caravan insurance quotes nz

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caravan insurance quotes nz caravan insurance quotes nz Related

Ford Fiesta Zetec s 1.6 Insurance? turned 17 and just passed my driving test living in london. was thinking of an Ford fiesta zetec s 1.6 Xreg Shape? however is the insurance cheap on it ? or are they any other 1.6's + that are cheap to insure at this age? e.g. E36 318i? Proof of insurance? Hello I just bought a new car and called my insurance company to insure my new vehicle they have yet to send me my card my question is I need to drive cross country do you have to have an insurance card or can the police tell if you have insurance even if you do not have a card Insurance rates with a paid speeding ticket? I got my first speeding ticket ever yesterday and it was a $120 citation . Since I was nervous, I agreed to pay the $120 right there and then. What will happen to my insurance rates? Since I'm 18 and its my first offense will they stay the same? Also, I live in Illinois and got the cotation in Marengo if that helps. Please help! Thank you" How much would my car insurance go up from a minor accident? There is a dent about the size of a soccer ball on the back corner of the car.... Car Insurance Question? Im Getting My First Car In A Few Weeks and Im Wondering About Car Insurance Is $225.55 alot? How much would I Have To Pay A Month/ Every 6 Months Thanks :) What is the most popular insurance in troy missouri? What is the most popular insurance in troy missouri? Is there a service/website to where i can find this info and info like that? What kind of insurance is mostly used in certain areas? Can you help me wit this maths question please? Greg sells car insurance and home insurance Car insurance 200 Home insurance 350 His basic pay is 530 And 5% of each car insurance sold And 10 % of each choke insurance He sells 6 car insurance And 4 home insurance What is the total amount of money Greg earned in may ?

Does anyone know what ppo health insurances don't have no deductible and no coinsurance ? I've been looking for a good affordable health insurance cuz the doctor I need to see only takes ppo insurances :/ can someone give me a list of insurance that have no deductible and no coinsurance ? Please ! Help Will my insurance go up when i get my own car? i'm on my grandpa's insurance which makes my insurance 27 dollars a month but i do not have my own car. when i get my own car will the insurance go up and if so, how much will it go up?" Isn't it patriotic to want all Americans to have access to affordable healthcare? Isn't it patriotic to want all Americans to have access to affordable healthcare? Do you know of affordable health insurance for an individual? I'm 33 and I really need health insurance. The insurance where my husband works has an outrageous premium. If anyone knows of good health insurance with dental, please let me know. I would appreciate it very much!" 88 Toyota pickup 2wd- whats the insurance costs with just liability? 88 Toyota pickup 2wd- whats the insurance costs with just liability? Are online insurance quotes secure? they want us to submit a lot of info inclusing social sercurity number, i am afraid they can misuse the information , are my fears legitimate" What is the best car insurance company in Britain? I am 17 and looking to be put on my dads insurance. The car is a 1.4 Renault Clio and the cheapest quote is 1600. How do you get them to take the price down when speaking to them on the phone? Also I have had a bike for a couple of years with my own insurance, will this make a difference? Cheers!" "Car insurance, Comparison Websites and Credit checks?" Car insurance renewal time, now need to shop around for the best deal available to me. Firstly though, Do car insurers check your credit rating and leave search footprints on your report? Also, do price comparison websites for insurance also check your rating? Also, where would be the cheapest place around for a 23 male, to get insurance. Thank you"

