Bugbytes Volume 2 Issue 4

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Ask the Doctor…

I am considering getting a tattoo, what should I be worried about?….2


Is The “New Car Smell” Toxic?

The new car smell is composed of volatile organic compounds and unreacted isocyanate molecules …3



Bed Bugs: This Time It’s Personal…

Bed bugs are making a comeback in North America; reports of infestations are up 81% over the last decade …3

A publication of Navy Environmental and Preventive Medicine Unit 2


elcome to this edition of Bug Bytes. Another influenza season is beginning and I want to thank all of the public health personnel in advance for the outstanding work you have done and will soon do in facing this enduring public health challenge. Your hard work, in vaccinations and education are the single most

Helping You Promote Public Health important pillar of any viable prevention plan to diminish the morbidity of this disease. We have every confidence that this year’s vaccine is extremely safe and effective in providing the additional immunity necessary to keep our families healthy and to protect the well-being of our fighting forces and their support personnel. Effective October 1st, the NEPMUs (2/5/6) have been realigned back under the Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Center (NMCPHC). NEPMU-2 would like to thank Navy Medicine East and more specifically Naval Medical Center Portsmouth for their outstanding support during the last four years. We look forward to a very close working relationship with NMCPHC. T.L. Wagner CDR MC USN OIC NEPMU-2

New Building, Same Mission. LTJG Matthew Montgomery After 40 years NEPMU 2 is moving; we will be leaving our building for an entirely new facility, while remaining on Naval Station Norfolk. Our current facility opened in 1970 and certainly shows its 40 years of use. As our unit’s mission has since grown to new fields of public health and disease prevention, it has become increasingly difficult to accommodate personnel from every department. The unit’s new building will be 10,000 square feet larger, and will offer bigger facilities for every department. There will also be greatly expanded classroom spaces and the building’s open layout will allow for more interdepartmental coordination. A Biosafety Level 2+ laboratory will be located on site, with the eventual goal of obtaining BSL 3 status. We here at NEPMU 2 will be able to better serve the fleet in the fields of Entomology, Environmental Health, Health Promotion, Industrial Hygiene, and Preventive Medicine from our 21st century facility.

“The mission of the EPMU’s has always focused on the prevention of epidemic disease, and the services provided have grown as the complexity of the task has increased” D.C. Fulton CAPT MC USN

Our new address is: 1239 West D Street Norfolk, Virginia 23511-3394

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Did you know?

What’s New with Flu?

- For some time nicotine enjoyed

LT Teshara Felder

popularity as an insecticide. However, in its concentrated form it is highly poisonous, and it can be absorbed through the skin, so it’s no longer used for spraying on plants.

Annual influenza vaccination is the most effective method for preventing influenza virus infection and its complications. Good hygiene practices, social distancing, and managing exposure to others when you’re sick are still the best ways to reduce influenza spread. Each year between 3,000 and 49,000 people die as a result of seasonal influenza.

- Traumatic insemination is the mating practice of bed bugs, in which the male pierces the female's abdomen with his penis and injects his sperm through the wound into her abdominal cavity. - Adult bed bugs can survive a full year without feeding, going into a semi hibernation state until activated by the CO2 from a blood source. - People who cannot smell have a condition called Anosmia. If your nose is at its best you can tell the difference between 4,000-10,000 smells. - What's making you sleepy after Thanksgiving dinner is any combination of alcohol, eating too much food and a carbohydrateheavy meal, but not tryptophan in the turkey itself. - Researchers have found evidence that the parasite that causes malaria does not survive well in G6PDdeficient cells. They believe that the deficiency may have developed as a protection against malaria.

Courses available at NEPMU2: Food Safety Managers (B-322-2101):

15-16 Nov 2010, 24-25 Jan 2011 Lab Identification of Malaria (B-322-2210):

17 Nov 2010, 26 Jan 2011 Shipboard Pest Management (B-322-1075):

2 Nov 2010, 11 Jan 2011 For further info contact Jeff Bolden: (NEPMU2NorfolkEducationandTraining@med.navy.mil)

Newsletter Editors LT Chris Coetzer LTJG Matthew Montgomery

Turkey does contain tryptophan, an amino acid which is a natural sedative. Tryptophan is important for the development and growth of infants and in the biosynthesis of serotonin .

More Than a “Cold Turkey” Sandwich

Unlike 2009, vaccine shortage is NOT anticipated. Vaccine manufacturers have increased production capabilities to deliver more vaccine to the U.S. market. Also, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) has expanded the recommendation for annual influenza vaccination to include all people aged six months and older.

The Great American Smokeout (GASO) campaign is scheduled for 18 November 2010. GASO activities are generally planned in advance to encourage anyone to give up smoking and chewing tobacco, or to support others in their efforts to quit tobacco.

The 2010-2011 seasonal influenza vaccine formulation includes the 2009 H1N1 pandemic strain so only a single dose is required.

Navy Medical Treatment Facilities can assist with pharmacotherapy, behavioral therapies, and counseling-to help individuals quit and increase chances to avoid relapsing. Contact local Navy health promotion offices for details.

In addition to medical documentation, Navy Family Accountability and Assessment System (NFAAS), has been upgraded to report and track individual seasonal flu vaccinations for all DOD staff that are required to receive the vaccination. Issues pertaining to civilians and influenza vaccination should be referred to civilian personnel offices or human resources. It is essential that everyone makes getting vaccinated a priority.

