AUR 54 01

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Letter from the editors Anita Devos Monash University, Victoria

Catherine Manathunga Victoria University, Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand

This Special Issue on doctoral education emerged out

to energetically take up Connell’s call to reframe postgrad-

of an Australian Association for Research in Education

uate supervision as teaching, interpreted later by Lee and

(AARE) symposium in 2009 that brought together a small

Green as a ‘call to pedagogy’. In our view, it is timely now

number of Australian researchers, sharing a common

to devote another issue of AUR to this topic. The field has

interest in the ongoing development of the theoretical

grown considerably in the intervening years, and shifts in

foundations of research into doctoral education. Entitled

the policy and global environments of higher education

‘Doctoral education, new pedagogies and the possibilities

foreground the importance of maintaining a critical and

of new knowledges’, the symposium aimed to ‘explore

engaged commentary.

what happens when we start to think and theorise about

In this Special Issue, we have sought to reflect on the

doctoral education differently’. Our interest was in ‘the

1985 article, and 1995 issue and its goals, and to consider

generative possibilities of re-theorising the space of doc-

current directions and questions in the field of what we

toral education…’. Many of the questions that concerned

now refer to as doctoral education. This shift in nomen-

the presenters centred on issues of knowledge, power

clature from postgraduate supervision and pedagogy to

and identity in doctoral education and pedagogy.

doctoral education – now widely referred to in policy cir-

Following this symposium, we approached the Board

cles as research training – reflects a greater harnessing of

of the Australian Universities’ Review (AUR), which

this form of higher education to the knowledge economy,

agreed to a Special Issue of the journal on doctoral educa-

and a sharper focus on the doctorate in its various forms

tion. We felt that this journal was a particularly appropri-

as opposed to Masters by Research degrees. The question

ate forum through which to disseminate our calls for a

of what’s in a name is taken up in some of the articles in

review of doctoral education research. Not only is AUR

this present issue, and in other recent publications (Boud

a long standing academic journal and source of commen-

& Lee 2009 for example).

tary on higher education in Australia and internationally,

This Special Issue sits within a lively field of scholarship

but it also has a long track record of publishing ground-

and commentary, in Australasia and globally. Doctoral edu-

breaking articles on doctoral education. It was in AUR’s

cation has emerged since the seminal 1995 AUR issue as

predecessor journal, Vestes, that R W Connell’s piece ‘How

a burgeoning international sub-field of higher education

to supervise a PhD’ first appeared in 1985. This article

research. Just a few of the recent and emerging contribu-

generated considerable discussion over the following

tions to this field include a Special Issue of Innovations in

decade and prompted a Special Issue of AUR in 1995 on

Education and Teaching International on ‘Supervision

‘Postgraduate Studies/ Postgraduate Pedagogy’, edited by

and Cultural Difference’ guest edited by Barbara Grant

Alison Lee & Bill Green.

and Catherine Manathunga (2011); an edited book by

The 1995 Special Issue has been one of the most popular in AUR’s history, reflecting a pressing need at the time


Letter from the editors, Anita Devos & Catherine Manathunga

Boud and Lee (2009); and a forthcoming edited book by Lee and Danby (in press, 2012). vol. 54, no. 1, 2012

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