North Devon Hospice Annual Review 2009-2010

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being there for all the family annual review 2009 - 2010 ~ registered charity no. 286554

North Devon Hospice ethos & strategy

Being there... for all the family North Devon Hospice offers free end-of-life care to individuals and families faced with the impact of a life-threatening illness. As well as Specialist Palliative Care, we also provide Supportive Care to patients, carers and families throughout North Devon. We believe in being there for the whole family. Whilst many of our patients suffer from cancer, we also care for people with end-stage heart failure, Motor Neurone disease and other neurological diseases. All of our care is completely free of charge, and available upon GP and consultant referral to all adults regardless of background.


Our aim is to offer improved quality of life. Everyone has unique physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs, so whether in the Bedded Unit, in Day Hospice or even at home, our care is for the ‘whole’ person, and not just their physical needs.

Specialist Palliative Care is offered to people who:

• have advanced, progressive illness (the focus of care being palliative) • need advice on pain management or other distressing symptoms • as a result of their current illness have emotional and/or spiritual problems • need end of life care

Specialist Palliative Care includes:

• Clinical Nurse Specialists providing advice and support to patients and families, and support and information to other health and social care professionals • 24 hour care in a purpose-built 7 bedded unit to help with the management of complex symptoms or in providing end of life care

Supportive Care is offered to people who:

• are over 18 and have a life-threatening illness or • are adults or children deeply affected by that person’s illness • are left bereaved as a result of that person’s death

Supportive Care includes: • • • • •

One-to-one support for adults and children Complementary therapies Bereavement support Self-help groups Day Hospice

Free transport is available upon request

“We used to cook meals at home, and serve them in the very cramped room in Vicarage Street. We certainly didn’t realise how much would grow from such small beginnings.” Nov 2009 - Joyce Homes, volunteer 1984-88

Image: Mazzard flowers from North Devon Hospice’s Community Orchards


In September our special 25th anniversary conference attracted a world-class line-up of speakers. The Countess of Arran Palliative Care Conference, named after our former President, was attended by guests from across the country. The keynote lecture was delivered by Professor Karol Sikora, one of the world’s pre-eminent cancer experts.

Dear friends, Last year was a momentous one for North Devon Hospice in that we celebrated 25 years of being here for the North Devon community. We kicked off our celebrations in April by planting a community orchard in our grounds at Deer Park. Our President, Bishop Bob, said at the orchard opening ceremony that the roots of the trees symbolised those planted by the hospice within North Devon. This marked our unique relationship with our community, who have supported us with extraordinary generosity. This community support was further demonstrated at an inaugural summer event; the English National Sheep Dog Trials & Devon Country Fayre. This three day extravaganza in August was the biggest fundraising event in the history of North Devon Hospice. It drew upon the support of many local businesses and volunteers to raise a total of £80,000 for the hospice.

Our 25th year highlighted that the hospice’s network of support has never been more important, and in November we were able to thank the people who are the lifeblood of the charity – our volunteers. People from past and present gathered to reminisce over a glass of wine while we thanked them on behalf of our community. The work they do every day to ensure we can deliver our services is truly inspiring. Our primary aim has remained unchanged since our foundation: to offer the best possible care to local patients and their families. This can only be achieved with the backing of our community. No matter what your contribution has been, from playing our weekly lottery to giving corporate support, I would like to thank you for your generosity and hope to continue our relationship with you far into the future – for the benefit of our neighbours, friends, families and children. Thanking you all once again,

Dr John Womersley Chairman, North Devon Hospice

Image: Floating Bye, June 2007 North Devon Hospice annual In Memoriam event Photography by Guy Harrop

Being there... with 24 hour care Bedded Unit Our Bedded Unit is a vital resource for people in North Devon, and in the past 12 months we have received a total of 172 patient admissions. From offering day treatments and the management of complex symptoms, to providing 24 hour care for those who are dying, it is our intention to respond sensitively to the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of patients, their carers, their families and their friends.

“Everyone was so caring to my dad... nothing was too much trouble. I am so glad he got to spend the time he did with you. It allowed my step-mother to be his wife, and not just his carer. I am forever grateful, you are all doing a wonderful job. Thank you.”