2 door sports car insurance costs? I've been seriously looking into purchasing a 06 Hyundai Tiburon or an 04 Nissan 350z. I'm 18, and everytime I mention it to my parents, they ALWAYS bring up the fact that we more" What is the best car insurance? What is the best car insurance company? Has there historically been one that really stands out for following through on claims/advice/help? Not so much just a question of price, but reliability..." Why is my car insurance so high at 18? How can I get it down? I've just passed my test and learnt in a 1.4 diesel and I have a peugeot 206 1.4 hdi, I had insurance quote for 1800 a month ago and now they are saying its 3700 I don't understand what's changed in a month what's the best way to get it down, I'm going on my Nans policy as a named driver and registering the car in her name and its still 3700! Any ideas? Thanks in advance" Why has my car insurance went up? mine and my partners car insurance is up for renewal, we only passed 3 years ago next April we were 660 for a 1.6 focus we thought it would go down this year as my partner is now 25 but the insurer we are with wanted 900?!! the cheapest we have seen is 730?? nothing has changed we have never claimed so why has it went up?? is it not suppose to go down the more experience you have and older you get? anyone else having this problem?" How much would a car insurance agent in alberta be expected to make? How much would a car insurance agent in alberta be expected to make? "I'm turning 17 soon & looking for car insurance, anyone know ruffly how much it would be for a toyota celica? I live in N.ireland "How much does Motorcycle Insurance cost in Ontario, Canada or in your area?" Hi, I'm planning to get either a Motorcycle License or a Private Aircraft License. I know for a fact that the minimum cost of a Private Aircraft License is around $10,000 CND for ground school, 40 hours in an airplane and your examination. From then on its around $120 CND for an hour in a Cessna. My question is, How much is a Motorcycle insurance? I heard its a lot and that is the reason why i'm choosing between these two licenses. - I am 16 (17 in December) - Grade 11 (86% avg) - Toronto, ONtario - I have my g1 and so far no tickets or accidents -Planning to get either a 2008 Ninja 250R or Honda CBR125R Thanks So how much will insurance will cost me?" I can't find car insurance for under 5000?

I'm 17, and I understand my age is of course affecting the price of my car insurance, but I am getting 5000 quotes for a 1.0L Vauxhall Corsa 1998. I am expecting it to be high, but not that high for a crappy car. So could any one recommend any insurance company who will hopefully cut that down to 2000-3000?" much does a old ford mondeo cost in insurance? Its 1.8 Turbo diesel if that helps?!!!!!! "Looking for a good car insurance agency but not too expensive, any advise ?" Hi, i have been with allstate for over ten years for my car insurance but recently i just got a newer car and it sky-rocked and im looking for a better rate, if anyone would recommend some i would appreciate it so i can get some good rates to look at and compare, I don't know why it went up so high because i have had no tickets or accidents in fifteen years but they say they have not made any mistakes with it. Thanks for the advise Deb :)" caravan insurance quotes nz caravan insurance quotes nz Will a police officer get lower insurance rates? Im in training to be a cop, and i want to finance a 2010 Chevy Camaro, will being a cop help with car insurance rates?" Car accident and cost $500 to repaint the bumper ? I crashed a car in a paking lot. It was a dent on a left rear bumper. I didnt want to report to my insurance because i got in an car accident few months ago( i was 17 and juz turned 18). The owner took his car to mechanism and sent me a receive of her car repair. It costed $500 to repaint a left bumper ( Acura 2 doors). My dad told me that $500 can painting the whole car and told me to as the owner if I can pay only $300. I dont want my insurance goes up but also dont want they charge me that much. I wonder if they really cost $500 to repaint the bumper because the owner sent me a payment for her car and anyway that i can ask hhim to lower the cost. I took a picture of the dent after I crash it andn dont know if it can help for anything ?? Insurance quote on nissan navra ? in febuary i will be 17 is there any chance i would be able to get a quote on a truck like that or am i living in a dream world Temporary Car Insurance on my Mums car? Hi, Is it possible to get temporary car insurance on my mums car, even for just a day or two on her current policy, or is it even possible to get temporary comprehensive cover with another car insurance company on her car while she is still on her own policy? Thanks, Boss1996"

