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October 2015


SEPARATING UNTO THE LORD CLEARING BETHEL PRAYER FOCUS REPORT Written by Nancy-TONI Youngbrandt This a special report for the Net of Prayer to explain the need for a special prayer focus and time for spiritual "housecleaning" for Bethel, the I louse of God, in the spirit realm. Enclosed you should find special prayer sheets for this prayer operation and new prayer sheets for "PRESSING-IN TO JESUS." Please pray the "CLEANING BETHEL" Prayer Sheets first, waiting to conclude that prayer operation before starting the new "PRESSINGIN TO JESUS" Prayer Sheet. It is easier to send this out with the regular newsletter, hence everyone is getting this information whether you are in the Net of Prayer or not. If you are not in the Net of Prayer and would like to join us in prayer, please feel free to join us. Ifyou are not in the Net of Prayer and would like to join, please let us know and we will sign you up. With that said, now let's get into what has been happening and what we will be doing in prayer and spiritual warfare.

BACKGROUND INFORMATION For quite a few months, one of our ministry's prophets, Lyn-ELIZABETH, has been discerning that a particular demon prince has been attacking members of the Net of Prayer, but more specifically, the ministry leadership, to try to cause us to curse God, with the result of hindering and stopping the prayer work of laying down foundation stones for Jesus's Return. She further discerned that this demon prince was operating within Bethel itself, the House of God, which we have done spiritual warfare to obtain and possess in the spirit realm, and use as a sort of base of operations for the Net of Prayer. When we of the Net of Prayer gather together "in the spirit", it is in Bethel. We have had several battles in the spiritual realm of the United States where we have had to yield ground to the enemy of our souls, but not Bethel. This is our ground so Chuck- JOHNEL and myself were a bit puzzled by Lyn-ELIZABETH's discernment. We could discern no such hidden attacks within Bethel so we asked Lyn-ELIZABETH to pray and see if Jesus would show her more about this, and we would pray at our end as well. We also sent out a discernment request to the other leadership within the Net of Prayer (the Lord's Generals, Colonels and Lt. Colonels), to see what they might be shown as well. At -first glance, it may seem like no big deal to just take care of this demon prince, but from our standpoint, we needed to have a better grasp of the situation, and God willing, a

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BACKGROUND INFORMATION continued direct leading from Jesus in how to proceed. For example, Chuck-JOHN EL had two main concerns: 1. A demon prince is hardly ever without a sizable demonic force to back it up. This means we could go after it but would likely end up taking on an army of demons as well. This raises the question, do we have grounds and opportunity to do such a thing if the situation arises? 2. The second concern is that the enemy could be laying a trap for us. Perhaps by staying hidden, or just outside our perimeter, they seek to bait us into attacking them, going outside our lawful grounds and into their territory. This couId have disastrous results. Other questions we had were to do with organizing such an operation. How do we pray? What ground do we cover? Does the whole N.O.P. need to be involved in warfare or just part? How is this demon prince even able to operate within our territory, if it is indeed there? Is this revelation even for now or is Lyn-ELIZABETH being shown something that seems imminent but is actually for a future time? As we prayed more about this, Jesus told Chuck-.JOl-1NEL that in the nation as a whole, "two demon princes were operating and executing judgment, but were within lawful boundaries." In the meantime, Lyn-ELIZABETH did receive more revelation about this demon prince she was discerning. On September 2, 2015, Jesus said, "YES. THERE IS A I)EMON PRINCIPALITY OUT OF BOUNDS. HE WORKS CONTINUOUSLY. HE WORKS TO MASK HIMSELF." On September 5` h , Jesus went on to say, "THIS ONE IS DANGEROUS AND WELL-HIDDEN AND WELL -ENTRENCHED. HE MASKS HIMSELF. HE GOES BY MANY NAMES." Each day after this, Lyn-ELIZABETI I would receive yet more details, one of the details being its name which we will simply say is "E-X". On September 8, 2015 Jesus said, "(E-X) ENTERED THE GAP IN A TIME SO LONG AGO THAT THERE IS NONE ALIVE WHO WOULD REMEMBER. HE ENTERED BETHEL AND REMAINS WELLHIDDEN AND WELL-ENTRENCHED AND UTTERLY SILENT. HE HAS WAITED LONG TO ATTACK. HE COMES AND GOES BY WAY OF CHICAGO AND NOT BY ANY OTHER WAY. HE HAS BEEN ATTACKING AT LOW ALMOST IMPERCEIVABLE LEVELS FOR NOW 30 YEARS. FIRST, HE `ENHANCES' SITUATIONS TO MAKE THEM MORE DAMAGING. NOW HE BELIEVES NO ONE CAN SEE OR DISCERN HIM, SO HE IS NOW GOING OUTSIDE OF HIS ALLOTTED AUTHORITY TO HARM, ATTACK, MAIM, AND KILL. BUT HE ALWAYS IS HIDDEN UNDER LACK OF PRAYER, GOD'S ALLOWED JUDGMENTS, ETC. YES, HIS REAL INTENT IS TO OUTRIGHT PREVENT MY