NEPMU2 can assist commands with organizing and planning GASO events and activities. Common activities are “cold turkey” sandwiches on a lunch menu, invited guest speakers, table topic displays and educational handouts and creative “quit kits.” Contact: Nancy Von Tersch, Fleet Health Promotion Program Support, NEPMU2 Email Address: nancy.vontersch@med.navy.mil

Doctor’s Orders: It’s time to take your medication Mark Humphrey, MD MPH

Q: Sailor who is G6PD positive - what should be the terminal chemoprophylaxis? A: Continue on Doxycycline for 28 days without Primaquine. Reference: SF-600 Malaria G6PD deficient

Q: I am considering getting a tattoo, what should I be worried about? A: There are a number of items to take into consideration when pondering a tattoo. 1. Infection. Dirty needles and poorly kept tattoo parlors can lead to the spread of infections like hepatitis B and HIV. 2. Allergic Reactions. While often mild, they can range from red, scratchy skin to life threatening breathing problems. 3. Scarring and Granulomas. The needle going in and out of your skin may cause a scar to form. Granulomas, small bumps or knots under the skin, can form from particles in the tattoo ink. 4. MRI Complications. While rare, the metal in tattoo ink can cause swelling or burning at the tattoo site after an MRI. This is temporary and usually not life threatening and should not be reason to avoid getting an MRI. 5. Permanence. Removal of unwanted tattoos is time consuming, costly, and does not always work. Currently, the most common and effective method of tattoo removal is by laser treatment. Do not use mail order, online or over the counter products to attempt self-removal of your tattoo. These are acid based products that often only lead to bad skin reactions. Contact a health care provider, not the tattoo parlor, if you want a tattoo removed. Take time and think it through so that misspelling your girlfriend’s name is your only concern. Reference: FDA, “Think Before You Ink: Are Tattoos Safe?” http://www.fda.gov/ForConsumers/ConsumerUpdates/ucm048919.htm E-mail: NEPMU2NorforlkThreatAssessment@med.navy.mil


Is the “New Car Smell” Toxic?

GET YOUR ANSWERS HERE EMAIL NEPMU-2 click on the links below Fleet/FMF -Entomology -Environmental Health -Industrial Health -Health Promotion

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Threat 3311Assessment M Maarrcchh 22001100 EPM Senior Enlisted Leader

RESOURCE LINKS NMCPHC (NEHC) Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Center Instructions Navy Medicine Publications PrevMed Topic Page NMCPHC (NEHC) supported page of Preventive Medicine topics and resources CHPPM U.S. Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine WHO Fact Sheets World Health Organization publications and fact sheets Bug Bytes Archive Back issues of the NEPMU 2 newsletter available online

Next Issue

15 Jan 2011

Consolidated Industrial Hygiene Laboratory The wonderful new N f lk Vicarismell i is often associated with a clean new vehicle. However, the new car smell is composed of volatile organic compounds and un-reacted isocyanate molecules used to make plastics and paints. This off-gassing of chemicals dissipates after a few weeks. Isocyanates are compounds containing the isocyanate group (-NCO) (Fig 1). They react with compounds containing alcohol (hydroxyl) groups to produce polyurethane polymers, which are Fig 1 – Isocyanate group components of polyurethane foams,

Isocyanates are the raw materials that make up all polyurethane products. Jobs that may involve exposure to isocyanates include painting, foam-blowing, and the manufacture of many polyurethane products, such as chemicals, polyurethane foam, insulation materials, surface coatings, car seats, foam mattresses, packaging materials, shoes, laminated fabrics, polyurethane rubber, and adhesives. So why are isocyanates a concern to you? According to the Occupational Safety & Health Association the health effects of isocyanate exposure include irritation of skin and mucous membranes, chest tightness, and difficult breathing. Isocyanates include compounds that are potential human carcinogens and known to cause cancer in animals. The main effects of hazardous exposures are occupational asthma and other lung problems, as well as irritation of the eyes, nose, throat, and skin. It is important to know that just because the human nose may be able to sense a chemical doesn’t mean the chemical is at a harmful level. This is why it is important for an Industrial Hygienist (IH) to take air samples of the environment and have the samples analyzed at the Consolidated Industrial Hygiene Lab (CIHL). Once the samples are quantitatively analyzed and reported, the IH makes an assessment of the work area to determine if the current personal protective equipment is adequate or if changes need to be made. If you happen to be working around paints and plastic products, especially urethanes and have a concern, call your Industrial Hygienist. To be on the safe side when buying a new car…consider a convertible!

Bed Bugs: This Time it’s Personal… LTJG Matthew Montgomery Bed bugs are making a comeback in North America; reports of infestations are up 81% over the last decade according to the National Pest Management Association. I personally encountered them on a recent trip to New York City. Bed bugs have a number of features that make them an especially effective pest; they’re small and can easily fit into cracks and crevices, females can lay 400 eggs at a time, and they can go over a year between feedings, though they feed about once a week if they can. Both male and female bed bugs take blood, but fortunately they do not transmit any disease. Had I followed my own advice and checked the hotel mattress prior to sleeping in it, I would have immediately recognized the small spots of what looked like dried blood speckled on the side of the mattress. These small reddish-brown dots are left behind when bed bugs excrete excess plasma. Other means of detecting bed bugs include seeing the insects themselves as I did, specially trained dogs with the ability to sniff them out, and the presence of red itchy bumps on the body. In addition to checking sheets and mattresses, one should also examine bed frames, furniture, and other tight crevices. You can help prevent their spread by leaving your clothes in the suitcase and not using hotel dressers, and washing all of your clothes in hot water immediately upon returning home.

Cimex lectularis (the species associated with almost all human infestations) engorged with the author’s blood.

The author’s hotel mattress stained with bed bug secretions.

Contact us: Phone (757) 953-6600 DSN 377 Fax (757) 953-7212 1239 West D St, Norfolk, VA 23511-3394 Website: http://www.med.navy.mil/sites/nmcp/Partnerships/nepmu2/Pages/default.aspx


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