North Devon Hospice newsletter - Spring/Summer 2019

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Spring/Summer 2019

Our latest news for supporters and friends of North Devon Hospice


Party like it’s 1984:

It’s all-out 80’s for Nightwalk


Support at The Long House

Nigel looks to swing into action


Hospice helped when we both got diagnosed with cancer:


Philip and Susan share their story

What an impact - celebrating 35 years! It all began in 1984 when enough money had been raised to fund our first home care nurse, operating from a small terraced house in Vicarage Lawn at the heart of Barnstaple town centre. 35 years later, North Devon Hospice now supports over 2,000 patients facing a life limiting illness each year as well as their family and loved ones, both from the hospice’s main buildings in Barnstaple and Holsworthy, but also via our nursing team going directly into patient homes, covering over 800 square miles across North Devon. Chief Executive, Stephen Roberts said ‘It’s not until you reach a significant milestone year like this that we take the opportunity to look back on the amazing journey which has been North Devon Hospice. Right from our early beginnings our aim was to provide the highest level of palliative care and support to those people affected by a life-limiting illness. Over the years, with the help of our staff and with the generous...

A 35 year journey... In 1989 a total of 600 patients had been cared for. Today we support over 2,000 patients and their families every year.

Story continued on page 9

Welcome to the Spring edition of our Newsletter which I hope you will enjoy reading. As we come into our 35th anniversary year, it fills me with huge pride, that North Devon Hospice has had such an amazing impact on the countless number of families we’ve had the privilege of supporting since we first began back in 1984. Without you, there would be no hospice, and there would be no specialist care for patients and their families facing a life-limiting-illness.Thank you so much, on behalf of every single person we have cared for over the last 35 year.

CEO Stephen Roberts

It’s time for Nightwalk The Wedding


Long service volunteers acknowledged at special event

Number of nurses

Patients cared for

20 Volunteers



Nigel looks to swing into action


‘We both got diagnosed with cancer within a year of each other


We’ve come a long way in 35 years

– ‘it’s been a massive change for us!’


Young Trustee to help shape direction of the Hospice


Funds raised




Wynne Withers was our first ever nurse in 1984. She travelled the length and breadth of North Devon caring for people in their own homes

We now care for patients around the clock, both in their own homes and on the hospice’s Bedded Unit. On top of our clinical staff is a host of supportive care staff offering emotional support

The very first hospice nurse would initially only have had a case load of around 20 patients to begin with

Five incredible trailblazers – Ivy Shirley, Dorothy Towell,Vera Watts, Rita Medway and Jim McGowan – are the volunteers credited as the initial driving force behind the creation of North Devon Hospice

At the initial public meeting to launch Hospice Care Trust (North Devon) which was the charity’s original name - 140 people raised the first ever funds for the cause

52 2000+

We now care for thousands of local patients and families across the area. This includes specialist physical and clinical care, as well as emotional support for the whole family


Today, the hospice can only provide so much care thanks to the army of volunteers who help in every aspect of the charity – from retail to patient support and everything in between

Through gifts in wills, fundraising events, donations, our hospice lottery and a network of shops, we now need to raise £4.5m each year so that we can deliver are services


Nightwalk’s gonna be RAD! We’re going all out 80’s for Nightwalk this year - and will be partying like it’s 1984! Why 1984, we hear you ask? It’s because this was when we first started providing hospice care in North Devon - and this year’s 80’s Nightwalk spectacle will be part of our 35th anniversary celebrations.

Saturday 18th May Routes starting from Barnstaple, Instow, Bideford and Torrington. Choose a walk from 3 to 11 miles.

