Desert Companion - September 2011

Page 62

Nov. 4-6

“Vespers” by the Las Vegas Contemporary Dance Theatre

Work by Erik Beehn

Through Nov. 13

“Locals only”: Erik Beehn

Nov. 3-6

If you glimpse one of Erik Beehn’s

Vegas Valley Book Festival

mixed media works — a depiction of a coffee

This year marks the 10th

shop counter, say, or a suburban street — and

anniversary of the Vegas

succumb to a suspicious touch of déjà vu, that’s

Valley Book Festival.

the point. His works focus on subtle, disquiet-

That’s 10 years of our city

ing elements of both American interiors and

appreciating the human-

exteriors, giving a ghostly impression of recent

izing power of literature,

presence recently fled. Better yet, if his exhibit at

without which we would

CENTERpiece Gallery isn’t enough, MCQ Fine Art

probably descend into

Salon at 620 S. 7th Street also hosts an extension

a twitchy, inescapable

of the show.

feedback loop of com-

Sept. 8-Nov. 13. Free. CENTERpiece Gallery inside

pulsively checking our


Facebook status on our

Las Vegas Contemporary Dance Theatre is directed by dancer/ choreographer Bernard Gaddis and presents its 5th annual fall concert series at the West Las Vegas Library Theatre. The featured piece is “Vespers” by the late master choreographer Ulysses Dove to a percussive score by Mikel Rouse. Dove was a principal dancer with the Alvin Ailey Company (as was Mr. Gaddis), and he choreographed ballets for major dance companies worldwide. “Vespers” was inspired by memories of his grandmother and other ladies worshipping in a small, old wooden building in South Carolina. Dove’s choreographies are difficult for companies to acquire: They are expensive and, like Balanchine ballets, troupes must first meet high artistic standards. This is a rare opportunity to see one of his works. — H.B. Nov. 4-6. Tickets $30-$40. West Las Vegas Library Theater.

iPhone while simultaneously playing Angry Birds Nov. 5

on our retinal screen


implant. While also, of

The directors of New York’s Complexions Contem-

course, obliviously driving

porary Ballet, Desmond Richardson and Dwight

into oncoming traffic.

Rhoden, are also former Ailey company members.

Among this year’s literary

They founded their own troupe in 1994. Their

and cultural lights: Jane

artistic vision has sought to establish a new form

Smiley, Max Brooks, Tony

of dance movement through the elimination of

Hsieh and more.

all limits on the art, be they technical, stylistic or

Nov. 3-6. Free. Various

cultural. It will be interesting to see if they have

locations around the His-

succeeded. — H.B.

toric Fifth Street School

8 p.m. $35-$75. UNLV’s Artemus Ham Hall

and downtown. www.veg-

Nov. 7

Talking Trash: Listening to What People Leave Behind The past is garbage — literally. That’s what archeologists look at when studying the lives of ancient peoples: The tools, utensils, weapons and accessories they threw away. Illnois State University anthropologist James Skibo will talk about how this kind of historic Dumpster-diving can yield real treasure — not just in terms of rare objects, but in terms of valuble insights into prehistoric cultures. 7:30 p.m. Free. UNLV’s Barrick Museum Auditorium

60 D e s e r t C o m pa n i o n S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 1

Las Vegas Contemporary Dance Theatre

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