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BACKGROUND INFORMATION - Jesus's September 8 2015 Word continued RETURN. IF HE CAN KILL MANY CHRISTIANS, H F COUNTS THAT GOOD. IF HE CAN STOP THE NET OF PRAYER, THAT IS BETTER. IF HE CAN STOP TH E STAFF AND SWORD MINISTRY, THAT IS STILL BETTER. IF HE CAN KILL OR OTHERWISE STOP THE MINISTRY LEADERSHIP ESPECIALLY JOHNEL AND TON 1, THEN HE WILL REJOICE." At this point in time, my (Nancy-TONI) own discernment is that it would be within our authority to go after this demon prince within the territory we hold in Bethel, but that we cannot yet go outside of that area to pursue this thing to Chicago. This may make it hard to catch but we can destroy its demons that might, and likely are, working within Bethel to trouble us all. However, we will wait on the Leadership Discernment Request before planning anything further.

THE LEADERSHIP DISCERNMENT REQUEST RESULTS As part of the discernment request we asked 4 specific questions. The results, by majority, were that (1) this demon prince could cause harm to those in the Net of Prayer. (2) It was agreed that there was indeed a threat posed by this demon prince, that Jesus would have us address. (3) It was also generally agreed that the threat posed by it was close but within our authority to deal with. (4) The last question had to do with the extent we should go after this, which was almost split between the whole Net of Prayer being involved, or just one or two prayer groups. Along with the response form, we did receive other comments and insights from the leadership, but there are just too many to share them all. We do appreciate everyone taking the time to pray and seek Jesus's revelation about this matter. For the purposes of this article. I will focus on two main insights to explain what we were shown. The first was from Lord's General Adele-SARAH-I. , along with her husband, RichardDANIEL. They were discerning an opening or connection with the Church System of man as being part of the reason this demon prince was still able to be in Bethel and to trouble us.


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THE LEADERSHIP DISCERNMENT REQUEST RESULTS JESUS'S WORD to Adele-SARAH continued THAN TO DENY ME. REST ASSURED I AM WITH MY OWN, MY ELECT. HEDGE YOURSELF AND YOURS. YOU HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO CREATI AND BUILD A HEDGE AROUND YOURSELF AND YOURS. THIS IS BINDIN( ALL THAT IS NOT OF ME. BIND THIS IN MY NAME. YES SEPARATION, NOT UNITY WITH THOSE WHO ARE AGAINST ME. M7 JUDGMENTS WILL COME SWIFTLY. THEY WILL COME SOON. M' .J UDGMENTS WILL TURN TO BLESSINGS FOR MINE OWN. BLESSING`. ASKED AND FREELY GIVEN. KNOW THIS AND THE MORE." A few weeks after this Word was shared with us, Lt. Colonel Bonnie A. stopped by fo a visit to share what the Spirit of God had been showing her, which she believed tied int' our discernment request. Since she didn't have anything written down for us to refer to, have only my memory to go by in passing this on to you. So, these are the main points tha we discussed that day. First of all, Bonnie shared how she had been hearing from brothers and sisters in Chris who have been having dreams of this area being flooded. These dreams began in May, whet a friend of Bonnie's who lives rather in a remote part of this area, dreamed of a flood o water coming up to her home, followed by a wave that she knew was coming over the hill In the months folIowing this dream, others would share similar dreams, one where the whole town of Colville was underwater. At first Bonnie figured these dreams were speaking of spiritual flood of some kind, since this is such a dry area with no major sources of water tha could cause such a devastating flood. We have rivers, yes, and therefore dams, but Colvilb isn't built along a major river. There is one farther north but the likelihood of that floodinl this whole area seems extremely hard to believe. Nonetheless, Bonnie started to consider i since so many others were being shown a great flood coming. Finally, after a long time of prayer, Jesus spoke to Bonnie. She told us He said somethin1 about holding two dams back. Jesus then specifically told her that there was one demo] prince actively working in the Colville area, but that it was hidden. This was the source q the troubles. When Bonnie mentioned the two dams being held back, we immediately saw th connection to the two demon princes that are within lawful boundaries. These are able to ac but are restrained by God's Law and can't do all they would like to, thus being held bacl to a certain extent. Next we focused on the third demon prince and the clear Word that it was hidden an specifically operating in the Colville area. This quickened Chuck-JOHNEL's discernmen that the reason it has been able to operate in this area and remain hidden from us, is because it is what we call "hidden by decision." That meaning -- that this demon prince was giver authority by the local church leadership - it is through their decisions that it has grounds an opportunity to operate. And because it was given this opportunity by the church leadership