Classic Car Insurance? I am 23 years old and I have a '76 Camaro and Im looking to find classic car insurance. I have applied to various places and they say they can not cover me because I am under 25. I have an '06 mustang I drive for daily use and my current insurance on that does not have special classic car insurance. I do not want to pay over $40 a month for a car I will drive maybe once a week if even that. I am trying to restore it so sometimes I will not be driving it for months at a time. Does anyone know of a good classic/ antique car insurance that will cover someone under 25 years of age? Thank you! I'm 17 years old will my insurance go up for a speeding ticket i just recieved? i was getting away from someone tailgating me, horn blowing etc. for reasons still unsure and i was afraid if i pulled off the road, he would too, so i was in my corvette, i tapped my brakes, nothing and he gigged me so i pulled away and he turned off onto a side road and was i was clocked going 64 in a 45. if i go to traffic school will my insurance not go up much since its my first offense?" How can I find out what my employer pays for my health insurance? My employer tells me that they pay 70% of my health insurance premiums, but looking at the amount my 30% portion is and calculating the total, it would be a ridiculous total premium. So I think that my employer is lying to me about the percentage they pay. I tried calling the insurance company to find out what the total premiums are, but they would not tell me. Is there a way that I can find out what what the total premiums are on my health insurance plan?" How to become an insurance underwriter? Im looking to move on in my career and I am really interested in becoming an Insurance Underwriter. I am currently studying for the CII FIT exam and was wondering what else I would require. Any help appreciated thanks. Will the 2010 honda fit be considered as a sports car to insurance companies? Thinking about getting one of these, but I'm a little worried that insurance cost is gonna be high since it's a hatchback. It is a sedan with 4 doors though, would insurers still see it as a potential car that might be used for racing?" Health insurance for college students? I'm a full time college student, and there are no state programs out there to help me. I had to move back into my parents house (I know I know) and my medi-cal got cut, and more" 88 Toyota pickup 2wd- whats the insurance costs with just liability? 88 Toyota pickup 2wd- whats the insurance costs with just liability?

What are the odds of insurance rates increasing after a ticket? Okay, so late last year, I had a run in with a cop on the freeway who pulled me over for speeding. After having a lengthy talk with him, I managed to talk him into just citing me for some dice I had on my rear-view mirror. It ran me a little over a hundred bucks, and I don't think it really effected my insurance. Now, just the other day, I got caught in a speeding trap on the freeway and got pulled over, and this time I did get a ticket for speeding for doing 81 mph. Now, as far as I know, insurance companies only check a person's MVR once every three years or so, but I've only just begun to research the subject. So my question is, given the information I just provided, what are the odds that my insurance company finds out about my new ticket and raises my rates?" "I am getting ready to take the 220 insurance course,? When I am done how do I get signed up with different insurance if I am a independent agent? "In California...If i drive an insured car, do i need my own personel insurance?" In California...If i drive an insured car, do i need my own personel insurance?" Rough average insurance for 21 y/o on 500cc bike? I'm coming up to 21 in August this year and i'm thinking of getting all my tests and everything done as soon as i can so i'll be on a full license. I'm thinking of getting a 500cc (probably a Honda CB500) straight away or maybe a 600cc, depends. I'll have no biking experience, no points on my license (unless something happens between now and then) and will probably be doing ~8,000 miles per year. What sort of price range should i be looking at for a years insurance?" Dose anyone know any cars with cheap insurance for a young driver (under 1000pa)? Im looking for a car with a small engine so the insurance will be as low as possible. can anyone think of any good cars. Would I lose my auto insurance? Hey there, I have been in 2ed car accident, and its my 2ed one in the past two years. I was wondering If my insurance would drop me, or cancel my renewal or just raise my rates? If it helps they where both rear ends, and no damages to my car, and just scratch to the other car." Help me find affordable health insurance in ny state if i am not poverty level? Help me find affordable health insurance in ny state if i am not poverty level? What is the insurance cost per month for a 16 year old to drive a 2000 mustang GT?

