June july amp (1)

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Access to Capital It’s More than Just Dollars and Sense By Paul Clements-Hunt & Neil Philcox The Blended Capital Group

When capital is mentioned, especially in the context of Aboriginal economic development, the focus of the discussion is often two dimensional. The first dimension is that capital, to most people, is just about the financial capital required for a project, investment, or expenditure (“show me the money�). The second dimension of the discussion is usually about the challenges

mandate. For example, the development of the climate bond market is about financing the transition to a low-carbon economy, while the rapid growth of social impact investing is focused on projects with high social or community impact. Seekers of capital need to think more strategically about the value proposition of their projects to incorporate a wider set of values, where

Before making the link between types of capital and value, it is important to discuss the goals or objectives that are often intertwined with Aboriginal economic development projects. and mystery of how to access capital. In reality, there are many forms of capital, and many ways to access financial capital, with the right value proposition. The relationship between capital and value is critical, mainly because it defines what is valuable to both seekers and suppliers of financial capital. Not all suppliers of financial capital are interested only in the return on equity or the interest rate on a loan. Suppliers of capital across the spectrum of ecological values, social/justice values, and economic values all look for projects that match their

possible. In this regard, The Blended Capital Group was established to advise communities on the best possible value proposition for their projects, and to match them with the most appropriate suppliers of capital across the spectrum of values. Before making the link between types of capital and value, it is important to discuss the goals or objectives that are often intertwined with Aboriginal economic development projects. Ownership, control, management and access to land and resources in a traditional territory is often Aboriginal Marketplace - June/July 2013 5

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