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THE LEADERSHIP Dl SCERNMENT REQUEST RESULTS continued it was hidden from us as we could do nothing about it. This also seems to be another dimension of what Jesus showed Chuck-JOHNEL in our last prayer operation; and that was that due to lack of the 300 intercessors the Lord requires for the Net of Prayer, which means a lack of adequate prayer support, we were unable to see and deal with 13% of the demons in the areas we were doing warfare in. This demon prince could well be within that 13%. The other aspect to the revelation Bonnie shared that we discussed was the flood of water. In one case we have the woman that dreamed a flood of water was up to her property with a wave of water coming her way. Another person dreamed that water flooded all of the town of Colville. I believe that the water is indicative of the flood or tide ofjudg,nent on this nation. It could manifest as a flood, as it surely did in South Carolina recently, where headlines called it a 1,000 year flood, and that it was of Biblical proportions. Interestingly, the article said it was the 10`x' such "Biblical" event since 2010. I also believe all the fires out here in the West over the summer were also a dimension of the judgment loosed upon the country. Chuck-JOHNEL then shared that water also speaks of people, and a flood of people speaks of people who will be violent in the times ahead -- quite a few of them, judging by the size of the flood. Later, the Holy Spirit led me to look at 2Samuel 22: 5 where David wrote, "When the waves of death compassed me, the floods of ungodly men made me

afraid; ". However, the main insight was that it was the leaders of the churches here in Colville that were responsible for this local demon prince being able to operate all these months, or longer, in a hidden fashion. This also being a representation of what is going on in the nation as a whole, with the enemy of our souls being able to bring in Judgment events, due to the cooperation of the leadership of the church and their decision to reject Christ Jesus over the years.



There are time when we experience troubles and difficulties because God is working in our lives for our greater good. After all, just look at Jesus I s life and death on earth, where God allowed Him to be taken captive, beaten, whipped and crucified all for God's Will to be done, As Christians, Jesus tells us that we too will experience much of what He did, so don't be surprised or offended when it happens. However, since Jesus died to give us power over all the power ol'enemy, there are times when we are to use Jesus's authority given to us to either bind or loose, to rebuke the enemy and even destroy him when we have the grounds and opportunity to do so. The church body as a whole has great power and responsibility but few seem to know it or operate in it.

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"... JUDGMENT MUST BEGIN AT THE HOUSE OF GOD ..." continued Unfortunately, ignorance doesn't mean that God isn't still giving the church as a whole chance to decide whether to bind or loose the enemy; whether they will pray according tc God's Will rather than their own. In I Peter 4:17 it says, "For the time has come that judgment must begin at the house of'God: ". Years ago, Jesus showed me that when it says that "judgment must begin at the house of God", what that means is that God goes first to the house of God to get their "judgment" — their decision on a matter. Do they make ajudgment for mercy or not? Do the} prefer life or death? Will they seek Jesus and Holy Spirit insight into what to decide, or gt by their own will? For most of the early years of this ministry, this what Jesus had Chuck-JQHNEL do warn the Church, ca]ling them to pray as Jesus has directed. In the end, except for a smal tithe, the vast majority of the Church leadership rejected Chuck-JOHNEL and therefor Jesus's call to pray, which in the end, was a rejection of Christ Himself. This "judgment' or decision by the church leadership would then loose the enemy, giving them grounds anc opportunity to cause Judgment events such as hurricanes, earthquakes, drought, and war The other aspect of the Scripture I would draw attention to is the phrase "the house o: God". I see this as having two dimensions, the first being the Church in the nation as z whole. This includes those in the Church s y stem of man and those who are not in ar. organized Church. As part of the Body of Christ, we are part of the "house of God." And then there is Bethel, the name in the Old Testament for the "House of God," , particular place in Biblical times, and one that we have seen and occupied in the spiritua realm. In the spiritual realm, the enemy had taken and defiled Bethel over the years but the Net of Prayer was called to be involved in prayer operations to take it back and to restorf it. To the best of our knowledge, we cleared it and it is now our territory in the spirit realm We have it in our prayers as a place we hold and will not relinquish to the enemy, no mattes what else is allowed in this country by others in the broad church body. However, due to this recent revelation, it has come to our attention that perhaps Bethel isn't as cleared anc cleaned out as we previously thought. If the effect of the church leaders' decisions can sc directly affect us in the ministry leadership and the Net of Prayer in general, we realize tha' there is still an open door, spiritually speaking, that the enemy is able to work through to ge, at us.

A LITTLE BIT OF HISTORY As I was praying about this whole situation, I had the leading to do a little research abou, Bethel itself and looked it up in one of our Bible Dictionaries. I found it to be quite interesting. It explained that `Bethel was important in the Old Testament for botf geographical and religious reasons. Because of its abundant springs, the area was fertile anc