North Devon Hospice’s Head of Fundraising, Ali Hunt said “To use an 80’s saying, ‘it’s going to be cool beans!’ We want ladies across North Devon to step up once again for our special anniversary year - and go all out 80’s for a night of fundraising fun. We’ve got some new 80’s surprises en route to keep nightwalkers entertained also look out for our 80’s dance

floor hidden on the Tarka Trail with a special guest DJ to spin some vinyl.” Ali added “This event is all about having fun, with the serious side of raising vital funds for the Hospice. We’re looking on our 35th anniversary year to raise £100k to help our nurses care for our patients at night. So come on ladies, let’s make Nightwalk 2019 the year when we raise the most money ever.” Nightwalk is a ladies only moon-lit sponsored walk along the Tarka Trail. The event takes place on the evening of Saturday 18th May and we have various starting points including Barnstaple, Bideford,Torrington, and Instow. So girls, it’s time to grab your mates together for the RAD event of the year! Sign up now at www.


Hospice seeks innovative national award We’re not always the best at shouting about our successes, but with the recent launch of our Forever Stone campaign, we believe that we’ve introduced an idea which is worthy of an innovation award.

the Hospice. Head of Fundraising, Ali Hunt said, “When a gift in a Will has been left, legators will be able to submit a message that, with the use of augmented reality technology, will allow people to use an iPad to scan the stone and see images and messages built into the stone which will be available forever.”

has generated more conversations about legacies and the technology around the stone allows people to leave a lasting message with their gift. We’ve worked with local design agency and supporters of the Hospice, Bray Leino, to introduce the Forever Stone. We hope to be among the contenders for the ‘Best Innovation’ category at the Third Sector Charity Awards ceremony in November.”

The Forever Stone sits at our hospice in our front garden and provides people with an opportunity to leave a lasting legacy to

Ali added “Gifts in Wills are vital for the Hospice as they fund a third of our care each year. Since its launch, the campaign

Watch our video about The Forever Stone at forever-stone

Hospice Monopoly Success If you pass go, collect £200…. and wait - also pick up a national award! Following the introduction of our very own North Devon Monopoly game, we were awarded the winners of the ‘Best Fundraising Initiative’ at the National Hospice UK Awards. We were competing alongside 220 hospices from across the UK and were delighted to scoop the prestigious award, collected by our CEO, Stephen Roberts. Stephen said “We have sold over 4,000 Monopoly boards since its launch last year 4

and they have been a massive success. We are continually looking at new and innovative ways to raise money for the Hospice so that we can continue to care for our patients and their families. It’s great that we’ve been acknowledged at a national level - and I would like to thank the local business community for supporting and backing our Monopoly project.” If you haven’t got your North Devon Monopoly board yet, it’s not too late and there’s a £1,000 Golden Ticket inside one of the boxes. Visit to buy yours today!

Andy Casey Photography

Hospice arranged wedding for Emma and terminally ill partner, Bill “I will remember this occasion for the rest of my life, nothing is going to top it.” Bill and Emma face limited time together, after Bill’s diagnosis of terminal cancer. They’d never had the money to get married, instead devoting everything to their three children, but they desperately wanted to become man and wife before Bill died. That dream was made possible thanks to their North Devon Hospice nurse, Lin Walkey. “When Lin first came to visit us it was like an angel was here, an absolute whirlwind.” said Emma, who together with Bill has raised their children Jade (18), Cali (14) and Hugh (5). When Lin asked if the couple were married, Emma said “When we first got together my dream was to be Bill’s wife, but when kids come along your priorities

change and we just never had the funds to do it. But being confronted with losing the only man I will ever love, that brought home how much I wanted to be his wife.” Hospice nurse Lin took on the challenge and set about organising a whole wedding in just a matter of weeks. With the help of Ali Hunt, from the hospice’s fundraising team, before long the whole day was falling into place. The 4-star Fortescue Hotel in Barnstaple had been donated as a venue, a professional photographer had volunteered his time, a wedding car had been arranged and countless other kind gestures contributed to create a magical experience. “The day was a whirlwind. Completely

overwhelming. I don’t know how to describe it,” said Bill. Emma added “At one point I just stood back and looked at everyone in the room. I could see the amount of love that everybody has for Bill, and for the kids, and for me. But I was just so proud that he’s my husband, and that my kids were there to witness us getting married.” A long list of people generously donated time, goods or services to make the wedding possible but a huge thanks Matthew Brend at The Royal and Fortescue. The hospice helped pull the community together to create a special day for a family whose time together is sadly limited. 5

Will you find the secret golden £1,000 ticket? Since the launch of the North Devon Monopoly last year, thousands of boards have been flying off the shelves in shops across North Devon and online. There is now an additional incentive for people to buy the hot selling boards with a secret £1,000 prize hidden inside one of the new batch of boards.

