Nationalist Magazine June 2013 Issue

Page 18

Nationalist Contributors | March

Nationalist Contributors | June Name: Joseph Costa (Joey) Now: Published Photographer Playlist: A Day to Remember Fav Food: All American food I love Burgers and steak and Italian food Reading: The Great Gatsby and sports magazines Charity: The Salvation Army, people need to know what they do, it’s amazing. Love: My celebrity crush is Keira Knightley Admiration: My mom she always stood behind me in everything that I wanted to do in life and showed me how important hard work is and to never give up Dream Gig: Shoot for every magazine out there that I like and I would like to own a motorcycle shop someday. @joeysshots

Name: Mirela Cvetkovic Playlist: A Day to Remember’s “Homesick” album. Fav Food: It’s a tie between steak and sushi. Pretty much depends on what I’m in the mood for. Reading: ”New Moon” – from the Twilight series Love: Star crush: James Franco! Admiration: Who I look up to and why: My mom because she’s done so much for me throughout my life to make sure I succeed. Dream Gig: Renown journalist


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