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A LITTLE BIT OF I- ISTORY continued attractive..." T found it interesting that it was physically "located at the intersection of the main north-south road through the hill country and the main road from Jericho to the coastal plain..." Bethel also "became a prominent border town between tribes and the two kingdoms later. Religiously, Bethel served as a sanctuary during times of the patriarchs, judges, and the divided kingdom, hence was second only to Jerusalem as a religious center." Also of interest, "... The ark of the covenant was kept in Bethel during a period of the judges (Judg. 20:27),..." Lastly, I found it of note that there did come a time when Bethel was defiled and used for idol worship and other unclean activity, but it didn't come from the outside, like from an invading army from another country. Rather it came from within the Israeli leadership. In the Bible Dictionary it explained: "Whereas Bethel had been a place of orthodox worship from Abraham to the judges, Jeroboam I made it a religious center of his innovative, apostate religion of the Northern Kingdom. He erected a golden calf both here and in Dan with non-Levitic priests and an illegitimate feast to complete with the celebrations and religion of Jerusalem, ten and a half miles to the south of Judah (I Kings 12:29-33)." It took an anonymous prophet from Judah to find and rebuke Jeroboam and bring about the destruction of the king's altar. This would apparently play out again with Amos, as he was "sent to Bethel to rebuke the kingdom of Jerobaom II in the eighth century (Amos 7:10 -13) since it was the center of northern idolatry and a royal residence." Amos would go on to prophesy against those who sacrificed there, as well as predicting the destruction of Bethel and its false altars, as did Hlosea. I mention this history because a part of this, I believe, is in the picture today. You see, Bethel in the spirit-realm is not just the territory of the Net of Prayer, but it is for all those in the House of God, in the Body of Christ. However, while we have been vigilant against the enemy of our souls (demons, in particular), we have not really looked into the possibility that there are those in Bethel who don't really belong there: others in the church leadership and congregation that profess to be Christians but have rebelled, who no longer serve Jesus Christ and God the Father, but rather have rejected Christ and actually allow the enemy to operate in our midst. The Lord has shown me that we are in a time a lot like that spoken of Jeremiah 5:1-5. In reading the King James version, the way I understand it, what it's talking of is that God was saying to run to and fro through the streets and in the "broad" places, to find a man who could execute . judgment, that seeks the truth, and God will pardon the transgression. This is interesting because years ago Jesus told Chuck-JOHNEL that he was "an executor of judgment." However, rather than the church leadership seeking out a prophet such as Chuck-JOHNEL, the reaction has been the opposite: rejection and even open hostility. This is also the case in Jeremiah's time. It goes on to say about the people, that they say,

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"The Lord liveth; surely they swear falsely. " Jeremiah then cries out to the Lord, "0 Lord, are not thine eyes upon the truth? thou hast stricken them, but they have not grieved; thoa, has consumed them, but they have refused to receive correction: they have made their faces harder than a rock; they have refused to return. " Does this not sound a lot like the times we are in? Our nation is hit with one Judgment from God after another, from 9/11 tc Hurricane Katrina to the events of this summer with fires consuming the west, too much rair in the midwest, and flooding in South Carolina; and yet once things get back to normal, i1 is business as usual. Jeremiah himself was wanting to make excuses for the people by suggesting that perhaps the people are just poor and foolish, and don't know the way of the Lord, nor the judgmenl of their God. He plans to go to the "great men," the church leaders of his time, for they have known the way of the Lord, and the j Lidgment of their God, but he then states that ever "these have altogether broken the yoke, and burst the bonds. " In other words, while thes( have known the way and judgment of the Lord, these have broken off their ties with the Lord and broken their fellowship with God. Further on in Jeremiah 5 it says that their transgressions and backslidings increased, as they denied that God would do anything "bad' to them, saying that no evil would come upon them, nor shall they see "stir'ord nor/amine.' In other words, "God wouldn't let that happen to them." They further rejected God',, prophets, saying they "shall become wind, and the word is not in them... ". This has beer the experience of Chuck-J QHNEL over the past 40 years, and it has surely taken its toll or him personally and physically. It has also taken its toll on others in the Body of'Christ, no in agreement with those who have chosen this other path. This has been brought to the poin, where we see the need to pray to actually separate from these people, thechurch leadershix and those in agreement with them, that have rebelled and forsaken Jesus Christ and God the Father, and are serving another spirit, not of God.

A CAUSE FOR SEPARATION When Adele-SARAH first shared Jesus' Word to her speaking of separation, I felt that i, was important to rightly understand what Jesus was saying so that we do this in the righ Spirit, according to the Spirit of God, and in and out of God's Love and clear leading. Ir praying about this, I found quite a Scriptural basis for separation, for clearing out those whc don't belong in Bethel. One example is in Matthew 7:15-23. This is where Jesus tells us:

of false prophets, which come unto you in sheep's clothing, but inwardlj they are ravening wolves. ... Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; bu a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit Every tree that bringeth not forte good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits you shot know them. " (verses 15-20) "Beware

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A CAUSE FOR SEPARATION continued So, in this Scripture we see that not every one professing to be a Christian, one in sheep's clothing, is actually a true Christian, but can be a ravening wolf inside. Sooner or later, the fruit of one's inner condition becomes obvious — it's either good fruit or evil fruit. And if that fruit is evil, then it says that for a tree, it is then cut down and cast in to the fire. In the end, that judgment is up to God, but it doesn't bode well for those producing evil fruit no matter what. In verses 21-23, Jesus gets very specific in speaking about people who do things in His Name, but Jesus does not know them, and they do not know Him. It says,