Head of Retail, Amanda Shearing said “We don’t know which box the winning ticket is in, so it will be interesting to see where it ends up. We’re selling them in our own charity shops as well as other retail outlets across North Devon – we also have them available online. It all feels very exciting and very Willy Wonka-ish!” To find the location of your nearest Monopoly selling shop, visit our website or purchase online at

Long service volunteers acknowledged at special event We value so highly the amazing contribution and dedication that our 500 strong volunteering community give us every year. In the last 12 months alone, our volunteers gave a record breaking 137,361 hours in combined volunteering time. We simply couldn’t do what we do without them all. As part of our 35th anniversary year, we began our celebrations by holding a volunteer awards evening, recognising a distinct group of our volunteers who have served the Hospice for more than 20 years. 6

27 volunteers were acknowledged at our February event, which was hosted by our Trustees and Senior Management Team. Hospice Chairman, Kevin Underwood said “We cannot express enough our immense gratitude for this amazing group of people who have selflessly donated over 20 years of time towards the work of the Hospice. Whether offering their time directly with patients, playing a vital role in fundraising, or supporting other areas of the charity, each volunteer plays a crucial and collective role in helping us support over

2,000 patients and their loved ones each and every year. Thank you so much on behalf of the many thousands of families we have supported in your time volunteering with the hospice - you’re all amazing!” If you have a few hours to spare each week and are interested in volunteering for the Hospice, we would love to hear from you, call 01271 347226.

A 35 year journey... In 1984, we ran our services from a donated office room in Barnstaple. Today we have two purpose built care facilities in Barnstaple and Holsworthy.

Nigel looks to swing into action

Nigel Rayer lives with his wife, Anita in Buckland Brewer near Bideford and has a passion for playing golf. It wasn’t until Nigel was in severe pain with his back and hips that he was forced to go to hospital. The doctors found nothing wrong with him and sent him home. Only weeks later, Nigel felt paralysed and was unable to walk, clutching onto his wall at home – he knew that something was seriously wrong.

After rushing into hospital, they discovered that a tumour the size of Nigel’s fist, had ruptured through his back vertebra. This changed everything for Nigel. He had a metal rod inserted right across his back and further scans revealed that his body was taken over with cancer. Nigel immediately had to give up his employment as a builder and his wife, Anita struggled emotionally, resulting in her being signed off from work. Nigel then began a series of chemotherapy treatments.

Today, both Nigel and Anita are being supported by North Devon Hospice at The Long House in Holsworthy as well as the main Hospice building in Barnstaple. Nigel and Anita have been receiving emotional support at the Hospice to try to come to terms with the devastation that this illness has caused and Nigel has been receiving reflexology and delicate massage treatment to help him walk more freely again which he has now been able to do with the support of a stick. Nigel’s aim is to get back on the golf course this year and has already adapted his golf clubs with the dream that he can play once again. Everyone at the Hospice is pulling out all the stops to make this happen. To find out more about the services we run at North Devon Hospice, please visit or call our Supportive Care team on 01271 344248.

A 35 year journey... In 1987, our first Hospice shop opened. Today we have 12 shops generating over £2 million each year.


It was just over a year ago when Philip Westerley (aged 55) was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Philip moved to the Westcountry, in Chilsworthy, with his wife Susan, 13 years ago after spending most of his working life as a driver on the London Underground. When Philip began to get pain just over a year ago, he went to the hospital for tests. He told us, “When the doctor phones you up on a Tuesday night after a long bank holiday weekend, I knew something was serious.”