A patient’s daughter


Being there... in the community Over the last year, North Devon Hospice received nearly 600 new patients, and our Community Clinical Nurse Specialists made over 5,200 visits to people in their own homes. Travelling throughout North Devon every day, they cover over 1000 square miles, from Stratton to Lynton, Ilfracombe to Okehampton and Morwenstowe to Withypool. Last year alone, they journeyed over 45,000 miles, each travelling up to 100 miles in a single day to reach those in need.

Once again, we invested in our Community Clinical Nurse Specialists last year by adding more nurses to our team. With nearly one quarter of our patients choosing to be supported at home, our nurses offer practical advice, symptom management and emotional support, working alongside the 22 GP practices in North Devon, as well as other health and social care colleagues in primary, secondary and tertiary settings. Our nurses work to enable choice of care for patients, carers and their families.

Being there... for the day Supportive Care Day Hospice Day Hospice plays a vital part in the services we offer, and in the last financial year nearly 100 patients attended an average of 11 sessions each. Day Hospice provides a safe and supportive environment for patients, with specialist nurse trained staff and volunteers.

One-to-one support, including the availability of professional counselling, for adults and children

Support sessions for patients, families and carers Look Good, Feel Great (Patients)

Last year nearly 3,000 sessions were provided by the Supportive Care team, helping patients, carers and the bereaved find their way through difficult life circumstances.

To boost morale, on offer is hand/foot massage, manicure, coping with hair loss, hairdressing, facials, and tips on make-up and wearing accessories.

Support groups

Pamper Day (Carers)

Facilitated by trained and experienced staff, these therapeutic groups bring people together to share the challenges of living with a life threatening illness. Last year 84 two hour group sessions were held with 835 attendances.

Questions & answers (Patients & carers)

Complementary therapies In the last financial year, nearly 350 complementary therapy sessions were given to patients and family members, and volunteer professional complementary therapists were recruited to begin to extend the range of therapies available. Therapies include aromatherapy, massage, reflexology, healing and Indian head massage.

Similar to Look Good, Feel Great, the Pamper Day offers a variety of facials, manicures, hairdressing and more. Invited professionals discuss topics such as nutrition, managing at home and benefits.

Pastoral and Spiritual Care (Patients, carers and bereaved)

Providing a flexible presence to respond to people as and when the need arises, irrespective of faith.


“Fran’s work with both of my sons was fantastic. My boys loved seeing her, and her work has helped them greatly.” A patient

Image: Fran Shortridge, North Devon Hospice

NEW It’s Friday drop-in (Patients, carers, & families) An opportunity to come and relax, meet with others, enjoy the gardens and the art room.

Staying Steady / Relaxation (Patients & carers) Teaching the art of relaxation, these skills can release and reduce tension, calm the mind, improve physical balance and sleeping patterns, and improve the ability to deal with stressful situations. Introduced in early 2010, patients, carers and families have already benefited from Staying Steady.

Image: North Devon Hospice Knit-In, 2010 ~ Photography by Guy Harrop

“The joy of the hospice is the fun and laughter.. which comes mainly from the patients. Every time I am in their company, my heart is lifted.� Ken Clarke - a volunteer


Being there... because of you Volunteers Our dedicated teams of volunteers help out in all areas of hospice life, and continue to be our most valuable and appreciated asset. Last year, they generously donated over 170,000 hours of time, equating to over ÂŁ1 million. This is an incredible contribution and just proves how we could not manage without their fantastic support.

Deer Park Volunteers Deer Park volunteers offer a multitude of tasks and listening skills, caring for patients and families on the Bedded Unit, regularly spring-cleaning the hospice with maintenance and decoration, catering at the hospice’s Terrace Cafe, and with clerical and administration tasks. Our 160 Deer Park volunteers gave 16,000 hours of their time in just one year.

Homecare Volunteers Some of our volunteers are involved in homecare activities, such as day-to-day shopping, gardening, or transporting to and from the hospice.

Shops Volunteers From administrative duties to customer service and management, our shops are run almost entirely by dedicated shops volunteers. Details of their achievements are on page 12.

Fundraising Volunteers Whether they are helping at our hospice fundraising events, or holding their own community events, fundraising volunteers are crucial in raising funds needed to keep North Devon Hospice in the community. More on page 10.

Trustees Our board of trustees are, of course, also valuable volunteers. On top of the 66 hours per person per year donated towards board and sub-group meetings, some of our trustees are also dedicated to other aspects of volunteering for North Devon Hospice, such as driving, day care and at our fundraising events.