"Not every one that saitlr unto Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kiiig done of heaven; but he that doeth the will of My Father which is in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Tlry name? and in They

name have cast out devils? and in Thy name done many wonder [iii works? And then I Hill profess unto them, I miever knew you: depart from me, ye tliat work iniquity." Another Scripture that the Holy Spirit led me to was the parable of the husbandmen. Years ago, Jesus showed inc that this parable is a parable for the church leadership today, as surely as it was back then. In case you don't recall it, in this parable it speaks of a man who planted a vineyard (God), who then let it out husband men (pastors, priests, leadership), and then went away for a long time. Then at some point in time, the Owner sent a servant to the husbandmen, that they should give him of the fruit of the vineyard, but instead the husbandmen beat him, and sent him away empty handed. The Owner then sent a second and third servant, both of whom were wounded and cast out. Finally, the Owner decides to send His Son, for surely they will reverence Him, right? Unfortunately, that was not the case, as the husbandmen reasoned that i f they kill the heir, then the inheritance would become theirs. So they cast Him out and killed Him. What then shall become of these husbandmen? It says in Luke 20:16, "He ,/tall come and destroy these husbandmen, and shall give the

vineyard to others." Now, I realize that this is speaking of what happened to Jesus the first time He came, but from what we've seen and experienced over the years, the church as a whole today is no different. When God sends His servants to them just calling them to pray, they don't physically beat them, but they do in other ways, loosing the enemy of our souls against God's servants, attacking them and wounding them in ways far worse in some respects. For Chuck-JQHNEL, he was actually given to overhear Lucifer say to his demons, "Keep hitting him until he bleeds to death." The enemy could only get that close to him because those in the church body of Christ directed it and sent it. And if they are rejecting God's prophet, they are also rejecting Christ. One last Scripture which I will share is in Numbers 16, and deals with the Korah rebellion. Here Korah may have been the ringleader, but he was joined by no less than 250 "princes of the arsembly, famous in the congregation, men of renown. " These then gathered

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A CAUSE FOR SEPARATION continued together against Moses and Aaron, saying that they had taken too much on themselves, and that all the congregation was holy, every one of them, and that the Lord was among them all — therefore they didn't need the leadership of Moses and Aaron. (Numbers 16:3) The confrontation didn't end there, as Moses challenged Korah and all his company to fill their censers with fire, with incense in them, and go with him before the Lord to see just who God would choose, and then that person would be holy. Moses tried to warn Korah and his men off, as he knew that they did grasp the seriousness of the situation, but they would not relent. So it says every man took his censer, all 250 censers, plus Moses and Aaron, each with their censers, to the tabernacle before the Lord. But then as Moses and Aaron were about to enter the tabernacle, Korah and his men moved to block them. Then it says the "glory of the

Lord appeared unto all the congregation. And the Lord spoke to Moses and unto Aaron, saying, Separate yourselves from among this congregation, that I may consume them in a moment. " This caused Moses to try to warn the congregation not to side with Korah and his two main cohorts, Dathan and Abiram. He warned them to get away from them, because if the Lord was truly not on their side, then a new thing would happen, and the earth will open up and swallow them and all that pertains to them ... and this is just what happened. It says in Numbers 16:31-33: "And it came to pass, as he had made an ena of speaking all these words, that the ground slave asunder that was under them: And the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed them up, and their houses, and all the men that appertained unto Korah, and all their goods. They, and all that appertained to them, went down alive into the pit, and the earth closed upon them: and they perished from the congregation. " As for the rest of them, it says in verses 34-35: "And all Israel that were round about them fled at the cry of them: for they said, Lest the earth swallow us up also. And there came our afire from the Lord, and consumed the two hundred and fifty men that offered incense. "

For those of you well familiar with this ministry and Chuck-JOHNEL's history, what makes what happened to Moses all the more meaningful is that years ago Jesus told ChuckJOHNEL that he had an anointing in part like Moses. So, much of Moses's experience has been Chuck-JOHNEL's. And like with Moses, the revelation that is coming to us is that it is ti me to pray about a separation and leave it into God's hands what He will do with these who have rebelled and are basically "workers of iniquity" among our midst. SEPARATING UNTO THE LORD JESUS In writing about the need for a separation, I believe strongly that it is very important that we pray to separate for the right reasons and in the right Spirit. We are not looking to pas: judgment on these people -- that is God's job. And I know that they will reap what they have surely sown. However, there comes a time when God tells His people to separate frorr others, and even causes it to happen.