“...after we understood what palliative


‘Hospice support us after we both got diagnosed with cancer within a year of each other’

care actually was. It’s helped us relax more. Philip later got referred to North Devon Hospice’s Long House in Holsworthy and started attending the Wellbeing Sessions. He said, “I didn’t have a fear of the Hospice after we understood what palliative care actually was. It’s helped us

are on top of things. I’m not very good at relaxing and chilling, but this place encourages it. The cancer spread to the whole of my back so they give me reflexology. It makes such a difference and eases my back no end.” Life changed again for Philip after his wife, Susan, was diagnosed with breast cancer just a few weeks ago. Philip said, “We both got diagnosed with cancer within a year of each other - it’s been a massive change for us all. Susan has had her left breast removed now, but we carry on.” He added, “Unfortunately I can’t work now with the pain that I’m in with my back and hips. They’re not sure how long I’ve got left. People in my condition should have 5 years, but because of my young age, they just don’t know. I’m taking each day at a time. I’m living life as it comes. I’ve had 6 sessions of Chemo already, and I’m expecting more chemo ahead. Susan and I will just keep going.” Philip and Susan have also been receiving counselling by the Hospice’s Suportive Care team. Philip said “It’s helped us both try to make some sense of it all. Males sometimes don’t talk, but I’ve tried to do it. Some of our friends have gone quiet, others want to talk, but they don’t know what to say. I think

they’re too frightened to talk about it. We accept that though. I know our friends will be there if ever we need them.” Philip and Susan are both looking ahead to the future and Philip is already planning a special anniversary. He said “In just four years time, it’s our 25th anniversary and I hope to do something special for it. I have got plans, but I can’t tell you in case my wife reads this story - and I won’t be happy!” For information on The Long House in Holsworthy, or to find out about referrals to North Devon Hospice, please visit or call 01271 344248

Story continued from front page support of the North Devon community, we have been able to help tens of thousands of patients and their families at the most difficult moments in their lives. This really is the reason why we exist today and we would like to thank you so much.” Stephen added “As we look ahead to the next 35 years, we know that demand for our services will increase due to a number of

factors including an ageing population, more complex end-of-life illnesses and the increased pressure on the NHS. The economic landscape also remains uncertain. We do know, however, that despite all the challenges that we face, our local community continue, like they have always done, to support our work and because of that we are so grateful.”


Young trustee to help shape direction of Hospice Our team of trustees have been boosted recently by the appointment of some new younger members. Matthew Jones (age 28) studied at Barnstaple College (now Petroc) before undertaking a degree at Cardiff University. He then spent three years working for local design agency, Bray Leino and has since moved on to help support his family business at The Bell Inn village pub in Chittlehampton. Alongside his family business, Matthew squeezes in some time to support the Hospice in a trustee capacity. Matt tells us “North Devon Hospice is a charity that I think is incredible and the care they provide to local people is simply outstanding. It’s a place that I’m extremely passionate about and am motivated to make a difference.” 10

He added, “I want to be a voice for younger people at the Hospice that will hopefully offer something slightly different. As a trustee, I really want to see younger people connect more with the great work of the Hospice – hopefully I can help to connect the two more closely.” Our trustees, who all offer their time free of charge to the Hospice, help to shape the strategic direction of the organisation along with the Hospice’s senior management team. Each trustee brings a high level of experience to the role with trustees being recruited from many different industry sectors.

New hospice advert to hit big screen It’s lights-camera-action this year for the hospice as we launch our new cinema advert thanks to the generosity of local firm, Applegate. So if you’re tucking into your box of popcorn watching some of the new release films from September, you might just come across our new commercial promoting the hospice’s work. If you’re not a regular cinema goer, don’t worry, we’ll also be sharing it across our social media platforms too!

Big Breakfast A growing number of hotels, pubs, churches, garden centres and village halls are getting behind North Devon Hospice’s ‘Big Breakfast’ fundraiser! Bray Leino were one of many businesses to take part in Pitch in a Pound

Community rallies to ‘Pitch in a Pound’ Over 120 organisations comprising of schools, businesses, community groups and families, came together in February to show there is ‘power in the pound’. Our annual ‘Pitch in a Pound’ event generated over £5,000 as a result of the generosity of the North Devon community. Hospice event organiser, Cathy Richards said “It might seem like a small contribution to make, but when lots of other people are chipping in with a pound too, it has powerful results. I would like to thank everyone who got behind Pitch in a Pound which was our first fundraising event of the year.”