Fundraising Last year, over one third of the funds needed to run our services was absorbed by the efforts of our dynamic fundraising team, and the support of volunteers who last year generously donated over 6,000 hours of their time to help with our events and other fundraising activities.

Fundraising Events The English National Sheep Dog Trials and Devon Country Fayre was staged last August in support of our 25th anniversary. This was the largest fundraising event in our 25 year history, attracting an estimated 20,000 locals and tourists, and making a total profit of £81,469 for North Devon Hospice. This event would not have been possible without the help of over 150 volunteers, who donated more than 350 hours of their time, and the 55 local businesses who gave sponsorship or gift-in-kind to the value of £54,350.

Community Support The support we get from our community is invaluable to us. From holding fundraising events within the community either in groups or individually, joining in with community event ventures such as the Knit-In or Big Breakfast, running the London Marathon as one of our Gold Bond Marathon Runners, to holding coffee mornings or even trekking across the Great Wall of China; every penny raised by our community is a tremendous achievement. Last year these efforts helped us raise £300,000.

“Having lost two close members of my family in the last 3 years, I have become all too aware of the important work of North Devon Hospice. It offers a huge range of care, support and friendship to all the family in the most difficult of times. I was inspired by the hospice to start fundraising, and have recently returned from an incredible 7 day trek on the Great Wall of China.” Richard Taylor (pictured) - valued supporter and community fundraiser


Gifts in Wills We are always touched by the generosity of people who leave us gifts in their wills, which have in the past included anything from money to property and even parts of estates. Last year £437,000 was left to North Devon Hospice in legacies. These gifts are free from inheritance tax and, whether large or small, are always of enormous value to us in helping to invest in our services.

In Memoriam Be it beneath a star-lit sky just before Christmas, or as the sun sets at Instow Beach, our In Memoriam events bring the community together to support each other, and are important to so many people. The support we gain in return is a huge help towards the day-to-day running of North Devon Hospice. Last year over £150,000 was raised from voluntary donations at these special events.

Lottery Club North Devon Hospice’s Lottery Club has nearly 10,000 active members who pay just £1 per week to play. Last year, the Lottery Club members contributed over £320,000 to the hospice.

Lottery Club Canvassers Our canvassers are also ambassadors for North Devon Hospice, and last year knocked on 8,000 doors to speak to people about our services whilst recruiting new members to the Lottery Club.

Bumper Draw Another vital source of funding run by the Lottery department is our Annual Bumper Draw. Last year, we sold over 40,000 tickets to people in North Devon.

Shops Our eleven shops throughout North Devon are run almost entirely by our 250 dedicated shops volunteers. Last year, they staffed our 11 shops 6 days a week and gave 120,000 hours of their time, contributing nearly ÂŁ200,000 to the hospice. They also provide an invaluable presence for the hospice in many communities throughout North Devon.

Photography by Guy Harrop

We are grateful to all of our shops volunteers for helping us in implementing the new EPoS (Electronic Point of Sale) system. This has improved stock control and streamlined financial management; but more importantly has enabled Gift Aid which is projected to bring in a further ÂŁ35,000 per year.

Being there... to improve Education Our Education team supports professional colleagues as well as non-medical carers, as they work to improve the quality of care provided to patients and their families.

Partnerships Formal partnerships with educational and medical bodies, and other hospices in Devon, enable us to plan and facilitate lectures and study sessions. Last year, collaborative study days with the North Devon District Hospital, the University of Plymouth, St Luke’s Hospice, Rowcroft Hospice and Hospiscare, enabled us to provide high standards of education to nearly 100 medical professionals in Devon and Somerset.

The Countess of Arran Palliative Care Conference In celebration of our 25th Anniversary in September 2009, and in tribute to our former president, The Countess of Arran MB EDL, a special Palliative Care conference was held by our Education department, attracting nearly 200 guests from all over the UK. Nationally recognised speakers from the fields of medicine and nursing, including renowned oncologist, Professor Karol Sikora, shared research and expertise in many aspects of end of life care.