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-SEPARATING UNTO THE LORD continued One such example is again in relation to Moses and the people of Israel. As you may recall, heads or leaders from the tribes of Israel were all sent out, along with Caleb and Joshua, to scout out the Promised Land that God had for them. When they came back, all but Caleb and Joshua were afraid to go forward and take it. They did not believe God's Word and refused to light to take the Iand, but rather accused Moses of wanting to destroy them. Finally, God lost all patience and declared, "Because all those men which have seen my glory, and my miracles, which I did in Egypt and in the wilderness, have tempted me now these ten times, and have hearkened to my voice; surely they shalt not see the land which I sware unto their fathers, neither shall any of them that provoked me see it: but my servant Caleb, because he had another spirit within him , and hath followed me fully, him will I bring into the land whereunto he went; and his seed shall possess it." (Numbers 14:22-24) So you see, it all comes down to what spirit is within a person. We have seen over and over that there are many in vast church body who are of a spirit not of God. These have decided to reject God and Jesus Christ, as odd as that may sound since they are professing Christians, after all. These rebels and workers of iniquity have made decisions that have led to empowering the enemy of our souls and loosing j udgment on America. We in the Net of Prayer are for Jesus Christ and seek to do the expressed Will of God, in earth and in the spirit- realm. We want to be vessels of God's Spirit and to enter into the Promises of God for all of us. Part of those Promises is the possibility, God willing, to manifest Christ in every part of our being, to be part of the Body of Christ we call the "A LOUD VOICE." Years ago, Chuck-JOHNEL was shown a small portion ol'the Body of Christ, who looked to Jesus and were so filled with God's Light and Glory, that they were transformed by the

Spirit of God and went forth in God's Power and Authority like never seen before. When Christ's Spirit so transformed and manifested in this small group, the Spirit of God so moved in them that those in the Elect Body of Christ were quickened in their spirits to also manifest Christ and His Spirit. Then these went out and as they encountered those in the broader church body, these too were quickened by that same Spirit of God as well. But it al started with a small group, the "A LOUD VOICE." One of the main purposes of this prayer operation is to clear away from Bethel any and all distractions and sources of trouble that would keep us from more fully and completely focusing on Jesus Christ, together as a body of believers. It seems from the revelation from God in all this, that the enemy of our souls is able to trouble us due to ties with or openings allowed by some of those among us in Bethel who are part of the church system of man, and who are in unity and agreement with what the church leadership as a whole has decided. In separating from those, we will also be removing any demonic infiltration they may have allowed or brought with them, and then drawing close to Jesus, for His Will to be done in our lives,

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A CAUSE FOR SEPA RATION continued There often comes a time in family relationships where ties need to be cut, especially whey the relationship has become what I call `toxic or chronically unhealthy. There have beer ti mes in our lives (Chuck-JOHNEL and myself) when we have had to break off t relation ship with someone in our family because the way of relating to each only led to h ur and wounding, and nothing seemed to change. In these cases, we broke off the relationshil so we would have time for Jesus to heal the wounds, and to break out of former patterns o: behavior. For the other person, we prayed for healing and help for them, but also that if the relationship was to he reopened, then Jesus would have to be the One to reopen it. Only it God's time and in His Spirit would the relationship be renewed, or not at all. This is where are at here, with these who have rebelled against God in the Body of Christ. We wish thenno harm, but they have chosen another path, one which we cannot follow and are not it agreement with. We choose Christ, period.

THE PRAYER OPERATION ITSELF I have the leading to make the prayer operation for one week, that way if some receive their prayer sheets late, they can still participate by joining us when they can. The prayez directives are that we will first gather together at the Temple area or House of God, praying to look to God the Father and Jesus Christ, take on the armor of God, and be filled witr God's Spirit, Light and Glory as we move forward. Then we will have a prayer foi separation from the rebellious, workers of iniquity and wolves in sheep's clothing, anyone who doe sn't belong. We will separate from these and have them removed from Bethel. Ther we can do the warfare phase. First, a wall of fire will be prayed around our perimeter, whicf is our hedge of protection. We already have a hedge established in the form of prayer mines but it would be good to patrol it, praying to strengthen it and repair it as needed. Two prayer groups will be assigned to this task. We will then have four prayer groups sweep tht territory of Bethel of all demons and anything and anyone who doesn't belong. Finally, on prayer group will be in charge of cleaning, clearing and maintaining the Temple area, thf House of God in the center. There is a map and more detailed information on the cover of the enclosed DIRECTIVES AND PRAYER SHEET. Lastly, we will be addressing the thing that started all this, the demon prince known as "EX". Since we cannot leave Bethel, our territory, we cannot pursue the demon prince if he i.,, actually outside of our zone, but we can bring our case before God, with all the grounds opportunity and even occasion we have against this thing. We will be praying that either God will deal with it directly, or deliver it into our hands during this prayer operation so that we may destroy it once and for all from operating in such a hidden manner, as it has all these years. As for the lack of having the numbers we need to complete the Net of Prayer, and that we might not be able to deal with everything there, I am having us pray that God's Light woulc so fill us, that nothing will get by us. Basically, that Jesus Himself will help us by making up for whatever we lack. We go our limit and trust Jesus for the rest. Praise the Lord!

