New Jerusalem Church Convention Booklet 2023

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The Honorable Bishop Leroy Horne was born May 31, 1954 in Philadelphia, Mississippi. He attended George Washington Carver School as well as Neshoba Central High School. He furthered his studies at East Mississippi Community College and Mississippi State University where he studied English and Communications. Among the most prestigious of his educational attainment is an honorary Doctor of Divinity Degree from Aenon Bible College of Indianapolis, Indiana.

On June 24, 1972, Bishop Horne was baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and eight (8) days later on July 2, 1972, he was filled with the gift of the Holy Ghost speaking in tongues as the spirit gave utterance.

In 1973, at the tender age of 19 years old, the Lord called him into ministry. Four (4) years later in 1977, being lead of the Lord he came to Shuqualak, Mississippi and founded New Jerusalem Church (formally Jerusalem Temple #2) where he is currently serving in his 45th year as pastor. When Bishop Horne began pastoring, he was the youngest pastor in the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Incorporated (PAW). Bishop Horne has baptized nearly two thousand souls in the name of Jesus Christ, and God has filled them with the gift of the Holy Ghost.

For over forty-five (45) years, Bishop Horne has been an active member of the PAW and the Mississippi and Western Tennessee District Council of the PAW where he has the distinguished honor of being the most senior pastor in the district. Among his most treasured accomplishments in the PAW is being selected to serve as Bishop if the Baja California/Mexico District Council of the PAW. Under his leadership the Baja California/Mexico District Council continues to be a thriving district in the PAW.

On December 22, 1989, Bishop Horne was united in holy matrimony to Lady Joyce M. Harris Horne, formally of Montgomery, AL. The union lasted 21 years, 6 months and 27 days–in the early morning of July 20, 2011 as she slept, the Lord called her home. Bishop Horne is the proud father of six (6) children.

Bishop Horne is an entrepreneur, pilot, carpenter, avid traveler and leader. He has survived an airplane crash, police abuse and a propane gas tank explosion. Bishop Horne’s testimony is that he is a survivor!

A Brief History of New Jerusalem Church

In September of 1976 the saints from Jerusalem Temple church in Philadelphia, MS hosted a tent revival on the Dancy’s property in Shuqualak. Bishop Leroy Horne was among the group of saints from Philadelphia that came to Shuqualak for the tent revival. Many individuals were blessed and saved through the efforts of this revival, and some of the saints began to travel from Shuqualak to Philadelphia for service. Later the Lord led Bishop Horne (then Elder Horne) to start a church in Shuqualak and he began that work in August of 1977. There was no building at the time so Bishop Horne would preach and teach in yards and on porches in the “North End” community of Shuqualak including the homes of Morther Fannie and Elizabeth and Otis Hickman. While there was no building there was a vision and the church began to grow. On July 19, 1978 the Lord allowed the church to purchase land on an unnamed dirt road (now known as Hickman Drive) for a building and in August of 1979 the building was completed, Jerusalem Temple #2 was born in physical form.

The first service was held in the building on August 12, 1979 at 10:38am with Sunday School. The Sunday School had four (4) classes and they were taught by Brother Earl Franklin, Sister Mary Horne, Sister Vondell Howard and Brother Walter Banks. At this Sunday School session there were 34 present, 23 members and 11 visitors, the first offering was $10.25. In the first morning service Bishop Horne preached “Stay Free and Don’t Go Back” Galatians 5:1 and one soul was baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ. The evening service had 40 in attendance and Bishop Horne Preached “Come on Out of Darkness” John 3:1820 and there were two (2) souls baptized and one (1) filled with the gift of the Holy Ghost. The total offering from Sunday School and both services was $103.53. From that point the church continued to grow and the Lord would call many to ministry among those where the first Assistant Pastor, Elder Johnny Earl Turner. The Lord also led Bishop Horne to anoint and ordain deacons, the first deacon was Deacon Earl Franklin.

In 1991 Jerusalem Temple #2 was changed to New Jerusalem Church. On Sunday, Sept. 15, 1991 at 3:00pm New Jerusalem Church held a ground breaking service and construction began on our current edifice. On September 13, 1992 the first service was held in our current edifice and Bishop Horne preached from 1 Corinthians 1: 21 and there were 127 people present.

There are still some of the original members of New Jerusalem Church active to this day including our Assistant Pastor, Evangelist Vondell Howard who was saved in September of 1976.

