 years (our son will be with us for only 20 more years, our mortgage will be paid off except for last 10 years or so)? Or buy 25 year return of premium term policy and pay 5 more years of mortgage using the money we receive from return of premium? Or buy two term policies - a large amount of 20 year policy plus a smaller amount (to cover the remaining mortgage balance in the last 10 years of mortgage)? Thank you for your help!" What is the best way to find cheap auto insurance in california? What is the best way to find cheap auto insurance in california? "I need to get an insurance but not sure which is a good one,? i am a cleaner and need to get insured for accidental damage as i work in the customers homes. thanks Crazy insurance rates wtf? I am a new driver just got my license. To add me to their policy its going to be an additional $330 a month! The car is only worth 5,000. What should i do?" How do i get my own car insurance? I am 18 years old? I guess my parents won't be my co-signers for when i get my own first car, because they're scared I'll screw they're perfect record up, so i have to get the car under my own name. How do i get started?"

Insurance question with two names on the title? i am in the miltary active duty 22 male. my car is currently back home in illinois sitting in the driveway with storage insurance, which am i under my parents policy. My mother co-signed the loan for the car two years ago with our bank, a relatively large bank not chase of b.o.a. so there are two names on the title, mine and moms. my girlfriend soon to be fiance lives in arizona and she needs my car so i want to have here go to ill to get it and drive it back. so we looked at insurance through state farm, got the quote everything ready to go she would pick up the insurance card as soon as she gets back to illinois. so it will be insured in illinois, we are both licensed in ill but shed be driving it in arizona. MOMS concern is that bc her name is on the title if anything were to happen; girlfriend hits someone and they are seriously injured or killed and girlfriend of we as a couple cannot pay for the bills that they would come after my mom as she is on the title of the car. it seems to me that my insurance would cover this(i forgot to mention this new policy is under my name and my name only) is there any liability on her part at all. her small town insurance said yes there would be and state farm said no none at all... can you through your experience or professional experience please help me clear this up so mom can be at ease with this please...AGAIN I NEED TO KNOW IF THERE WILL BE ANY LIABILITY ON MOMS PART, AS HER NAME IS ON THE TITLE OF THE CAR BUT NOT ON THE INSURANCE POLICY..thanks alot i appreciate your knowledge" Where are gender therapist in Michigan that's affordable or that take medicaid? trying to seek help but my funds are kind of low and I have medicaid insurance and I live in Clinton, Michigan can anyone help I really need help please" "Buying a car, when to purchase insurance? If i decided to go to a used car dealer and buy a car when do i buy insurance? Can i drive it home then buy insurance or do i need to get the insurance before i drive it off the lot? How much should my 19 yr old be paying for liability insurance? She has had a policy with State Farm for liability which is the requirement in Illinois which was about $68 a month Yesterday they said she now has to pay $130 a month for insurance on a 1995 Toyota Camry. There is no loan on the car, so I told her just to get the basic liability insurance in illinois. Isnt $130 a month high and why do you suppose it all the sudden went up. I told her to call them back and she did. They gave her some spill about a deposit and monthy payments. My name is on the title of the car, neither of us have ever had a wreck. I insure an old truck for about $45 a month. What do you think about her sudden increase in payment from State Farm? I am trying to make her independent, so I have refused to pay her insurance." Car insurance: how to save if i have 2 cars? i am with AAA and been with them for 5 years, full coverage on my honda civic 2004. i bought a new miata 2011 convertible the other night. how do i save on my car insurance now that i have 2 cars? i am very happy with my new car and so with my old honda. just want to save on my insurance. thanks!"