Cover Page


November 2015




God's Glory Prayer Group

Joshua Prayer Group

Morningstar Prayer Group

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Net of Prayer Gathering Point




Flaming Fire Prayer Group Israel Prayer Group

Beautiful Branch Prayer Group

Living Waters Prayer Group

Immanuel Prayer Group


Since this prayer operation is two-fold, we will first gather together in the center area of Bethel, where the Temple or House of God resides. We will all be praying to look to God the Father and Jesus Christ there, being united in Christ and in submission to Christ in each other. It is here that we will pray the SEPARATION PRAYER, as discussed in the report about this prayer operation. On the front page of this DIRECTIVES AND PRAYER SHEET section is a diagram to give you a visual idea of the area we will be clearing "in the spirit." In the center I have marked the GATHERING POINT, where we will all initially assemble.

We will first be praying to separate from and remove from Bethel all who do not belong, specifically the rebellious, the workers of iniquity and wolves in sheep's clothing. These will be put outside of Bethel, but beyond that, what happens to them is between them and God. We will not be doing warfare against them, as we will the demons that have been allowed in because of them. They will surely reap what they have sown, so we don't need to make j udgments ourselves. However, when it comes to the uncleanness, any demons or unclean thing left behind by them — these we can and will destroy. So next we go to the warfare phase. Chuck-JOHNEL and Nancy-TONI will be with Flaming Fire Prayer Group in clearing and cleaning out the Temple area itself, at the center of the Bethel Zone. Chuck-JOHNEL and I will also oversee the whole operation and will lend prayer support and address situations as they arise, if need be. Israel Prayer Group is in support so they will stay in the center of the zone as well, praying to be in support of the other prayer groups and the whole operation. Prophet Richard-DANIEL will be overseeing four prayer groups: Immanuel Prayer Gro up, Beautiful Branch Prayer Group, Morning Star Prayer Group and Joshua Prayer Group, as they go forth and sweep the vast territory of Bethel, destroying al I demons and anything and anyone who doesn't belong but remains at this time. By praying to be in submission to Christ in the leadership and in each other, we will be able to respond to any situation as it is hard to plan something like this down to the minute detail. Prophets Lyn-ELIZABETH and Cathy-MARTHA will be overseeing the Living Waters Pra y er Group and God's Glory Prayer Group, as they go forth to patrol the perimeter, the hedge of protection around the Bethel Zone. These groups will not only be patrolling the boundary for any demons trying to escape or come in from the outside, but also praying to strengthen the hedge where needed and making any repairs from any breaches that may have occurred. We will have prayed a Wall of Fire all along our perimeter to prevent any escapes or incursions until these warriors have the opportunity to deal with what is there. Lastly, we will be praying that God will either destroy or deliver into our hands the demon prince known as "E-X", so we can destroy it. Since it travels between the Bethel


Zone and the one for Chicago, we can't be sure it wil] be in Bethel when we are sweeping the Zone. And we DO NOT have the authority or commission at this time to go outside of our own territory. Hence. I am led to ask God to intervene on our behalf. He is the Just Judge, and we have a good case for grounds, opportunity and occasion against this creature, so we will see what God will do for us. For all the harm it has caused just Chuck-J0HNEL alone all these years, he certainly has quite a bit of legal grounds against this thing, I would think. As I said, we will see. REMINDER: While we are doing this prayer operation, please bring your focus to these prayers. Please set aside the other prayer sheets, the Dally Prayer Sheet of June 2015, the "Prayer Focus" Prayer Sheet of August 22, 2015 and the "Pressing-In to Jesus" prayers until we are done. Once we are done with the prayer operation, please return to the Daily Prayer Sheet of June 2015, the "Prayer Focus" Prayer Sheet of August 22, 2015 and the NEW "Pressing-In to Jesus" of October 2015. So, without further delay ... here are the prayers.



GATHERING PRAYER: Dear Heavenly Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I pray to come before You this day, gathered together with all the members of the Net of Prayer and those joined with us by the Spirit of God in Bethel. We pray to be in unity and agreement, and in submission to Jesus Christ in our leadership and in each other. We pray to be filled and led by Your Spirit, Christ Jesus, Your Light and Your Glory now "in the spirit." We pray, as it says in Luke 12: 35-36, to "Let (our) loins he girded about, and (our) lights burning; and (we ourselves) like unto men that wait for (our) Lord..."


SEPARATING UNTO THE LORD CLEARING BETHEL -PRAYERS ARMOR OF GOD PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, I pray to take on the whole armor of God, even Jesus Christ Himself. I pray to be clothed in the garment of God's Perfect Love, and to take on the Breastplate of Your Righteousness, to gird my loins with the Buckler of Your Truth, and to shod my feet with the preparation of the Gospel of Your Peace, Jesus Christ. I pray to take up the Shield of Faith, to put on the Helmet of Your

