Desert Companion - June 2013

Page 54

CITYCENTER LENS: Pinhole Film: 4x5 Ilford FP4 Plus black & white negative, ISO 125 shutter speed: 16 seconds f-stop: 257

ARIA Valet fountain LENS: Pinhole Film: 4x5 FujiChrome Provia 100F shutter speed: 8 seconds f-stop: 257

52 | Desert

Companion | JUNE 2013

pinhole w izar d When the idea of a photo issue first came up, I instantly thought of doing a shoot with a pinhole camera. Why go through the trouble in an age of instant photos and digital cameras? Sometimes, slow is more fun: engineering the camera, waiting for the right time to capture the image, processing the film. But that doesn’t mean there wasn’t suspense. Relying on my calculations — such as the dimensions of the camera and size of the pinhole, which gave me the base f-stop to set the exposure time — I took each photo with just one exposure, with the hope that when I received the film back, all my math was correct. — Christopher Smith

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