Hi im 14 so i will be taking drivers ed pretty soon so my dad said to start looking for a high school car. I found this 2000 Ford Mustang GT thats only $7500. I just need to know how much the insurance would be because i know that sports cars have higher insurance costs than most other cars. If anyone owns a mustang and knows how much it costs or knows where i can get a quote i would really appreciate the help! Thanks! How can I get free health insurance? My husband and I can't afford health insurance. Is there a way to get it for free? We live in southern California. What car insurance should I use? I'm 17, I live in Texas, and my mom is making me get my own car insurance. which would be the best and cheapest for me?" My car insurance just jumped up tremendously? ok i was living in delaware. my car is registered there. i have a delaware drivers license. now i was staying with my girlfriend in her place and we recently just got a place in pa last month. however, all my mail still goes to my old delaware address. now, i have nationwide and i changed my address. thinking it wouldnt go up by that way. it went up from 1300 every 6 months to 4500 every 6 months. they changed my agent(it was based in elkton, md- 5 min from delaware). my agent is trying to get the policy back to elkton, maryland. however, i cannot afford this insurance. would i be able to change it back to delaware and just say that i decided not to move?" Auto Insurance Question: Please help!!!!!? I asked this yesterday too, but did not get any responses; so if you have any information at all, or this has happened to you, please list an answer! I just recently lost my beautiful 1977 Monte Carlo to a fire! It was all original, and the adjuster found it to be worth between $12,000 and $13,000. Due to my ignorance of insurance, we were put into a stated value insurance policy worth $6,000, and now, I am only getting $6,000 for my car. I feel ripped off. I am young, and don't know anything about insurance, but trusted my agent. The car has been in my family and was gifted to me from my dad a little less than one year ago. My agent asked for photos, and a letter from my parents with what they thought the worth of the car was, signed saying it was a gift. So, that's what we gave him. They stated in the letter they paid $6000 for it 8 years ago. We were never told to get the car appraised, or that we had to keep up on checking to see if the value had gone up so we could change our policy. Do any of you have any advice on how I can get the insurance company to give me all the money? Is there anything I can do at all? Thank You so much!" Insurance for 1975 stingray? What would you estimate the insurance would be for a 16 year old boy with a 1975 stingray? Teenage insurance for 2001 Ford Escape? 2002 Jeep Liberty?

I'm thinking about purchasing this car used for my 18th birthday. I have to wait until i'm 18 so I can be on my own insurance. But I have taken drivers ed, and I will be buying this car full payment in cash. So I'm curious to know what the insurance could be! I have tried to get quotes online. You have to already be insured and own the car...I have tried so many. I also am a female, so my insurance will be a little lower. I just really need to find out what it would be! I was also thinking of purchasing a 2002 Jeep Liberty, any insurance guess on that? Ford Escape is a better car, but i'm just seeing what insurance could be for both. Thank you so much!" caravan insurance quotes nz caravan insurance quotes nz How much would it cost for insurance for a 18 year old with a 2001 toyota celica? Monthly and yearly? In Canada not US Do you pay Car Insurance in USA even if you don't have a car? Is it true that when you turn 16 in USA you have to pay for Car insurance, even when you don't have a car. A friend of mine is told me this and is having trouble, maybe I can help out with the truth about USA car insurance policy." Insurance for moving to USA? Myself and my partner are moving to the USA. We will need travel insurance and some health cover, and although we will both have health insurance with our new jobs, we will need cover for the first month and I am looking to see if I can find a travel insurance policy that provide the cover. Trouble is, the standard travel insurance I have seen so far assume that we will still live in the UK and that we just want cover for a months 'holiday'. One way travel insurance seems to stop 24 hours after we land in the USA Does anyone know of a one way travel insurance that will cover us for the journey and the first months stay" Who has to pay and/or who's insurance payments go up? presume i am driving a car that doesn't belong to me, but a car someone let me borrow for just one drive. the car is insured for the owner, but my name is not on the insurance. i have my own insurance, but its for some other car. i am a minor (17) and have a california driver's license with 1 point on it. now, let's say I get into a car accident (in califonia) and its my fault. there is damage to the other driver's car, but none to mine. if reported to the insurance companies and not handled on the side, who's insurance goes up? mine or the owner of the car's? if not reported to the insurance companies, who is responsible for paying, me or the owner of the car? will this accident result in an added point to my drivers license? any other information i should know of? any help will be greatly appreciated! thank you so much!" Car Insurance question! please help confused. SR-22? So I just purchased a new car, its in my name only. I live with my girlfriend who has to have SR-22 insurance and she does. She will drive this car periodically. Do i need to

