Innovative Americas: Program of Events at Next City's World Urban Forum Exhibit

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the internal displacement of families. Hired by UNHabitat, the presenters will discuss their plan for Santa Marta that will steer the city away from its current path of uncontrolled growth to one that embodies UNHabitat’s principles of sustainable urban development. 2PM

INFRASTRUCTURE FROM THE BOTTOM UP Kate Holmquist, DUMBO Improvement District 2013 Fellow When a central government stops investing in infrastructure, can it be built from the bottom up, rather than top down? This presentation focuses in on a Business Improvement District in Brooklyn, NY, as an example of a community level approach to improving infrastructure. 3PM

APPLYING PLACEMAKING FOR URBAN EQUITY IN LATIN AMERICA Ethan Kent, Project for Public Spaces; Dan Latorre, Project for Public Spaces Using Project for Public Spaces’ project in Cali, Colombia as a case study, the panel will discuss how placemaking works in Buenos Aires and other Latin American cities.



Monday APRIL 7 10AM

PUTTING POOR PEOPLE AT THE CENTER OF STRATEGIES FOR URBAN DEVELOPMENT Patrick Maghebula, Federation of the Urban Poor, South Africa; Sarah Nandudu, National Slum Dweller Federation of Uganda; Irene Karanja, Muungano Support Trust, Kenya; Joseph Muturi, Muungano wa Wanavijiji, Kenya Key national leaders from organized communities of the urban poor and their support NGOs from cities in Kenya, South Africa and Uganda will highlight new institutional responses to poverty that prioritize both the needs and voices of poor people. They will highlight methods that organized communities of the urban poor across the Global South are using to develop relationships with their governments and some of the outcomes of these relationships such as scaling up slum upgrading and improving quality of life.


VALUE CAPTURE IN LATIN AMERICA Martim Smolka, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy; Gregory K. Ingram, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy This presentation will discuss the idea of value capture — a way to finance urban development — and its implementation in Latin American cities. Free copies of the recent report, Implementing Value Capture in Latin America, will be available in English and in Spanish. 12PM

CONTEXT PARTNERS OFFICE HOURS Stewart Sarkozy-Banoczy, Context Partners Office hours are an informal opportunity to meet with WUF7 presenters. 2PM

ECONOMIC RESILIENCE AND CITIES Harriet Tregoning, Office of Economic Resilience, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Harriet Tregoning, the new director of the Office of Economic Resilience at HUD, will discuss her office’s work and how it relates to World Urban Forum 7.


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