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Think tank

April 27th, 2012



Noe Rodriguez


Think tank Hey noe! How was your think tank? Was great experience! I met interesting & different people. Everyone was in the social media, tweeting, goggling pushing and Facebook posting - It was a revolutionary meeting - all of it in the past was out of mind, dreams but today a reality. thanks to those who dare and try to make does dreams a reality. What do you mean when you say “different people�? I mean that this people look at things as normal people do not, that let them bring brilliant ideas and transform them into NEW GOODS & SERVICES that the world have not yet been seen before.


All those actions will not only facilitate our daily life but also will bring a big revolution in the way we did thing before

Think tank Could you give us an example? Of course! Companies as Apple are going further in the future - while people do not realize that they are using their smart phones to buy goods and services as they have made their credit card registration in the their apple’s account’s - iTUNES PAYMENT SYSTEM during the Think Tank people said I won’t used my smart phone to do it. But they are already doing it. ITUNES THE APPLE BUSINESS MODEL ITS KEY OF SUCCESS.


Moreover they want to go further again with iphone 5 & ipad 2 by incorporating the NFC (Near Field Communication) technology which let you use your iphone as the future form of payment as goggle smart phone galaxy nexus is doing it

Think tank Are there any new terms you discover in the think tank? Well! Yes I did, the Near Field Communication NFC - which it is a system which is already being used by other industries (transform your smart form in your money) Another term was the intelligence content delivery ICD this system acts as a power filter which bring you with precise information in base of the customers profiles, and it acts automatically in function of your position. What about the speakers? Great! I had the opportunity of not only listening mr. Mark Rainford consultant at de care system Ireland, but also of speaking with him. He is a future maker as miss Craig as they know how to find new opportunities that will switch to new jobs & ways of doing things. FUTURE MAKERS


Think tank It was clear to me, mr Mark Rainford understand not only what the customers need today but what would they may need in the future. Therefore he already has his own opinion and technical understanding of any application that was presented during the think tank. And how he can use this application or systems to bring new apps to corporations, governmental institutions, hotels, people, to improve that will improve their quality of life and made their organizations more effective at the end.


That was the example of TRAVEL BEE that is using the ICD technology! I came to him and told him that I wanted this app. His answer was you can have it now as the app. is not yet release this app. also will help hotels be more predictable as they will have access to the customers information and itinerary and therefore you will be able to offer a better service and be more proactive.

Think tank Mr Mark Rainford also by speaking with him I realize that you can be in every industry from the defense department of UK until a pharmaceutical company in Mexico. The only thing you need is to dare and see what the others don’t. While hearing his conference I also get the 8 strategies that help you target your online travel buyer which is good to know, understand and apply into any app. By missing this with technological systems.


Moreover I really like how he is planning to integrate everything in just one app. like the appsuite which will be using ICD, and will increase your networking, sharing with you important events or activities around your location that may interest you. This application has a cost but it really worth it. He told me as this app is already in services and people is really happy with it.

Think tank There was another app that we talked about it, the AppSUITE that will help a hotel to programs coming events, that will help you find a hotel is a quite nice and specially feature for and special client, a restaurant cafĂŠ with great offers, wifi, children games, etc. This new apps are integrated, have a future view of the future customers behaviors. Which is just really scary to know as we are going to become in someways DIGITAL PHYCHOLOGIST Miss Craig created this passion in us, about the digital marketing and that was the example of the EASY LIFT SERVICES APP Which was the creation of two of the most passionate students of my mba class, Alessandra & Sanjabek. They presented to us their app, they were really existing and we can see that brilliant ideas can transform into business and facilitated other peoples FUTURE MAKERS life.

Think tank Then it was the presentation of EMILIE ALBA from OneGLOBE DDIH, but what I remember the most was MISS CRAIG point of GOOGLE becoming our only Personal operating system. Miss Alba gave us the strategies to use and apply to bring your hotel to the first line in goggle research, by linking the social media (tweeter, goggle +, facebook), byactive in your own blog, videos, photos, articles realese, journals, public relations, but everything has to be link to your client interest, therefore your links will be more performance - totally free. it is all about of integration, and being present everywhere, use key words around all your points to bring the target people to your business.


Apps like lobby friend will bring new customers to your hotel, which means new revenues, what a good idea can change everything.

Think tank Brian Dass, APPNOSTIC CEO. Was a fast presentation, but it was interesting as it show us a new business model, a new way of doing reservations in a more social manner. Its like the facebook for hotels, where people will come together in their environment and will be gravitating around understand their policies, share experiences and then why not booking with the one you feel more a like with. With just an annual fee, that will let you created your own space in order to star socializing with old and new digital costumers people. on the future you may find yourself booking on those kind of web social sites where more information about the location and the hotel will be available. FUTURE MAKERS

Think tank

Thanks miss Craig

How can you conclude, & do you miss something? This Think Tank covert so many subjects about our future behaviors, technologies, new apps, and of course about new opportunities out there. I did not miss anything, we had the opportunity to meet the winner of the most creative presentation who came from Austria - on the young hotelier award. But I expected to see his presentation. I was curious, Then we got as well the Brand Story Telling that was also so impressive as you realize how important is to tell a good story to give value to your brand & that videos and photos are strong marketing tools at attracting new customers.


The important think is to have a future critical view, that bring ideas to create things that people have not seen before, & become a future maker

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