NeverLazy - Issue 11 - Autumn 2013

Page 72

Photographer Pedro Podestá bases

of whom he can thus convey the most

his editorial stories on his daily encounters

genuine portrayals: “[because they are] going

and experiences, which is what lends them

through a phase of life that I’ve just left, I feel

a pure and compellingly authentic aura.

very related to them but at the same time

“Most of the inspirations for my projects

detached from them, which makes my point

come from situations, thoughts, and feelings

of view quite simple and unbiased”.

lived in everyday life experiences. At the

Interestingly, female subjects have gained

moment creating a personage is very

equal amounts of Pedro’s attention, as he

important and significant in my work,

claims “[they] tell me stories and give me

[and] I am most interested in people in their

the space to experience their private realities

real state of mind,” he says. “You can see no

up close”.

external forces pressing their characters to change or to adapt.”

Staying true to his photographic approach, Pedro joined forces with stylist Joy Sinanian,

Inspired by the research of Sartre and

makeup artist Caroline Fenouil and

Heidegger as well as by the works of

hairstylist Steven Laudat to shoot

photographer Jeff Wall, Pedro seeks to

‘The Secret’ – a hypnotizing portrayal of

represent his subjects and their emotions in

a young woman, whose narrative is set

their most genuine state. It’s for this reason

within a lush architectural setting and is

that he appreciates photographing young

ridden with a poetic mixture of glamour

adults, to whom he feels he can relate and

and loneliness. • AC

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