Since that time many more souls have been saved at New Jerusalem Church. New Jerusalem church has continued steadfastly for over 46 years, we have seen many come and go and the Lord has called many to pastor and start ministries through this ministry. New Jerusalem church has sons, daughters and seeds throughout the State of Mississippi and beyond. Nonetheless, the Lord has continued to and will continue to add to New Jerusalem Church such as should be saved.


Praise The Lord Everybody,

Greeting to you all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Welcome to our annual New Jerusalem Church Convention.

We have worked from our last convention until now to make sure this conference is a success and we are excited about coming together again for another great Convention. We are glad to have you here with us this year, and I know that The Lord has something special for you this week. May God bless you and yours is my prayer.

COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS: Interstate & Fed Cooperation, Vice Chair

Agriculture Appropriations


Investigate State Offices

Judiciary B

State Library

Wildlife, Fisheries & Parks

New Jerusalem Church

1758 Highway 145

Shuqualak, MS 39361

Mississippi State Senate


District 32

Kemper, Lauderdale, Noxubee & Winston Counties 2429 Jefferson Street Macon, Mississippi 39341

Re: New Jerusalem Church Convention 2023

Dear New Jerusalem Church and Convention Attendees:

I am honored and humbled to present greetings as both a member of New Jerusalem Church and as the State Senator that represents this portion of the state in the Mississippi Senate.

As a son of this House, I want to first say that I know from my own personal experiences that you have chosen one of the greatest and most anointed places on earth to worship this week. We have been praying and anticipating a move of God throughout this convention and it is my sincerest belief that God will meet us every service.

On behalf of the Mississippi State Senate and the citizens of District 32 I am excited to see pillars and institutions like Bishop Leroy Horne and the New Jerusalem Church continue to exist and operate. For over 45 years Bishop Leroy Horne and New Jerusalem Church have been a consistent presence in District 32 and for that I am grateful. As a body of believers, you all have transcended time and overcome immense obstacles. Just recently you have overcome a worldwide pandemic unlike anything any of us have seen in our lifetime and yet you have persisted. Institutions like this are one of the greatest parts of this district and your prayers are always felt.

I greet each of you in the Name of Jesus the most powerful I know, a name more powerful than mine, a name more powerful than the Mississippi Senate and a name stronger than any troubles. I join with you in prayer that these services will produce a change in each of you and overall, a change in District 32. I admonish you to keep the faith, keep praying for your political leaders all over this state and country.


New Capitol: P.O. Box 1018, Jackson, MS 39215-1018 – (Office) 601-359-3237 - (Fax) 601-359-2879 -


129 Pine Street

P. 0. Box 64

Shuqualak, MS 39361

Phone: 662-793·.4675

Fax: 662·793-4791


Alderwoman Evelyn Murray Mayor Pro Tempore

Alderwoman Doris Williams Utlllty Commissioner

Alderman Sandra Hammack Street Commissioner

Alderman Freddie L. Ash Utility Commissioner

Alderwoman Kathy Buckhalter Street Commissioner


Bennie Jones

Acting Town Clerk

Sonya Slaughter

Chiefof Police


Municipal Judge

Dorothy Stewart


Shirley Blakley

Prosecuting Attorney

Rod Hickman






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Bishop George F. Austin is an Apostolic/Pentecostal Bishop. He is a Member of the Board of Bishops of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, a Member of the Board of Trustees for the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World and Diocesan of the th Episcopal Diocese of the PAW the Alabama strict Council Member of the Board of Directors for the Anenon Bible CollegePresident and Founder - Pentecostal Bible College - Pastor of Faith Ministries in Tuskegee and Montgomery, AL.

Bishop Austin is one who guides his congregants with wisdom, uplifts with faith and inspires with unwavering dedication. His leadership and compassion has touched countless lives.

Young People Night

Tuesday, September 19, 2023 Chairman: Elder Rod Hickman

Call To Worship Through Song

Elder Rod Hickman

Scripture Reading

Brother Prince Idom


Elder Rod Hickman

Praise and Worship

Offering and Prayer of Thanks and Blessing


Musical Selection

New Jerusalem Youth Choir

Greeting from the Town of Shuqualak

Dr. Velma Hill Jenkins, Mayor

2023 Recap Youth Department

Sister Sheniqua Stidman Idom

Dance Ministry

New Jerusalem Youth Dance Team

Introduction of Speaker

Bishop Leroy Horne

Evening Manna / Call to Salvation

Bishop George Austin, II

Faith Ministries, PAW – Tuskegee, AL

Convention Announcements

Elder Rod Hickman

Announcements/Recognition of Guest /Benediction

Bishop Leroy Horne



Suffragan Bishop Stan L. Jones Sr. was born April 27, 1958 to Pastor Mattie Jones-Taylor in the small town of Clarksdale, MS. There he was raised in the ways of the Church of God in Christ by his grandfather Elder Johnnie L. Jones, who was pastoring two churches at the time, and his grandmother First Lady Mary Alice Jones. Listening to his grandfather, who was a refined musician, he picked up the guitar at the age of seven and became one of the most revered musicians of his time in that area. In 1976, he met the lovely Sis. Miriam Melton. He would soon attend Greater First Apostolic Temple in Clarksdale where she was a member and the Choir Director.