Salvation and take up the Sword of Your Spirit, which is the Word of God. Fill me now with Your Spirit and Empowerment, that I may be an instrument of God's Perfect Will to be done all to His Glory and Praise. 2 SAMUEL 22:17-20: "(The Lord) sent from above, He took me; He drew me out of many waters; He delivered me from my strong enemy, and from them that hated me: for they were too strong for me. They prevented me in the day of my calamity: but the Lord was my stay. He brought me forth also into a large place: He delivered me, because He delighted in me." SEPARATION PRAYER: Dear Heavenl y Father, as we look to You and Your Son Jesus Christ, and move in Your Spirit and Love, we pray to separate ourselves and remove from our midst in here in Bethel, those who do not belong. We pray to separate ourselves from the rebellious, the workers of iniquity, and those who are wolves in sheep's clothing. In Jesus' Name, we command that those be rounded up and removed from Bethel, the House of God and all it's territory we possess "in the spirit." We pray to not be unequally yoked together with these unbelievers. We pray to be Your temple, for You, our living God and Jesus Christ, to dwell in, to walk in; that You will be our God, and we will be Your people. We come out from among them, to be separate from them and to not touch the unclean things they have chosen. We choose God and Jesus Christ, and it is in Christ we will stand. (2 Cor. 6:14-18)

WALL OF FIRE PRAYER: In the Name of Jesus Christ, we pray for a Wall of Fire to go up all around our perimeter, our hedge of protection for the territory of Bethel. We pray that no demons will be able to escape nor come in from the outside, and that where there are demons we cannot see, that God's Light so shine all around us, that even coming close to us destroys them from Bethel. We pray, Lord Jesus, that You personally would make up for anything we lack.


-^ SEPARATING UNTO THE LORD CLEARING BETHEL —PRAYERS WARFARE PRAYERS: Under the direction and leading of Christ .lesus, and in His power and authority, we now move out to our assigned areas. FLAMING FIRE PRAYER GROUP with Chuck-JGHNEL and Nancy - TONI: We pray to be in submission to Jesus Christ in Chuck-JOHNEL, Nancy-TONI and the Leaders of the Flaming Fire Prayer Group as we go forward this day, clearing and cleaning the Temple Area of Bethel, the House of God, of anything that is unclean: any false altars, or any idols, anything not of God and His Righteousness -- we destroy these things, in the Name of Jesus Christ. We utterly destroy any demons we encounter, taking them out with the Sword of the Spirit. We also plead the Blood of Jesus Christ on all that is unclean and wash it with the Water of the Word of God. Let all he restored and renewed to Your Glory and Praise, Oh Mighty Father God.

BEAUTIFUL BRANCH, JOSHUA, IMMANUEL AND MORNING STAR PRAYER GROUPS with Prophet Richard-DANIEL: We pray to be in submission to Jesus Christ in Richard-DANIEL and the Leaders of my Prayer Group as we go forward this day, clearing and cleaning the territory of the Bethel Zone. We pray to sweep forward in Christ Jesus, filled led with His Light and Glory, so no demon can escape or hide, and all

that is not of God will be revealed and destroyed by the Sword of the Spirit and the allpowerful Light of the Glory of God. LIVING WATERS AND GOD'S GLORY PRAYER GROUPS with Prophets LynELILABETH and Cathy-MARTHA: We pray to be in submission to Jesus Christ in Lyn-ELIZABETH. Cathy-MARTHA and the Leaders of my Prayer Group as we go forward this day to patrol, strengthen and repair the perimeter of the Bethel Zone. We pray to sweep forward in Christ Jesus, filled with His Light and Glory, so no de mo n can escape or hide, and all that is not of God will be revealed and destroyed by the Sword of the Spirit and the all-powerful Light of the Glory of God. We pray that any breaches to our hedge would be repaired and the whole hedge of protection would be strengthened, in Jesus' Name we pray.

ISRAEL PRAYER GROUP: In Jesus' Name, we pray to be in support of our brethren in Christ as they go forth in the armor of God to do ba tt le. We pray that Your Holy Angels will tight alongside them and keep everyone safe and within lawful boundaries, according to Your Will and Commission in this prayer operation.


SEPARATING UNTO THE LORD — CLEARING BETHEL -PRAYERS DELIVER THE DEMON PRINCE PRAYER: All of us in the Net of Prayer pray to You, Heavenly Father, bringing before You all the offenses, the attacks, the grounds and opportunity we have against this demon prince "E-X." We ask that You would utterly destroy it, either directly by You, Oh God, or by delivering it in our hands that we may destroy it once and for all. We seek Your Justice, our Mighty God, and where we have occasion against this demon prince, we pray to exercise our God-given authority over it and all demons that are under its authority. We pray as it says in Daniel 7:21-22, "l beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them; until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the Most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom." We pray for Your Judgment to be made on this demon prince "E-X", and that we be empowered to possess the kingdom You have for us, here "in the spirit" and in the world.

* * * When the time of battle is done for the day, let us then gather together once again and look to Jesus, giving Him praise for the victory, renewing ourselves in His Presence and by the Spirit of God. * * *

LOOKING TO JESUS PRAYER: We come back together, joining together as one Body — Your Body, Jesus Christ. We thank You for Your victory this day and empowering us to be instruments of Your Will in clearing and cleaning the Bethel Zone, to Your Glory and Praise. We pray that all be made clean and new, that You would come make Your abode with us, and in us. We pray to be renewed by Your Spirit to do battle another day. We just pray to spend time now to abide in Your Holy Presence, to walk in anew in God's Perfect Love.

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