On Sat 9th February, The Falcon Hotel in Bude were the first of more than 15 venues that will be holding a ‘Big Breakfast’ event across North Devon and Cornwall borders in aid of North Devon Hospice over the next few months. With all funds going to North Devon Hospice from the ‘Big Breakfast’ events, we think everyone should treat themselves to a few extra calories. Bar Food Manager for The Falcon Hotel, Amanda Wallace said “This is the second year we’ve run the Big Breakfast here. We had over 90 people turn out in force last year raising over £800 for North Devon Hospice. We’re really looking to raise even more this year from it. It’s a little game we play to try and encourage us to do more.” She added “We’re so encouraged that the hospice has opened up The Long House in Holsworthy for patients and families living in our area. It’s a long trip


to Barnstaple, especially when people are unwell, so to have a facility so close to us is amazing. We’ll do everything we can to show our support to a great charity that does such fantastic work.” Don’t forget to take at our calendar of fundraising events on the back page of this newsletter.

A 35 year journey... In 1984 we had no facility outside of Barnstaple to run our services. 3 years ago we opened The Long House building in Holsworthy which has already supported over 500 patients.


Dates for your diary


Combe Martin Village Hall


A fun packed festival of football. Games throughout the day plus food, drink, raffle and children’s entertainment

National Sandcastle Competition

16 JUN

Get your team together, and build your own sand sculpture! 10am - 3pm. Westward Ho! Beach

Tews Lane Recreational Ground, Barnstaple

21 JUL

Great programme of Classical Music. Featuring a choir of over 200 singers and top soloists. Tickets £10 available from hospice shops

6.30pm. South Molton Pannier Market

APR Our successful annual Christmas Bingo is back for an extra special Easter event. Doors open 6.30pm. Eyes down 7.30pm sharp.

Ken Green’s JUN Memorial Football Festival

Big Sing


Easter Bingo

The Castle Inn Beer Fest

Skydive Day


Combine one of the most exciting and exhilarating moments of your life with raising funds for the hospice. Contact us for a date of your choice. Dunkeswell Airfield, Honiton

Braunton Cricket Club Fun Day

23 JUN

Watch out for Braunton Cricket Family Fun Day this summer. Outdoor Children’s disco, sack races and much more! 12noon, Braunton Cricket Club

03 AUG

The Castle Inn celebrate a year of fundraising for North Devon Hospice. Come along for great live music, tasty food and real ales. The Castle Inn, Landkey

Saunton Golf Day



Join us for a corporate golf day! Teams of 4! Tee off times from 9.30 - 11.50am. Bacon butty on arrival & delicious two course lunch will be included Saunton Golf Club



Woolhanger Manor Open Garden

26 MAY

MAY Our annual ladies moonlit walk on the Tarka Trail. Come and join us as we step back to the 80s! and entertainment and lots more!

Take a rare opportunity to see the stunning Woolhanger Manor gardens, not to be missed!

Sign up online at

1.30pm - 4.30pm. More info at

North Devon Marathon & Half Marathon

30 JUN

The 10th edition of this stunning marathon. Join us for this epic challenge. sign up online. Woolacombe Esplanade

Mission: Unbreakable

13 OCT

Test your mettle with our Commando Challenge! Joy, laughter, water and a whole lot of mud! North Molton.

Floating Bye


A moving and supportive evening in remembrance of our loved ones. From 4.30pm Raft floating at 5.30pm

Instow Beach

Holsworthy Coffee Morning

23 OCT

9am - 12pm. Relax at our Coffee Morning in aid of The Long House Outreach Centre.All welcome.

Holsworthy Memorial Hall

To view our full calendar of events visit North Devon Hospice, Deer Park, Barnstaple, EX32 0HU Tel: 01271 344248

Registered charity number 286554

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