Insurance rate for a 2000 toyota celica? Insurance rate for a 2000 toyota celica? What is the lowest payment for a car loan? I want to get a Camaro when im 16. Theyre about 35,000 new. Its a lot but yet not. My parents wont buy me a new car as my first. I understand why, but im not reckless or anything. Also what is the insurance for a 16 year old (great grades) driving a Camaro? I think my family has progressive. Anything cheaper? Loans are very risky I know but the job that I will be getting pays a decent amount every 2 weeks or so. I do good with money, every know and then a girl needs to shop :). My mom usually pays for all that stuff though. I dont know anything about loans and banks. How does it all work? Can you tell me like what I would be about paying each month or week for a Camaro? Dont call me stupid, Im just thinking about it. I want a sports bike instead because then I wouldnt need a loan but I need a car for the winter..." online insurance quote newfoundland online insurance quote newfoundland "On, average what would a classic mini's insurance cost be.?" In the UK for a first time, 18 year old driver, car would be left on a drive in a low crime area" Where can I get affordable health insurance for an infant? I'm having a baby around the first week of December, and I need to figure out how best to set up health insurance for her without going bankrupt. I looked into Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida, and to be eligible for a child-only plan, the baby has to be atleast one year old. For us to get a family plan the cost is absolutely through the roof, more than our monthly income, and even then the child is only covered from 6 weeks of age. Does anyone know of any companies that will insure a baby from birth, without the parents having to be insured? I'm giving birth at a birthing center, and one of the terms of care is that I have to take the baby to a pediatrician within 72 hours of birth. No decent pediatrician will accept us without insurance. I think we may actually be eligible for Medicaid, but I don't want to go that way because high quality doctors don't accept that around here. So can someone please suggest a company that I can go to to insure my baby affordably, in Florida." Car Insurance for driving test question? Okay I'm a bit confused here so here it is: I'm taking my road driving test this January (I'm in TX BTW). One of the requirements is that I provide a car that has insurance. So my question is, does the insurance need to cover me as a driver as well? Or is it OK if the insurance covers the car and it's owner only (my friends' car) and it's only his name as the insured driver . I'm confused since he said I NEED to be covered by the car's insurance, but how can I be covered if I don't have the license yet (Insurance companies will only insure drivers with license) I tried calling the local DMV but you know what happens when you do... you are put on hold for the entire day. So can I just use his car (it is of course insured) or what? Or is this just another way of him saying You're not driving my car bud! haha. Thanks a lot!"

"18 Years old, car insurance, comprehensive?" Right so if I get comprehensive car insurance at the age of 18, can I drive other peoples cars? With permission" Where can I get cheap auto insurance? I am looking for good and low cost auto insurance. "In an insurance policy, is a Ford Mustang qualified as sports car or coupe?" A 2005-2010 Mustang. I'm and eighteen year old, first time driver. I know insurance is going to be expensive but I heard somewhere that a mustang wasn't qualified as a sports car because of the two seats in the back, and that Ford made the Mustang a four seater for this reason. Also how expensive would it be? I live in Colorado." What is the procedure to claim insurance for a stolen bike? my brother's herohonda is stolen ? he has done it's insurance in orientalinsurance company. he has also reported to the police regarding this.the case was happened before 2 and 1/2 months . police could not found it. so kindly suggest the way to claim for a new bike to the insurance company. What is the cheapest north carolina car insurance? this is my first insurance as a driver has anyone found anything cheap around greensboro? also, do i need to have insurance to get my licence at the dmv, or can i just use a car that is insured?" What is the average insurance on a motorbike? Hi I would like to know what the insurance is on a bike, preferably a 'Yamaha YZF R125' Thanks xx" What is the estimated insurance for this car? 2-Door Coupe 1989 BMW 6 Series Coupe 2D 635CS, costing $6,000 new 16 yr. old driver.15-20000 in coverage." What insurance do I need to fly as a Private Pilot? And if you know on average how much it costs, that would be appreciated." What would be the best liability car insurance for me? I just turned 17, I live in Alabama. I have had liability insurance before but i was on my dads. now i want to get my own. but when i had insurance before with State Farm i had to have it turned off. Now i need to know which company with liability would be