In 1976, he was also baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and filled with the Holy Ghost. He became the Minister of Music of the Mississippi and Western Tennessee District Council (MWTDC) of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Inc. and would eventually become Chairman of the Young Peoples Department of the MWTDC. Under the expert tutelage of the late Suffragan Bishop Thomas J. Melton Sr., he learned more and more about Christ.

On October 2, 1977, Sis. Miriam Melton and Suffragan Bishop Stan Jones exchanged nuptials and became husband and wife. Blessed throughout the years, three children, Stan Jr., Brian, and Stephanie were born of this union. All were anointed with musical talents that they each received with great humility and continue to bless the name of Jesus with daily.

Suffragan Bishop Stan Jones was educated through many accredited facilities where he received the knowledge that he has accumulated today. He attended Saints Academy of Lexington, MS., Logos Bible College of Jacksonville, FL., Immaculate Conception School in Clarksdale, MS., Coahoma Community College of Clarksdale, MS., Mississippi Valley State University of Itta Bena, MS., and Aenon Bible College of Indianapolis, IN. From Aenon Bible College, Suffragan Bishop Jones received his ordination and licensing as an Elder.

Suffragan Bishop Jones is now the Pastor of the Jerusalem Temple Church of Philadelphia, MS. There, he currently resides with his wife and their children and preaches the word of God to those that are lost and continues to encourage those who have found Him. He is also the Chairman of the Mississippi and Western Tennessee District Council.

Brotherhood and Christian Education Night

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Sunday School Superintendent: Sister Kimberly Howard

Call To Worship Through Song

Deacon Mattie Ballard

Scripture Reading

Brother Leroy Webb


Elder Rod Hickman

Praise and Worship

Offering and Prayer of Thanks and Blessing


2023 Recap Christian Education Department

Sister Kimberly Howard

Musical Selection

Introduction of Speaker

Bishop Leroy Horne

Evening Manna / Call to Salvation

Suffragan Bishop Stan Jones

Jerusalem Temple Church, Philadelphia, MS

Convention Announcements

Elder Rod Hickman

Announcements/Recognition of Guest /Benediction

Bishop Leroy Horne


Suffragan Bishop Terry L. Stennis currently serves as Pastor of the Lively Stone

Pentecostal Church located in Vaiden, MS where he has devoted himself entirely to ministry for over four years. He also serves as Suffragan Bishop and Secretary for the 57th Episcopal District of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Inc., Baja

California/Mexico District Council under the leadership of the Honorable Bishop Leroy Horne.

Formerly, he worked as Chief Financial Officer for serval Mississippi school districts, including his former alma mater, the Kemper County School District. He has extensive experience in public governmental accounting. Terry also was elected proudly serves as Treasurer of the Mississippi and Western Tennessee District Council.

Additionally, Terry occasionally works as a volunteer for the Red Cross as a blood Ambassador and a member of the Finance Team. His most cherished accomplishment is his marriage to his wife for 31 years and their three children.

