Nick Lozano 2013

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Pitzer pipeline 2013

Nicholas Lozano

Table of contents

Bio page Western University of Health Sciences Pitzer College and elders Wishtoyo Chumash Cultural Village Scalpel and Silver bear What I will take with me Connections


My name is Nicholas Lozano I am a problematic person with a lot of demons I have to fight. The worst demon you could ever face is probably one of your worst emotions and mine is my own doubt. Fear and anger are nothing compared to doubt. That’s me or at least part of me, thing about me is I love cats. lived with them for almost all of my life. Living with them has benefited me as I love them and they love me since I know how they think, how they hunt, how they live. I like to draw a lot but my sketches are very messy and don’t look as good as my more neat projects but if I were too get a design I made and use scratchboard or perhaps a colored pencil value technique or even a lead value technique. What do I want to do? Good question I love animals the only thing I could be is a vet or a biologist. A biologist seems like a better option, as I cannot keep calm in situations where people are panicking. At the same time people say I could be a vet as long as the situation isn’t to intense. Anyhow I have annoyed the reader enough about me so get too it other pages are waiting

An aspiring medic What I learned at western was I could handle sewing up a cut on a pig’s leg. The pig after all was quite dead as the whole pig was missing except the leg but I still enjoyed it the scent reminded me of dissecting a shark, which took about one week. Phlebotomy interested me a lot I found that I was doing quite good with the practice. Of course a real human that screams and cry’s maybe harder to work with but if I did it good on my first try I should look into it as a part time job.

Pitzer this year

During Pitzer I was dealing with doubt problems to the max I am surprised I lived through it with a memory of summer school, existing worries, and homesickness. Elders played a key role in this story, when I was feeling absolutely worried and hopeless my elders told me things that helped with fighting back doubt. One elder Smiling fox told me to never wait to get back in touch with someone before it is too late. That was a piece of my little story it is important to me and I will always remember my lesson.

Wishtoyo Chumash Village With one piece of the puzzle retrieved I was missing a piece. At the Wishtoyo Chumash Village I was still feeling empty I knew what my problem was but I was missing something, it was not until I had got settled in that I had begun activities. One activity was with Nicholas Hummingbird as we were planting native plants I felt uneasy of planting a plant but he told me “have confidence” has a nice ring to it doesn’t it? It’s just what this beaten up lion needs. I learned what I had not had in this problem, confidence, without is I would not have the courage to ask to keep in touch with people. I see now that all of this was happening for a reason.

Scalpel and the Silver Bear A reflective essay by Nicholas Lozano July 30, 2013 Chapter 1 Like two sides to the same coin, both are parallel to each other. Although they may seem different they also share some common qualities. In scientific terms it would be the parts of the body that produce sound, to me that is true but in my perspective anyone can sing but it only sounds its best if it comes from the heart, that is what I think it is in terms of spirit. But combined they make something both scientifically correct and spiritually correct. When combined what does it mean with both sides intertwined, does the coin now become one straight line with the two parallel sides coming together to become one or does it become many ideas, many lines, that make a beautiful design with transversals and many differently shaped angles. Like the coin there is always two sides to the coin but without the other it is not longer a coin, it is no longer categorized as a song. Without each other they cannot make the definition alone.

What I will talk from this experience

What will I take with me from these two weeks? Some friends of course, I have also learned many things about me that make me “bad”. Of course I learned about college but I think everyone knows I had something else on my mind during this time. Never wait until the last minute for something, because it might not be there forever. I have a new concept of confidence now I know it will serve me well as I go into the world. Never live in the shadow of your own doubt, find your lantern and end the darkness.

Thank you my friends.

I wanted to thank Smiling Fox for helping me with understanding why I was feeling the way I was and why. I also wanted to thank Nicholas hummingbird for teaching me what confidence is, I knew the word but I never knew what it was until I had heard his words. Also credit is due to the people who listened to me when I needed to let all of my problems out. So thanks.

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