Jan. 2013 — Issue #31

Page 47

The phrase “for enlightened adults,” let concerned parents know the comics were for their eyes only, but also served as a calling card to a new counterculture rejecting societal norms.

download printable pdf’s www.tinyurl.com/leafblast For more comics, ripoffpress.com

forget about a little car, try homemade gamepieces

their adventures were combined in 1971’s “Collected Adventures of the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers,” which has been continually in print to this day. Their adventures revolved around scoring drugs, mainly Cannabis, and the shenanigans that would occur in the process. Their biggest goal was to “not get burned,” by a bad drug deal, and avoid getting busted by the cops. None of them have jobs, and were consummately lazy about work/hygiene/cleaning while conversely being highly motivated during their adventures. One of their other favorite catchphrases was “While you’re out there smashing the state,

the comics presented social commentary in a seemingly harmless way, though the subject matter often went far beyond simply being high. The strip was often reprinted in Playboy and High Times. many are still in circulation today.

don’t forget to keep a smile on your lips and a song in your heart!” Other recurring themes in the comics question the corruption in law enforcement and government of the time, and the war on drugs. It presented social commentary in a seemingly harmless way, though the subject matter often went far beyond simply being high. The strip was often reprinted in Playboy and High Times, and many are still in circulation today. To honor the impact of the Freak Brothers, we would like to bring back their official board game for modern use. It’s essentially a hybrid of the Life game and Monopoly, but in this game, the goal is to get around the board and score as much marijuana as possible, without getting busted by the man. You even play with old taped-up roaches instead of metal cars and battleships. The full game is available for download at www.tinyurl.com/leafblast and find copies of the comics at www.ripoffpress.com. Aww, what a trip.



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