best for me. I did get one speeding ticket before when i had insurance but that was like 6 or more months ago. Now im in Drivers Ed at school so i should get the insurance discount for that. So what would be the best and cheapest insurance for me. And will there be any fees or anything form me getting it turned off before?" How to get auto insurance quote/ estimate without a car? I am doing a research, and heard that ur insurance can be based on not just the model but the color of the car. I want to know how to get an estimate based on vehicle, model. So that I can make a diligent choice when purchasing my new car." How much would an individual health insurance plan cost for me? Obviously I know it can vary but I just want an idea. I am a female in my 20s and I was wondering what a policy would cost if I didn't go through an employer for health insurance. Can someone provide a ballpark area for the cost? Thank you CA DUI expungement affect insurance rates? I received a DUI back in July of 2001, and it has been affecting my insurance rate ever since. Under the new DUI laws the DUI I received (a misdemeanor) will be on my record until 2011. I qualify for expungement of this record. My question is if I do expunge my DUI will my auto insurance company be able to see my dmv record and will my insurance company be allowed to charge me the same rate?" How can I lower my car insurance rates? I'm 17, and got a car a little over a month ago. My car insurance (with Gieco) is $250 a month. My mom's is $100. I'm on her plan, or something. I never took drivers ed (and with two jobs, school full time, and online classes, I most likely never will). I do have all A's though, does anywhere give a discount for that? I've got no tickets or accidents. Please help me find something cheaper!" Can you have insurance on a car that isn't yours? My girl friend has a car but lost her job and can't afford to pay insurance. Can i put the insurance in my name for a car that she owns? How Much Do You Pay For Car Insurance? And Whats On Your Driving Record? Auto insurance question.? My step father auto was struck in th readend by a teen the other day. Now his car is not worth much. Maybe 1500 dollars. The 2 body shops gave repair estiments at 2700 and 4300. Now as this is his personnel car and gets 45 miles to the gallon you can understand why he wants to keep using it to get to work. From a legal standpoint, as this is a personnel auto and the other driver is required to carry general libility to cover damage to aother peoples autos. Can a insurance company require him to just settle

for the 1,500 dollar value of the car. Or total the car. Or do they have some kind of loop hole. How is it they can require a third party to settle on there terms? As he is not the orginator of the policy, he did not enter into a contract with the insurance provider. Can he just go get it fixed and send them the bill or have the repair compnay send it to the insurance compnay?" What is this type of insurance called? And how much? So from general information, i know typically an arena will say that you need some insurance to cover (X) amount, like $1,000,000. My question is how does that person get that insurance? What does the insurance policy look like? And how much would he/she have to pay to get that insurance?" What is the cheapest DUI insurance in california for a male when i become 18? I just want liability for other drivers and i will get a crappy car so i dont need coverage for it. & I am 17 now. Am i able to get insurance if i don't have someone 18 or older sign for it? any ideas? Thank you Third party fire and theft? car insurance? hi im currently searching for car insurance and ive been quoted 2800 for comprehensive insurance and when i gave third party fire and theft it came out to 1700 the car is a corsa 998c 2006 what is the difference between them both? thanks Why are insurance group 1 cars so expensive? Looking at insuring a car - in the UK we have insurance groups for cars, I can look at an Astra in group 16 and second hand I can see decent ones for 500-1000, but when I look at the shittiest cars known to man, the ones in group 1 - they are all 5000-7000 minimum SECOND HAND. Why the hell is this? If I wanted to be ****** in the *** financially, I'd rather it be with the insurance because at least I'd have a decent bloody car." Looking for supplemental health insurance? my mom currenlty has health insurance through her job, but of course, the health insurance company does not pay for everything of which some of the things her doctors really thinks she needs. Are there any companies that offer resonable supplemental health insurance to help pay for copays, shots, medications, etc., that her current health provider wont pay for? Also, are there any that will accept pre exisiting conditions, or do you have to be perfectly healthy to be eligible. Please help............" How much would insurance be ? ? im 18 years old and i have a 2006 hyundai sonata and i was wonderinq how much my insurance would be every month . online insurance quote newfoundland

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