Achievements We are… • committed to evidence based practice • compliant with Clinical Governance frameworks • working in partnership with other agencies, including NHS Devon, and our local trust The Northern Devon Healthcare Trust, to demonstrate the highest quality of care and education possible • carrying out organization-wide clinical audits

We will… • provide leadership through education; educating not just our staff and volunteers, but carers and the community • provide information to help improve quality of end of life care for patients and families dealing with the impact of a life-threatening illness • work closely with agencies, medical and educational organizations to enhance our capability, and to provide the best possible care • integrate ourselves fully with other community services, in order to improve patient and carer access • ensure individuals – patients and carers alike - are equipped with information in order to make good, effective decisions

Praise • ‘Five stars on the doors’ have been offered to our Catering team – the highest possible award given by North Devon District Council • North Devon Hospice is consistently accredited by Investors in People for good practice and individual development • The Community Clinical Nurse Specialist team has increased whilst overall expenditure has remained constant. Nurses now have remote access to files and systems, allowing more time to be spent with patients • A new EPoS system has increased annual retail income by £35,000

Financial Review


Your continued support has meant we were able to raise the £3.2 million needed to run North Devon Hospice and all of its services in the last financial year. Over 70% of our funds came directly from fundraising activities, retail, the Lottery Club, donations, Gifts in Wills, and the support of our community. Without this kind of support, we would not be able to provide our specialist services to hundreds of people every week, both in the hospice and in the community. 77.4% of our expenses are spent on community care, and with careful budget management, expense monitoring and education, we are proud to have almost doubled our Community Clinical Nurse Specialist workforce whilst keeping overall expenditure the same.

Income - £3.35 million

NHS Devon - 27.9% Fundraising - 25.6% Donations - 16.8%

Gifts in Wills - 11.9% Hospice Lottery - 9.5% Hospice Shops - 4.8% Investments & other - 3.5%

Expenditure - £3.20 million

Care - 77.4% Fundraising - 17.3%

Education - 2.9% Governance - 2.4%

Caring for you across North Devon Thank you

We are grateful to Helen Tanner and Sandra Yeo for their contribution to the hospice. They have both now retired as trustees.


We are delighted to welcome Christopher Clapp and Kenneth Clarke to our Board of Trustees.


The Right Reverend Robert Evens Bishop of Crediton

Vice Presidents

Geoffrey Cox QC MP Gavyn Davies OBE Nick Harvey MP Philip Jewell Ron Ley David Morgan Mark Parkhouse DL John Riley The Hon. John Rous DL Lady Stucley David Whiteley


Dr John Womersley (Chairman) Stephen Scoffield (Treasurer) Barbara Bollom Dr Eric Holmes Philip Loft Allister McNeill Doreen Coull Barbara Sheppard Lesley Taylor David Trueman Angela Webb (Deputy Chair)

being there for all the family Registered Charity No. 286554

Thank you

for you valued and ongoing support.

Raising the £3.2 million a year needed to run North Devon Hospice is no mean feat, and every pound donated helps. So thank you. Without your support, we would not be able to provide this invaluable service to the people of North Devon.

I would like to help North Devon Hospice

❑ with my enclosed gift of £............................................... ❑ with a regular contribution by standing order ❑ by volunteering (we will contact you) Please send me regular communications

Annual Review by post by email Bi-annual newsletters by post by email Monthly fundraising updates by post by email Please do not send me any further communications

❑ ❑

Please send me more details about:

❑ The hospice lottery ❑ Leaving a gift in my will ❑ In Memoriam giving ❑ Community and events fundraising

Please update my contact information Name(s):....................................................................................................... Home address:................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ Tel:...............................................................Mob:............................................................. Email:.................................................................................................................................

❑ I would like this and future donations to be treated as Gift Aid. I am a UK tax payer and want North Devon Hospice to claim 25p in every £1 of my donation/s back in tax at no extra cost to myself. If you are unsure whether your donations qualify for gift aid please contact us. You must pay income tax or capital gains tax equal to the amount that we can reclaim. Please let us know if your circumstances change and you no longer pay income tax or capital gains tax equal to that amount.You may cancel this declaration at any time. Last year, we claimed more than £35,000 from the Inland Revenue thanks to your gift aided donations.

Signed: .................................................................................................... Please make cheques payable to North Devon Hospice Date: ......................................................................................................

and return with this form to: North Devon Hospice, Deer Park, Barnstaple EX32 0HU

being there for all the family annual review 2009 - 2010 ~ registered charity no. 286554 North Devon Hospice, Deer Park, Newport, Barnstaple, North Devon EX32 0HU Telephone: 01271 344248 Fax: 01271 347200 Cover image: Walk for Life, March 2010 ~ Photography: Guy Harrop

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