list her as a driver of this car? It really raises my rates! If she is paying for her own SR-22 insurance, and its unnamed so it covers her in any vehicle she drives do I need to list her??? Need some experienced information please! Thanks!" Insurance Card? Is it true that your insurance company can refuse to cover you if you didn't have possession of your card in the car at the time of the accident? This is what I was told by a police officer at the scene. (I have a valid insurance policy, but I just didn't have the card there.)" What is the definition of basic legal cover for car insurance? Like if my car insurance company tells me that when driving other peoples cars, I have basic legal cover Is this any different than third party cover? Like say I'm driving someone elses car how much am I covered With my insurance it doesnt need to be an emergency for me to be covered driving someone elses car, just wondering how much I'm covered Because I was told that that level of cover is less than third party cover Thanks" How much will insurance be for me? Hi! I'm 16 years old and I'm about to get my drivers license. I was wondering if anyone knew how much insurance will turn out to be? I heard there was a good student discount? Is that true? I'd be driving an 07 Honda What are cars that don't cost much for insurance? Im turning 16 soon and a lot of cars I've wanted are vintage so they don't cost much, like the chevy vega but of course the insurance for them would be ridiculous, so my dad is suggesting junker cars but of course i don't want a junker (im paying for the car) what are some cars that are affordable without having to spend a fortune on insurance?" Best affordable health insurance in texas? I'm 21 and my dad recently took me off of his health plan. I don't make a lot of money and I'm not sure if I can afford insurance on my own. I got quotes from a few sites but they're all over $100 a month and I can't afford that. Does anyone recommend any cheap but decent medical coverage plans? I have no clue where to start My insurance is over 1000? i'm 16 and my insurance is so much now that i'm getting my full license, and my parents can't help me pay for it." Do you need insurance on a leased car? Easy you need insurance on a leased car? I heard that the company you are leasing from takes care of it.

What would be the average insurance per annum for a kawasaki zxr400? if you could specify sites and types of insurance that would be awesome cheers Quad Bike Insurance Advice? hi can anyone tell me the best place to get a road legal quad bike insurance online quote in the UK thanks for any advice given What insurance companies should i be looking into? I am 17 and I am getting my license next not sure if my parent are gunna pay for me and I am not expecting them to....i have a 2001 grand cherokee limited v8 it is registered in my name I know gas is gunna be alot but i have a 8/hr job so ill pickup extra shifts since i dont have to walk miles anymore....what should i know when picking insurance, how can i get it for really cheap? in a couple days my school is giving me a drivers ed class and the also said itll give me a discount on insurance.what are good companies that like new drives?..please good responces!" "When someone having AAA auto insurance full coverage, having uninsured motorist.?" When someone having AAA auto insurance full coverage, having uninsured motorist. Does it also cover the one who caused the accident. In my case I caused the accident. Like there insurance is going to cover her car damage, is it going to claim me the amount of her car damage to pay back to her car insurance, or not ? The persons car I hit, is really sweet even though I hit her car. She told me that her insurance company is just trying to get money off of me, but she told me there's no reason because there is a reason why she pay full coverage having uninsured motorist included. But I did some research and it says that uninsured motorist only apply's if I hit her car and someone ended up injured ? . . . Help me out please ! If there claiming the amount that they are claiming I am going to be in debt. It's AAA insurance the company that the lady has. The lady's car I hit. But like insurances have CRS do there job having to work for insurances, which stands for Claims Resources Services. They sent me a claim amount that the insurance is asking for. They sent me a second notice, and it says if they don't here from me in any way of paying back the money they used up to cover the lady's car they will send the information back to AAA and AAA will end up increasing the claim amount." Classic vw beetle 1303 insurance fo 17 year old? How much do you think insurance would cost me? Item specifics Condition: Used: An item that has been previously used. See the sellers listing for full details and description of ... Read moreabout the condition Year: 1975 Transmission: Manual Manufacturer: Volkswagen Fuel: Petrol Doors: 2 Seats: 4 Colour: Blue Drive Side: Right-hand drive Metallic Paint: Yes Safety Features: Chrome Bumpers, Chrome Mirrors, CD Player, Alarm Mileage: 27,000 Exterior: Alloy Wheels Engine Size: 1,285 In-Car Audio: CD Player MOT Expiry: 10/2014 Type: Saloon, Historic Vehicle Road Tax: 10/2014"

