Dec/Jan 11-12

Page 35

easton foundations national field archery association foundation

ScholarShip applica tion fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ff fffffffffffffffffffffff ffff fffffffff ffffffffffffffff fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff fffffffffffffffff AA Offce no later than December 31, 2011.) Last Name __________________ First Name _________________ MI __ Birth Date ____________________ 1. Male _______ Female _______ (optional response) 2. Address: ________________________________ City ____________________ State ___ Zip _______ 3. Phone: ____________________________ E-Mail: ________________________________________ 4. Social Security Number: ______-_____-_______ Age or Date of Birth: _______________________ 5. Are you a current member of the NFAA ____________or USA Archery/ NAA __________ . a. When did you frst join NFAA _______________ USA Archery/NAA ____________ b. Other archery organization membership___________________________________ b. Other archery organization membership _________________________________ . 6. Do you compete with a compound ___________ or recurve ___________ bow. applicants that are not currently enrolled in a college or university, complete Section 7-8. college/university students please complete Section 9. all applicants are to complete Sections 10-16 and sign the application. ffffffffffffff


7. Name of the school you are currently enrolled in: ____________________________ a. ( Is this a High School _____ Middle School _____ Primary School _____) b. Date of planned high school graduation: ___________________ c. If you have already graduated, date of graduation: ________________ i. Class rank at graduation (numerical position/total in class):____/____ (Please attach a school letter or copy of graduation ranking to confrm.) ii. High school GPA: _____________ (Please attach a copy of transcript showing GPA.) 8. If you are in high school, what college do you expect to attend?_______________________ College City and State: __________________________________________________________ a. Have you been accepted to this institution? _________ b. List the year and month studies are expected to start ________________ c. Major you intend to pursue _______________________________ d. Does this college have an archery club? _______________ i. If not, are you interested in starting a college archery club? __________ ffffffffffffff


9. Name of college/university you attend: _______________________ City ____________ State _____ i. College hours completed: ______ Quarter or Semester Hours? ______ ii. Cumulative College GPA (4.0 scale) __________ (Please attach a copy of transcript showing GPA.)


scores, tournament info and more at 35

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