Education and Credentials

A.A, East MS Community College

B.B.A, Mississippi State University

M.B.A., University of Phoenix

Aenon Bible College

Ushers and Homecoming Night

Thursday, September 21, 2022 Chairlady: Sister Dorothy Stennis

**Expounding on the Theme Lecture Series – 6pm **

Elder Earl Turner, Jesus Christ House of Payer

Call To Worship Through Song

Sister Dorothy Stennis

Scripture Reading /Prayer

Sister Dorothy Stennis

Song of Devotion

Sister Mattie Ballard

Praise and Worship

Offering and Prayer of Thanks and Blessing


2023 Recap Usher Department

Sister Gwendolyn Gray

Musical Selection

New Jerusalem Church Choir

Introduction of Speaker

Bishop Leroy Horne

Evening Manna / Call to Salvation

Suffragan Bishop Terry Stennis

Lively Stone Pentecostal Church, Vaiden, MS

Convention Announcements

Elder Rod Hickman

Announcements/Recognition of Guest /Benediction

Bishop Leroy Horne

General Convention Day Session

Friday, September 23, 2023 12:00 pm – 3:00pm

Call To Worship

Prayer/Scripture Reading

Song of Devotion

Seminar 1 – Contending for Health

Elder Rod Hickman

Seminar 2 – Panel on the Church and Healthcare

Seminar 3 – Contending through Grief

Sister Shandra Moore, Philadelphia MS

Offering and Prayer of Thanks and Blessing

Convention Announcements

Elder Rod Hickman

Announcements/Recognition of Guest /Benediction

Bishop Leroy Horne


Evangelist Tammi Myers August is a dynamic minister of the Gospel whom the Lord has chosen to make in the Furnace of Affliction. At the tender age of six years old, she gave her life to Jesus, beginning an intense quest for knowledge, understanding, and revelation from God. This great hunger and thirst caused her to surrender herself to prolonged sessions of prayer and fasting even as a child.

At the age of 19, this yielded vessel surrendered herself to the ministerial call, preaching her first sermon, “PRAISING GOD IN THE FIRE!” which served to be prophetic, as the Woman of God has fied praise, fidelity, and service even fire. With the Help of the Lord, she has served diligently in the field of Evangelism and Outreach to include: feeding the hungry, hospital and nursing home visitation, and Prison ce in ministry include: Youth Chairman, Sunday School Minister, Praise and Worship Leader, Choir Director, Church Musician,

Evangelist Tammi Myers August is a devoted member of Infinity Church – The Apostolic Assembly under the leadership of The Honorable Bishop Rick August. She is the mother of three – Javan, Jordan, and Jewel and stands unwaveringly upon Romans 8:28, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His Purpose.” This Word is the platform that causes His daughter to love Him, serve Him, and honor Him regardless of life’s circumstances.

Missionaries and Christian Women Night

Friday, September 22, 2023 Chairlady: Evangelist Tammy Hughes

**Expounding on the Theme Lecture Series – 6pm **

Overseer Gloria Jones, Glory Revealed Mission

Call To Worship Through Song

Evangelist Jackie Henley

Prayer/Scripture Reading

Evangelist Jackie Henley

Praise and Worship

Offering and Prayer of Thanks and Blessing


2023 Recap Missionaries and Christian Women Department

Evangelist Tammy Hughes

Musical Selection

New Jerusalem Church Choir

Introduction of Speaker

Elder Rod Hickman

Evening Manna / Call of Salvation

Evangelist Tammi August

Infinity Church, Biloxi, MS/Denver, CO

Convention Announcements

Elder Rod Hickman

Announcements/Recognition of Guest /Benediction

Bishop Leroy Horne

New Jerusalem Choir Concert

Saturday, September 23, 2023 Minister of Music: Brother Jeremy Jernigan

Praise and Worship Leader Sister: Khayla Gray

Reunion Choir Director: Sister Chaffie Gibbs

Call To Worship


Evangelist Tammy Hughes

Scripture Reading

Elder Rod Hickman

Praise and Worship

Concert Part 1

New Jerusalem Reunion Choir

Offering and Prayer of Thanks and Blessing


Concert Part 2

Lisa Knowles-Smith

Call of Salvation

Evangelist Tammy Hughes

Convention Announcements

Elder Rod Hickman

Announcements/Recognition of Guest /Benediction

Bishop Leroy Horne

General Convention Day

Sunday, September 24, 2023 Pastor: Bishop Leroy Horne

Call To Worship


Evangelist Pamela Billups

Scripture Reading

Evangelist Tammie Hughes

Praise and Worship

Sister Khayla Gray

Offering and Prayer of Thanks and Blessing


Dance Ministry

New Jerusalem Youth Dance Team

Announcements/Prayer Request

Sister Kim Howard

Prayer of Intersession

Evangelist Vondell Howard

Musical Selection

New Jerusalem Church Choir

Introduction of Speaker

Elder Rod Hickman

Morning Manna / Call to Salvation

Evangelist Tammi August

Announcements/Recognition of Guest /Benediction

Bishop Leroy Horne

A Look Back Through Pictures

New Jerusalem Church Weekly Services

Sunday School 9am (In Person)

Sunday Morning Worship 10am (In Person)

Wednesday Night Bible Study 7pm (In Person and Conference Call Line)

Monday Wednesday Friday Early Morning Prayer –6am (Conference Call Line)

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