Do you have Life insurance? Just wondering if you had life insurance, we have insurance for everything else, such as car, home, health. Why do you have Life insurance, or why not?" On average what is the rough price for bike insurance ? its more just curiosity at the min as I've not settled on a bike I want I'm more that likely gonna get a ninja 250r, does anyone know or guess what the insurance wud be , I've ?[A class provisional] thanks for ur time guys" "Why do i pay $400 a month for car insurance, is it cause its my first car?" Why do i pay $400 a month for car insurance, is it cause its my first car?" Where do I get low rate insurance in Toronto? I am 56 and clean driver. My daughter is 25 and new driver.Which company can give me a better low rate insurance in Toronto? Terms Life Insurances-term life policy? i am wanting to cash in a 14year life insurance policy. the amount is $50,000. what is the formula for a cash out, in other words how much will i receive?" Teens: Do you pay for your own car insurance? If so, how do you pay for it? How long do you work for and how much do you have to pay for your insurance? Just wondering :) and if you want what type of car do you have?" Cheapest car insurance please? hey i hope some1 can help me out. i am 22 years. i recently passed my driving test, on the 21/07/2009. i also bought a car honda civic. 1.4l i am looking for the cheapest car insurance possible. because i am full time student. and work part time. i wouldnt be able to afford paying 2000 annually. please if some1 knows where to get cheap car insurance for new drivers, would be very appreciated cheers" How much would my insurance be if i owned a tuner car like form fast and the furious? because i am 16 right now, and in the future ( 20's) i want to work on one, how much would my insurance be for it?" caravan insurance quotes nz caravan insurance quotes nz Would my car be covered under house insurance?

I am taking 3 months off, and going abroad. Could I cancel my car insurance, and put it in the garage? Would it be covered?" What is the cheapest way to get car insurance for a 17 year old girl on a shared car? I am learning to drive at the moment, and i know that insurance is high for 17 year old drivers. i would like to get some insurance before i pass my test, to practice. i am going to share the car with my mum, and at the moment my dad is looking to buy a ford fiesta. how do i get insurance cheapest?" Why do good drivers get better car insurance rates than bad drivers? It's not fair. Some people are genetically predisposed to be bad drivers or just don't care. Why should they be charged more than drivers who do not participate in risky behavior? A guy crashed into my today and totaled my car-how much will his insurance pay towards a new car? My car was worth about $8000, give or take (that's what the officer told me). It was completely paid off. How much will the other guy's insurance pay towards a new car, or should I ask for a check? Which will be the better deal?" "I need Health Insurance, had Gastric Bypass, On unemployment.... Help?" I had Gastric Bypass in May of this year. I am on unemployment and wanted to pay out of pocket for insurance because I have had complications. I applied but was denied because of the surgery in the past. I have searched for a job and nothing. Ive been with my Boyfriend for the past 4 months, but his insurance says something about domestic partnership but only after 12 months of living together. How can I get around this, I need health insurance. Anyone else have the same issues? Let me know I am confused here." How would insurance work in college? When I go to college, how would I be able to receive insurance, to go to the Dentist or Doctor?" I'm uninsurable! How can I lower/get car insurance? I am a insurance company's worst nightmare. 17 year old male, I have a job in a rough town, no experience and to top it all off I only finish work at 11pm so ill be driving at night. I have not passed my test yet but need the car for work. Whenever I use go compare or compare the market I am either quoted a stupid amount 10,000+ or I am uninsurable. I cannot get a box monitor installed because the car needs to be home at 11and I don't finish work untill then." What is the cheapest car insurance for a teenager? How much is it?

