It's The Little Things That Matter

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It's the Little Things that Matter

S h owi n g o urs el ve s l ove a n d c a r e i m p a c t s our c on n e c t i o n a nd rel a t i on s h i p wi t h ot h e r s , e s p e c i a l l y o u r c h i l d r e n . Of t en we res i s t t i m e f or our s e l ve s b e c a u s e w e wor r y we m a y s a c r i f i c e t h a t c on n e c t i on . L e t ' s m a ke t h i s ea s y for y ou! B or r ow f r om t h e f o l l o w i n g l i s t o f on e h un d r ed wa y s t o c on n e c t wi t h y o ur c h i l d r e n a n d c r e a t e m om ent s t h a t m a t t e r t h r ough c on s c i o u s , d a i l y s e l f l o ve .


Let s face it - life is busy! Juggling school drop-offs, mealtime prep and part-time jobs is leaving parents feeling overwhelmed now more than ever. Between work and family life, the days can fly by. Thankfully, a study was released with the news all busy parents have been longing to hear but may have doubted; children actually thrive through the quality time spent with their parents, not the quantity of time. Results of this study confirm the impact quality time has on children’s emotional, social and behavioural development while contradicting many misconceptions families may have carried up to this point.

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Quality time comes from focusing on the child’s needs and interests. Three keys to remember when considering your time with your family are making the time, following their lead and practising willingness. Making the time to connect and enjoy your family is essential. When parents feel stressed or anxious about ‘fitting in’ enough time each day it can have an impact on the quality of the time spent together. By making the time intentional or scheduling it into your calendar, parents can focus on just being together. With five to ten mindful minutes a day children can experience strong connections with the caregivers in their lives when the time is intentional.

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Making moments that matter!

Following a child’s lead will increase the value of your time together. Connections are natural when parents take a genuine interest in their children’s interests. Floor time engaging in your little one’s chosen activity and conversation have a powerful impact on your relationship building.

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Practising willingness to feel what your child is feeling allows parents to fully embrace the opportunities that togetherness offers. The quality of your time is revealed through your connection. Children open up when they feel relevant and understood. Practising a willingness to explore how your child feels in any given moment provides them with a safety net and a greater sense of self-acceptance. These little moments of willingness lead to meaningful discourse now and well into your future.

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Taking these three key areas on board, let’s explore small ways we can create moments that matter daily while practising conscious self love.

We have made this easy for you by creating our own list of one hundred ways to connect. Show yourself some love and attention by taking a few activities from our list each day that are guaranteed to make quality time with your family!

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Meaningful connections should be simple! Going for a walk. Collecting leaves and rocks together. Drawing in the sand. Playing their videogames alongside them. Say, "Yes" to something cheeky. Listening to grumbles without correcting or fixing. Starting your own traditions like Taco Tuesdays, Sunday bike rides or backyard camping. Asking them to teach you how to do something. Taking time to learn about their interests and sharing what you've learned with them. Staying up late to see the full moon. Holding off the barrage of "How was your day?" questions until they have time to relax. Leaving their favourite toys out on the floor even if it's a little messy. Building your own Lego world alongside your child's. Stomping in rain puddles, even without their gumboots! Drawing pictures next to each other at the table. Sharing stories from when you were a child. Bragging about them to others where they can overhear. Having special nicknames for each other. Making up a secret handshake. Starting a unique routine for each child.


Simplify your day when you use our list! Having dinner together. High fives for no reason. Asking questions about things they care about. Family floor time and board games. Giving hugs instead of lectures when they've made a mistake. Swimming in the pool with them. Pillow fights! Nature walks in the backyard. Making family story books. Asking them to be your navigator on the way to school. Getting to know their friends better. Turning off your mobile during family time. Putting on a fashion show. Playing outside with the water hose. Making up bedtime stories. Meditating together. Preparing dinner as a family. Starting a band with pot and pans. Listening to your favourite music from childhood together. Matching fake tattoos.


Fill your cup while creating quality time. Smiling at them first thing in the morning. Singing a song with silly made up words. Reading the favourite story and replacing their favourite character with their name instead. Drawing a picture of them doing something they enjoy. Making a list of all of their best attributes. Celebrating a small win! Putting a happy note in their lunch box. Staying up late together. Teaching them kids jokes. Listening to their stories. Naming animals and insects in the backyard. Building a play fort from cardboard boxes. Making them a secret room using sheets draped over the dining room chairs. Helping them make their own bookmark for their favourite books. Putting on a sock puppet show! Framing their favourite art project from school. Making funny faces together in the mirror. Letting them try on your shoes and jewellry. Extra cuddles after lights out. Sitting next to them when they play on the iPad.


Moments that matter each day with your family. Playing your favourite songs for them. Jumping on the trampoline in your work clothes! Making silly faces to cheer them up. Reading with exaggerated voices. Asking them to help you with the shopping list. Letting them push the trolley at the shops. Sitting on the floor with them before you ask them to do anything. Having a picnic lunch in the living room. Sharing your dessert with them. Visiting local animal shelters. Making their favourite meal. Celebrating a half birthday just to be silly! Taking turns face painting each other's faces. Smiling when they knock over their blocks tower for the hundredth time. Making up funny stories on the drive home. Pretending to be different animals. Writing secret notes to each other. Planning a scavenger hunt around the house. Carving your names in a tree. Packing lunches and going for a hike.


Practice self love with conscious connections. Coming up with a compliment every day to draw attention to something they've done well. Sharing an embarassing story from your childhood. Staying up late enough to count the stars. Sharing something that you believed as a kid like the toothfairy or Santa. Hand making their Halloween costume. Giving a "high-ten" with your feet! Writing your own bed time books together. Including them at the table when your adult friends are over. Letting them choose an outfit for family portrait's day. Taking silly selfies together. Having a dance off in their bedroom. Using the couch cushions to make an impenetrable fort. Playing at the park with them with your phone on silent. Visiting a local farm. Playing the tourist in your home town. Looking at pictures from your childhood. Sharing your memories of their birth. Spending ten minutes in their room as they play. Letting them pick one thing for their lunch box. Drawing a heart on their hand for tapping whenever they miss you.

Have you found this list helpful? Stephanie brings optimism and expertise to modern parenting challenges, helping to demystify puzzling childhood behaviour with simple, commonsense solutions to big challenges. She brings with her a virtual kitbag of tools to tackle tantrums, defiance and aggression which are as practical as they are positive.Through her practiced child-centred approach, Stephanie focuses primarily on three areas of development; self-esteem, self-soothing and intrinsic self-control.An experienced presenter, Stephanie stands out for her passionate and engaging style, and her upbeat approach to what can often be emotional topics.

“By helping parents place emphasis on connection, empowerment and encouragement, I believe that all children have the ability to reach their full potential.” Stephanie has successfully guided families through early childhood for over 15 years. Through her experience with private consultancy, as a preschool teacher and special needs therapist, she has tackled most aspects of early childhood behaviour with her trademark blend of energy and empathy.Stephanie has consulted around Australia in private sessions with countless families, and currently hosts live training events nationwide, in which she shares her practical solutions and language techniques with families facing diverse challenges. She believes that helping families to raise calm, happy kids is achievable through education, preparation and a positive mindset.



Copyright © 2019 Simply Kids All Rights Reserved. In partnership with Nurture Parenting Magazine.

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