Norman Magazine - July/August

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Kirby, a comedian and close-up magician, became a mentor and one of Lake’s closest friends. Shortly after the visit to Branson, Lake said another entertainer had a lasting influence on him. Jim Smithson, a popular Norman magician came to Lake’s school for a lunchtime performance, and once again the young student’s love for the craft was solidified. He knew in his heart what he wanted to do but seeing it inspired him to keep his dream alive. He knew he would be on stage one day, and the two entertainers he met would have a role in his journey to success. After his high school graduation, Lake enrolled at OU. After two years, he left school to chase his dream of becoming an illusionist. “I woke up one morning and I knew I had to get back to what I loved,” Lake said. “I contacted Kirby in Branson, and he took me under his wing.” Lake said the road to success was really challenging at

first. He had to prove himself with hard work. “My creative wheels never stop,” he said. “Jim taught me this is a talent, a gift to provide laughter and fun. It’s not trickery or being fooled.” In 2008, at the age of 25, he won the prestigious Merlin Award as International Stage Magician of the Year, a top recognition of his talent by 40,000 members. Lake’s Broadway style shows feature large-scale theatrical illusions, music and dancers. He entertains in small towns, casinos, on cruise ships, and large venues around the world. He spent six months entertaining in Japan, and said he thrives on the constant travel and joy of entertaining. “A good live show is engaging, and I think now more than ever people want the childlike wonder of these shows and a wish to believe anything is possible,” Lake said.

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NORMAN magazine | JULY/AUGUST 2013

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