"How can i insurance my car, for only 3 months? im finishing my college... i bought a car in us... for the year i was here... bour my car insurance expire.. like 2 months before i finish... and im not gonna buy other 6 months of insurance... cause i will be using it only 2 months more... WHAT I CAN DO!! How much for cheap car insurance? I am a young 17 year old female. I am looking for insurance so i can get my 1993 Lincoln Towncar on the road but I dont know a thing about insurance how much do you think it will cost and which company should I go for. California Lawyer Malpractice Insurance Requirements? Does a lawyer in California have to get Malpractice Insurance in order to take clients? For example if a newly admitted lawyer wanted to do a simple will for a family friend, would they have to obtain insurance first or can they take the case, at their own peril, and collect a fee for it?" "In California, do you have to have insurance on your boat?" ive never had insurance on my boat before,,, Do i need insurance if im driving my dads car? Hello. I was wondering if i need insurance if my dad is teaching me to drive while i got provisional license with the L plates on the front and back of the car? When i pass my test i will get my own car. Car insurance and criminal convictions? I was recently without going into detail convicted on a public disorder charge of harresment and have just passed my test at 18 and was looking forward to getting on the road and found cheapish quotes on places like lv and aviva etc but ive just realised in the smallprint or insurance assumptions you are not aloud one criminal conviction and cant find anyone that allows them but i know plenty of people that are on the road that have criminal convictions its all a confusing issue can anyone help? What is a good price for motorbike insurance for 125cc (im 18)? how much is a good price for an 18 year old motorbike insurance for an 125cc. Also where is best to get it? cheers How much should I expect my car insurance to increase? I got a 34 in a 25 in Virginia. I'm 19, and this was my first offense. Currently, I'm on as an occasional driver because I'm usually at college. Thanks."

Does anyone know what homeowners insurance companies allow dogs like like chow chows? We are thinking of getting a very sweet gentle chow from a local rescue group and our current insurance (Travelers) will cancel our policy should we get a chow (plus a whole other long list of breeds). I'd like to hear from someone w/ a german shepherd, sled dog (husky, malamute, akita), rott, pit bull, or other dog deemed dangerous about what insurance company you may use." What is the cheapest car insurer for a 23yr old guy? Obviously in the UK, so please no irritating as hell Try Patriot Insurance based in Washington ... So far, Zurich appears to be the cheapest. But i'm guessing we can go lower. Im trying to insure a 1997 Fiesta, 1.2, 3 door with immobiliser. Only doing 1000 miles or less each year. I have been out of driving now for 5 years. Can anyone recommend a cheap-as-chips car insurer? - It's ridiculous how just third party costs more than the car itself. My best qoute is around 580 - for third party ONLY. - A p*ss take. Thanks for your help." Is surfing without health insurance a bad idea? I'm moving to southern California for a job soon and want to try surfing, but my health insurance won't kick in for 2 months. Aside from drowning to death, which health insurance doesn't cover anyway, are there a lot of injuries that require doctors and hospitals? Man I just get on a board and go..." Do you cancel an auto insurance quote? I had an economics project and there was a section where I had to purchase auto insurance. Sure enough, I went to Geico and got a free quote, but the problem is that Geico is annoying to lock in the policy and actually have me as their customer. What can I do to tell them that I only wanted a policy for a project and I'm not really their customer?" Need suggestion for health insurance? Living in CA. Just want to get individual health insurance in case of any expensive treatments like surgery, the insurance can have high deductible... In this case, should I consider supplemental insurance like AFLAC?" Can i stay on my parents health insurance after i am 18 and not a full time student? I am 17 years old, I will be 18 in september. I just graduated high school and decided not to pursue a higher education at this time. I have heard with the obama health care plan that i can stay on my parents health insurance until i am 26. But i have also heard this doesn't take place until 2014. And i Have heard that you have to be a full time student. So i would like a simple answer that's easy to understand, preferably with a sited source for me to look up. Will i lose my health insurance in 2010 if i am not a full time college student and over the age of 18??? I live in california if that makes any difference as far as the health care plans go. Thanks and appreciate it :)"

What are some cheap cars to insure for an 18 Year old? What are some cheap cars to insure for an 18 Year old? I am learning to drive at the moment but I want to know what some cheap cars are to insure? How much is car insurance for teenagers? I've been trying to find the answer for awhile now, but all I find are websites that have paragraphs of information that I don't care too much about. Could you just give me an average number?" What is the cheapest individual health insurance plan in PA? age 62, good health" caravan insurance quotes nz caravan insurance quotes nz

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