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Scot Neigh

My name is Anthony Floyd. I'm a relationship expert and I have recently launched my new ebook called Relationship Advice For Women: Roadmap to His Heart - 8 Steps to Attracting and Keeping Mr Right. Written in my book, you will discover the truths of what a man really thinks when it comes to women. I firstly introduce the book by delving into the top 10 reasons why men pull away in relationships. This is real insightful stuff... I don't hold back - I just cut to the chase and tell women what they need to do to avoid these pitfalls. The main body of the book is an 8 step guide to clearly steer women in the right direction when it comes it attracting and keeping the right man, installing healthy social habits which men like and respond to. One of my readers explained after reading the book: I didn't realise how my actions were sabotaging my relationships with men. The insights in the book allowed me to take a good, honest look at the way I was behaving and I have already changed some of
